The Mozilla Blog

News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project

Light the World with Firefox!

Posted by Mary Colvig

We’re coming up on a pretty incredible milestone — Five Years of Firefox — on November 9, 2009!  In order to celebrate we’re kicking off a special campaign called “Light the World with Firefox.”  We’re putting a call out for the most creative use of the Firefox logo and light.

Here are a few ideas, but don’t feel limited!

light the world with firefox

  • Spotlight: Borrow a projector and shine the Firefox logo on the wall during a Firefox party, or make a logo stencil and place it in front of a flashlight for a cool effect (think shadow puppets). Or, go crazy and get a searchlight to create your very own Firefox “bat signal“.
  • Mash-Up: Think of the most interesting way you can combine Firefox and light. For example, create the logo out of candles on a birthday cake, program your very own lite-brite or light show, or create a fun wallpaper! If you’re really have a lot of time on your hands (and skills) you could even create a light show.  The more creative, the better.
  • Mobile: Get the Firefox logo on your phone and take a picture holding it in front of a local landmark. Or, organize a bunch of friends for a big group photo with the logo on everyone’s phones.

Please upload all videos and pictures on Flickr with the tag “Firefox5″.  We’ll feature submissions on a special site launching on November 9th and the most creative actions will be rewarded with some cool Firefox swag.  Remember to have fun, but be safe and use common sense.  And, get permission before projecting our logo on public buildings!

If you’re looking for other ways to help celebrate the coming anniversary, here’s how:

We’re all looking forward to celebrating five years of hard work on the 9th!

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    Pingback from Firefox Fans – Get ready to gear up for celebrating 5 years of Firefox | Veera Sundar | Java, Web, Design and much more

    [...] much loved Firefox browser is going to complete its 5 years on coming November 9th. In order to celebrate this milestone, the Mozilla team had kicked off a [...]

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    Trackback from Lighting up the whole world!...

    Lighting up the whole world!…

    Mozilla is coming up on a huge milestone soon. It happens to be the 5 year anniversary of Mozilla Firefox. Less than one week after November the 5th no less! How very dare they Well okay you may not get that but November the 5th is a big, big event i…

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