30 March 2005

Didn’t “Chilling Debate” Used To Be Wrong?

A million years ago, e.g. the Viet Nam War era when I was in college, opposition to anti-American tirades being injected into teaching was denounced as chilling debate.”

But now the whip is in the other hand. Colorado State University/Pueblo professor Dan Forsyth looks about to be crucified for daring to raise the issue of illegal immigration in his classes. [Temper behavior, CSU-Pueblo prof is told : Student says rebuke over tirade not enough, By John C. Ensslin, Rocky Mountain News, March 30 2005]

Particularly risible is the complainants’ profanity argument:

“Watson [a part-Mexican student] claims Forsyth said ’screw you’ as she left the room.”

Even in my bygone era that would not have raised eyebrows–but now?

The sad thing is intimidation works:

“Watson has continued to take Forsyth’s class. She said there has been a marked change in his teaching style. “Before, he would go off subject. . . . Now he stays on track, which is what he should have done in the first place.”

Considering the contemptible response of the CSU administration, what non-suicidal academic would not get the message?

Fine comment on this disgusting situation here.

29 March 2005

“Rabidly Nationalistic” in Mexico

In Mexico City, during a US- Mexico Soccer game, Mexican fans booed the U.S. national anthem, chanted “Osama, Osama”, and a group of them who couldn’t manage to set a US Flag on fire, had to settle for trampling on it.(I think the manufacturers of American flags are quietly fireproofing them.) [ U.S. still can't solve Azteca in qualifying loss, by Will Weissert, Associated Press]

A few points:
bullet The Associated Press described the Mexican fans as “rabidly nationalistic.” How come it takes a sports guy to use that kind of language about Mexican nationalism? Why can’t the rest of the press figure that out?
bullet The Mexicans aren’t chanting “Osama, Osama”, because they support radical Islam. They don’t. It’s just their way of saying “Death to America.” See “rabidly nationalistic, “above.
bullet The US team never beats the Mexicans at soccer. That’s because America’s great athletes are playing real sports.
bullet Do you think those “rabidly nationalistic” guys when they emigrate, (illegally) will become patriots like the late Balint Vazsonyi, or Humberto Fontova? I doubt it. I think you’d be lucky if you got someone as patriotic as Norman Mineta.
bullet Speaking of which, what do you think the chances are of those flag-tramplers heading north and taking the Oath of Allegiance someday? Pretty good, I’d’ say. How about them keeping the Oath of Allegiance? Not so good..

Life at the Bottom
