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Reader Dissent

A reader named "J" wrote a comment on my post supporting health care reform from last week that I thought would be enlightening to re-post in full:Buckeye, I'm surprised at… Read more »

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Healthcare reform will be challenged in states

Originally published in MedPage Today by Joyce Frieden, MedPage Today News Editor With the House and Senate now in basic agreement on healthcare reform and President Barack Obama about to… Read more »

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Paula Deen's Getting Sued, Y'all

She may seem like America's sweet, down home cooking mama, but at least one grumpy Gus out there sees her as Tony Soprano's mother, at least if you read the… Read more »

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Love or Hate the Big Cowboy Hat in 'Justified'?

I love almost every aspect of FX's new series 'Justified.' And, in particular, I love the big cowboy hat the show's lead character, Raylan Givens, wears, even though he's from… Read more »

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Now, Germany ...

Op-Ed: Benedict’s Fragile Church Can Germany’s Catholic Church survive its sex abuse scandal? Read more »

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Health Care Reform: Not the Time for a Victory Lap

President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, the Democratic Party, and our friends on the left side of the Mirror of Justice community understandably are in a celebratory mood. I wish that I… Read more »

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Genea-Musings is going touring

My wife and I are off for the South Pacific and will return in early April. We are looking forward to three weeks of relaxation and excitement in Australia, New… Read more »

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And For My 900th Post...

Or there about--I know there are some ranty-bitchy "draft" posts that haven't seen the light of day and still count in the total...I apologize for the silence lately.If you've been… Read more »

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Ted Kennedy's Son Leaves Note on Dad's Grave

Ted Kennedy famously considered health care reform the "unfinished business" of America. Yesterday, son Patrick visited his Arlington gravesite and left a simple note: "Dad, the unfinished business is done… Read more »

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Obama's Signature Changes Some Rules Now

It will take years for the entirety of the health care reform to be enacted, but some provisions went into effect the moment President Obama signed it into law today… Read more »

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