You do not defeat terrorism by rewarding terrorists, regardless of how many bleeding heart liberals argue otherwise. Want to know where that flawed approach leads to? Read UNIONISM DECAYED 1997-2007 - It's my first book and it explains what happens when you seeek to appease terrorists and call it peace. It's available right now for ATW readers so make sure you get your copy by emailing the editor! This is the book that dissents from the herd mentality that doing wrong can lead to being right. It doesn't and this book spells out WHY.

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Can America Trust the BBC?

"I do remember... the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles. I'll always remember that", Jane Garvey, BBC Five Live, May 10th, 2007, recalling May 2nd, 1997.

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Risk......Defn. ..How bad can it be?

Seems as though ATW writers, when we posted on the ‘Toyota recall’, were actually mulling over ancient history, lost opportunities and the power of corporate lobbyists without being aware that it was just that; ‘ancient history’, in business terms of course. Seems as though Toyota lobbying efforts to minimise the effects of a recall motion regarding Toyota Camrys, Lexus, Avalons as well as their ‘green’ flagship model, the Prius were so successful that boasts of saving $100 million dollars were made by the lobbying company.

I am reminded of a nineties film named ‘Class Action’ starring Gene Hackney. He played a crusading attorney who sued a car manufacturer on behalf of bereaved families after the deaths of family members in the company’s cars due to a manufacturing fault built in to the car. The main theme of the manufacturer’s thinking was found to be a ‘risk analysis’ which found that it would be cheaper to let the faulty models run through their life, and fight any law suits which might result from the death. In other words the projections of actuaries for probable deaths and injured car-owners is weighed against the cost of re-tooling and re-manufacturing the car without the defect (exploding gas tanks) with the resulting decision to keep the car as-is to positively benefit short term profitability.

Now I am not accusing Toyota executives of taking the same road, of avoiding their responsibilities to their customers, but it seems to me as though the evidence is on the side of those who state that Toyota is guilty of a huge error of judgement in grasping at the ‘recall’ of one type of floormat as a solution to their problems.

Indeed, I wonder if you agree with Michael Rowan, the attorney for Dustin Ricardo's survivors: a daughter, now 4, and a wife, who said "They decided that if some people lost their lives, then so be it. It was pure greed."


Anarchy In The UK

I always think the best way of distinguishing between a child that has had good discipline in the home and one that has basically been allowed to do whatever the hell it likes is to observe what they do with their hands in public places.  A well-behaved child will, for example, follow its parents around a supermarket without so much as touching a penny sweet.   A brat, on the other hand, will pick up items, demand that they be purchased, and kick up a stink if his requests aren't granted.  Obviously it would be nice if the parents then dealt with that situation by removing the child from the area, taking him to a quiet ally, and turning his bare arse a nice shade of deep red by repeated blows of the hand.  Alas, the parents will most likely do absolutely nothing.  That's why the kid is a little pillock in the first place.

This weekend the National Trust (NT) is throwing open its doors to what it hopes will be thousands of new visitors.  The NT, for those outside the UK who may not be familiar, is a charity that owns or runs certain attractions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Scotland has its own version).  Amongst the enticements will be free parking, free admission and, most frighteningly of all, the right to pick up and handle many of the exhibits on display in stately homes, etc.  Can you imagine that?  It's like inviting a great white shark to a feeding frenzy.

At the risk of sounding like Nicholas Winterton MP when he criticised standard class rail passengers as having a different outlook on life, I really do believe the preserved treasures of this country appeal only to those of a certain class and a certain cultural outlook.  By allowing both free entry and the right to handle irreplaceable display pieces, the National Trust is inadvertently encouraging the Rab C Nesbitt types (who wouldn't know a Meissen vase from a B&Q plant pot, but who never miss a socialist-inspired opportunity to take advantage of a freebie) to come and potentially damage items that can never be salvaged once they are lost to the nation. 

Picture the following.  Nath, Mandy and their four kids - Tracey, Stacey, Kimberley and Tyler - from Sink Estate Towers in Bradford decide to pay a visit to East Riddlesden Hall in nearby Keighley.  They've never been before but Nath overhead two smokers standing in the doorway of the local WMC the other night talking about free admission, and, as he had just spent £30 on his latest neck tattoo, thought it would be a good way of taking the kids out on the cheap.  Besides, Mandy has always thought 'that Ralph Fiennes was fit as f**k'. So they go.  It soon becomes painfully apparent that, like most of today's British underclass, they know nothing and don't want to know anything as 'education is for poofs.'  Consequently, the only enjoyment they get out of it is allowing the kids to manhandle some of the very expensive items until, inevitably, one ends up in a thousand pieces all over the lacquered floor.  Kaput!  One more treasure lost forever, and for what?  To make our stately homes more attractive to a broader range of people?

Many of you will think I am being unduly conceited here.  But, believe me, there are millions of those types in this country, and a lion's share in urban northern England.  Things are best preserved by keeping the clumsy hands of the public firmly away from them.  The reputation of the NT is best preserved by retaining admission charges so that a distinction can be made between those who truly appreciate what we have as a country, and those who just want to stub out their dog-ends in the 18th century French urn in the entrance hall.




Another fig leaf for the DUP.

The DUP looks set to gain chairmanship of the Assembly scrutiny team which will monitor the new Justice Minister. But it remains unclear whether Sinn Fein or the SDLP will take up the vice-chair of the committee. The 22 chairs and vice-chairs of the existing committees are up for grabs after a decision by the procedures committee to re-run the entire process. As leader of the largest party, DUP leader Peter Robinson has first choice and is thought likely to opt for the role to scrutinise the minister — almost certainly Alliance leader David Ford. Sinn Fein appears likely to stick to its first choice of retaining the Finance Committee chair.

The reality is that EVERY decision made by the Justice Minister requires the co-First Ministers to approve it. The reality is that EVERY decision made by the Justice Minister is subject to Sinn Fein veto in the Executive.

The DUP have sold out on Policing and Justice and are desperate to get as much cover as possible. Still, I suppose the fact that the Chairman of this new Committee gets extra cash and maybe that's the main thing the DUP aspire to?



I have an article on the Education Minister Caitriona Ruane's latest attack on Prep School funding here on Open Unionism - give it a visit! 



I note that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged Turks living in foreign countries to take out citizenship of the new homelands – not to integrate, but rather to become more politically active, according to the website of news magazine Der Spiegel.

Fair enough, one more reason NOT to allow Turkey into the EU. Yet all major UK political parties support Turkey entering the EU. It's as if they actually want to see the Islamisation of Europe accelerate!



I see that police officers have been banned from asking for 'Christian' names for fear of offending other religions.

Officers taking down a suspect's particulars must now refer to their 'personal' or 'family name' as the word 'Christian' could offend Muslims, Sikhs and other faiths, according to new diversity guidelines. They state bobbies on the beat should refrain from using phrases such as 'my dear' or 'love', when addressing women for fear it may cause embarrassment or offence. Well-meaning gestures like handshakes or putting a comforting arm around a victim or grieving family member are also prohibited as it could be deemed 'unprofessional'.

Whoever in the Kent Police who issued this guidance should be sacked. It is removing the humanity from Policing in order to be politically correct through a left-wing prism.




Here's how left-wing politics works. 

The Trade Union behind BA strike receives £18m from taxpayers in ‘money-laundering’ deal with Labour, meanwhile Labour has received almost £30m from the Trade Unions and is kept financially afloat by the Unions. The Unions, themselves, represent the State sector with 85% of members working for the State.

So, the State in the form of Labour funds the Unions who fund the Labour Party. And so it goes. 



So, Pope Benedict has written a pastoral letter to the Catholics of Ireland with guidelines on preventing and punishing sexual abuse of children by priests.

This comes as more scandalous revelations come only from Ireland but also in his native Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and even Australia. What was first perceived in Rome as a series of local scandals has now escalated into a worldwide problem for the Catholic Church with new allegations emerging each week from Catholics claiming they have been victims of sexual abuse by priests.

The betrayal of the faithful by the Church is bad, the abuse of kids is worse, and the failure to get to grips with the CAUSE of all of this paedophilia is shocking. There are many in senior office today in the RC Church that need to do the decent thing and resign. Writing a letter is a poor substitute for effective leadership in this situation, don't you think? I believe that faith in God is a keystone of life but those who covered up the abuse of kids by Priests in decades now gone are a moral disgrace WHEREVER they now are to be found and should be expelled from the Church.


Kill the Bill

̿̿̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ KILL the BILL!!! ̿̿̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'

Still looking into this CBO report on Obamacare. It sounds strange. It appears to be using 10 years of taxation and only 6 or 7 years of actually providing services.


**The CBO Score, As Reported by Steny Hoyer - Kathryn Jean Lopez - The Corner on National Review Online

The CBO Score, As Reported by Steny Hoyer [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

House Budget Committee Ranking Republican Paul Ryan responds to an NRO query about the news this morning: “The Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that there is currently no official cost estimate. Yet House Democrats are touting to the press — and spinning for partisan gain — numbers that have not been released and are impossible to confirm. Rep. James Clyburn stated he was 'giddy' about these unsubstantiated numbers. This is the latest outrageous exploitation by the Majority — in this case abusing the confidentiality of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office — to pass their massive health care overhaul at any cost.”

This CBO reporting this morning really is remarkable to me — the news is simply what Steny Hoyer says it is. **

Did you see the story about Walgreens refusing new Medicaid patients?

Click to read more ...



Wall Street Journal:

"What accounts for the relentless drive to ram ObamaCare through every procedural obstacle, regardless of the political cost? Ideological zeal, from Obama himself above all, is part of the explanation, but it isn't sufficient. One can, after all, be ideologically committed to a goal without falling into a self-defeating obsession.

There seems to be an emotional desperation at work here. The legislative success of ObamaCare has become so tied up with Obama's sense of himself that he feels he must push ahead--and to some extent, the leaders in Congress feel the same way. Obama is not the calm rationalist he seemed during the campaign. But while there's a place for passion in politics, to be governed by a politician who fails to govern his passions is a frightening and creepy experience."



TalkSport listeners will have heard these two ads state central commands running lately -

Pays cash? (Well that's me stuffed). Keeps himself to himself? Sometimes closes the curtains?

Citizen, this is suspicious behaviour and evidence of an untrustworthy character. Your patriot duty is to become East German and report him.


Support your Local Council!

Until I read this report on the practices of communal burial for babies and small children whose parents were advised by the hospital that burial could be arranged for the remains of their tiny family members, I always thought we, as British people were a civilized society. I always clung to the belief that we held to certain standards, battered and abused though those standards may be!



The statement from a Southwark Lib-Dem councillor : In an ideal world we'd cover the cost of a full burial for these adults and children, but unfortunately with tighter constraints on council budgets, it's one of countless difficult decisions we have to make.”; says it all from the typical Local Government drone who really couldn’t care less about the shattering impact which hits the parents when they find out their child was buried in a MASS GRAVE along with possibly thirteen other small bodies! Buried as well over a four or six week period; during which time the grave was secured by covering it with a few wooden boards!



The adjoining picture gives a tabulated list of the mass burials in some of the richest locations in the Capital City of the United Kingdom. Note the inclusion on the list of Kensington and Chelsea, possibly the richest Borough in the Country, where the necrophiliac bastards bury 20 small bodies, remnants of love, of happiness, of wonder and of grief; all in the same dirt in the ground!


You might read of the amazing services provided by all the Councils listed alongside, but you won’t read anywhere of the disgusting manner they treat the poor, the stricken and the grieving who reside within their boundaries!


Meet You in Washington!

UPDATE:  Jon Voight will be there.  A true Patriot.

From  Take the Townhall to Washington :

“Come to the Rally in Washington this Saturday, March 20 at noon.

Stay tuned to this website for exact locationDrop every thing you're doing. Pack the kids.

Get in the car. We can stop Obamacare, but we need everyone's help right now!”


Americans overwhelmingly dislike ObamaCare.  Yet, our genius President, Barack Obama, is willing to tear up the constitution in order to save face.  His face.  To Hell with everybody else!  To Hell with Democrats in Congress up for reelection this November!  It’s all about Obama, all the time!

Go to Washington DC this Saturday if you can.  Tell Congress that they work for the American peole, not the egotistical ideologue currently in the White House.  

I'll be there in spirit.



Crime deterent in Central Florida:  if you rob at gunpoint, you might get shot. Self-defense is a beautiful thing.

"OCOEE -- An Orange County man is recovering after a shootout in front of his home.

It happened around 12:30 a.m. Tuesday in the 1800 block of Pomegranate Court.

Police said the homeowner, Dave Henry, had just returned home from work and was pulling into his garage when he saw a suspicious car near his home.

That's when they said two suspects got out of the car and tried to rob the homeowner.

However, Henry pulled out his own gun and a shootout started.

One of the suspects, identified as David Lee Butler, 37, was shot and killed by Henry. The other suspect got away.

Police said Henry had a concealed weapons permit and is not facing any charges."


He Was The Brightest Man in the Senate

Atleast that's what the Press said about him. Now He's the Vice President. I give you "Plugs" Biden

Biden mistakenly blesses Irish leader's mother

WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden asked for God's blessing for the late mother of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen during a White House celebration of St. Patrick's Day — except the elderly lady is very much alive.

"God rest her soul," Biden said Wednesday night as he introduced Cowen and President Barack Obama. He quickly caught himself and noted that it's Cowen's father who is no longer living. Of the prime minister's mother, Biden said, "God bless her soul."

Biden then cited the Irish proverb that "a silent mouth is sweet to hear" and yielded the podium to the president.


Alright, Jack?

Jack and Jill went up the hill,

            To fetch a bucket of water,

Jill came down with half-a-crown,

            But not for carrying water!

 The news that Nissan will be building its new Electric Leaf car in the North-East’s Washington plant was signalled as good news for everyone. Good for the car builders, good for the work-starved region, good for Britain, good for Europe, the planet and; for all I know, for the entire Universe.

So, everyone is happy that the first mass-produced fully-Electric car, labelled as the first Carbon-Neutral vehicle, with absolutely no emissions of the dread Carbon Dioxide, the deadly gas which of course threatens us all, will be built near where I live in Durham City. Not everyone of course! There is still a healthy body of sceptical people; sensible, thinking people, who just won’t be persuaded that, by sacrificing all of the benefits of an industrialised world, the human race can avert a man-made crisis. That body, of which I am proud to be counted, is still to be convinced that whatever warming there is, has not been affected one single jot by all the CO2 produced in this world.

To label this vehicle as Carbon-Neutral is of course the first of the Big Lies, similar of course to the foul Propaganda of Goebbels, to be prodded and pushed into the minds of a gullible public. Not of course that they need to prod or push very much, as the average British consumer doesn’t hold out long if the statement is repeated often enough, they take it as gospel. For proof of that particular statement, look no further than the fact that the good electors of Sedgefield took one Anthony Charles Lynton Blair as a ordinary prospective Labour Party M.P., without looking beneath the veneer and discovering a lying, thieving, cheating, unscrupulous criminal just beneath the surface!

In it’s primary emissions, the Leaf may well be Neutral, but where does the electricity come from to charge up it’s hugely expensive batteries? From a mixture of coal, gas and nuclear-powered generating stations of course. Not, as it has been explained by those expensive Government adverts, from the even more hugely expensive and heavily-subsidised batteries of wind turbines which befoul our hills, moorlands and seashores. Not from the turbines? Perhaps it has not been explained, perhaps on purpose, that in order to generate all the power to run our country, there would have to be another 27,000 huge wind turbines just to make a sizeable impact on the power amounts needed. Why so many? Because of course the bloody wind doesn’t blow all the time in the right places.

One question that the Nissan managing director didn’t answer, mainly because it wasn’t asked; is what the cost of the battery would be? Not the car, which, as he did state, would be comparable with other internal-combustion engined cars, but the battery, which would cost another £5,000.00. So how many British consumers know that they are subsidising all the Lithium-Ion battery production in the U.K.?


We all could guess where Jill got the cash from, and Jack knew; but we are never told about the true cost of so-called ‘Green Energy’!



The eco-tyrants seek to strike again.

"Householders could be fined up to £1,000 if they fail to comply with complex new rules on refuse sorting. Food scraps, tea bags and vegetable peelings thrown into the wrong dustbin could land them with hefty penalties under government plans to be unveiled today. Families could end up with five different bins and receptacles - including compulsory slop buckets for food waste - and be forced to sift through rubbish for anything that can be recycled, reused or converted into electricity. The proposals are the brainchild of environment secretary Hilary Benn, who wants to banish all food, cans, paper and glass from landfill sites to increase recycling rates and slash greenhouse gas emissions. Residents who persistently flout the rules by not sorting rubbish properly or refusing to recycle would be fined.

Same mantra. Use the AGW green agenda to punish people. What a load of old rubbish! Why do these people not realise that using the stick to coerce us to embrace their agenda simply alienates and irritates?



Did you see that more than 500 doctors are being mobilised to assess whether the 2.6 million people on incapacity benefit can work?

Yvette Cooper, the Work and Pensions Secretary, will announce next week that claimants will be told when they will be tested, and to be ready to work. The Government has promised to cut the number of such claimants, who cost £12.5 billion a year, by one million over the next five years. At the planned rate of 10,000 assessments a week, however, it will take until 2015 for doctors to examine all those receiving the benefit. The programme is a key part of Budget measures to get people back into jobs, saving up to £4 billion a year.

Those deemed capable of work will be told they can receive only jobseeker’s allowance of £64.30 a week, rather than employment support allowance, which is replacing incapacity benefit and pays up to £30 a week more. Conservatives say the Government has fostered a culture of dependency, with half of such claimants having received the benefit for more than five years.

The motivation to claim incapacity benefit is obvious but so is the political benefit. Rather than seeing the numbers claiming jobseekers allowance swell it is much more convenient to see those on incapacity rise. Until now. 



Did you read that Iran is assisting al Qaeda by facilitating links between senior terrorist leaders and affiliate groups? So says the commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of the U.S. Central Command, also said Iran's nuclear program is facing problems, and as a result, Tehran is not expected to emerge with a nuclear weapon this year.

The exact details of when U.S. intelligence agencies estimate Iran will have a nuclear bomb are classified, but the timeline for developing a nuclear device has "thankfully slid to the right a bit," he said. On Tehran's ties to al Qaeda, Gen. Petraeus said the group "continues to use Iran as a key facilitation hub, where facilitators connect al Qaedas senior leadership to regional affiliates."

Good. If there is going to be some slide on the timelines of the Mullahs getting nukes then that can be usefully filled by attacking their nuclear sites and reducing them to dust. 



Has the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland a death-wish?

A senior member of the Roman Catholic Church has provoked outrage after he said he would not stop a child being abused if it breached the confidentiality of a paedophile. Monsignor Maurice Dooley was speaking amid calls for Cardinal Brady’s resignation over a failure to tell police about one of Ireland’s most notorious paedophile priests, Father Brendan Smyth.

Is he right? Should the confidentiality of a paedophile be respected at all costs and should the price be continued child abuse? I don't think so. I think this man is a disgrace and should be thrown out of the Church. Those who prey on our children deserve no prayers and Dooley should be ashamed of his comments in my view. Your thoughts?