31 December 2005

Italy challenges Morocco -Why not U.S./ Mexico?

The BBC comes in for a lot of abuse. But it rarely restrains the flow of facts. Italy warns Morocco on migrants - BBC Dec 30 2005 reports:

Italy has complained to Morocco about a large increase in the number of immigrants entering Italy illegally.
The Moroccan ambassador to Italy was summoned to the foreign ministry in Rome to receive the complaint

Italy’s Interior Minister, Giuseppe Pisanu told a cabinet meeting in Rome that one third of all illegal immigrants seeking to enter Italy during the past two months came from Morocco

For American Patriots the issues are -

When was the meeting with the Mexican Ambassador to the US asking this question?

When was the U.S. Cabinet discussion of this issue?

Why not?

30 December 2005

Illegal Alien Employer Capitulates - Most Important Victory Since Proposition 187

I said yesterday to watch this space and the Yakima Herald-Republic for news of the Zirkle Fruit illegal immigration class action. And today Leah Beth Ward has proved me right. In Zirkle settles job suit (December 30 2005), she breaks the news that Zirkle has capitulated on the eve of trial, paying $1.3 million that will be distributed to 20,000 legally-resident workers (actually court documents suggest it will be 5,000 at the most)…and, vitally, to their lawyers.

This is the most important victory for immigration reform since California’s Proposition 187 in 1994. Zirkle’s legal workers will get about an additional dollar for every hour they worked, compensation for the wage depression caused by competition from illegal aliens. The plaintiff lawyers, notably the heroic Chicago-based Howard Foster, who has made a number of appearances in VDARE .com, will get a third or more of the total award in contingent fees and expenses.

The result: blood in the water that will attract the attention of America’s shark-like plaintiff bar to the employers of illegal aliens. The Zirkle case is small, but the precedent it sets is huge. And Ed Rubenstein has shown that, while illegal aliens are not the pillar of the economy that is sometimes claimed, they may receive as much as one percent of GDP in wages - over $100 billion. If that came out of American workers’ pockets, putting it back could earn trial lawyers over $30 billion in contingent fees and expenses.

Ironically, I won one of my very few MSM journalism prizes, along with my co-author Leslie Spencer, for a 1989 expose in Forbes magazine of the trial lawyers’ formidable power. (They are what really created Ralph Nader, for example).

I am delighted to see this bunch of thugs and bandits descend on the corporate crooks who employ illegals aliens at the expense of Americans. I think they deserve each other.

As Winston Churchill said at the height of World War II, “If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”

Thanks To Nicholas Stix…

…for his post explaining , perhaps better than we’ve done, why people should support Vdare.com.

VDARE is also one of the only sites on the Internet whose publisher actually pays his writers. And one of those writers is yours truly. so, if you think that my work is deserving of support, please hit this link to give to VDARE. Thanks in advance.

One of the reasons why most of the material you read on the Internet is so godawful is that almost no one pays for material. And so, the typical Web “pundit” sits down in front of his pc and pounds out his “insights” in about ten minutes — even less, if he’s a fast typist. And who needs spell-check? (That begs the question: Why is most of the material one reads in newspapers and magazines that pay writers so bad?)

But work that demands to be read takes time to research and write. Hours, days, weeks, even months. It takes Web searches; it requires buying and poring over sometimes expensive, out-of-print books; sometimes it takes costly Lexis-Nexis searches; and it may take calls to lawyers, flacks, politicians and victims.

You can read the whole thing, but let me add that this is my actual job. I met a guy once, who was a very good street juggler, travelled around the world to Buskerfests and such, and he said that people would occasionally yell at him “Get a job!”

He said, (to me, not them) “This is my job, it’s on my passport as my occupation.” Well, that’s what you’re looking at here. Everything you see that’s exclusive to this site is edited by Peter Brimelow, and fact-checked and linked by me.

And you wouldn’t want me to starve to death, would you?

29 December 2005

“The Perils of Pawlenty” (Or, who was that woman?)

In our last visit to the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” we learned that another hand-wringing anarchist had joined Star Tribune columnist Nick Coleman in ranting against the “gasoline-pouring” Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who had the nerve to commission a report showing how much it was costing his state to support the estimated 85,000 illegals living there.

Well, Coleman (e-mail him) is back, and he again demonstrates just how little he knows about the subject of immigration. But this time (Ah-ha! The plot thickens) he adds to the mix the possibility of a (gasp!) conspiracy that includes a ‘mystery woman from Maryland’:

“Wonder what’s behind the sudden debate over “illegal” immigrants? Listen to a retired accountant from Lake Crystal, Minn., named Pat Peoples. It turns out the demagoguery is not so sudden. It has been in the works for months.”
[Demagoguery's focus intends to blur important issues, December 27, 2005 ](Earth to Coleman: This “debate” has been going on for decades and without the help of individuals like your imaginary Mata Hari from Maryland.)

Coleman writes that last February “a mystery woman” organized a focus group in Mankato to discuss political issues facing residents of Minnesota, and accountant Peoples took exception to the immigration issue being introduced:

“There was no reason for this to be brought up” . . . “I think someone was trying to find an issue that will antagonize people and get them riled up so they come out and vote, without offering a solution.” (“No reason” not to bring up an issue that’s costing taxpayers more each year? Am I alone in being amused by the fact that somebody who earns a living keeping track of money thinks the rest of us shouldn’t be just a little testy knowing our wallets are systematically being raided 24-7 in order to support illegal aliens?)

“Peoples [says Coleman] has perfectly described how demagoguery works: Exaggerate a problem; exploit the manufactured resentment at the polls; offer no solutions to address a problem without creating an even larger one.”

And Coleman has perfectly described how lousy journalism works: Write about a subject without fully understanding it; snow your readers into thinking you’re an expert on the issue; smugly go through each day believing that your job can never be done by a foreigner willing to work for far less than you.

(To see Gov. Pawlenty’s reaction to the flak he’s been taking for the report, click here.)

“The Race”: Unflinching Protector Of The Constitution

Janet Murguia, president and CEO of the National Council of La Raza (The Race), says certain rascals in Congress should “keep their hands off the Constitution.”

I went weak in the knees and nearly choked up after reading her moving op-ed that’s working its way around the country because it conjured up that scene from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, where the filibustering Jimmy Stewart holds the whole damn U.S. Senate at bay.

Imagine! Ms. Murguia, whose organization aids and abets illegal immigration, now is warning hard-hearted, snarling lawmakers like Tom Tancredo that she won’t tolerate him and his ilk who want to tear up the rule of law and “go after people’s babies.”

What’s next from the “flame-throwing” Tancredo? Acting on Terry Anderson’s suggestion that we kick all illegals out of the country right now, including those working as ice cream vendors and even those who are old ladies in nursing homes?

Doomsday Comes For Zirkle Fruit

VDARE.COM has written repeatedly about Chicago-based lawyer Howard Foster’s remarkable discovery that the 1996 immigration legislation made it possible for private individuals to sue to enforce the law against employers hiring illegal immigrants and his use of the devastating Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations [RICO] statute to do so - something we’ve described as the RICO Doomsday Machine.”.

Doomsday for Yakima, WA-based Zirkle Fruit is January 9, when Foster’s suit alleging that executives conspired to hire illegal labor is set for trial. If Foster prevails, the ferocious contingent fee-inspired energies of the plaintiff bar will swing into action against the employers of illegal aliens. This is the force, remember, that bankrupted Texaco and several asbestos companies. It won’t be pretty, but it will be effective.

Amazingly, Leah Beth Ward’s very professional December 27 Yakima Herald-Republic story Racketeering claims Cast appears to be the only MSM story so far. Our only quibble is that she says VDARE.COM is a project of our former sponsors, the Center for American Unity, instead of Lexington Research Insititute (soon to be renamed VDARE Foundation).

Watch this space! (And the Yakima Herald-Republic ).

28 December 2005

Watch Out for Saudi Charm Offensive

I recently criticized Washington for welcoming thousands of young Saudis to be students in American colleges and universities as another tedious prostration to the terror-funding sheiks holding the oil spigot. The Saudis are planning on sending over 20,000 over the next four years.

As it happens, not everyone in the Kingdom is happy with the set-up either. A recent opinion piece ["Sending Teens Abroad"] in the ever fascinating Arab News contained some revealing insights into the Saudi character.

Honesty is not a Saudi value, it seems. (Not surprising, given that Islam encourages the acceptance of lying in the service of Allah, known as taqiyya, so it’s not much of a stretch for untruths to extend into other areas of life.)

Some of our students even lie in their responses and are proud of it. These students, used to lying to officials in the Kingdom, can fall easily to American justice when they lie or provide false information to US officials.

One of the bad habits that our students take with them when they go abroad is the culture of sexual harassment. They cannot take this culture to America. American woman can easily report sexual harassment to authorities. Saudis that engage in sexual harassment can end up arrested, charged, jailed, and deported. In this system that often sides with the woman in sexual harassment cases, what do you think happens when the accused is an Arab?

The rest of the article further notes that young Saudi males are accustomed to using political pull to get out of trouble and are terrible drivers!
America’s campus communities should prepare themselves accordingly. Seatbelts and pepper spray would be a good start.

Cop Killer Returns To Colorado: “Subject To The Jurisdiction” Or Not

Denver cop killer Raul Gomez-Garcia arrived in Denver just hours hours before Christmas eve after the Mexican Government agreed to extradite him.

Both the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News made subtle allusions to Gomez-Garcia returning because he missed his infant child (anchor baby) and “common law wife” (who certainly wasn’t with him long enough to be that!).

Yes, Coloradoans were to believe this trio was some sort of Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus, reunited through Raul’s love and willingness to face persecution and hardship — not that he is a a low-life, violent, irresponsible illegal alien who fled to Mexico to avoid justice for the Mother’s Day Execution of Denver Police Officer Donald Young and the attempted murder of his partner, Jack Bishop, sticking us with the cost of birthing and raising his illegimate spawn.

No mention that Congressman Bob Beauprez successfully passed legislation cutting off Mexico from US foreign aid (begging the question why we send them any $$$ at all) if they fail to extradite cop killers.

Given the called birthright citizenship to the offspring of illegal aliens under the 14th Amendment, Section. 1. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the.…” Here’s my question: With Denver sanctuary and Raul’s special status as a Mexican citizen who touched stone south of the border after fleeing, if Mexican illegals are NOT SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION of Colorado or the US (Gomez will not face the death penalty because of he actually is NOT subject to our laws, but the jurisdiction of Mexican laws), and their children get a pass as a result with dual citizenship, isn’t it a no brainer that Sanctuary Cities negate this mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment?

After all, the Mexican Government is dictating the terms of his extradition, i.e., he will NOT face the death penalty. Oh, and Gomez-Garcia has admitted he killed Officer Young, who reportedly grabbed his neck before kicking him out of the late-night drinking extravaganzic “baptism” party where Young was pulling private security duty in DPD uniform. [Revenge was vowed, police say]

Implication is that Gomez-Garcia’s pride was damaged. Hey, wasn’t murder a natural response?

Goodbye, Fjordman (Sob)

Sadly, the invaluable Fjordman blog is is really closing up. In a year of intense activity. this Norwegian blogger won a worldwide following for essays analysing the Muslim conquest of Scandinavia, with links to supporting articles. Fjordman will be sadly missed.

The reason seems to be mainly exhaustion. To post at Fjordman’s pace must have been close to a full time job.

There was probably a second reason too, however. Propaganda requires repetition. There is not the same thrill stating the same facts and developing the same arguments for the twentieth time as the first. Yet it has to be done, if policy is to be influenced. One gets the impression that having established his case, Fjordman was getting bored.

Supposedly the blog’s fine archives will remain. But I am doubtful. Those of one of my other favorites, Epic of Gilgamesh, did not long survive the proprieter’s decision to suspend publication.

The plain fact is volunteerism has a finite life. Like citizen levies in medieval wars, the soldiers slip away to attend to their farms. For a cause to succed, a professional core cadre is essential. “Professional” means “paid” - at least enough to eat.

Thanks to some generous friends, VDARE.com lives on. But the site needs your help!

Support VDARE.com!

27 December 2005

Hmore Electoral Justice?

Was the immigration issue crucial to St. Paul Mayor Randy Kelly’s loss at the polls? A recent interview ["Kelly: 'I'm leaving the new mayor a well-run, efficient city"] shows that he apparently believes that his unwanted social engineering had a price.

The reason I lost the election was primarily due to my endorsement of Bush. But I made some tough, tough judgments while I was here. Budgetary issues. Ayd Mill Road. Diking the airport. Going to Thailand and embracing diversity. But clearly, my experience with that trip to Thailand, I have never in my 30 years of experience in politics, received so many negative phone calls, e-mails, letter that were just horrible. And hateful.

Vdare.com readers may recall that Mayor Kelly personally traveled to a Hmong refugee camp in Thailand to arrange the transport of thousands of Hmong (incuding an unknown number of polygamous families) to St. Paul and other parts of the U.S.

Mayor Kelly complains about “hateful” communications he received about his Hmong excursion. However, citizens have a right to be angry when an elected official is welcoming a group that has among the highest rates of welfare use, is known for its opium addiction and regards polygamy as an acceptable lifestyle choice. Elected officials take an oath to protect our laws, not purposefully undermine them.

May the New Year bring more such justice at the ballot box!