Blog Day, Blog Day, Blog Day-do-day!
As a part of the internet rituals that have been created to accompany Blog Day, I have been tagged by Haitham to rummage the internet for blogs that strike my fancy. And rummage I did, and I found some blogs that were of great interest to me, mostly in terms of creative value.
(and well, GIRLS BLOG BETTER!)
Dooce- another witty look into living in Mormon Utah(first look being that of our very own export). This woman is unbelievably expressive, creative, thinks the opposite way round(bilsha2loob ya zalameh, bilsha2loob!), and makes up her own words. Perfect combination of colors for a wonderful blog if you ask me.
Islamic art is one of my very favorite things in the world, and this photoblog called Islamic Culture boasts a lovely and very diverse collection of beautiful photography of Muslim art and culture. Check out the archives because there’s only one picture on the main page.
I present to you one of my guilty internet pleasures, where I spend hours pouring over the shoes and going ga ga over babies such as these beautiful boots, these gorgeous Lacostes, and the stunnig flats. There are also the posts that leave me in horrified laughter such as the weekly “Ugly Shoe of the Week“.
Heaven of a blog! Heaven of a blog!
More stunning with words female bloggers with a knack for creating words, this time their word being “Fugly”- “frightfully ugly; of or pertaining to something beyond the boundaries of normal unattractiveness.”
Yes, yes, the shallow me is coming out, but seriously, dress well people or you’ll end up as another yet another fugly post! Dress well! And stay away from vests…
I was saving best for last, because it is my pleasure to announce that my friend Abu Samer, who was our nextdoor neigbor back in Saudi Arabia, has decided to start a blog. Abu Samer is one of those hilariously eccentric individuals(no offence) that totally shock you with their mentalities. I am sure he will add a lot to the blogosphere, and I’m totally looking forward to see the blog up and running.
The Obvious, Subzero Blue, OceanCreep, AquaCool, Utopia.