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Brilliant Thinkers Relish Ambiguity

Brilliant thinkers are very comfortable with ambiguity - they welcome it. Routine thinkers like clarity and simplicity; they dislike ambiguity. There is a tendency in our society to reduce complex issues down to simple issues with obviously clear solutions. We see evidence of this in the tabloid press. There have been some terrible crimes committed in our cities. A violent offender received what is seen to be a lenient… Continue reading

March 4 | By Paul | Tagged: , , , , , | 8 comments»

On “The Substance of Style”

March 3 By Art | no comments»

  • Review of Virginia Postrel, The Substance of Style (2004, Harper Perennial, Paperback)
Virginia Postrel’s The Substance of Style is a book I’ve been meaning to read for a long time.  Postrel has a rare combination of talents: her writing is fluid, vivid, and memorable, her writing is informed by careful economic reasoning, and despite her expertise she doesn't assume that her aesthetic and cultural choices are self-evidently better than… Continue reading

Brilliant Thinkers Relish Ambiguity

Brilliant thinkers are very comfortable with ambiguity - they welcome it. Routine thinkers like clarity and simplicity; they dislike ambiguity. There is a tendency in our society to reduce complex issues down to simple issues with obviously clear solutions. We see evidence of this in the tabloid press. There have been some terrible crimes committed in our cities. A violent offender received what is seen to be a lenient… Continue reading

On “The Substance of Style”

  • Review of Virginia Postrel, The Substance of Style (2004, Harper Perennial, Paperback)
Virginia Postrel’s The Substance of Style is a book I’ve been meaning to read for a long time.  Postrel has a rare combination of talents: her writing is fluid, vivid, and memorable, her writing is informed by careful economic reasoning, and despite her expertise she doesn't assume that her aesthetic and cultural choices are self-evidently better than… Continue reading

Don’t Wait for a Breakthrough Moment: Create One!

Potential and Possibilities We’ve all had breakthrough moments in our lives. Moments when a switch flicked, a light went on and a door to a new world of potential and possibilities opened up for us. For most of us, the door was always there to be opened but, for a range of reasons, we never turned the handle. Until that day. Ignoring Reality Invariably, the switch-flicking and door-opening (the internal shift) was… Continue reading

5 Types of Emails You Should be Automatically Filtering

How many emails do you have in your inbox right now? Are you an inbox zero freak like me? Or do you have emails piled up and unread that you're hoping you'll get time to get to?I'm not judging - I used to have as messy an inbox as anyone. And even now, if I go on vacation or don't check my email for too long, I can get… Continue reading

How to Confidently Deal with Conflict

I have to tell you that I’m not great at handling conflict.  I’d much rather have things run smoothly and make sure that everyone gets along, works together, has fun and delivers great results, so when conflict happens I feel awkward and uncomfortable.I tend to do what I can to set things up ahead of time for smooth sailing, and I’ve really had to work hard at dealing with… Continue reading

Do You React Consciously and Responsibly?

Carnage in the Toy Store This morning I went to a local shopping centre (mall) to buy a birthday present for my two year-old pseudo-niece (my business partner’s daughter. Happy Birthday little Jessie!)  It proved to be quite the eye-opening experience for the childless (and somewhat clueless) alpha-male. While the shopping part of the trip turned out to be something of an enjoyable adventure for Yours Truly (who knew toy stores could… Continue reading

Are You Authentic In Your Small Business?

Being authentic can be surprisingly difficult, especially in business. I often work with people who have no problem being genuine in real life, but who really struggle with authenticity in business. I hear from clients that, in business, they have to appear to be mega-successful -- not just sort of successful, and not "hey, I'm growing a business here," but really successful, in order to be taken seriously. There's… Continue reading

5 Ways to Stop Second Guessing Yourself

Some years ago I remember standing in my kitchen, staring silently at my boxes of cereal, trying to decide which to have for breakfast.  Was it a Frostie’s morning, or was it more of an Oat Crunchie’s day?  Or maybe granola?  I stood there for 5 minutes, until – utterly frustrated – I marched out of the house and went without.Fortunately I’ve learned to make decisions more quickly and… Continue reading

Newbie Fashion Tips for Grown-Up Men

Just over a month ago, I ran into a friend at a CES event. While I see this friend around town once in a while, this was the first time I’d seen him in a non-casual setting since Blogworld 4 months earlier. After exchanging the usual pleasantries, he asked me an odd question: “Is this like your conference party outfit?”Indeed, I was wearing the exact same clothes I’d worn… Continue reading

How to Make EVERY day Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day. The red hearts make us feel like love and happiness is all around. We see images of couples hugging and gazing into each other’s eyes and we want that. We go shopping at beautifully decorated stores and envision making our loved one feel special and cherished. And, secretly, we hope our partners are thinking and doing the same for us. The spirit behind Valentine’s Day is beautiful. Don’t we all want more of it though? Continue reading

Do Your Beliefs Empower You or Limit You?

What if it Just Ain’t True? A few years ago one of my friends accidentally discovered that his dad was in fact not his dad at all. Ouch. At twenty seven years of age, he discovered that something he absolutely knew (not thought, hoped, or wished) to be fact, was in reality, not true at all. Let’s just say that his reaction wasn’t a totally positive one. It never occurred… Continue reading

So Someone Said No… How to Handle Rejection In Small Business

So someone said no. You asked someone to participate in a joint venture, tried to close a sale, invited someone to be your social media friend, and they said no. And you felt that uncomfortable feeling of having put yourself "out there" on a limb, only to look over and see that someone's sawing the limb out from under you. It's a weird, stomach-turning feeling, isn't it? But it… Continue reading

The One Thing That Makes Love Work

You can’t walk down the street at this time of year without seeing a schmaltzy couple draped over each other or a window full of love hearts.  Whether you like it or not, the trappings of St Valentines Day can be seen everywhere.Now, I’ll put my hands up right now and tell you that I’ve screwed up my fair share of relationships.  I still get tongue-tied when I see… Continue reading

How to Kill a Radical Idea

Einstein said that all great original ideas at first appear absurd.  This is why it is so easy to dismiss radical suggestions when they surface.  We point out that they are absurd and so miss great opportunities.  How would you react if an unorthodox business idea was presented to you and you could immediately see problems with it?   Imagine that you are the boss in each of these situations: 1. … Continue reading

6 Websites To Help You Get Out Of The House And Find Something To Do

Have you just moved to a new town? Are you a couch potato? Or have your friends decided they don't want to do anything this weekend? Have no fear, the internet is here!  We'll get you out of the house yet with these six websites.
Six Places Online To Find Something To Do
  • Craigslist.   The grand daddy of all websites to help you get out of the house.  Classes?

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