
Peggy Noonan: Sarah Palin Jealous
Stuart Schwartz
You're Peggy Noonan and you're jealous. But it's not the normal kind of jealous, the kind reserved for girlfriends who can squeeze into size 2 jeans. No, it's the kind of jealous that hurts. More

Mexico's Midterm Elections
Allan Wall
In Mexico, every registered voter has a an official ID card, complete with photograph, fingerprint and a holographic image. It's not just the existence of the card that's important, but how it is used. More

Private Schools for the Poor
Christopher Chantrill
When President Obama visited Ghana last week, he went to teach. But what if Africa has something to teach the president about education? More

The Main Stream Media's March Toward Irrelevance
Miguel A. Guanipa
This present scourge of shameless bias in the MSM tends to rear its ugly head whenever there is a frenzied immersion into a particular story. More

There is No Help
Judith Acosta
It's a nightmarish paradox: To urgently need help and believe that ultimately there is none. More

What's so conservative about vigilantism?
David Swindle
When the action-thriller "Taken" emerged this past spring it wasn't difficult to understand why conservatives got so excited about it. More

Previous Articles

July 17, 2009
July 15, 2009
July 13, 2009

American Thinker Blog

What health care rationing looks like (Example 774)
July 18, 2009
A horror story with a twist from the UK rationing kidney dialysis. More

Obama Care in 60 seconds or less
July 17, 2009
I saw the most effective commercial I've ever seen. The commercial, very quickly, puts forward the best argument against government-controlled health care. More

Why Democrats Win, Why Republicans Lose
July 17, 2009
Why are the Democrats winning? Because they are not politely inert. More

Olmert sides with Netanyahu against Obama's pressure
July 17, 2009
Obama unites poltiical rivals in opposition to his policy. He really does bring people together. More

An entertainer learns a lesson
July 17, 2009
Working for the common good is noble, but naïve support of nice-sounding causes can have its drawbacks, as actor and comedian Paul Rodriguez learned the hard way More

Palestinians displaced by Iraq War to be resettled in America
July 17, 2009
Say hello to your new neighbors! More

Green dreams prove costly for utility customers
July 17, 2009
Everyone will pay the costs for the folly of "green energy". More

What is the point of Obama's orations?
July 17, 2009
Obama is still in "permanent campaign" mode. More

At least 9 dead in Jakarta suicide bomb blasts
July 17, 2009
Jemaah Islamiah may be active again in Indonesia. More

Pirate this Film!
July 17, 2009
A clueless Hollywood lefty discovers the consequences of the values he embraces. Oh, the irony! More

Card Checkoff provision dropped from EFCA?
July 17, 2009
Not much of an improvement. More

Your Bidenism for Today
July 17, 2009
A day without a Bidenism is a day without a belly laugh. More

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