
أَقْوَالِ خَالِدَةَ عَلَىَ مَرِّ الْزَّمَانِ  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak at the beginning of his rule of the Arab Republic of Egypt
لَن أَرْحَم أَحَدا يُمَد يَدَه إِلَى الْمَال الْعَام حَتَّى لَو كَان أَقْرَب الْأَقْرِبَاء ، إِنَّنِى لَا أُحِب الْمَنَاصِب وَلَا أَقْبَل الْشِلَلِيّة وَأَكْرَه الْظُّلْم وَلَا أَقْبَل أَن يُظْلَم أَحَد وَأَكْرَه اسْتِغْلَال عَلَاقَات الْنَّسَب  .ء
الثامن عشر من أكتوبر ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون ، جريدة مايو
    الْكُل سَوَاء عِنْدِي أَمَام الْقَانُوْن وَنَحْن لَا نُرِيْد قَانُوُن الْطَّوَارِئ . ء
العشرون من أكتوبر عام ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون ، جريدة نيويورك تايمز
لَن أَقْبَل الْوَسَاطَة وَسَأُعَاقِب لُصُوْص الْمَال الْعَام . ء
السادس والعشرين من أكتوبر عام ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون  ، مجلة أكتوبر
مِصْر لَيْسَت ضَيْعَة لِحَاكِمِهَا . ء
الثلاثين من أكتوبر عام ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون  ، مجلة المصور
الْكَفَن مَالُوْش جُيُوْب ، سَنَعَلَى مِن شَأْن الْأَيَادِى الْطَّاهِرَة . ء
خطاب فى فبراير 1982

من أشعار الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
نَعِيْب زَمَانَنَا وَالْعَيْب فِيْنَا        وَمَا لِزَمَانِنَا عَيْب سِوَانَا 
وَنَهْجُو ذَا الْزَّمَان بِغَيْر ذَنْب       وَلَو نَطَق الْزَّمَان لِهَجَانـا 
مَلْحُوْظَة : تَم كِتَابَة هَذَا الْمَوْضُوْع بِإِسْتِخْدَام جُوْجِل تَشْكِيل
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Waiting for president Hosni Mubarak  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mubarak chats to his doctors at Heidelberg hospital in Germany
According to rumors spread that President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak will return home within a few hours.  Mubarak appeared very thin in the photos that came from Germany. In all cases, God alone knows what will happen in the days and months ahead for our country .

Update :  Egyptian state television announced the return of President Mubarak on Saturday ، Coming from "Heidelberg" in Germany, after completing his journey of treatment and recovered. Middle East News Agency said that his plane will land at the airport of Sharm el-Sheikh and not in the Cairo airport .

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Lena Chamamyan Lamma bada لينا شماميان - لما بدا يتثنى  

Posted by: أفندينا in , ,



لما بدا يتثنى.. حبي جماله فتنا
امر ما بلحظة اسرنا
غصن ثنا حين مال.
وعدي ويا حيرتي
من لي رحيم شكوتي.. فى الحب من لوعتي
الا مال
ك الجمال
آمان آمان آمان
When I saw my love sway, his beauty amazed me.
Something about the moment captivated me.
Like a branch bending gracefully.
Oh my fate, and reason for my perplexity .
Who could be the one to alleviate my sufferings in love and torment,
except the God of beauty.
Oh mercy, oh mercy, oh mercy.

  Thanks for  Lastoadri
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Dear Sir, It is better to speak now or forever shut up  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , ,



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Wisdom of a very wise man : "Close london balconies."  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , ,

I will write my memories when all London balconies are closed

Former minister and ex-chairman of the supreme council of human rights in Egypt
10 PM Show on Dream2 TV
10th of February 2010
*Dr. Ahmed Kamal Aboulmagd (Egypt)
Professor of Public Law, Cairo University, and Judge of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal

Dr. Ahmed Kamal Aboulmagd is a practicing attorney in Cairo and a Professor of Public Law at Cairo University since 1958. He earned a Doctorate of Law from Cairo University.
Dr. Aboulmagd has served as both the Minister of Youth and the Minister of Information in Egypt in the early Seventies. He has held the distinguished position of Legal and Constitutional Advisor for the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Kuwait. He is a member of the Supreme Council of Research of the University of El-Azhar in Cairo and a member of the Academy of Magreb. He is also a member of the Egyptian Society of Human Rights and the Egyptian Supreme Council for Women's Affairs and Rights.
Dr. Aboulmagd has published in English and Arabic on constitutional and administrative law, including a pamphlet in Arabic entitled A Contemporary Islamic Point of View and a book in Arabic entitled Dialogue, Not Confrontation, now in its second edition. For the last twenty years, he has been a judge, vice president, and president of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal.



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We will Not forget, Nor forgive  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

يراهن الكثير من المفسدين في هذا الوطن على ضعف ذاكرة الشعب وأنه بمرور السنوات سينسى الناس أفعالهم  ، وأنهم سيعودون بثوب جديد من العفة والشرف ... ولكنهم تناسوا أنه وإن كانت ذاكرة البعض ضعيفة فإن ذاكرة التاريخ لن ترحم ، وأن يوم الحساب آت لا محالة ..... وأن المولى سبحانه وتعالى هو العزيز المنتقم الجبار . ء

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We Wish You A Happy New Year .  

Posted by: أفندينا in ,



May 2010 will be better for Egypt and the Arab and Muslim world, insh Allah .

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Wall of Shame  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , , ,


Egypt is building an iron wall in the borders between Egypt and Gaza in order to stop the smuggling in to the sector.


 Egyptian regime : Shame on YOU


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Princess Ferial's Funeral at the Al-Rifai mosque in Cairo  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , ,


Former Egyptian King Ahmad Fuad (R), the son of Egypt's late king Farouk, leads his sister Princess Ferial's funeral procession with her daughter Yasmine (L) at the Al-Rifai mosque in Cairo December 1, 2009, Princess Ferial Farouq of Egypt died on November 29, 2009 in Geneva after a long battle with cancer.   
Former Egyptian King Ahmad Fuad (R), the son of Egypt's late king Farouk, leads his sister Princess Ferial's funeral procession with her daughter Yasmine (L) at the Al-Rifai mosque in Cairo December 1, 2009,     Reuters Pictures

Princess Ferial by Amir Sisi.
May Allah bless her soul

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Breaking News: Princess Farial Farouk has passed away  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , , ,



His Majesty King Farouk By The Grace Of God, King Of Egypt And Of Sudan, Sovereign of Nubia, of Kordofan and of Darfur 1920-1965,Queen Farida and daughter Princess Farial when she was a baby

Queen Farida and Princess Farial by Kodak Agfa.

Queen Farida and baby Princess Farial ,the first baby for his Majesty King Farouk

Her Majesty Queen Farida with her daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Ferial

Queen Farida and her daughters by Kodak Agfa.
Queen Farida and her daughters Princesses Farial,Fawzia and Fadia
Baby Princess Ferial

*HRH Princess Ferial of Egypt the eldest daughter of late king Farouk and queen Farida has passed away today at 7 AM in Switzerland. May Allah bless her soul









Ex-Queen Farida with daughter Princess Ferial

May Allah bless her soul

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Happy Eid...... عيد سعيد  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , ,



Happy Eid to all Muslims , Arabs and Egyptians in the world


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The next Pharaoh of Egypt  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , ,

His Majesty King of Egypt .... The detonator of the development revolution in Egypt  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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For You !! ... [ The slogan of the National Democratic Party Conference 2009 ]  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Only for ME
His Majesty  King of Egypt .... The detonator of the development revolution in Egypt  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture from HERE

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The National Democratic Party Conference 2009 ... على هامش مؤتمر الحزب الوطني  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , , , , , , ,



 (يُخَادِعُونَ اللَّهَ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَمَا يَخْدَعُونَ إِلا أَنْفُسَهُمْ وَمَا يَشْعُرُونَ)[البقرة:9]

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Survey .. The Egyptian's Most Influential People in 2009  

Posted by: أفندينا in , , , , , , ,


بدأ الترشيح لأهم عشرة شخصيات مصرية ذات تأثير لعام 2009


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