. With the formation of this transitional government, President Mugabe, Professor Mutambara and I have pledged, in the sight of God, to deliver the nation to a new political dispensation .
. This is the debt we owe to our liberation heroes and our democratic movement heroes who paid the ultimate price so we could all live together free from fear, hunger, and poverty.
Latest News, Statements, Speeches & Events
Prime Minister and His Wife in Serious Road Accident
Friday, 06 March 2009

On the afternoon of Friday, 6 March, Prime Minister Tsvangirai and his wife, Susan, were involved in a serious car accident while traveling to their rural home in Buhera.

The accident involved another vehicle.

The  Prime Minister is in stable condition and his wife is in critical condition.

Medical response to the accident was rapid.

Further details will be forthcoming, as possible.

The Prime Minister's Address to the Emergency Health Summit
Thursday, 05 March 2009

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Health Professionals, Invited Guests, Fellow Zimbabweans;

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address this summit today as it enables me to emphasise how important the work that you are doing is to this government and to this nation and to assure you of all the support that we are able to give.

As a Zimbabwean, I am proud of the role that our health system has played in the history of our nation’s development. While we must all acknowledge that it is only a shadow of its former self, I know that in a short time we will be able to begin revitalising our health system because of its inherent foundations.

Ladies and , a decline in the health of a population is a sign that there is something wrong within our society as a whole. When, as a society, the poorest and most vulnerable are not able to afford the costs of their health care and their survival, we cannot judge ourselves to be succeeding by any measure.

For this new Inclusive Government, making improvements in people’s health will be one of the most important indicators of whether we are making the right choices politically and implementing them effectively. 

The Prime Minister's Inaugural Address to the Seventh Parliament of Zimbabwe
Wednesday, 04 March 2009

Mr. Speaker Sir, Vice Presidents, Deputy Prime Ministers, Honourable Members;

Thank you for this opportunity to address this, the Seventh Parliament of Zimbabwe, which I trust will be amongst the most cooperative, bold and decisive in our country’s history.

This address to Parliament will outline the legislative vision as embodied in the Global Political Agreement and will later be following its presentation to, and approval by, Cabinet and the Council of Ministers.

In the short life of our new Transitional Inclusive Government, I have been encouraged by the enormous support and cooperation I have received and witnessed at the parliamentary, ministerial, executive and civil service levels. If this spirit of teamwork continues, and I have no reason to doubt that it will not, then together we can rebuild our nation and restore Zimbabwe to its proud place in the family of nations.

The signing of the Global Political Agreement on 15 September 2008, signified the soft landing of the Zimbabwe crisis and the commencement of a process that is irreversible and will lead to a new constitution and free and fair elections. It signified the acceptance of the reality that violence has no part to play in our political culture and it signified that the voice of the people can not be silenced indefinitely.

Prime Minister Visits Harare Central Hospital
Saturday, 28 February 2009

Coming face to face with the grim state of health care delivery in Zimbabwe, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai visited Harare Central Hospital on Friday, along with Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Ms. Thokozani Khupe, Minister of Health and Child Welfare Hon. Dr Henry Madzorera, Acting Permanent Secretary Dr Dhlakama and Senior Ministry of Health officials. 

The almost two-hour assessment took the Prime Minister and his team to the general wards, maternity wards, male and female wards, pediatric ward, mortuary and the grounds. 

“To simply say our nation’s health care system is collapsed does not properly characterize just how devastating is the situation for Zimbabwe’s few remaining doctors, nurses, hospital staff and the huge number of patients” said Prime Minister Tsvangirai.

“Our medical professionals work night and day to try to heal our people despite dire shortages of medicine, supplies, and even food for the patients," he said. “Our system has collapsed but our medical professionals are among the heroes of Zimbabwe.”

Prime Minister's Statement on Progress of the Transitional Government
Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Members of the Diplomatic Corp and the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow Zimbabweans;

Today, I want to take this opportunity to highlight developments within the Transitional Government a mere two weeks after my inauguration as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe.

Firstly, I would like to commend the Ministers for the work they have been doing in the very short time that they have been in office.

They have managed to begin to address some of the many issues facing the country and I am encouraged by the open and constructive debates within Cabinet and the Council of Ministers. In particular, I would like to recognise the efforts of the Ministries of Health, Education and Finance. The latter has mobilised funds that have enabled this government to pay the first round of allowances to the civil service, particularly the army, police and teachers.

Not only did this allow these valuable members of our community to put food on their tables and travel to work, but has also served as a vital stimulus to our ailing economy. Those who have not yet received their allowance will do so in the near future.

Prime Minister’s Address to the KMFS-CEO Business Roundtable
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Honourable Ministers and Members of Parliament, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, The Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Senior Civil Servants, Invited Guests, Our Host, Mr. Kenias Mafukidze, Ladies and Gentlemen

Each one of us gathered here today is aware of the dire state of our country. Thus, rather than reiterate the causes or symptoms of our current situation, I will focus on how this new transitional government plans to play its part to remedy this situation.

However, let me emphasise that the road to stability, growth and true democracy in Zimbabwe is not going to be easy but, if we work together, we will travel this road successfully and we will reach the destination that we demand and deserve.
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The Transitional Cabinet

President, His Excellency Robert Mugabe
Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Morgan Tsvangirai
Vice President, Hon. Joice Mujuru
Vice President,
Hon. Joseph Msika ZANU-PF
Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Thokozani Khupe MDC-T
Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Professor Arthur Mutambara MDC-M

Agriculture, Mechanisation & Irrigation Development ZANU-PF
Hon. Dr. Joseph Made
Constitutional & Parliamentary Affairs MDC-T
Hon. Adv. Eric Matingenga
Defence ZANU-PF
Hon. Emmerson Mnangagwa
Economic Planning & Development MDC-T
Hon. Elton Mangoma
Education, Sport, Art & Culture MDC-M
Hon. David Coltart
Energy & Power Development MDC-T
Hon. Eng. Elias Mudzuri
Environment & Natural Resources Management
ZANU-PF Hon. Francis Nhema
Finance MDC-T
Hon. Tendai Biti
Foreign Affairs ZANU-PF
Hon. S.S. Mumbengegwi
Health & Child Welfare MDC-T
Hon. Dr. Henry Madzorera
Higher & Tertiary Education ZANU-PF
Hon. Dr. Stan Mudenge
Home Affairs MDC-T
Hon. Giles Mutsekwa
Home Affairs ZANU-PF
Hon. Kembo Mohadi
Industry & Commerce MDC-M
Prof. Welshman Ncube
Information Communications Technology MDC-T
Hon. Nelson Chamisa
Justice & Legal Affairs ZANU-PF
Hon. Patrick Chinamasa
Labour & Social Welfare MDC-T
Hon. P. Gwanyanya Mpariwa
Lands & Rural Resettlement ZANU-PF
Hon. Dr. Herbert Murerwa
Local Government, Urban & Rural Development ZANU-PF
Hon. Dr. Ignatius Chombo
Media, Information & Publicity ZANU-PF
Hon. Webster Shamu
Mines & Mining Development ZANU-PF
Hon. Obert Mpofu
Housing & Social Amenities MDC-T
Hon. Fidelis Mhashu
Public Services MDC-T
Hon. Prof. Eliphas Mukonoweshuro
Public Works MDC-T
Hon. Theresa Makone
Regional Integration & International Cooperation MDC-M
Hon. Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga
Science & Technology MDC-T
Hon. Prof. Heneri Dzinotyiwei
Small & Medium Enterprises & Cooperative Development ZANU-PF
Hon. Sithembiso Nyoni
State Enterprise & Parastatals MDC-T
Hon. Joel Gabuza Gabuzza
Transport & Infrastructural Development ZANU-PF
Hon. Nicholas Goche
Tourism & Hospitality Industry ZANU-PF
Hon. Walter Muzembi
Water Resources & Development MDC-T
Hon. Samuel Sipepa Nkomo
Women’s Affairs, Gender & Community Development ZANU-PF
Hon. Olivia Muchena

Youth Development, Indigenisation & Empowerment ZANU-PF
Hon. Saviour Kasukuwere

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