Dave Navarro Gets Nude For PETA - Photo

Dave Navarro bared all for PETA’s “Ink Not Mink” campaign and he covered the goodies. Why? It’s because PETA hates us.

Dave Navarro Gets Nude For PETA - Photo

In an industry that sees mostly women shedding their clothes for their campaigns, they have stepped it up a little to show off Dave’s nicely toned body. He’s hot, minus the nipple rings.

When speaking of the animal rights campaign, he said, “Several years ago, I saw video footage of animals being skinned alive and screaming, and it, it honestly is the most horrific, inhumane thing I’ve ever seen.”

Dave also wants us to stop contributing to the industry that promotes the cruelty and suffering of helpless animals. He said, “Some of the simple things you can to do help save animals is not buy fur, stay away from products that have been animal tested. It’s really very, very simple to just support something or buy something that doesn’t brutalize animals like this.”

We’re in agreement, Dave, now how about moving those hands just a little bit?

source: Rocker Dave Navarro Bares It All for Animals - [peta]

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