Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Latest Posts @ Obama WTF

  • Blagojevich indictment littered with references to Obama: read the full text of the criminal complaints
  • Obama plans to reach out to Muslim world; claims his heart will remain in Governor Blagojevich's Chicago
  • Obama not too British to be President concludes US Supreme Court
  • Obama to lose Blackberry in the White House
  • Rahm Emanual good news; strong ally of Israel; bad news; received most campaign funds from Wall Street in 2008: wiki
  • What a surprise! Obama watering down his rules prohibiting lobbyist involvement in his transition
  • Obama to use Exec powers to quickly block drilling for oil in Utah; energy independence?
  • Chinese takeaway: if you think Obama will change America you will be "sorely disappointed"
  • Obama worships at the Gym, watches football
  • Obama's first press conference is an MSM love-fest; Fox not invited to ask a question: Transcript 11/7/08
  • Obama disses Nancy Reagan; first gaffe as President-elect
  • Labor Unions call Obama to deliver on his disastrous Card Check promise within first 100 days; opposition braces

  • Bill Ayers sympathizes with Pastor Wright, Rashid Khaladi; claims MLK makes Wright seem like a wimp
  • Russian President doesn't acknowledge Obama; Canadians. Brits, Aussies, Israelis pour cold water on Obama's parade
  • Is Obama eligible to be POTUS? Open letter demanding BHO release birth certificate may appear in national newspaper
  • Pastor Wright claims he's a victim of media exploitation: how long before Obama and his victimized preacher kiss and make-up?
  • Aussie journalist points out the election of Obama proves the Left has been falsely disparaging the USA
  • Michelle's no Jackie O: what did she spill on THAT victory frock?
  • Obama's first pick for chief of staff is like a "cross between a hemorrhoid and a toothache"; made $18 MILLION as lobbyist
  • America will soon get to meet the Congressional looneys it just put in charge of Obama's Socialist madhouse
  • Whoops! Italian PM compliments Obama on his suntan; vilified as racist
  • Congratulations to President-Elect Obama: Victory speech transcript November 4, 2008 Chicago

  • Add to Technorati Favorites Email to Oxy Moran at...

    Obama WTF (What's The Facts?)- "No experience; no judgment; no integrity; the facts will set Obama supporters free"

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