The Daily Wrap

07 Apr 2010 11:59 pm

Today on the Dish we rounded up several early reports of the Kyrgyzstan uprising and started to cover the British election. Andrew and others discussed the "success" of the Iraq surge, USA Today mirrored the Dish on settlements, Israel continued to alienate Turkey, and WaPo defended Karzai.

Bob McDonnell jumped the Confederate shark. Continetti began to come around on Palin, McWhorter deciphered Sarah-speak, and Bartlett and Andrew highlighted the disconnect between the party of Palin and the party of Reagan.

More personal accounts of abuse here, here, and here. Jonathan Zimmerman countered the anti-Catholic canard, Gerson kept his head in the sand, and Donohue rambled on. Episcopal contrast here and Presbyterian here. Heaven-blogging here and evil-blogging here.

-- C.B.

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