The New Zonka Blog: Main Page
June 30th, 2009 - 08:28:46 by Zonka

Blog closing…

столовеI have decided to close down this blog, as it doesn’t seem likely that I will start publishing on it regularly in the foreseeable future. Instead I will concentrate on my Danish Blog instead. I will leave a door slightly ajar for future blogging in other languages than Danish, and that is if I can find a better blogging platform, where it becomes easier to have different sections within the same framework, and not being individual domains, setups, databases, etc. In other words more simple to manage. I am looking into the possibility to use Drupal for this purpose, but don’t expect to see a switch just yet…

As for the practical matters of closing this blog down, it will still be visible on the net, although there will be no new posts (unless I reverse my decission), and commenting on the articles will be turned off.

January 13th, 2009 - 00:30:21 by Zonka

Blog going into hiatus…

I will concentrate on writing to my Danish language blog for the time being… When time and energy allows I will return to updating this blog or if something pressing must be written about ;)

January 1st, 2009 - 00:38:22 by Zonka

Le dernier mot: Washingtonian madness

The following was received by email, the farewell column in the Chronicles Magazine from Srjda Trifkovic. It is a sombering read about the statism of both parties in the US and how they are going to wreck the fabric of the US as we know it, and possibly the rest of the world in the process.

Le dernier mot: Washingtonian madness

by Srdja Trifkovic

My farewell column has a melancholy air not only because all partings are inherently sad, but because the times are genuinely grim. The world is changing… not for the better, and America is making a disproportionate contribution to the process. There is a malaise at the very core of this country’s foreign-policymaking, on both sides of the dominant duopoly in Washington. At its poles there may be differences over tactics and means, but the alleged necessity of America’s continued, open-ended “engagement” in faraway lands is never questioned – and it will not be questioned under the new regime.

The madness is an amorphous beast, and it is still remarkably unaffected by the awful financial and economic reality. It has many names — multiculturalism, one-worldism, tolerantism, inclusivism, antidiscriminationism — that demand engagement abroad and wide-open doors at home. Both abroad and at home, the impulse is neurotic; its justification, gnostic. It reflects the collective loss of nerve, faith, and identity of a diseased society, producing a self-destructive malaise that is literally unprecedented in history.

The intoxication is the arrogant belief that our reason and our science and our technology can resolve all the dilemmas and challenges of our existence, and, in particular, that enlightened abstractions — democracy, human rights, free markets — can be spread across the world and are capable of transforming it in a way that would ultimately turn Muhammads into Joes (which is what they all want, we are assured, or would choose only if they could think clearly). Both the madness and the intoxication have a “left,” essentially Wilsonian, narrative (one-world, postnational, compassionate, multilateralist, therapeutic) and a “right,” or neoconservative, one (democracy-exporting, interventionist, monopolar, boastfully self-aggrandizing).

Though differing in practice, both outlooks are utopian and firmly rooted in the legacy of the Enlightenment and the rejection of any power independent of “the market” and the ostensible will of the multitude. Both hold that Man is naturally good and improvable, that human conflict is unnatural and vanquishable, that chaos and bloodshed around the world are primarily the fruits of some flawed policies of the West (Wilsonians) or the result of our insufficient “engagement” (neoconservatives).

The former find remedies in endless self-examination, in the supranational mechanisms of “collective security” controlled by themselves, and in the promotion of “dialogue” with every Third World tyrant and madman, for as long as he declares a grievance against us. The latter rely on the use of force to impose their benevolent global order on a supposedly grateful pre-postmodern humanity. Both are determined to make the world as they want it to be rather than to deal with the world as it is. This produces policies that are invariably flawed, often evil, and occasionally fatal. Both are united in their loathing of the realist view of America not as an ever-expanding empire but as a republic with definable borders and interests rooted in her history, culture, and tradition. When a realist warns of the Hobbesian nature of the real world and advocates national interest as the foundation of this country’s external affairs, they both cry in unison, “Isolationism!” “Racism!” or some other ism.

It is incorrect to describe Wilsonianism and neoconservatism as two “schools” of foreign policy. They are, rather, two sects of the same Western heresy that has its roots in the Renaissance and its fruits in liberal democracy. Their shared denominational genes are recognizable not in what they seek but in what they reject: polities based on national and cultural commonalities; durable elites and constitutions; and independent economies. Both view all permanent values and institutions with unrestrained hostility. Both exalt state power and reject any political tradition based on the desirability of limited government at home and nonintervention in foreign affairs. Both claim to favor the “market” but advocate a kind of state capitalism managed by the transnational apparatus of global financial and regulatory institutions.Their shared core belief — that society should be managed by the state in both its political and its economic life — is equally at odds with the tenets of the liberal left and those of the traditional right. Far from being “patriotic” in any conventional sense, they both reject the real, historic America in favor of a propositional construct devoid of all organic bonds and collective memories.

The two sects’ deep-seated distaste for the traditional societies, regimes, and religion of the European continent was manifested in President Clinton’s war against the Serbs in 1999 and in their unanimous support for Kosovo’s independence today.

For the same reason, they share a visceral Russophobia, a soft spot for Chechen jihadists, and a commitment to NATO expansion. Both Wilsonians and neoconservatives are united in opposing democracy in postcommunist Eastern Europe, lest it produce governments that will base the recovery of their ravaged societies on the revival of the family, sovereign nationhood, and the Christian Faith. Inevitably, they have joined forces in creating and funding political parties and NGOs east of the Trieste-Stettin Line that promote the entire spectrum of postmodern isms that have atomized America and the rest of the West for the past four decades. From Bratislava to Bucharest to Belgrade, both present the embrace of deviancy, perversion, and morbidity as the litmus test of an aspirant’s “Western” clubbability. Ultimately, both sects share the Straussian dictum that the perpetual manipulation of hoi polloi by those in power is necessary because they need to be told what is good for them.

The essential similarity of Wilsonians and neoconservatives is apparent.The inability of most patriotic, traditionalist Middle Americans to recognize that similarity and its implications is a problem. They have no difficulty in recognizing the weirdness or evil of, say, Hillary Clinton, but they would be hard-pressed to detect identical traits in an equally radical sectarian who has morphed into a self-styled “conservative” of the Weekly Standard variety. As Brian Mitchell notes in the conclusion to his book Eight Ways to Run the Country, the obvious disharmony between the genuine conservatism of ancient ideals mdash; whether Anglo-American or orthodox Christian — and the ruthlessly new ideology of “democratic capitalism” embodied in Michael Ledeen’s Creative Destructionism is lost on the average “Red” American who votes Republican and watches FOX News:

It remains to be seen how far capitalism will carry us before social conservatives awake to its dangers. When free men are allowed to amass great fortunes from global rackets in gambling, pornography, prostitution, narcotics, weaponry, and usury, the permanent things can only expect short shrift. Ultimately, such unrestrained capitalism is on the side of our enslavers. In a thoroughly capitalist world, men will buy and sell each other. Only a power independent of the free market can save us from the slave market.

Historically, Mitchell notes, only two institutions have been up to the task: the institutions of nondemocratic governments that guard against accumulation of wealth outside government control, and a unified Christian Church whose wealth and power are committed to nonmarket purposes. “Democracy alone is no match for the market,” Mitchell concludes, “for democracy is itself a market, selling power to the highest bidder.” Indeed, democracy in America is a corrupt “democratic process” run by an elite class that conspires both to make secondary issues important and to treat important issues as either irrelevant or illegitimate: One party may be in; another, out; but the regime is in power permanently.

The global power of the Wilsonian-neoconservative regime is unlikely to be broken incrementally by an America gradually coming to her senses. It will indeed be broken, but the price will be paid in Middle American blood and treasure. We cannot know when and how this will happen — but happen, it will. We cannot know what will be the theme of after-dinner discussions a hundred years hence, but we do know it will not be the global grandeur of the liberal-democratic-capitalist Pax Americana.

December 29th, 2008 - 21:10:11 by Zonka

The Fall of the USA in 2010???

It is certainly not the first crackpot theory that have been put out into the open, and I doubt very much that it will come true, however, there are certain elements of dissolution in most Western countries, and forces that are working to break down the cohesion of the fabric of the nation states, so I will not rule out a breakdown of the US or other Western powers. But I will not be betting on it and I will give it less than 5% chance of happening before 2010. But anyway on with the story…

For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument — that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. — very seriously. Now he’s found an eager audience: Russian state media.

Divided States
Igor PanarinRussian Analyst Igor Panarin

In recent weeks, he’s been interviewed as much as twice a day about his predictions. “It’s a record,” says Prof. Panarin. “But I think the attention is going to grow even stronger.”

Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations.


“There’s a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur,” he says. “One could rejoice in that process,” he adds, poker-faced. “But if we’re talking reasonably, it’s not the best scenario — for Russia.” Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage, he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S.

Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces — with Alaska reverting to Russian control.


He based the forecast on classified data supplied to him by FAPSI analysts, he says. He predicts that economic, financial and demographic trends will provoke a political and social crisis in the U.S. When the going gets tough, he says, wealthier states will withhold funds from the federal government and effectively secede from the union. Social unrest up to and including a civil war will follow. The U.S. will then split along ethnic lines, and foreign powers will move in.

California will form the nucleus of what he calls “The Californian Republic,” and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of “The Texas Republic,” a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an “Atlantic America” that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls “The Central North American Republic.” Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.

“It would be reasonable for Russia to lay claim to Alaska; it was part of the Russian Empire for a long time.” A framed satellite image of the Bering Strait that separates Alaska from Russia like a thread hangs from his office wall. “It’s not there for no reason,” he says with a sly grin.

Interest in his forecast revived this fall when he published an article in Izvestia, one of Russia’s biggest national dailies. In it, he reiterated his theory, called U.S. foreign debt “a pyramid scheme,” and predicted China and Russia would usurp Washington’s role as a global financial regulator.

Americans hope President-elect Barack Obama “can work miracles,” he wrote. “But when spring comes, it will be clear that there are no miracles.”

Read the whole story at Wall Street Journal: As if Things Weren’t Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.

December 29th, 2008 - 17:10:51 by Zonka

Minor Layout Change…

I have slightly changed the layout of the blog, to make it a bit more aestetically appealing – at least to me… Further changes may appear without prior warning… :D

December 29th, 2008 - 12:27:47 by Zonka

Israel’s Struggle…

There has been a slight change in at least some MSM’s attitude towards the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians (and other enemies of Israel). The knee-jerk reaction of blaming Israel for a disproportionate response (any response) towards the continued attacks by Hamas and others, has been toned down and in some cases it seems that reason has even begun to enter the editorials of some MSM, like the following from the Danish Daily Jyllands-Posten:

Editorial: Israel’s Struggle

Link – Published: 2008.12.29 – 03:00 — Translation: Zonka;

As horrifying as the images from Gaza in these days may appear, it is necessary to constantly keep the roots of this conflict in focus. Israel – surrounded by enemies, who wishes to remove the Jewish state from the map – is in a struggle for survival. That is the starting point.

Israel has a selfevident right to defend itself. The violence, terror and the war comes from Gaza and is forced on the sole democracy in the Middle-East, Israel, who then reacts with a completely legitimate »Enough is enough«.

One can discus the proportions in the military response, although it must be recognized that Israel seems to take considerations of the civil population of Gaza, that the nature of war otherwise makes difficult: According to news agencies approximately 180 of the 250 killed are regular Hamas-warriors.

However there is a reason to keep remembering the fundamental conditions in this endless war between Israel and the terror organizations, that surrounds the country, because in such a tragic conflict a false symmetry quickly appears, clearly stated in the phrase »They are equally guilty. Nobody has anything to let the other hear«.

This is and remains manipulation; a morally and intellectual knee-jerk for the violence and terror. The two parties aren’t equally guilty. The violence goes one way – and releases a response. Israel has throughout the years given its enemies all chances. They have been rejected. The violence have on the contrary been escalated:

After a massive international pressure Israel withdrew from Southern Lebanon. Have this led to peace? No, the rockets continued to rain down over Israel, so a military response on this front became unavoidable last Summer.

After a massive international pressure Israel withdrew in 2005 from Gaza. Have this led to peace? No, rockets and mortar shells have ever since rained down on Israel – according to Israeli calculations 6,300 rockets and shells since then(!). A military response was also here unavoidable.

Gaza is one large catastrophe. The humanitarian conditions are horrible. 1.5 million people are pressed together on a small area. The structures of society have all broken apart. The only thing that still works is apparently the military structure and the will to constantly challenge Israel.

Is that the fault of Israel? When will the international community hold the changing Palestinian regimes responsible? For decades the West have pumped a dazzling amount of money into Gaza. Denmark have contributed generously as well. Money that was meant for common Palestinians and in an effort to make the region better able to take care of itself. What have become of that money? Well, the international community slowly realizes what the corrupt-to-the-core Yassir Arafat used the billions at. He spent it on a two-digit number of security services in addition to keeping his private accounts abroad fully stocked.

What Hamas uses the energy and money at is beginning to be equally clear. They have built up to 700 tunnels under the border to Egypt, which is being used to smuggle weapons into Gaza, and they have thrown themselves into a simultaneous battle on life and death agains the competing Fatah organization.

Israel cannot be responsible in any way for the changing leaders of the Palestinians, taking their own population as hostages in a darkened, fundamentalist battle. Israel is essentially a Western outpost in this struggle, which is underlined by, that on all of Israels fronts Iran is pulling the strings.

We must understand Israels position. But naturally friends should also by criticised, when there is reason for it.

Indeed a new tune from the MSM, and broadly in alignment with what a lot of the “evil” right-wing bloggers have been saying for years. That Israel have a fundamental right in defending itself against its enemies, and more than that it seems that at least some MSM is beginning to pick up the underlying ideological reasons for the neverending conflict between Israel and its islamic neighbors and enemies, although they’re still only scratching the surface, it is at least a good start.

December 25th, 2008 - 21:37:58 by Zonka

Merry Christmas to Everyone…

A very merry and enjoyable Christmas is wished to each and everyone out there. I will let my favorite Christmas carol accompany my greetings and best wishes…

I usually don’t care much for Celine Dion, but she has the perfect voice for this carol, but if you prefer an alternative version of the song by four “Celtic angels” you can Click here instead.

December 8th, 2008 - 20:36:52 by Zonka

Pakistania Delenda…

I have received the following essay by Srdja Trifkovic by email, and it provides an interesting and provocative idea of how to eliminate the threat that Pakistan is posing as hotbed for terrorist organizations, helped by the corrupt system inside Pakistan, and not by outright war, by by not propping up the Pakistani regime, and helping separatist movements and tribal factions inside the Pakistan state.

Pakistania Delenda

by Srdja Trifkovic

That India should accuse Pakistan of involvement in recent Islamic-terrorist outrages in Bombay was to be expected. That the accusation would turn out to be so well founded so quickly, was not. The only lasting solution to the problem of Pakistan is the disappearance of Pakistan from the political map of the world. This goal is realistic, but it cannot be achieved by overt war because of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. It can be achieved, however, by exploiting Pakistan’s fundamental weakness: its ethnic, regional and tribal disunity. Actively supported by the civilized world, India need not send any terrorists to Pakistan. She should merely provide support to Baluch, Sindhi, and Northwestern tribal separatists – support of the kind that Islamabad has been giving to Kashmiri jihadists for decades. A Pakistan-free world would be a better and safer world. It can be done and it should be done.

U.S. counterterrorism officials now support India’s claims of Pakistan’s involvement in the attacks in Bombay. They have identified Pakistan’s powerful Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as the key source of support, finance, and protection for the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Islamic terrorist group that almost certainly carried out last month’s attacks. If Pakistan’s involvement is proven – Islamabad’s usual denials notwithstanding – for the non-Muslim world this should be the final straw: proof positive that Pakistan is an irredeemably flawed entity, inherently unable to turn itself into a stable polity or a benign global presence, let alone a half-decent regional neighbor. It needs to be quarantined and its disintegration along its many ethnic-tribal lines actively encouraged.

The problem of Pakistan has been addressed in this column twice over the past six months.

Commenting the resignation of Pakistan’s former president (Musharraf, Out of Tricks, News & Views, August 20), we noted that the myth of Pakistan as an ally of the United States in the “War on Terrorism” should be laid to rest, because that country

remains the epicenter of global jihad, a breeding ground for the new echelons of “martyrs,” and it meets the criteria for a slot on the Axis of Evil. In fact, Pakistan is an enormous Jihadi campus in which some ten thousand madrassas prepare over one million students for the Holy War… It can hardly be otherwise in a country founded on the pillars of Islamic orthodoxy. [It is] the worst violator of the ban on nuclear proliferation, thanks to the work of Abdul Qadeer Khan, the architect of Pakistan’s nuclear program. … He felt that giving nuclear technology to a Muslim country was not a crime. The sentiment is shared by Pakistan’s elite, military as well as civilian, as befits the first modern state to be established on openly Islamic principles.

For as long as the country’s Islamic character is explicitly upheld, we warned, Pakistan cannot reform itself without undermining the religious rationale for its very existence. We concluded that there should be “fewer illusions in Washington about the nature of Pakistan’s problems — and about the problem of Pakistan for the rest of the world.”

Two months earlier we focused on the role of the ISI in supporting Islamic insurgents in Afghanistan (Pakistan, The Taliban’s Indispensable Ally, News & Views, June 11), prompted by a major study by the RAND Corporation that accused “individuals within Pakistan’s government” of effectively crippling American attempts to stabilize the country:

Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan, funded by the Pentagon, merely confirms what Chronicles readers have known for years: that the regime in Islamabad is unwilling and unable to act in any manner inconsistent with its Islamic roots and ethos… If we look at the growing list of terrorist attacks and foiled plots in North America and Western Europe, it is evident that plots stemming from the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region are the single most important threat to Western security… The long list of Pakistan’s proven or suspected links with numerous terrorist attacks in recent years – and notably the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005 – illustrate the ambivalent role of Pakistan in the “War on Terrorism.” The ability of the establishment in Islamabad to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds has been an affront to all enemies of jihad for years.

And finally, on the occasion of Pakistan’s 60th anniversary last year we noted that the ISI is a key link in the global network of Islamic terrorism (Pakistan at 60: A Most Uncertain Ally, News & Views, August 17, 2007):

Not only Taliban but most other Islamic extremist and terrorist movements all over the world were born out of ideas conceived in the battlefields of Afghanistan and subsequently matured and spread from Pakistan’s political, military, and religious establishment. These movements enjoyed the support of the Pakistani military-intelligence structures, and most notably its powerful Inter-Service Intelligence Agency (ISI), a leading promoter of state-sponsored terrorism. It grew rich and mighty, thanks to the U.S. role in helping Islamic fundamentalists fight the Soviets in the 1980s.

In the aftermath of Bombay the diagnosis stands, and urgently demands suitable therapy.

The only lasting solution to the problem of Pakistan is the disappearance of Pakistan from the political map of the world. This goal is realistic, but it cannot be achieved by overt war because of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. It can be achieved, however, by exploiting Pakistan’s fundamental weakness: its ethnic, regional and tribal disunity.

In Baluchistan, a huge region bordering Iran and Afghanistan, there is a strong independence movement resulting from what Le Monde Diplomatique’s Selig S. Harrison desribes as a “slow-motion genocide” of tribesmen: “Some 6 million Baluch were forcibly incorporated into Pakistan when it was created in 1947. This is the fourth insurgency they have fought to protest against economic and political discrimination. In the most bitter insurgency, from 1973 to 1977, some 80,000 Pakistani troops and 55,000 Baluch were involved in the fighting.”

Most of Pakistan’s natural resources are in Baluchistan, including natural gas, uranium, copper and potentially rich oil reserves, yet Baluchistan remains the most impoverished area of the country. The natives are bitter, and consequently in the current insurgency – unlike that over three decades ago – Islamabad has not been able to play off feuding tribes against each other. For the first time it faces a unified nationalist movement, under younger leadership drawn not only from tribal leaders but also from an educated Baluch middle class. Steady and reliable foreign help would do wonders for that movement.

In neighboring Sindh, nationalists who share Baluch opposition to the Punjabi-dominated military and political elite are reviving their long-dormant dream of a sovereign Sindhi state, or a Sindhi-Baluch union that would stretch along the Arabian Sea from Iran to the Indian border. The assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto – a native of Sindh – a year ago was widely blamed on the Punjabi establishment, with Sindhi nationalists complaining the Punjabi elites treat the province as occupied territory. They say the province might have more influence if the Punjabis stopped killing their leaders. Benazir Bhutto was not the first to die in Punjab: her father Ali was hanged by General Zia ul-Haq – a Punjabi – in 1979. Sindh may contribute to the prediction that Pakistan may splinter apart within ten years.

The Pashtuns, South and North Waziris and other restive groups in Pakistan’s permanently volatile Federally Administered Tribal Areas will be less willing to support Islamic militants if their nationalist grievances are recognized and supported. The model exists in Iraq’s Sunni “triangle,” where the marriage of convenience was broken when the U.S. accepted that no Shia police or military should lord over Sunni areas. A solid promise to the elders of each tribal group of complete self-rule – up to and including sovereign statehood – and the tangible means of achieving it (plus a few million in cash here and there to sweeten the deal) would quickly end their association with the religious extremists and make one-fifth of Pakistan ungovernable to the Punjabis.

The possibilities are enormous, and should be exploited creatively. Actively supported by the rest of the world, India need not send any terrorists to Pakistan. India merely should provide “moral support” to Baluch, Sindhi, and tribal separatists – support of the kind that Islamabad has been giving to Kashmiri militants for decades. President Mohammad Karzai should do the same from Afghanistan, and would be happy to comply. After all, a fundamental and irreversible removal of the Pakistani state stubbornly supportive of the Taliban may be the precondition of his own survival.

In this scenario the nuclear arsenal bequeathed by Dr. Khan to Pakistan’s military becomes irrelevant. When Pakistan starts imploding, its generals will not be tempted to use the bomb any more than Soviet generals were tempted in 1990-1991. They will withdraw into their Punjabi redoubt, where they will have only their own preople to terrorize and exploit until they are killed by the insurgent mob or forced into Saudi exile.

A Pakistan-free world would be a better and safer world. It can be done and it should be done. Ceterum censeo Pakistanem esse delendam.

December 7th, 2008 - 19:04:19 by Zonka

Another trip to Germany…

I have over the last year or so become fascinated with getting to know Germany and Germans better, as well as the language. This came about after learning that there’s a wealth of information about German and European matters that one wouldn’t know about unless it is reported in English language media, and after running across some stories that I wanted to know more about I had to resort to German language sources, and found that in addition to what I was looking for there were a lot of other interesting stories and views, that one wouldn’t normally run across unless one reads those German sources.

Thus I took it upon myself to get re-acquainted with the German language, a language I haven’t really used or spoken since school back in the late 1970s. So there has been a lot of rust to shake off, and to be honest German was always a distant second foreign language to me, far behind my skills in English… However, brushing up on the language on my own and adding some short trips to Germany have helped making the task of self-education more enjoyable, than back in school when it seemed it was all about the proper grammar, and the tenses of verbs etc. Now it’s more “learn as you go”.

So today I returned from a short vacation to Berlin, where I had a nice time and got to practice my German, on some poor Berliner people… And the fun thing is that almost everytime I have talked to Germans on my several trips this year, there have been one thing that almost invariably came up – the problems with immigration and ill-adapted immigrants, and I wasn’t even the one to bring up the subject, as I was trying to keep conversation to to simple and non-controversial subjects… Alright, I have asked questions like “What is life like in Berlin?” To get an idea of the how daily life was in the city that I was visiting. And in the last four months where I have been in Berlin twice and once in Cologne (Köln), this subject kept popping up, and invariably the subject was brought up almost inconspicuously, in such a way that it could be dismissed if I seemed to object to the matter, but as I was interested in hearing more (and learning) I encouraged the people to go on and elaborate on the matter, and what I got was a uniform resentment and outrage against the immigration situation, but at the same time very unfocused, as the people were seeing all the symptoms and problems, but not quite connecting the dots or rather being immersed in the problems and not being able to see the greater picture, and also more than in Denmark being restrained by a stronger sense of political correctness.

And it wasn’t just Germans, on my lastest trip I met an immigrant from Belorussia, who have been living in Berlin for the last 8 years, moving there after marrying a German, I got the same reaction, even though the person was also an immigrant, but without the enormous sense of entitlement that seems to be the trademark of the muslim immigration whereever they come – and are actually making life harder for other immigrants, as the local authorities are so busy bending over backwards to please this particular segment of immigrants that the rest gets pushed back in the line time and time again, or falls through the cracks.

Not that the issue of immigration was the sole topic of the conversations I have had with Germans on my trips, but it was definitely one issue that everybody I talked to agreed on more or less in the sense that they all had negative or very negative experiences with muslim immigrants, although even the most negative wouldn’t immediately identify the muslim immigration as being the culprit, but rather talk about immigration in general at first, and only when seeing that they weren’t condemned identify the muslim immigration as the one that is causing problems.

So political correctness has a strong grip on people, and possible so great that when the pot boils over, the pent up anger and resentments will spill out uncontrollably and hit much wider than intended, thanks to all those Gutmenchen that insist on euphemisms and political correct vagueness.

As to underline this I just saw a bit on CNN last night about riots in Athens by the ever present “youths”… the “youths” part wasn’t put in quotes in the headlines on the screen, however the commentator was definitely making sure that everyone knew that the “youths” in question wasn’t the run of the mill youths, but those “youths” that usually make trouble in European cities. And when the story was told there was very little room for doubt about the type of “youths” in question… The so-called “youths” attacked a police car with officers inside, and one of the officers had drawn his firearm and fired into the crowd, apparently killing one of the “youths” attacking the police car.

November 16th, 2008 - 02:31:16 by Zonka

A picture is worth a thousand words…

November 16th, 2008 - 02:07:09 by Zonka

German politician blocks German wikipedia…

If you enter you will get a message that access to the German wikipedia is currently blocked due to legal complaints by the leftist politician Lutz Heilmann (Die Linke) - The injunction from the court at Lübeck prohibits Wikimedia Deutschland e.V to forward request to to the American based

The controversial politrician apparently was dissatisfied with the biographical entry about himself in the German wikipedia to the point that he sought to quell the bio by legal means, and not just the bio but apparently the German based part of Wikipedia.

Now who is this Lutz Heilmann of Die Linke?

The 42 year old Heilmann comes from Zittau in Sachsen, is a lawyer and became a member of SED in 1986, but left the successor party PDS in 1992 but reentered again in 2000. In Semptember 2005 he moved to “Die Linke” of Schleswig-Holstein in the German parliament. Shortly after “Der Spiegel” revealed that he had a Stasi past as “Personenschützer” (Protector of People (bodyguard?))

Heilmann sought to keep that information secret. And later he had acknowledged that it was a mistake, not to let his party know of his previous affiliations. It is unknown whether this is the reason for the court injunction or whether it is some of the other controversial entries in his Wikipedia Biography that is the reason. The other controversial points in the biography is the allegation that he since 2006 is a declared homosexual, or that he narrowly (47 to 42 votes) won a vote of no confidence in the parliament for breaking the trust and party rules concerning his Stasi past.

But no matter what the reason, and no matter how wrong, libellious or offending the Wikipedia biography might be, that is no reason to block the whole German part of wikipedia (at least the part that is under German jurisdiction, the US based is still available, but most people are not aware of this address, as they would just use the address as would a lot of hyperlinks already written into a gazillion of webpages. If anything the court ought to only have mandated that the specific part should be blocked until all appeals have been tried or exhausted or the offending material is removed or edited. But for the moment it seems like the German wikipedia, might be blocked for quite some time, until all possible appeals have been exhausted.

November 15th, 2008 - 20:37:45 by Zonka

Whales or National Security?

Beaked WhaleBeaked whale – one of the supposed victims of sonar exercises.

Much to the chagrin of The New York Times and environmentalists, the supreme court lifted the restrictions on using sonars during exercises to locate enemy submarines, as it fortunately was deemed that the national security that the Navy could provide with the skills learned from such exercises would outweight any discomfort to any nearby whales.

The alternative would be to shut down the sonars whenever marine mammals were spotted within 2,200 ft as well as powered down under other rare conditions. Which on the surface would seem fair, if the sonars are indeed distressing the whales, but if you want realistic exercises you’ll need to operate under the same conditions as during a real operation, and under a real operation you cannot afford to turn off your sonars just because a bunch of whales gets in the way, and you’ll have to be able to distinguish between marine lifeforms and enemy submarines, so only using sonars when you’re sure that there are no major marine lifeforms such as whales around, actually makes such exercises ineffective.

Some will counter that there really is no real need for such exercises anymore, since the Cold War is over, however, it has been shown that even drug lords are using submarines to smuggle narcotics, and there are still enemies of the USA around, who can easily afford to have diesel-electric submarines with launching pads for short-distance rockets or other nefarious purposes. So it still makes a lot of sense for the US Navy to be able to be able to track such vessels and if necessary to destroy them, and I doubt that the whales or other marine lifeforms would like the torpedo blasts either, but rather a few whales suffer discomfort and pain than an submarine attack on people – but I guess that NYT and the environmentalists would rather have it the other way around.

Lars Hedegaard

The columnist and well known Islam-critic Lars Hedegaard is no longer to be found at Berlinske Tidende’s “Groft Sagt” [roughly speaking] column, and rumor in the Danish blogosphere have for months now circulated that he was slowly being phased out, due to ideological conflicts with the new management at Berlinske Tidende, where the new Chief Editor, Lisbeth Knudsen, are trying to make Berlinske more palpatable to the same segment of readers that the multicultural and über-PC newspaper Politiken is catering to, and thus removing the last traces of right-wing influence in the paper.

This process have been ongoing for several years, and it has been the joke, that the journalists of Berlingske Tidende, were only there because they weren’t accepted at Politiken. The only part of Berlingske Tidende that kept to the right wing origins and values were curiously the Culture and Debate section of the paper and in particular the “Groft Sagt” column, but after Lisbeth Knudsen came to the newspaper, the Culture and Debate section have been reduced and the ideological content realigned with the rest of the newspaper, thus taking a sharp turn to the left. Thus there were no longer room for Lars Hedegaard in the paper, and he was stealthily being removed, but now he confirms publicly that he was fired.

There is a few brave souls left at Berlingske, most notably Mikael Jalving, but an educated guess is that his days are numbered at the newspaper as well, and will silently be purged as well.

And in the end the oldest, still published, newspaper in Denmark, will continue its slow travel towards the junk yard of history, losing its readers, the conservatives to Jyllands-Posten or the Internet and blogs and the rest to Politiken, which after all is doing the best job as being Politiken, and Lisbeth Knudsen cannot compete with Thøger Seidenfaden, though she can definitely ruin Berlingske Tidende in the process of turning it into “Politiken Light”.

Lars Hedegaard’s sharp wit and satirical pen will be missed sorely, personally his writings have been the only reason to leaf through Berlingske Tidende in the last couple of years, to find his columns, and without them the paper isn’t even worthy of wrapping wet fish in.

Fortunately Lars Hedegaard is publishing his 100 best columns from “Groft Sagt” as a book, illustrated by Kurt Westergaard, a book that will be available at the end of November, and will make a great Christmas gift for anybody who is interested in the anti-jihad or want to learn about the insanity of the creeping islamization. And I doubt that this will be the last we have heard from Lars Hedegaard, as he will no doubt continue to work to warn about the dangers of islam at other venues, not the least as chairman of the Danish Free Press Society.

See also: Jyllands Posten – In Danish
November 10th, 2008 - 23:36:16 by Zonka

New MoToons from Kurt Westergaard…

Kurt Westergaard

New Muhammed Cartoons are on their way from Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist responsible for the drawing of Muhammed with a bomb in his turban. The occasion is a new book “Groft Sagt” (Roughly Speaking) by Lars Hedegaard, the chairman of Trykkefrihedsselskabet (Free Press Society).

The new book will contain some of Lars Hedegaard’s blunt comments from the column of the same name, in the newspaper Berlingske Tidende, and will be illustrated by 26 new cartoons from Kurt Westergaard.

The new cartoons testifies that Kurt Westergaard continues to be as disrespectful and satirical as he has always been – mullahs, dictators and others are being portrayed sharp and unmistakeably, according to Lars Hedegaard.

Kurt Westergaard considers the new drawings as a regular and normal job, irregardless of his own opinions, and that his job is to illustrate Lars Hedegaards views. Asked whether he fears for his own security, he states that he is 73 and in that age one is no longer that afraid, and one might as well be brave, otherwise one cannot live ones life.

*** Update 2008.11.12 ***

A preview of some of the new cartoons can be found at Jyllands Posten, with explanations in Danish.

October 28th, 2008 - 00:40:09 by Zonka

If Obama is the messiah…

Then this song is for him…

Lyrics in German and English translation: rent a car bulgariaGott ist ein Popstar, unfortunately the English translation isn’t the best…
October 28th, 2008 - 00:15:52 by Zonka

Why McCain will win…

Neuroscience - Brain Climb

The Danish wonderboy Martin Lindstrøm, who are at the moment a marketing superguru, that the big businesses are consulting, predicts that McCain will win the next election, based on “neuroscience”…

His claim to fame is investigating the effect of advertising and subconcious signals on the brain, using brainscanners. And his book Buyology is on the bestseller list and he is quoted often in Forbes, Fortune, Newsweek, New York Times, US Today, Vogue and was recently a guest in 60 minutes.

The his prediction that McCain will win the election was made in an interview with

If he really knows our consumer behaviour as well as he states – can he predict whether McCain or Obama becomes the next president, as well?

»The situation and the world situation changes very rapidly at the moment, so if I make a prediction, it is based on the situation as of right now (Monday Oct. 13, ed). The situation is that Obama wins more and more on the fact that the republicans have had the power for eight years, and the economy hasn’t been optimal in that period.

So based on the numbers that I curently are seeing and what I know about neuroscience, I will make the frightening conclusion, that it most likely will be McCain, that will win. How the Hell can that be, you’re asking?

Well, firstly it is known that the place where the election is held influences how people are voting. If you regular go to church in the USA, which is mainly anti-abortion, it means that you indirectly supports the republicans. The same is true for the so-called swing voters. When they see a cross on the wall, makes them more likely to vote republican. And as the most common voting place in the USA is a church, that is the first reason.

The second reason is more unrfortunate:

In psychology we use some techniques to make people express their feelings indirectly. One can scan the brain, or make you express you in a way so that it is your sub-conscious that speaks. Black and White – we are built that way – particularly if you’re white – that black is negative and white is positive. If I have to make you express, what you think about the smell in this room, by you handing me a card with a white or a black face, then the first one you take is most likely the one that expresses what you think about the smell. If you give me a black face, then it actually means that you don’t like the smell in the room, you can not express it verbally, your sub-conscience speaks.

Problem number three with Obama, is that he is an eminent speaker, and he have a number two, who is very serious. But they are both too far removed from the common man. That is where, Palin enters the picture. Last week I was at a meeting in New York with a number to top executives from American companies. Three of the women that sits as CEOs of some of the largest businesses in USA said, they really could identify themselves with Palin. I am just as she is, they said. That is dangerous to the democrats, and those problems indicates that we in the last moment will see a voting slide towards McCain.

Source: Million Dollar Martin [Danish language].
October 27th, 2008 - 22:51:10 by Zonka

If Obama is elected president…

Barack Hussein Obama

If one is to believe the polls, then Obama is almost certain to be the next president of the USA… but then again polls are not exactly a thing to be trusted, and particularly not in this election. The election is still open and either candidate might still win. But let’s for a moment assume that Obama will be elected, what is his chances of making it through his presidency alive?

There have already been at least two planned assassination attempts against him that have twarted, how many more plans are out there? Let’s face it, Obama is a divider in more ways than one – he is part black, but plays on the black identity, his politics are left leaning, some would say outright socialist, he has connections to extremist organizations and radical members of the American society. So his politics and ethnicity has no doubt gained him quite a few enemies, some of which are extremists and radicals themselves, and won’t shy away from trying to eliminating him, as the already foiled plots have shown. These plots might not be the most clever ones, but they confirm that such sentiments are out there, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was more plans that stays hidden until they are executed either with success or failure.

Let there be no doubt that I don’t condone of any such plans, however much I don’t like Mr. Obama. However, it is something that one must take into consideration when voting on Nov. 4. I don’t remember anytime in the past that a president candidate has been so divisive and being a target of several assassination attempts, even before being elected. How many more will come if he is elected? I don’t have an answer, but I am fairly certain that if the threat assessment against BHO is severe, that will have an added negative effect on his judgement and the general political atmosphere in the US. The security details around the president is already severe, but with multiple credible threats around the president they might either become stifling or prevent the president from getting much public exposure. Any which way it will cut off link between the president and the people, and that in turn will lead to isolation, which again might very well make BHO be isolated in an ivory tower with a large echo room, which is the perfect setting for making really bad decissions, that will only widen the gulf between the presidency and the people!

See Gates of Vienna for a commentary on the latest BHO assassination plan.

October 26th, 2008 - 00:49:56 by Zonka

The catastrophic election in the US…

In less than two weeks, on Nov. 4, the American people have the opportunity to elect a new president of the country. And there are without a doubt many Americans who are looking forward to get rid of George Walker Bush, perhaps the most unpopular US president in history. Unfortunately the choices of a new president to replace GWB, might both exceed the record low popularity. Whoever wins the election is very likely to become a very unpopular president and also likely to do some real damage to the cohesion of the United States of America.

The presidential election is basically a choice between two evils, a candidate who have an anger management problem and is no real vision for the country, and whose only qualifications are that he have been a member of the Washington Elites for an age or two. A person who is out of touch with the American people, and clueless about how to respond to the dangers to the USA be they financial, immigration, ideological threats. By name he is republican, but he could just as well have been a democrat, for his views resonates with the old-school democrats.

The other candidate, have been blowing out a lot of hot air, but nothing really substantial about what he will do once elected. And like a hot air balloon he has risen, with the help of the media, whose darling he has become. And nobody wants to listen to the little child that keeps saying that he hasn’t got any clothes on… Or rather, he hasn’t any experience, he hasn’t a clue about what to do once elected, and his only track record points to allegiances with unsavory people (Ayers, Wright, etc.), ideologies both of the Marxist and Islamic kind as well as shady deals and nepotism in his past.

Those are the two candidates offered to the American people to the world’s most powerful office, God have pity on the USA and the rest of the world, no matter who is elected!

To make things even worse, there is some signs that indicates that whoever is elected won’t even be able to sit out one term, one candidate is rumored to have serious health problems, that might be fatal or force him to step back and leave office, and rumors about the other candidate range from persistent assassination attempts on his life to the more mundane, that he isn’t really eligible to enter the office, due to the details of his birth outside of the USA.

But these rumors apart, there is a real possibility that whoever gets the office, he will divide the people of the USA in a manner that will leave some deep scars in the fabric of the nation, the stage is almost set for unrest and strife in the American population as the people will become more and more polarized either for or against the winner of the presidency. And if not handled correctly such unrest could intensify and develop into a scism in the national fabric, not seen since the American Civil War.

So it is with no joy that I look forward to the 4th of November and the US election – in fact i dread it. The American people needs a leader, as does the rest of the world, however, none of the candidates seems to be made of the stuff that is needed for a real leader. In fact both of them fails miserably, and will most likely make things much worse than things have been under George W. Bush, and my prediction is that in a year or two people will look back more fondly on the presidency of GWB.

August 20th, 2008 - 22:25:07 by Zonka

Danish Navy Flagship left for the Coast of Somalia


The Danish naval flagship Absalon left Frederikshavn Sunday heading for the coast of Somalia, where it is to take command of about 10 naval vessels in the “Task Force 150” off the coast of Somalia, to hunt pirates.

In addition to the 100 man crew on the Absalon additional 60 members of the Military Police, Naval Tactic Staff and the Submarice Special Forces (Frømandskorpset) are on board for the mission, that is expected to take about six months, after which the Germans will take the command of the task force. Apart from the Absalon and its crew further 25 persons will participate as shore based personal in Bahrain and in Djibouti.

Absalon is expected to be in place at the Horn of Africa on September 12.

For more information about Absalon see:

August 19th, 2008 - 09:34:34 by Zonka

Definition of a Racist…

Stumbled across this quote today: The modern definition of ‘racist’ is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal. – Peter Brimelow. And yes, that seems to be the most apt description that I have seen about the way the word is being used today. The modern day use of the word Racist, has very little to do with race or even ethnicity, rather it is a way to smear your political opponent particularly when arguments are running out.