Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rhett Dashwood's Google Maps alphabet - Telegraph

An Australian does the alphabet with Google Maps. Fantastic.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Photohunt Protect(ion)

We live in a scary neighbourhood. From time to time we employ protection services to guard our property. Guaranteed to scare off any bad guys.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Skywatch Friday

I caught this about an hour ago on a dash to grab some supplies before the ANZAC day holiday tomorrow. We have not had any rainbows in South Australia for about a year, based on the lack of rain. Very uplifting.

More sky shots at the Skywatch Friday Site.

You know who the boss is here

I have felt like this sometimes.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Non Breaking News from the Bainanirama Republic

B1 and B2


For non breaking news on Fiji, you can read the Fiji Times or listen Banarama Radio.

Approved by Frank!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yes Minister

The real effects of reckless driving and speeding are death, injury and damage.

Tom Koutsantonis current   (former as of today) South Australia Road Safety Minister and proud possessor of almost 30 road traffic offences including speeding, running red lights and mobile phone use.

Perhaps Transport SA will be running this promotion like they did last weekend when Channel 10 scheduled their current speeding ad with promotions for a street racing movie. Only weeks after a horrific crash involving idiots street racing on suburban streets.

Perhaps be more effective than the pretty ineffectual "Don't knudge it" advert.

Look for more action in this space, with Media Mike looking for easy political wins in the run up to next years election. Public crushings of hoon cars, very likely I would say. Don't say that Mike would allow anything to get in the way of him and re-election. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Photo Hunt: Purple

Purple Tree with Purple Bird

Purple Ears and Purple Band

Easter Bunny, Easter Bilby and a Purple Egg

Purple Crab Legs and Four Purple Shells

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Friday, April 17, 2009

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Like a pig in...

Next up? Swimming with Crocodiles. Short story no doubt and those nips would be huge bites. See ya in the pool?

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Skywatch Friday

The Fowlers Lion Factory Building on North Terrace. I used to drive past this building regularly coming over the Morphett Street Bridge into Adelaide from North Adelaide. This was taken from North Terrace with the tram wires crossing the photograph. Fowlers manufactured groceries including flour and honey and the building dates back to the early 20th century.

More skies and stuff at the Skywatch Friday Site.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Suddenly Last Supper - Popped Culture

How many Last Suppers can you take. Leonardo eat your heart out. Even on EtchASketch

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Banana Man Hits Town

Banana Man is way cool.

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Photo Hunt: Triangle

Another picture from Monarto Wildlife Park in the Adelaide Hills. Monarto is part of Adelaide Zoo and is the largest zoo in the world, with 1,500 hectares of land devoted to the preservation of species as varied as Bison, Painted Dogs, Giraffes and some very fast Cheetahs. You will see that in the sitting position a triangle is formed with his legs.

While we were there another group of Cheetahs got very interested in our kids when they were running around on the viewing platform. It was nearly dinner time and they were obviously hungry. The guide told us that in the early days there had been a scare when a Cheetah had tried to get to a young child. The platform has been modified now. Monarto has a program where you can go in and feed the Cheetah, but you have to be a bit older. We'll leave the kids at home.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Another early morning sunrise from our deck.

Many other nice shots at the Skywatch Friday Site.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

20 stupid questions asked by tourists - Telegraph

Very entertaining.

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Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Sensible Advice and Dulcet Tones.

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Site Supervisor Sleeps on the Job

This guy quietly oversaw our work on site yesterday.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Biggest Loser Last Supper?

Don't do this at home.

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Bill Leak, Kevin Rudd and Obama's Bum

This cartoon got many readers of the Australian bent out of shape, to the point where The Australian actually wrote an editorial to defend Bill Leak and his right to lampoon people in power and especially politicians.

I really like his work and clearly he has not lost his mojo after his awful accident, which is great.

Long may he lampoon.

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Why chickens need to be on twitter

Ha Ha @firstdogonmoon

Strongly recommend that you consider subscribing to Crikey's daily email. Very reasonably priced just to get firstdogonthemooncartoonsfirst and other great political type stuff to break up the day. Excellent stuff.

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Wanna buy my blog? Going Cheap?

Ha Ha Apparently my blog is worth three times as much as my employers web page.
Not too much social networking there I think.

Check yours?

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Photo Hunt: Stripes

Today we went to Monarto Wildlife Park in the Adelaide Hills. Monarto is part of Adelaide Zoo and is the largest zoo in the world, with 1,500 hectares of land devoted to the preservation of species as varied as Bison, Painted Dogs, Giraffes and some stripey Zebras. Very interesting day for everyone.

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