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"Almost everything looks better after a good night's sleep."- H.Jackson Brown

In which themes run from: Stealth Lesbianism in Everyday Life,


to Bionic Pussy.


After the jump, the most recent 10 items from KA-CHING!, a Tumblr page where I seem to have posted over 2,600 items in which lurk murder, insanity, death! For all of those click HERE and scroll on. Pack a lunch. For the current Top 10 at a time...

Vanderleun : March 22, 10  |  Your Say (15)  | PermaLink: Permalink

I had the hat. I had the flintlock. He was my first hero after my uncle fighting in Korea.

A big life well lived. My uncle's too.

Extra: A 30 minute clip in which Actor Fess Parker discusses his role as "Davy Crockett".

Vanderleun : March 18, 10  |  Your Say (0)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Vanderleun : March 18, 10  |  Your Say (2)  | PermaLink: Permalink

inconvenient-fraud2.jpgBut mercifully not as the centerfold. Now you can read it and not just for the letters. The article is a 2,000 word backgrounder on the implosion of the Global Warming Hoax.

An Inconvenient Fraud? @ Penthouse Magazine

Al Gore and his pals in the science establishment want us to totally change our lives because of a theory that might not even be true. Have the sacred cows of global warming been gored beyond repair?

By Gerard Van der Leun • Illustration by Zachary Pullen

It was good to be Al Gore in the last part of the last decade. In the year 2000 he was the world’s biggest loser. By 2009 he was one of the world’s biggest winners after becoming the master of disaster. Flummoxed by his noninvention of the internet and his nonelection as president of the United States, Gore found a winning hand in predicting the end of the world. In the process, he received an Oscar for his film An Inconvenient Truth, the Nobel Peace Prize, and millions of dollars through his interests in companies that dealt in “carbon credits.” Gore became more of a “Comeback Kid” than Bill Clinton ever was. For most of 2009, it was still good to be King Al. But late in the year, Al Gore’s beloved internet betrayed him.

On November 17, 2009, someone, somewhere, copied some 4,000 emails and documents from a password-protected server at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in England and put them up on a free and open server in Russia for all the world to read. Whoever made these documents available was an unknown soldier of the truth. Taking the handle of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), he or she stated, “We feel that climate science is, in the current situation, too important to be kept under wraps. We hereby release a random selection of correspondence, code, and documents. Hopefully it will give some insight into the science and the people behind it. This is a limited time offer, download now.”

Read the rest @ An Inconvenient Fraud? @ Penthouse Magazine.

Vanderleun : March 18, 10  |  Your Say (4)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Culture & Civilization

And while Salinger lived the movie rights to Catcher in the Rye were among them. Here's an interesting Letter of Note: Holden Caulfield is unactable.

Vanderleun : March 18, 10  |  Your Say (6)  | PermaLink: Permalink

This video was prepared by the UK branch of Dorling Kindersley Books. Originally meant solely for a DK sales conference, the video was such a hit internally that it is now being shared externally. Enjoy it (and make sure you watch it up to at least the halfway point, there's a surprise!).

Vanderleun : March 18, 10  |  Your Say (8)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Enemies, Foreign & Domestic

Illo from the always sharp4-Block World

In Obama Invited to Give a New Gettysburg Address - Washington Whispers we learn that " Gettysburg is looking ahead to July 2013, organizers of the 150th anniversary of the decisive three-day clash between Union and Confederate forces have extended an invitation for Obama to deliver his own Gettysburg address, we hear. "That would be really cool," says Gettysburg Convention and Visitors Bureau President [and drooling metrosexual] Norris Flowers. "

Later in the comments which contain a lot of projectile vomiting, commentor "John of XX" offers up the text:

President Obama's Gettysburg Address

Two hundred and thirty-four years ago your fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. I have come to dedicate a government expansion bill, as a final solution for those who work all their lives that that nation might pay its bills. It is altogether fitting and proper that they should do this. Let them know their place.

But, in a larger sense, I cannot dedicate...I cannot consecrate...I cannot hallow this bill.

The brave children and health care advertising props, living and dead, who went all the way to Washington for my photo ops, have consecrated it, far above even my power to add or detract.

The world will little note, nor long remember what your fathers said, but it can never forget what I have done.

It is for us the ruling, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished bill which the health care props who spoke here have thus far so nobly promoted. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from the jobless Democrats we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these Democrats shall not have lost their seats in vain—-that this nation, under me, shall always advance toward a healthier subjection-—and that government of the people, by the statists, for the Democrats, shall not perish from the earth for as long as China allows.

HT: Mushduck for the alert.

Vanderleun : March 17, 10  |  Your Say (3)  | PermaLink: Permalink

brainjazz2abweb.jpgI've often described online discussions and essays as "Brain Jazz." Like a lot of modern jazz one musician (writer) riffing off another can be irritating. But when it works, when it comes together, brain jazz can be transcendent. An example coming off my RSS stream this morning is when Stuart Schneiderman of the wonderfully titled therapist's page "Had Enough Therapy" takes up Victor David Hanson's latest essay Reflections on the Revolution in America and "free associates" on Hanson's theme with Revolution or Coup d'Etat? As readers know I always try to note a new essay by Professor Hanson with a quote or a link in the sidebar. But this morning, Schneiderman takes it, as they say, up a few notches with his own insights. A sample:

As I was reading ["Reflections on the Revolution in America"], a thought popped into mind-- that, after all, is the definition of free association--- and that thought was a book: The Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes.

Harvard Professor Pipes wrote a long, difficult, extensively documented tome to demonstrate that the Russian Revolution was not really a revolution. It was not about what Hanson describes as: "the abject poor and starving storming the Bastille." Not at all. According to Pipes the Russian Revolution was a coup d'etat, an overthrow of the government by a small group that arrogated all power to itself in the name of the poor and the starving.

The Russian Revolution was not an uprising of the proletariat against their capitalist masters. It was not a Hegelian rebellion of slaves against their masters. All of that is mythology, well suited for philosophy and literature classes but having little to do with reality.

In the Russian Revolution a small group that thought it knew what was best for everyone took power in the name of the working class and the peasantry.

So, where Hanson calls what is happening in Washington today a revolution, he is more clearly describing a coup d'etat. As long as we understand that a coup d'etat does not have to be violent, but can easily use the mechanisms of government to subvert the system, we have no problem grasping what is going on.
That's just the lead in to a longer reflection on what to call the current "Cosa Nostra" moment unfolding in the capitol.

You might want to read Hanson's Reflections on the Revolution in America before reading Revolution or Coup d'Etat? But either way, they'll enhance your day.

Vanderleun : March 17, 10  |  Your Say (4)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Senators and congressperns found this slipped under their office doors this morning. Copies were mailed to their families.


Vanderleun : March 17, 10  |  Your Say (8)  | PermaLink: Permalink

5-Minute Arguments

"And the sign said the words of the prophets are written on the billboard walls... cannonballs."


The above from the always congenial The Blogmocracy where another member brings us this report from the mud below: This is Your Brain on Progressivism. Any Questions? and warns,

This is not for the faint of heart (warning: don’t watch if you’re easily grossed out). This is a brain infecting fungus ideology, and how ant colonies deal with it:

Vanderleun : March 17, 10  |  Your Say (0)  | PermaLink: Permalink

The continent that dealt it.

Science News via Wired Science (there's two "trustworthy sources") sends the world to hell today with the latest TEOTWAWKI fear bomb with Methane May Be Building Under Antarctic Ice

"If the methane produced by the bacteria gets trapped beneath the ice and builds up over long periods of time — a possibility that is far from certain — it could mean that as ice sheets melt under warmer temperatures, they would release large amounts of heat-trapping methane gas."
Here's how it goes, I guess. Over the vast millennia the suppressed bacteria are building up a gigantic bubble of gas under the ice. Suddenly, due to global warming, global cooling, earthquakes, and a comet strike that ice is thinned, weakened, and the vast continental sized bubble of methane just can't take it anymore and comes ripping to the surface.

"This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends...." Sensing curry in the wind, a scientist at India's Antarctic station, Dakshin Gangotri steps outside and decides to enjoy a smoke. He flicks his Bic and..... kerblooey! The Kali Yuga begins and the world ends with a bang and a whimper.

Vanderleun : March 16, 10  |  Your Say (15)  | PermaLink: Permalink

"And the face at first just ghostly turned a whiter shade of pale..."

The face of (Muhammad) (Karl Marx) (Rasputin) (Jesus) that so many around the blogosphere are seeing today is, alas, a mere figleaf of their imaginations. Sorry, kids, it just isn't there.

How do I know? I used an ancient reporting technique. I walked to the corner and looked for myself at the real cover on-sale now for $5.95 [Pass]. Nope. No face. Instead, there's just your average highlight on the apple representing either a reflection of one of the main umbrella lights used for portraiture photography, or something dropped in by the Newsweek photoshop jockey making everything nice on the final image.

Now I had some fun with this in the sidebar yesterday, but like many things on the web, "If it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing." Today, this thing is all over. What people are freaking out about is either a subtle photoshop (which I doubt), or an artifact of pixillation that happens when an image is reduced and optimized for web display. The latter is by far the most likely explanation.

The whole kerfuffle brings to mind the infamous spotting of "Nig" in the Hillary Clinton "Who Answers the Phone at 3AM" spot.

Here's that apple under normal copying from website to website:


See a ghostly bearded face? Of course you do. Want to see it more clearly still. Here let me hit the same image with a whiff of the Unsharp mask.


Chilling, what? So, grasshopper, the question for you is: "Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?" Answer: Neither. Hie thee to a magazine rack and look for yourself.

Vanderleun : March 16, 10  |  Your Say (12)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Enemies, Foreign & Domestic


“We must disenthrall ourselves.” – Lincoln

Whenever humans seek to perfect the imperfect world either progress or regress may be the result, but regardless of result evil ensues. Whenever a class of people, self-anointed, seek to impose Utopia on the world, evil ensues. Whenever a group of people seek to arrogate the power of the people to themselves, evil ensues. It is not that power corrupts but that some people are compelled to corrupt democraticly distributed power through statist centralization. If the age of kings was the age of rule by one monarch, the current age drifts towards the rule of many smaller kings acting in unison. This is the age of the Multi-Monarchists; of rule by the faction of “Little Hitlers.” Their accoutrements are not uniforms and stark symbols, but cap & gown, press passes, and union cards. Their collective policy is plague.

All faction, no matter its origin or ideals, is in the end Fascist. The Founders knew Faction and feared it. Much of the Federalist Papers is taken up with the problem of suppressing Faction and the Constitution is the carefully wrought attempt at a solution to it. Of course, the Founders also knew that Faction as Facism is never finished except by fire and fire alone. This is why, in the Founders founding document, the Declaration of Independence, they included this provision,

"when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

As the Founders knew from their own experience, this is much easier said than done. Sustaining such a government was even harder. Benjamin Franklin at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation:

Vanderleun : March 15, 10  |  Your Say (13)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Enemies, Foreign & Domestic


Senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett: “Obama’s attitude toward leadership is really a very womanly one…” via The Powers That Be where there's a video clip.

Vanderleun : March 15, 10  |  Your Say (14)  | PermaLink: Permalink


Just in case you thought the New York Times does not worship the water he walks on. I would only remind the Times of the immortal lyric from the Kingston Trio's Coplas**: "Tell your parents not to muddy the water around us." "Por que?" "They may have to drink it soon." -- As Health Vote Awaits, Future of a Presidency Waits, Too -

HT: The gobsmacked Big Fur Hat.

** Extra Credit: Spot the racist references in this old hit from the most admired liberal folk group:

Vanderleun : March 14, 10  |  Your Say (9)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Nota Bene


Click image to posterize

Vanderleun : March 14, 10  |  Your Say (11)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Nota Bene


Click image to posterize

Vanderleun : March 14, 10  |  Your Say (3)  | PermaLink: Permalink

A Barbara Boxer Killer: Now this is how political advertising should be done. A "CarleyforCalifornia" production. Hang around for the last few frames.

Vanderleun : March 13, 10  |  Your Say (25)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Created by JWM in Thinking Right: Working in the Green Slime

Go green. Lower quality, higher prices. Get less for your money. Cleaners that don't clean. Paint that doesn't stick to anything. Harsh, retina grating light bulbs full of toxic chemicals. Electric vehicles that ultimately use more energy than they save. Wind powered turbines that destroy acres of land for a minuscule few kilowatts of unreliable power. Equally unreliable solar grids more poisonous than a cyanide farm. And don't forget the endangered species. Outlaw surfing because it might annoy some life form somewhere under water. Forget about trout streams, and surf fishing. Shut down the water for California's agriculture to prevent a negligible risk to a tiny fish while billions of acre feet flow out to sea unused. Don't worry. All your produce is coming from Mexico, Chile, and Peru anyway. Forget about the energy it takes to move it those thousands of miles. In the mean time, tax Co2 emissions until your winter heating bills run higher than your mortgage- in Southern California. And lower emissions standards until the internal combustion engine is outlawed altogether. We'll all get around on high speed railways that don't go anywhere anyone wants to go. There's a great future in bicycles. Made in China.
I gotta put that on a poster.

Vanderleun : March 12, 10  |  Your Say (6)  | PermaLink: Permalink


Jim Linderman has a nice little collection of interesting books and blogs on vintage sleaze, old time religion, and other charming but harmless subjects. In general I enjoy them. But every so often he just loses it. I think he goes to "Media Matters" for his latest information and that infection may explain his current attack of BDS. Watch as his little red choo-choo comes right off the rails:

Vanderleun : March 12, 10  |  Your Say (10)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Grace Notes

There's more. Much more.

Big Fur Hat put this up at iOwnTheWorld calling it "Very, Very Interesting" I concur. I've seen it before, years back, and thought so at the time. With every passing year I think more of it and wish I had had the prescience and the continuity to have compiled such a record.

Vanderleun : March 11, 10  |  Your Say (9)  | PermaLink: Permalink

5-Minute Arguments


Enough with the government trying at every opportunity to crawl inside you house, life and mind. Mark Krikorian's idea. My illustration in case somebody needs a demo:

Fully one-quarter of the space on this year's form is taken up with questions of race and ethnicity, which are clearly illegitimate and none of the government's business (despite the New York Times' assurances to the contrary on today's editorial page). So until we succeed in building the needed wall of separation between race and state, I have a proposal. Question 9 on the census form asks "What is Person 1's race?" (and so on, for other members of the household). My initial impulse was simply to misidentify my race so as to throw a monkey wrench into the statistics; I had fun doing this on the personal-information form my college required every semester, where I was a Puerto Rican Muslim one semester, and a Samoan Buddhist the next. But lying in this constitutionally mandated process is wrong. Really — don't do it. Instead, we should answer Question 9 by checking the last option — "Some other race" — and writing in "American." It's a truthful answer but at the same time is a way for ordinary citizens to express their rejection of unconstitutional racial classification schemes. In fact, "American" was the plurality ancestry selection for respondents to the 2000 census in four states and several hundred counties. -- Sending a Message with the Census - Mark Krikorian

Vanderleun : March 11, 10  |  Your Say (17)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Drool-Cup Award

"Is that a polar bear on your ass or are you just glad to see me?"

Chanel does climate change, with real icebergs
PARIS — Models in head-to-toe yeti suits picked their way around towering but quickly melting icebergs, sloshing through a deep puddle of Arctic melt in their shaggy fake fur. Call it climate change chic, Chanel style.

Nah. How about we call it demented, drooling, clapped-out, idealess, posturing pile of piffle? With a soupcon of really revolting designs carefully crafted to induce popping flashbulbs and projectile vomiting at fifty meters.

First day of deer season and she's a hood ornament.
"I am Merkin Twink hear me roar!"

Wags often remark that gays control fashion and use it to express their hatred of women. Not completely true on either score, although envy for the feminine while yearning for the mud can play a role. Overall, you've got to remember that although fashion goes to great lengths to convince weak souls it's an "art," it's actually a craft elevated to the level of an industry. As such it draws in a lot of creatives but also a lot of businessmen as well. Sexuality varies and nobody who actually knew or knows some of the cigar chomping guys in the schmata trade would mistake them as light in their Italian leather loafers. Make that mistake you you might find yourself cutting your teeth on the curb.

Vanderleun : March 10, 10  |  Your Say (12)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Culture & Civilization


Any questions?

First seen atThe Diamond Age

Vanderleun : March 10, 10  |  Your Say (24)  | PermaLink: Permalink

5-Minute Arguments


Morgan at the House of Eratosthenes spotted this. It deserves to be part of the catechism of losing. I'd also observe that it is the habit of conservatives to bring a calm and logical argument to an ideological gunfight.

Vanderleun : March 9, 10  |  Your Say (10)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Vanderleun : March 8, 10  |  Your Say (9)  | PermaLink: Permalink

In one of my previous lives as an editor and publisher, I caused this elegant edition of Winston Churchill's The Second World War (Six Volume Boxed Set) to be published.


Every so often Houghton Mifflin refreshes the jacket and box art, but my central concept remains the same: "Stack 'em, box 'em, and make 'em buy them all at once." When I first suggested this format, the sales department opposed it saying it would be "too expensive" on the one hand, and "cut into the declining sales of the separate hard cover volumes" on the other. Such is the genius of sales departments at book publishers. In the end I prevailed and this edition now seems to be a perennial. Amazon sells it for $75 a pop which isn't bad when you consider it's around $12.50 a volume with a spiffy box to keep them in -- and that the hard cover set goes for $416 new (If you can find it) and around $280 used.

Vanderleun : March 8, 10  |  Your Say (16)  | PermaLink: Permalink


This week's Medal of Freedom Award goes to Vulgar Morality for Death of news -- readership dies laughing edition

The NYT stands at the pinnacle of the global news business.  Yet it too has suffered a terrible decline over recent years.  But if the photo and caption below are any indication, they have just hit on a brilliant new approach to journalism -- call it info-comedy.  The heck with validation.  Who needs editors?  Go for funny --€“ nobody edits funny.


Vanderleun : March 7, 10  |  Your Say (2)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Political Corrections


What can I tell you? I'm having fun with this for a bit. I'll be back to crafting diatribes soon enough.

Vanderleun : March 4, 10  |  Your Say (3)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Enemies, Foreign & Domestic



There's a reason the doctors are kept nearby.

Update: Commenter SteveH sends in a link to this video, Waking Up is Hard to Do by the Laryngospasms from 2008. Put in the present context of the entire country waking up to the rolling horror of Obamacare, the iron here just ooooooozes out of the monitor.

Vanderleun : March 3, 10  |  Your Say (8)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Culture & Civilization

Vanderleun : March 3, 10  |  Your Say (3)  | PermaLink: Permalink

Search American Digest

✪ Thinking Right ✪

Number 10

The United States was founded on a firm principle. It's probably not the one that just leaped to your mind. Yes, freedom was important to the Founders; they labored mightily to produce a design for government that would be non-toxic toward freedom and safe for human consumption. But that wasn't the principle on which the federal government was constructed. It was this one:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.-- Poretto @ Eternity Road

Boob. Belt. -- It's What's for Breakfast!


And for those of you who were worried about our fashion icon relinquishing her boob belt: well, see for yourself. Boob. Belt. It’s baa-ack. And Lucite like you’ve never seen it before! -- Michelle Obama's Mirror's Blog: Veni, Vidi, Verdi

One does not wish to click but somehow one must...

Man With Immense Pink Genitalia Sculpture Gently Rebuffed at Museum

Ann Coulter's 1-Page Health Plan would "in effect, transform medical insurance into ... a form of insurance!"

President Obama says we need national health care because Natoma Canfield of Ohio had to drop her insurance when she couldn't afford the $6,700 premiums, and now she's got cancer.
Much as I admire Obama's use of terminally ill human beings as political props, let me point out here that perhaps Natoma could have afforded insurance had she not been required by Ohio's state insurance mandates to purchase a plan that covers infertility treatments and unlimited ob/gyn visits, among other things. It sounds like Natoma could have used a plan that covered only the basics – you know, things like cancer. -- My health-care plan


When you are a Conservative like me, you are trying not to be a Progressive primarily because you don't think human beings and human society should be tinkered with too much. You are against social engineering, but simultaneously you are fairly welcoming of change and progress. The fundamental premise of modern liberty is non-racial and non-sectarian. My favorite aphorism of this meritocratic notion is that you never know from where nobility will arise. -- Cobb

Healing the Wounds and Wounding the Heels of History

Under the reign of the left, the roots of the cosmic tree are situated below, begaialed and mayared in the muddle of matter.
Having literally transplanted the tree of life into sterile soil, they accomplished a feat of clay, deluminating the light in one fallen swoop, subverting That which makes man Man, and embracing the fantasy that they could build a new and improved reality "from the bottom up," absurdly beginning with matter. They could force their vision on a recalcitrant mankind in the same way one can mold matter or Nancy Pelosi can whip her craven band of chestless men into submission. -- One Cʘsmos:

The Failed State of England

Even the vaunted English National Healthcare System is broken and killing, both by design and my neglect, possibly hundreds of thousands of people a year.
In 2008, 6,000 women gave birth in corridors, lifts and taxis, when lack of beds and doctors forced them away at the last minutes before birth. A new report, just out, but apparently in the hands of the elites for over half a year, shows that some 50,000 or more a year are dieing from direct neglect in the hospital systems, and this is even without the Satanic Pathway in effect. What is the Pathway? Why the Pathway to Dignified Death, where they take sick or sickly elderly and not so elderly, pump them full of morphine and allow them to starve and dehydrate to death. The evil of such as system and the fact that the English tolerate it and have not risen past indignation and strongly worded notes, shows one how befitting of total collapse English society is. -- Mat Rodina

The Experience of the Dark


When the sun set in the Old World, people were in the dark.
They perforce “went to bed with the chickens”, in a phrase still used in rural communities. Most could afford no candle or oil lamp; for a few there might be at best a faint glow from the expertly banked embers of a hearth fire. Practically nobody in our modern world is in the dark they way that everybody then was in the dark. I mean really in the dark—no circuit breaker, no flashlight, no matches, no blue cell-phone glow, no vaguely lucid penumbra of distant city’s lights. The electrification of rural America was still in progress in my youngest days, spent on an Ozark farm where the only nocturnal illumination came from kerosene lamps. And that was in the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt! There was electricity in the little town six miles away, and among my earliest memories was the awe of first seeing a Christmas tree decorated with lights. The social revolution that came with electricity is enshrined in one of the obiter dicta of the last century’s most famous revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin: “Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.” -- Gladly Lerne, Gladly Teche: The Dark

How Not to Conceptualize a Fantasy Novel

First I took a stab at designing a straight alt-hist novel.
(Elevator pitch: "I'm going to cross the streams of The IPCRESS File and Heart of Darkness in a universe where the first world war ended in 1919 with allied tanks sitting in the wreckage of Berlin, and the decaying British empire went on to invent fascism in the 1940s. It's 1962, and two OSS agents are injected into British-dominated Europe to trace the underground railroad that is funneling abducted/brainwashed American scientists east. Our two spooks, "Wild" Bill Burroughs and his swivel-eyed Californian sidekick Philip K., follow the trail — by way of a sleazy S&M nightclub in Hamburg presided over by ageing queen Adolf and his boyfriend Rudi Hess — to Ceylon, where in the guts of a hollowed-out mountain they confront the jackbooted, monocle-wearing Air Commodore Arthur Clarke and his program to build an atom-bomb powered space dreadnought.) My agent shot it down as "too weird". With 20/20 hindsight, I think she may have had a point. -- Charles Stross in Post mortem - Charlie's Diary

HT: His agent shot it down @ Quotulatiousness

Wind Powered Global Warming (or Cooling))


There's new Wind resistance afoot:
"A new MIT analysis may serve to temper enthusiasm about wind power, at least at very large scales. Ron Prinn, TEPCO Professor of Atmospheric Science, and principal research scientist Chien Wang of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, used a climate model to analyze the effects of millions of wind turbines that would need to be installed across vast stretches of land and ocean to generate wind power on a global scale. Such a massive deployment could indeed impact the climate, they found, though not necessarily with the desired outcome. In a paper published online Feb. 22 in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Wang and Prinn suggest that using wind turbines to meet 10 percent of global energy demand in 2100 could cause temperatures to rise by one degree Celsius in the regions on land where the wind farms are installed, including a smaller increase in areas beyond those regions. Their analysis indicates the opposite result for wind turbines installed in water: a drop in temperatures by one degree Celsius over those regions. The researchers also suggest that the intermittency of wind power could require significant and costly backup options, such as natural gas-fired power plants."

Experimental Economics

Today's lesson ("What happens when progressives are in charge of the economy.") is brought to you by the demented inhabitants of westsound modern.



Autospamming for Everyman


In the category of dumb and evil ideas, SEOBlackhat wants Google to bring autospamming to the whole world: This Gmail Feature Would Be Amazing "It will be so incredibly useful that I’m shocked no one has done it before." [It will be so incredibly on the setting can be, "If no reply in 60 seconds, send again to my 5,000 person reader list."]

Shopped but Still Superb


Pop Pop-Culture Quiz

What radio and/or TV show is this distinctive soundbite from? (I'd post the HT link but then you could cheat.)

Climate Strange

Yes, "Climate Strange." That's my new metaphor for the unrelenting attempts by alarmists to keep bailing out their holed boat: Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend's Storm in Northeast

Bottomless Beastliness


Just when you think, "Hey, this tattoo thing can't get uglier." It does! Abstract Tattoos - today and tomorrow


All by one Amanda Wachob, who isn't doing you any favors when you opt for a non-abstract tattoo in her "distinctive hand."


All you need is a doughnut and a dream

Donna Simpson, who already tips the scales at 600 pounds, is looking to double her weight in a bid to become the world's fattest woman. The 42-year-old says that she is set on reaching the 1,000 pound mark over the next two years. -- Weekly World News

Her Satanic Majesty Requests....


Michelle Obama's Mirror's Blog: Is This an Easter Miracle?

I'm just wondering; is it just because I spend my life reflecting things that I immediately thought: WTH is that reflection in the apple? Is it Leo Tolstoy? KSM? Karl Marx?  Muhammad? ( I sure hope not, I understand we'€™re not supposed to reproduce his image, period.) Are those horns spouting from the top of his head? Where did they get this evil apple, from the Tea Partiers? Raj said it really did look like the Shroud of Turin to him, but what would he know-- he's a Buddhist.

Headline of the Day

Another Day, Another Lady Gaga Porn Video @ worldweary Little Miss Attila.
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