The AIPAC Conference: Hillary Dissimulates, Bibi Shines

by P. David Hornik

She continues to talk UN sanctions, as Iran may be less than a year away from nuclear weapons. Then she attributes a recent outrage to Hamas, rather than her favored Fatah.

Liberty's Activists vs. ObamaCare

by Richard Pollock

A profound connection is taking place between ordinary citizens and their favored representatives, a feat the left cannot match by design.

Clinton Does AIPAC: In the Shadow of Anti-Semitism

by Phyllis Chesler

Secretary Clinton makes brave statements in support of Israel. But will the administration act to match her words?

Health Care: The Sleeper Has Awakened

by Bill Whittle

"Any law enacted can be repealed. From now on we must change our message from one of limiting government growth and spending and regulation to one of reducing it." (For another take on this, see Obamamandias.)

Supply and Demand: Reviewing the Unbreakable Theory That Shall Doom ObamaCare in Short Order

by Tom Bowler

Recall Jimmy Carter gas lines? Artificial control of health care prices must end the same way.

The House's New Credit Card

by Roger L Simon

"What happened in the House of Representatives Sunday night is that the government voted itself a new credit card ... "

National Health Insurance Reform Done

by Rick Moran

This was rammed down the throats of the American people with as much cynicism, trickery, deliberate obfuscation, and budgetary tomfoolery as has ever been seen for a major piece of legislation in the history of the republic.

Why America Hates Universal Health Care

by Zombie

Here's the real reason.

Fiddling at Billy Elliot While Washington Burns

by Roger L Simon

It was quite interesting watching a New York audience react approvingly to silly “Broadway” politics while the real action on Saturday was going on in D.C.

Winds of War Blow Across Israel

by Allison Kaplan Sommer

Is a new intifada in the works? Or perhaps another Gaza war?

Has Obama Made Health Care Reform Too Big to Fail?

by Rich Baehr

As the Democrats inch toward legislative victory, the most compelling argument seems to be that a vote for health care reform is a vote to save Obama's presidency.

BREAKING: 'Deem and Pass' Dead, Vote Still Expected Sunday

by Charlie Martin

With tea party protesters filling the West Lawn of the Capitol, House Democrats agreed to drop the controversial strategy. (More from Stephen Green)

Sudden Acceleration or Creeping Fear?

by William M. Briggs

Do Toyota automobiles really have a "sudden acceleration" problem? Maybe not.

'Twas the Eve of State Health Care

by Tom Blumer

A political carol for the Obama era.

A Major Demonstration Against Honor Killings

by Phyllis Chesler

More than 500 women marched in Nazareth protesting violence against women.

Talk of Health Care Lost in Mania About Process

by Jazz Shaw

Who cares what's actually in the bill when learning about arcane procedural matters is so much more fun?

Reflections on the Revolution in America

by Victor Davis Hanson

The present attempt to remake the country is the effort of the liberal well-to-do class, who are immune from the dictates they impose on others.

What Do Hispanics — and All Voters — Want? Survey Says ...

by Alex Bratty

Hispanics will play an increasing role in determining the outcome of future elections. But which issues provide the most common ground for the GOP to make inroads? (Don't miss PJTV's Border Disorder: Has Obsession with Illegal Immigration Alienated Hispanic Voters from the GOP?)

Blue On Blue Attacks in the Bay Area

by Zombie

Zombie writes that in sleepy San Francisco, there's just no place for a street fighting vegan.

The Show about the Ultimate Show about Nothing

If you missed it on PJTV, Obamafeld now comes in handy, embeddable YouTube form.

Keynesian Economics, Exposed; Godwin’s Law, Broken

by Stephen Green

Keynes legitimized fascism by giving liberal democracies license to tax, spend, and borrow in the name of political expedience.

Supreme Leader Khamenei Tries to Put Out the Fire

by Michael Ledeen

A secular holiday celebrated for thousands of years has been banned by the leadership because it may allow protestors to show their disgust with the government. (See also Claudia Rosett: "What Now for Nowruz?")

Obama's 'Dry Bones' Theory of Diplomacy

by Richard Fernandez

If it's flawed, the peace process is doomed — no matter how many houses are not built in East Jerusalem.

Free Speech Loophole Threatens American Writers

by Rachel Ehrenfeld

A libel judgment from a foreign court where speech protections are lacking could be enforced in this country unless legislation protecting authors moves through Congress.

Why Isn't Obama Afraid to Take on the Teachers' Unions?

by Greg Forster

The recent Rhode Island flap shows that the unions are in major decline.

The Pacific: A Valuable Tribute to a Dying Generation

by Christian Toto

Conservatives won't be frustrated by this new HBO miniseries about World War II.

David Brooks, Report for Reeducation

by Michael Ledeen

The New York Times columnist is quite wrong when he says that the tea party movement is "radically anticonservative."

Senator Barrasso: Why Won't Congressional Democrats Permit Science Oversight Hearings? (PJM Exclusive)

by Charlie Martin

Senator John Barrasso M.D., in an exclusive interview with Pajamas Media, discusses science oversight — or the lack of it — in the Democratic Congress.

Reaction to the Inaugural British Tea Party Event

by Andrew Ian Dodge

They drank real tea (and imbibed some stronger drink as well). But their concerns mirrored their American cousins' cause from across the pond.

Is Tom Hanks Unhinged?

by Victor Davis Hanson

The actor's recent comments on World War II in the Pacific were ahistorical and ignorant.

PJM Political: The Bluest Sport: Jousting with Rahm and Eric

by Ed Driscoll

PJM Political host Steve Green, plus Bill Whittle, Scott Ott, and Ed Driscoll on Eric Massa's ticklish week from hell. And the return of James Lileks. Plus, Al Gore gets an honorary degree!

The Slaughter Solution and Other Acts of Desperation

by Roger Kimball

Team Obama is looking for ways to pass the Democrats’ health care bill without, you know, precisely passing it.

Promises of Reform in Palestinian Schools Unmet

by Nicole Brackman and Asaf Romirowsky

Studies that dwell on eliminating Israel are still the norm.

Climategate: The Global Warming Cover-up Spreads to NASA

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Watch the entire PJTV interview with Christopher Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute here.

Rep. Scott Garrett's Reconciliation Primer

by Scott Garrett

The idea of “pushing through” the currently proposed health care bill goes against every instinct of American democracy, says the New Jersey congressman.

Climategate: Three of the Four Temperature Datasets Now Irrevocably Tainted

by Christopher Horner

With today’s revelation on Pajamas Media, only the Japan Meteorological Agency is left to save the warmists. Don’t bet on it. (Click here to see Horner discuss this article on PJTV.)

Agents of Incompetence: Customs, ATF Dodging All Questions About Toy Guns (Part III)

by Bob Owens

No response whatsoever from the agencies, who appear to have no good way out of this. (This is a three-part series. Read Parts One and Two.)

Obama’s Great Gift — to Bush

by Victor Davis Hanson

Is Obama on some sort of mission to rehabilitate George Bush? His rhetoric and actions achieve the opposite effect of what was intended — sympathy for the prior president.

Help! I'm a Constituent of Eric Massa (Or at Least I Was)

by Claudia Rosett

Massa claims, "I own this behavior." Sorry, Mr. Massa, but you were elected not to serve yourself — but to serve your constituents. (And don't miss Ed Driscoll on "Tickles of Massa Destruction.")

Qaddafi, Wilders, and the Jihad Against Switzerland

by Andrew G. Bostom

Qaddafi's declaration of jihad against Switzerland is an action with centuries of precedence within Islam.

The Upcoming Rachel Corrie Trial: Go After Her Real Killers

by Lenny Ben-David

An open letter to Rachel Corrie's parents from an Israeli parent. (Related: And don't miss Ronald Radosh: A Note to Israel: Try Rachel Corrie’s Accusers.)

BREAKING: Released Emails Show Wind Lobby, Soros Group Helped with White House PR (PJM Exclusive — Read the Emails Here)

by Charlie Martin

GreenJobsGate? The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy coordinated with "green" lobbyists when trying to fend off a damning report.

It's International Women’s History Month — Where Is Secretary Clinton?

by Phyllis Chesler

Fighting gender apartheid laws in Iran: Madame Secretary Clinton and CNN's Christiane Amanpour, where are you on this?

Homeschooling vs. Howard Zinn

by Duane Lester

While the untrained homeschool dad teaches his kids about American history from authors who focus on facts, the trained, professional teacher educates students about how terrible America has been from its creation.

Agents of Incompetence: ATF Seizes Gun Shipment Labeled 'Toys' — But They Really Were Toys

by Bob Owens

How could the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives not be able to recognize air rifles? And then make the ridiculous claim that they could be converted to actual firearms? (This is Part One of a three-part series.)

Iranian Clocks: Tick Tock, Tick Tock

by Michael Ledeen

I can imagine that the Israelis think they know the timetable for the Iranian atomic bomb, but I don’t think anyone has the schedule for the regime’s final days. (Also read Roger L. Simon: Iran: From Bad to Worse)

BREAKING: American Al-Qaeda Terrorist Arrested in Pakistan (Updated)

by Roger Kimball

But where, I wonder, will Eric Holder propose trying this disgusting person?
Update: Hold the champagne?

Academy Awards? There Goes the Neighborhood!

by Roger L Simon

Liberals hate the gridlock in Congress this year, but they don't mind it on the streets of L.A. on Oscar night.
And look for a special post-Academy Award wrap-up edition of Poliwood on PJTV, coming Monday.

As Seen on Drudge: Climategate Meets the Law

Watch's exclusive interview with Sen. Jim Inhofe on his call to investigate Al Gore. (Don't miss Charlie Martin's "Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe to Ask for DOJ Investigation.")

What a Long, Strange Trip ObamaCare Has Been

by Jeff Durstewitz

The president seemed to change before our eyes into a kind of “this is for your own good” authoritarian.

Stupak's Painful Lesson for Abortion Foes

by Adam Graham

Pro-lifers putting their trust in “pro-life Democrats” are asking for more drama than a season of Melrose Place.

The Lynching of Netanyahu, Oren, and Israel

by Michel Gurfinkiel

The Obama administration's decision to treat an ally like a rogue state seems to have backfired.

All Americans Will Soon Curse ObamaCare

by Melissa Clouthier

This bill will change everyone's life for the worse.

Obama's Emerging American Tyranny

by Michael Ledeen

The would-be tyrants may prevail, but the American people have the numbers and a superior vision.

Obama Has Crossed the Rubicon

by Victor Davis Hanson

Expect the health care formula to be followed by similar strategies for blanket amnesty, cap and trade, and expansions of the government takeover of cars, banks, student loans, and energy.

Destroying America from Within

by David Solway

The American people have elected a president for whom the critical battleground in the world is not the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, or even Afghanistan.

ObamaCare: The Coming Battles

by Paul Hsieh

The first round of the political fight over health care has gone to those who would violate our rights — but the final victory can still be ours.

A New Fight: Lt. Col. Allen West Pursues a House Seat

by Alyssa A. Lappen

In an exclusive interview, the candidate in Florida's 22nd Congressional District tells PJM that "you cannot repeal the health care bill as long as Nancy Pelosi is in charge of Congress."

U.S. Catholic Bishops' Final Plea on ObamaCare: Too Little, Too Late?

by Kyle-Anne Shiver

Woe be unto these bishops if their final-hour appeal does not stop this bill. (Also read Stephen Green: Yikes. More from Ed Driscoll: Happy Dependence Day! And don't miss PJTV's live health care coverage.)

Get Ready for Health Insurance Slumlords

by Brian T. Schwartz

ObamaCare would force insurers to behave as slumlords, much like rent control does.

Release the Al-Awlaki/Major Nidal Hasan Correspondence Now!

by Annie Jacobsen

Either the Obama administration was monitoring their year-long interaction, or the NSA managed to miss conversations between a radical cleric and an Army major. We deserve to know.

Tens of Thousands Protest ObamaCare in D.C., Legacy Media Unimpressed

by Charlie Martin

The Washington Post at one point reported "hundreds." Fox News, "thousands." How many protesters were really at the Capitol today?

Probable Constitutional Challenges to ObamaCare

by Larrey Anderson

Beware Democrats: If you pass ObamaCare, a constitutional hurricane is headed right for you.

Climategate: Shameless Science

by James Lewis

Is Science magazine letting other concerns get in the way of publishing good science? (Also read Claudia Rosett: Another Casualty of Climategate?)

Obama's Position on Israel: Why Are We Surprised?

by Ron Radosh

After all, this is a man who listened to the anti-Semitic diatribes of Reverend Wright for years without saying one word.

PJM Political: The Ultimate Cocktail Party

by Ed Driscoll

Louis Armstrong, H.L. Mencken and Ayn Rand stop in for drinks — or at least the authors of their biographies. Plus Jonah Goldberg, Scott Rasmussen, and Marc Thiessen. Hosted by the ultimate mixologist himself, Steve Green!

Hidden Deep Within ObamaCare, Racial Preferences

by Joe Hicks

Page 879: “Give preferences to entities that have a demonstrated record of ... training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds.” (Click here to watch Hicks discuss this issue on PJTV.)

Members of Congress Pressured from All Sides in Final Hours Before Health Care Vote

by Charlie Martin

"Whip counts" — the vote counts before the health care vote expected on Sunday — are narrowing. Members of the House feel the pressure, as the congressional switchboard and in-district phones ring off the hook.

The Longest Hatred, Part Two

by Ruthie Blum Leibowitz

The conclusion of a two-part interview with Prof. Robert S. Wistrich, author of A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad. (Don't miss Part One.)

Our Individual and National Duty of Self-Preservation

by AWR Hawkins

"Real Americans" as described by General Patton versus apologists such as the 44th president.

Fun with Numbers: CBO Estimates from Wonderland

by Rick Moran

History shows that estimating the costs of a health care entitlement is a fool's errand.

Obama's Israel Ambush Backfires

by Moshe Dann

If President Obama and his administration thought they were in a position to force Israel to make more concessions, they were wrong.

ObamaCare vs. the Hippocratic Oath

by Paul Hsieh

Do we really want a system that would fatally compromise doctors' ability to treat their patients according to their best judgment and ability? (Also read Roger L. Simon: Obama on Fox: It’s Desperation Time)

Our Contemporary Sanctimony Puts the Victorians to Shame

by Theodore Dalrymple

Is it only in sexual matters that a man can be a hypocrite?

Obama's Strikingly Unilateral Foreign Policy

by Richard Fernandez

Since your friends are already your friends, you don’t need to be nice to them.

Silencing the Jews

by Andrew G. Bostom

"Moderate" Muslim Tarek Fatah follows Islamic tradition when he objects to a synagogue holding a discussion regarding Muhammad's child bride. How dare the Jews slander the prophet!

Cuba's Unknown Dissidents

by Henry Gomez

Nelson Mandela and Lech Walesa are household names. Why aren't Cuba's dissidents equally well known?

Guilty Before Trial: The Mabhouh Assassination and the Incrimination of Israel

by Herbert London

Bad reporting by the mainstream media? Or poorly concealed anti-Semitism?

Polling Shows Americans Have a Deep Dislike of ObamaCare's Process, and the Substance

by Robert Goldberg

Steny Hoyer and other Democratic leaders are dead wrong — and arrogant — when they discuss the opinions of Americans.

Climate Madness!

by Ed Driscoll

Today's global warming fear-mongering is tomorrow's late-night camp TV.

New Poll Finds Americans Really, Really Do Not Want ObamaCare (PJM Exclusive)

A national poll, conducted by the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest Advance with PJM, shows massive opposition to the bill during its final week. (Click here for poll results.)

Liberalism Masquerading as American Judeo-Christian Values

by Howard J. Warner

Secular politicians use our concern for less fortunate people to secure greater power, thus eroding our freedoms. And that is the disguise in this masquerade.

Democrats Getting It from All Sides on Health Care Reform

by Doug Mataconis

Obama and his party are in a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" conundrum.

Jack Bauer and Lady Gaga: When Culture Parodies Itself

by Rick Moran

Two pop culture icons — one falling, the other rising — demonstrate a capacity for mocking the culture that created them.

Gitmo Lawyer Julia Tarver Mason: Aiding, Abetting ... and Not Talking

by Richard Pollock

Richard Pollock tries to interview Mason, but a mystery man in a giant SUV nudges him off her trail. Literally.

Forever Young: Reprogramming the Cellular Clock

by Charlie Martin

In a PJM exclusive, we report on new research that confirms the telomere hypothesis of cell aging, a discovery that may lead to better adult stem cell therapies and even to direct treatment of the effects of aging.

What Do Detroit, the Postal Service, and Health Care Reform Have in Common?

by J. Robert Smith

Fewer and more expensive services, corruption, and inefficiency are the marks of liberal government-run cities, businesses, and programs.

The Longest Hatred, Part One

by Ruthie Blum Leibowitz

The first part of a two-part interview with Prof. Robert S. Wistrich, author of A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad.

Do We Need — or Want — More Students in College?

by George Leef

Does the "Paper Chase" pay off, rewarding most college students with a large lifetime earnings premium?

Stupidity, Duplicity, Hypocrisy, and Backpedaling in Virginia

by John Rosenberg

A royal, stupid, unnecessary mess, involving Ken Cuccinelli, VA's new Republican attorney general.

Dogged by Leading Role in Mortgage Meltdown, Andrew Cuomo Personifies Democrats’ Reversal of Fortune

by James Poulos

The New York attorney general now faces questions about his relationship with a shady real estate tycoon. (Don't miss an interview with the author at PJTV: Golden Boy's Cuomo's Subprime Tarnish: NY Meltdown Not Over for Dems)

Is the Jewish Love Affair with the Democratic Party about to End?

by Roger L Simon

The long record that Obama has of friendship with virulent enemies of Israel has not gone unnoticed.

America Loves Conservatism

by Frank J. Fleming

America hates patronizing dimwits who would spend their money and push them around, thus making liberalism very unpopular.

Climategate: Knowledge, Belief, and Global Warming

by Dan Miller

It is foolish to take inflexible stands on positions of dubious merit.

The Value of Civility on Comment Threads

by David Solway

Can’t we just agree to disagree agreeably?

It's Time for Republicans to Up Their Game

by Ruben Navarrette Jr.

Although they’d like to harness the enthusiasm for the tea party movement to help them win elections, they really don’t connect with that crowd.

Census + Satire = Sanity

by Howard Nemerov

A whimsical look at the recent Census 2010 letter arriving in our mailboxes.

Terror Suspects Had Jobs at British Airways and ... U.S. Nuclear Facilities

by Annie Jacobsen

What did Sharif Mobley tell his terrorist handlers about our security protocols?

More Crazy Talk from 'Muslims of the Americas'

by Ryan Mauro

The "Islamberg" sheik calls Avatar a work of evil, made by "Jinns."

Putin vs. Khodorkovsky: The Courtroom as Battlefield

by Kim Zigfeld

Two armies are gathered, fighting two simultaneous battles, one in Strasbourg and one in Moscow. The soldiers are lawyers, and the result of their combat will likely determine Russia’s future.

Six Stupid Things Candidates Do to Mess Up Their Campaigns

by Adam Graham

Not staying on message, failing to develop policies, and not knowing the district can sabotage the best of intentions in a political race.

Climategate: New Gallup Stats Show Real AGW Skepticism Hockey Stick

by Zombie

A new poll reveals a drastic recent uptick in doubts about global warming among the American public.

Jobs: False 'Improvement,' Proposed Destruction

by Tom Blumer

Last week's report was worse than it appeared; the latest health care wrinkle would damage things further.

New Orleans Shooting Cover-Up: The Worst Type of Police Corruption

by Jack Dunphy

Lt. Michael Lohman's actions in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina exposed his subordinates to legal jeopardy far beyond that which may have been warranted.

ESPN: The Worldwide Leader of Political Correctness

by Bernard Chapin

Tony Kornheiser, the irascible sports journalist who makes a career of poking fun, gets a two-week suspension for poking fun at ... a woman.

President Obama Makes Poverty Permanent

by William M. Briggs

WIth a simple abuse of mathematics, Obama just gave birth to eternal grievance.

Climategate: Once Respected Nature Now Staffed By Moaning Ninnies

by Christopher Monckton

"Let us condemn them to reading out their own editorials to each other until they realize how silly they are, or for all eternity, whichever be the sooner."

The False Premise of National Education Standards

by Andrew J. Coulson

Unfortunately, performance-based grouping is not on the Obama administration’s radar and is not coming to a public school system near you.

Baroness Tonge: Anti-Semitism in the House of Lords

by Michel Gurfinkiel

A member gets booted from her position after calling for an investigation into IDF organ trafficking in Haiti. Really.

Green Zone Advances Liberal Narrative of Iraq War

by Christian Toto

The film, starring Matt Damon, takes a terribly complex situation and renders it in high contrast black and white.

The Footprint Theory of Life

by Zombie

It's not enough to watch your carbon footprint. What about your "iron footprint"? Or your "aluminum footprint"?

Beck, Krauthammer, and the Geert Wilders Perplex

by Roger L Simon

Pace Beck and Krauthammer, attention must be paid to Wilders. He is a highly intelligent man on the front lines of the struggle for a secular and free Europe and should not be dismissed — or misunderstood. (And don't miss Bill Whittle's interview with Wilders on PJTV.)

Climategate Stunner: NASA Heads Knew NASA Data Was Poor, Then Used Data from CRU

by Charlie Martin

New emails from James Hansen and Reto Ruedy (download PDF here) show that NASA's temperature data was doubted within NASA itself, and was not independent of CRU's embattled data, as has been claimed.

Censoring Bigoted Speech at UC San Diego: Who Does It Help?

by Robert Shibley

The use of the "N-word" on campus TV has set off a fierce First Amendment debate.

Can the White House Deficit Reduction Commission Succeed?

by Rick Moran

Its effectiveness will depend on balancing budget cuts with tax increases while insuring the economy won't go into another tailspin.

Israel in the Hot Seat Again — for Building Homes

by P. David Hornik

Vice President Joe Biden condemns a new Israeli settlement plan.

Oliver Stone's Black Armband History — Coming Soon to Showtime

by Ron Radosh

A far left, punitively revisionist look at America as a consistently evil nation. (And don't miss Roger L. Simon and Lionel Chetwynd debating the merits of Stone's series on PJTV's Poliwood.)

The True Meaning of 'Go Green'

by Art Horn

Despite the sales pitch, "going green" is not remotely about you or your children's future.