Daily Gut: Flying the American Flag in Haiti

by Greg Gutfeld

So as you know, many countries have set up camp to in Haiti help those recovering from the devastating earthquake. And at these camps, they are flying their flags. Only one country isn’t – and it’s the country that has done more to help Haiti – and the world in general – than any place else in the history of histories.

Of course that’s us.


According to the Army Times, veterans and servicemembers are pissed. They realize, like everyone else, that the US should be proud to fly the flag…anywhere, for that matter. After all, the US is a good place, filled with good people with big hearts and generous resources. It’s not like we’re Belgium.

(I kid the Belgians.)

Well, according to the Obama Administration, raising the US flag will make us look like bad guys. The U.S. government’s Haiti Joint Information Center, says: “We are not here as an occupation force, but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery.”

Uh, yeah – We know that. Everyone knows that. The only people who say we are an “occupation force” are idiots like Hugo Chavez. So again, it seems our policies are shaped not by principle, but by placating thugs.

Look, the US isn’t looking for a pat on the back. We get it. We’re good and everyone hates us for it. If the world were a high school, we’d be the captain of the football team.

But the fact remains that we’ve been told by Obama, and his adoring media that our global reputation sucks (all Bush’s fault naturally). It just seems to me, by seeing what America does best, and with a flag there to represent it – maybe that might help.

And there’s the rub. If in your heart, you feel American “exceptionalism” is bunk and that patriotism is silly – then you’d prefer the world think we’re bad, 24/7.

So screw the flag, and put on some Green Day.

No wonder people hate us.

And if you disagree with me, you probably beat up leperchauns.

A great line up, folksy folks from folkland!

The lovely Reshma Shetty!

The also lovely Remi Spencer!

the lovely (if you’re into that sort of thing) Steven Crowder!

and more!