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February 18

I am confused about curtains. Please unconfuse me. [more inside]
posted by lollusc to home & garden at 9:54 PM - 1 answer

I have an ACL injury from a motorcycle accident two years ago. I have noticed in the past 6 months it has gotten much worse. Should I excercise more or less? I don't have health insurance and have no way to get physical therapy at all and have already exhausted all free health-care options. [more inside]
posted by RampantFerret to health & fitness at 9:45 PM - 1 answer

What breed/mix of breeds is my dog? [more inside]
posted by knave to pets & animals at 9:32 PM - 8 answers

I'm the defendant in a legal case and am being represented by a public defender. I feel I am not being represented fairly. My hearing is next week. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by GS1977 to law & government at 8:19 PM - 10 answers

I'm 20, and have since at least Middle School been living off of graham crackers, peanut butter, and milk. Tell me what's wrong with my diet and how to fix it. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to food & drink at 8:16 PM - 35 answers

What are your tips on maintaining a journal that is private, useful, detailed and organized? [more inside]
posted by twinight to writing & language at 7:57 PM - 6 answers

I am having panic attacks and I need to get on a plane tomorrow. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to health & fitness at 7:04 PM - 9 answers

Cartoon fashion IRL: Help me dress like Noodle from the Gorillaz. Stripey shirt - check. Still on the prowl for rad boots, funky hats and jackets/shorts/pants with cool asymmetry, weird pocket placements and military inspiration. In general, I just dig the style and am trying to figure out where I can shop for clothes like this - online or otherwise. I live in Portland, OR.
posted by red_rabbit to clothing, beauty, & fashion at 7:04 PM - 4 answers

Sister in law just got engaged. I'm not super excited. How do I fake it 'till I make it? [more inside]
posted by kat518 to human relations at 7:01 PM - 27 answers

What album or band would a good girl who wants to be "bad" listen to in 1991? [more inside]
posted by space cat to society & culture at 6:59 PM - 25 answers

What, if any, horror films feature the retaliation of ghosts of enslaved Africans, similar in concept to movies that are built around Native American spirits taking revenge against (white) Americans? [more inside]
posted by thadman to media & arts at 6:46 PM - 10 answers

I had reconstructive surgery to close a carcinoma wound this week and the surgeon rushed and botched the stitching. I did everything I could think of to have it seen. Now I don't want to see him for my scheduled appointment next week. I also have to keep things open with insurance and other area surgeons for a possible scar correction after a year. More inside. [more inside]
posted by R2WeTwo to health & fitness at 6:42 PM - 5 answers

What are good sources for finding out about new and forthcoming horror books? I'm not talking about anything with vampires and/or werewolves, I mean books that really inspire a sense of dread or fear.
posted by lirael2008 to media & arts at 6:38 PM - 0 answers

I'm looking for songs that will help me incorporate fingerpicking into my guitar practice. What are some good songs to start out on? [more inside]
posted by quiet coyote to sports, hobbies, & recreation at 6:25 PM - 6 answers

I adore Dana Fuchs' covers in Across the Universe. Help me find more songs like this? [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog to media & arts at 6:05 PM - 1 answer

Where can I go get antiques on a day trip out of NYC? [more inside]
posted by ch1x0r to travel & transportation at 5:58 PM - 8 answers

My familiarity with exercise footwear is limited to my running shoes. What should I be looking for in a gym shoe? [more inside]
posted by sillymama to health & fitness at 4:53 PM - 7 answers

Getting started with making beaded jewelry. Looking for tips and inspiration. [more inside]
posted by imalaowai to sports, hobbies, & recreation at 4:37 PM - 3 answers

Recommendations for a clean, simple, functional writing app that will sync documents between a desktop Mac, ipad, and iphone/ipod touch. [more inside]
posted by The ____ of Justice to computers & internet at 4:33 PM - 4 answers

Normally, an unexpected $10,000 check in the mail would be super. Not f it comes from a secret surprise student loan. Help me fix this please! [more inside]
posted by Salvor Hardin to work & money at 3:07 PM - 10 answers

Have you read Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delaney? Was it worth it? [more inside]
posted by holdkris99 to education at 2:57 PM - 25 answers

Are there really Java viruses? [more inside]
posted by DarkForest to computers & internet at 2:26 PM - 8 answers

We've only been dating for a few months. He doesn't want to get married, ever. I do. What now? [more inside]
posted by anotheraccount to human relations at 2:01 PM - 70 answers

How to deal with severe depression and delusions? Where do I go from here? Special snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by Gosha_Dog to health & fitness at 1:50 PM - 7 answers

I've had pretty much constant heartburn for a few months and I've completely miserable. What can I do and do I need a new doctor? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to health & fitness at 1:33 PM - 13 answers

How do I buy a car as cheaply as possible? [more inside]
posted by Weeping_angel to travel & transportation at 1:25 PM - 18 answers

A year-and-a-half ago, I asked for your advice about grad school in philosophy. I have since ignored it, applied, and am now trying to decide where to go. Help me out! [more inside]
posted by resiny to education at 12:56 PM - 35 answers

How do I get over the sudden fear, anxiety, frustration and embarrassment I feel when learning a new skill? [more inside]
posted by Shebear to health & fitness at 12:53 PM - 14 answers

Staff member's MacBook (four years old or so, probably running osx 10.4 to 10.6, I'm not sure on this) has a dead screen. I have a back-up machine for them, and want to migrate them to the new machine... The old computer boots, I can JUST barely see the screen enough to log in, but after that, can't see enough to do anything. I can attach an external monitor (I've tried two different monitors, the result is the same), it boots to the initial starry background, and although I can log onto the computer as noted above, the external monitor never changes from that background. No windows, no menu bar, no dock, just that background and the cursor arrow. [more inside]
posted by HuronBob to computers & internet at 12:49 PM - 7 answers

Are there any words in English whose letters, when rearranged in every possible order, form a word in every case? Example: son-- sno, nos, nso, osn, etc. Obviously this is not a correct answer. If so, is there a word for it?
posted by bq to writing & language at 12:31 PM - 21 answers

USA federal income tax question relating to AMT and state income tax refunds. Very much a #firstworldproblems sort of thing. [more inside]
posted by commander_cool to work & money at 12:00 PM - 2 answers

New runner...with 41-year-old knees. I am doing a decent amount of running for the first time ever, and have been pleased with how much my endurance has improved pretty quickly. BUT, I have a couple of questions: 1) does running surface matter a whole bunch; and 2) how to best prevent knee injury. (More below) [more inside]
posted by pantarei70 to health & fitness at 11:51 AM - 21 answers

Stick with Photoshop 6.0, or buy Elements 10? [more inside]
posted by Marky to computers & internet at 11:41 AM - 4 answers

How do you divide frozen foods, especially meat, between two freezers? We have a regular refrigerator-freezer in the kitchen for items used daily. Then there's a back-up refrigerator-freezer in the garage for beer and meats that we buy in bulk and freeze until we need them. I can't figure out a good system for deciding which meats get stored in the kitchen freezer and which get stored in the garage. Every method I try gets all confused within a month or two. So how do you do it?
posted by DrGail to home & garden at 11:16 AM - 11 answers

Has anyone ever tried to sit in an empty First Class seat on a flight when their actual seat is in economy? [more inside]
posted by zain to travel & transportation at 10:59 AM - 17 answers

Pigeon prognosis? [more inside]
posted by kengraham to pets & animals at 10:43 AM - 4 answers

I wish I was a athletic/jogging/tennis shoe enthusiast: I need help in identifying the type/brand/shoe of this particular pair seen in a particular photo. [more inside]
posted by muymuy to shopping at 10:40 AM - 3 answers

I want to propose to my girlfriend. My budget is $750 or less, ideally $500 or less. She loves diamond solitaries or the 3 stone rings. She wants something less then 1/2 carat. My questions are: [more inside]
posted by snow_mac to clothing, beauty, & fashion at 10:39 AM - 16 answers

How soon should I be paid for work I have done? [more inside]
posted by marienbad to law & government at 10:30 AM - 4 answers

I manage my contacts in Outlook on Computer 1. I manage my iPhone on Computer 2. I don't want to put Outlook on Computer 2, and I don't want to connect my iPhone to Computer 1. How can I best keep my contacts up-to-date on my iPhone? [more inside]
posted by NotMyselfRightNow to computers & internet at 10:17 AM - 4 answers

Investing for the Fearful: I have a fair amount of savings, but haven't been investing most of it for fear of another 2008-style stock market crisis. Is there a low risk way to start investing without feeling like I'm gambling on my life savings? [more inside]
posted by deathpanels to work & money at 9:53 AM - 10 answers

i don't want to be tagged in ugly pictures of myself [more inside]
posted by thischarmingirl to clothing, beauty, & fashion at 9:21 AM - 14 answers

What are the three most important features in a stroller? What three features do NOT matter in a stroller? [more inside]
posted by the young rope-rider to grab bag at 9:09 AM - 34 answers

What is this mysterious thing I bought in an Asian grocery? [more inside]
posted by Toekneesan to food & drink at 8:59 AM - 14 answers

Getting sober and/or working towards your dreams: before, after or simultaneously? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to human relations at 8:58 AM - 20 answers

Mid-40's father having nervous breakdown over money woes and long standing relationship to money. [more inside]
posted by littleredwagon to work & money at 8:26 AM - 24 answers

I need a tactful but clear way to correct stereotype-based assumptions about my abilities. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to human relations at 8:07 AM - 32 answers

Is there any place in NYC where I can refill a bottle of Dr. Bronner's soap? [more inside]
posted by bookwibble to grab bag at 7:47 AM - 5 answers

At univerisity in the 90s there was a book in the library which featured (as far as I recall) a man in a darkened room with electricity being passed through him sentried on either side by men in white coats (not an electric chair). The caption was "Odyssey of Pain". I have a feeling it was from a LIFE Magazine collection -- it suited their style -- but I was hoping someone might be able to confirm I've not been imagining it all these years.
posted by feelinglistless to media & arts at 7:30 AM - 5 answers

Our cat isn't eating or drinking. He's been to vet, but doesn't seem to be getting better. Please help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to pets & animals at 7:22 AM - 14 answers

Any personal recommendations for Manhattan hotel that is clean and won't totally break the bank? I'm thinking ideally ~$200. It would be for Feb 25th (Saturday, a week from today). Private bath a must. [more inside]
posted by Stewriffic to travel & transportation at 6:30 AM - 16 answers

My fiancé and boyfriend of several months has a troubled 10-year old who has been living with him in his studio apartment for two years, ever since her mother, with whom my boyfriend has no relationship, was hospitalized for mental health issues. The little girl has very low frustration tolerance and throws tantrums or starts crying at the slightest sign of not getting what she wants. On these occasions I try to keep out of the way and let her father handle her. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to human relations at 6:17 AM - 29 answers

I'm thinking about getting an Obi110 VOIP appliance to replace our T-Mobile @Home service that's set to expire soon and keeping us tethered to an expensive plan. Is Google Voice the best service to go with, or should I go for another SIP voip provider? 911, either built in or third party, is a must. [more inside]
posted by mccarty.tim to technology at 6:16 AM - 4 answers

What is the name of this distorted guitar riff that's been playing the past couple months on a television commercial? [more inside]
posted by pallen123 to media & arts at 6:05 AM - 16 answers

Metafilter, can you help me remember the name of this website/startup that is in the back of my mind that I saw about 6 months ago and now cannot find? The site was a wiki style site that took a TV series or book and/or movie and extracted all the other books and music and films that were referenced in it. The site gave you summaries of these references and itunes and youtube links so that you could immerse yourself in the "universe" of a particular show/book. So kind of a similar idea to the madmen unbuttoned blog but more like a wiki. I have it in mind that this was a startup of some kind that was just starting out and thought that it was called little monsters or little devils or green monsters or something along those lines. (but trying everything I could think of along those lines turned up nothing so that may be a red herring!) I've been continually amazed by the power of the metafilter hive mind to solve this kind of query in the past, so thought I would give it a shot. Thanks.
posted by Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory to computers & internet at 5:39 AM - 4 answers

Indiana Jones, Romancing the Stone, National Treasure, The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec and even Tomb Raider and Sahara. I love all these movies. Recommend me more of the same, please!
posted by slimepuppy to media & arts at 5:07 AM - 30 answers

Lying under oath: what would a likely penalty be for a plaintiff who commits perjury? [more inside]
posted by aimeedee to law & government at 3:47 AM - 10 answers

My iPad 1 is stuck in a shutdown-reboot loop. I put it onto maximum brightness to use it outside, while attached to power. The app I was using, a graphically intensive game, drained it dry anyway. Now it is stuck in a situation where it charges up enough to start up, starts up, and being on max brightness, drains itself dry and shuts down again before I can get to the menu. The rocker switch is set to volume not brightness. I have tried various combinations of buttons. Any ideas?
posted by aeschenkarnos to computers & internet at 2:13 AM - 8 answers

February 17

How can I get my new subordinate to stop whining about having to do their job, and actually do their job? (Also - is it me?) Also - in an interview to replace this person, what kind of questions can I ask to ensure I don't get another person like this? Long, rambling details about long rambling e-mails inside.... [more inside]
posted by Lt. Bunny Wigglesworth to human relations at 11:40 PM - 56 answers

If I'm just cooking for myself, should I buy a smaller oven? [more inside]
posted by lunchbox to home & garden at 11:06 PM - 14 answers