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Develop Engaged & Thriving Students, On Campus and Beyond.

Join more than 600 schools preparing students for great jobs and great lives using the CliftonStrengths online talent assessment, formerly known as StrengthsQuest.

Students need to use their strengths to truly succeed.

College graduates expect that their education will provide them a better life.

But Gallup finds that just 39% of college grads are engaged at work. And only 11% are thriving in all five elements of their well-being.

So, how can leaders like you increase the value of the college experience for students?

You start by helping students discover their natural talents; then teach them how to develop their talents into strengths, and coach them to apply their strengths during their experiences on campus.

Because the best schools help students get the most out of their college experience by playing to their strengths.

Just 39% of college graduates are engaged at work.

Only 11% of college graduates are thriving in all five elements of their well-being.

Just one-third of recent graduates with high student loan debt say their education was worth the cost.

Use the CliftonStrengths assessment to transform the way your students experience college.

When students learn to use their CliftonStrengths, they thrive.

They identify the classes and craft the careers that allow them to do what they do best.

They develop deep, meaningful relationships with friends and mentors that can transcend their time on campus.

They learn to live within their means now and plan for their financial future.

They discover how to live healthy lives, both physically and emotionally.

And they leave a positive impact on their campus by applying their talents in leadership roles and in clubs and organizations.

Thriving students are engaged in their schools because their schools deliver on the promise of helping students live a better life, on campus and beyond.

For students, living a better life starts with using their CliftonStrengths.

Watch Tom Matson, senior executive leadership strategist for Gallup Education, discuss how you can use CliftonStrengths to create a campus of more engaged, thriving students.

Since 2002, schools have used Gallup's StrengthsQuest program to help students identify their unique talents using the CliftonStrengths assessment.

In 2016, Gallup started rebranding StrengthsQuest into what it has naturally always been: CliftonStrengths for Students.

What hasn't changed?

The best schools don't just administer the CliftonStrengths assessment.

They weave strengths-based development into every corner of their campus.

Because like their students, school leaders, faculty and staff need to discover and develop their CliftonStrengths to create engaging and thriving experiences for their students.

And when students are engaged and thriving, they are empowered to succeed academically, personally and professionally.

The Best Schools Help Students:

Discover Their CliftonStrengths

All schools start with Gallup's CliftonStrengths assessment, which helps students and educators to discover, understand and maximize their natural talents.

Develop Their CliftonStrengths

The best schools use CliftonStrengths resources and activities to support students as they learn how to apply their strengths to succeed in and out of the classroom.

Apply Their CliftonStrengths to Thrive

The best schools send campus leaders through Gallup's CliftonStrengths coaching curriculum. These coaches bring proven strengths-based development techniques back to campus, allowing them to develop happier, healthier and more engaged students.

University of Colorado

"Now, every year, 6,000 new students will learn their strengths and how to use them productively to improve well-being and engagement. And 1,000 staff and faculty members in the region -- at CU-Boulder and other campuses -- are involved in learning about strengths."

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Kansas State University

Watch members of the Kansas State University campus community talk about how they help their school bring the power of CliftonStrengths to every corner of campus.

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University of Chicago

"The use of [CliftonStrengths] will allow us to begin meeting our goals of providing skill development to the graduate and undergraduate community by empowering our students to invest in their personal success through their engagement with the University of Chicago."

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The Clifton StrengthsFinder® and Student Development

A summary and critique of existing strengths-based educational research using the CliftonStrengths assessment.


Gallup-Purdue Index 2015 Report

Examine the link between key college experiences and positive alumni outcomes, based on interviews with more than 30,000 graduates.


2015 Strengths Meta-Analysis

This study of more than 1 million individuals and almost 50,000 business units demonstrates the powerful connections between strengths development and organizational performance.


"Our greatest contribution is to be sure there is a teacher in every classroom who cares that every student, every day, learns and grows and feels like a real human being."
- Don Clifton, Father of Strengths Psychology and Inventor of CliftonStrengths

Develop Engaged & Thriving Students Using CliftonStrengths.

Are you a campus leader looking to engage, energize and retain students? Complete the form below to learn how to bring the transformative power of a strengths-based learning environment to your school. A Gallup expert will contact you.

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