30 November 2008

The Headline You Won’t See Regarding The Bombay Terrorist Attacks

The headline you won’t see is “Whites Targeted In Bombay Terrorist Attack.” That’s in spite of reports that quote a captured terrorist as saying that whites were the main target.

“Once inside Nair Hospital, Kasab, who suffered only minor injuries, told medical staff: ‘I do not want to die. Please put me on saline.’

And as Indian commandos ended the bloody 59-hour siege at the Taj yesterday by killing the last three Islamic gunmen, baby-faced Kasab was dispassionately detailing the background to the mayhem.

He described how its mastermind briefed the group to ‘target whites, preferably Americans and British’.”

['I was told to kill to my last breath': Captured terrorist's account of Mumbai massacre reveals plan was to kill 5,000 By Ian Gallagher, November 30, 2008]

Another Raceless “Holiday” Shooting

Here’s a twofer from Fox TV in Atlanta: a “Holiday” shooting with raceless victims and perp, even though police are still looking for the latter.

Two People Shot, Wounded at Greenbriar Mall, 29 November 2008

ATLANTA (MyFOX ATLANTA) – Terrified shoppers ran for cover when gunfire erupted in a crowded shopping mall Saturday afternoon. Two people were wounded. Witnesses said an argument between three people led to the shooting at Greenbriar Mall.

Police said two people were wounded and the shooter remains on the loose.

Investigators said a male and a 19-year-old woman were shot at Greenbriar Mall Saturday afternoon.

The victims was transported to an area hospital in stable condition. Police said the victims are expected to be OK. Witnesses said the female victim was pregnant.

The video report by Chris Shaw (email him) carefully uses only the Christophobic term “Holiday”, as in “Holiday shoppers”, and equally carefully provides only this sanitized description of the shooter (who, remember, is still at large): “He had dreadlocks, and was wearing a white coat.”

All shoppers in the video appears to be black, but of course perps of any race can have dreadlocks, let alone wear white coats.

Shaw did elict this interesting quote from mall manager Mike Weinberger, who refused to close despite the shooting: “The general population is somewhat desensitized…they understand it’s part of our society…”

Yeah. (Hattip RC)

More On Somali Refugee Fraud

Somali smiles are upside down in Minneapolis and other unlucky cities stuck with large populations from that corrupt society; it seems that the State Department has discovered a large degree of fraud–oops!

Leaders in the Twin Cities’ Somali and Liberian communities say the move is hurting innocent families stranded in squalid camps.

For three years, Leylo Mohamud has been working to get her family out of Somalia, a land engulfed in civil war for much of the past two decades. Her prospects dimmed significantly last month.

“It is so hard, it breaks my heart,” said Mohamud, who lives in the Twin Cities. “I cannot support them and they’re going to die without food. I want to bring them here, but I cannot.”

Alleging widespread fraud, the State Department has suspended a refugee program that has brought tens of thousands of people from Somalia and other African nations to the United States, many of them to Minnesota.

The move has alarmed leaders in the Twin Cities’ Somali and Liberian communities, who say it is preventing the reunification of untold numbers of immigrant families, many of them trapped in squalid refugee camps. [Fraud claims halt refugee program, Minneapolis Star Tribune,By Kevin Diaz And Mitch Anderson, November 29, 2008]

Thanks be to science for DNA analysis, which has shown the massive fraud among Somalis, looking to freeload their way to the land of milk and food stamps.

In other Africa diversity news, Muslims and Christians continue to kill each other: Riots ‘kill hundreds in Nigeria’

The mostly Christian-backed governing party in Plateau state, the People’s Democratic Party, was declared to have won the state elections.

The result was contested by the opposition All Nigeria People’s Party, which has support from Muslims.

Violence started on Thursday night with singing and burning of tyres on the roads by groups of youths over reports of election rigging.

Bodies from the Muslim Hausa community were brought into the mosque compound from the streets where they had been killed.

The local imam told our correspondent that their number is “in the hundreds”.

The Christian casualties are usually taken to the hospital morgues, but no clear figure has emerged for the number of their fatalities.

The current Diversity Visa crop of 2009 includes slots for 6,041 Nigerians, because the State Department believes that the current population (134,940 in the 2000 Census) is not sufficient.

Derbyshire On “Culturalism” At Mencken Club (Not NRO)

Because I speak extemporaneously i.e. can never get my act together in time, we can’t post my address to the H.L. Mencken Club until it’s been transcribed. (Thanks to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spy for this horrified book report). The amazing John Derbyshire doesn’t have my problem. His elegant and erudite dinner address on how the emergence of “biohistory” will overthrow what he calls “culturalism” - the dogma that human beings are identical blank slates, differing only because of cultural influences - is posted on Takimag here. Question: why not on National Review, where Derbyshire is (at least as of now) an editor?

29 November 2008

“Swedish” Rapper Charged In Road Rage Killing

A reader noted this Los Angeles Times story, which contains a very limited physical description of David Jassy, accused of beating and kicking a 55-year-old white jazz pianist to death in a road rage incident:

After midnight Sunday, John Osnes, a pianist who performed jazz standards and Beatles songs at piano bars in Hollywood, put an empty glass down on the counter of one of his favorite haunts, The Spotlight, and waved goodbye to an employee.

“He said, ‘Benji, I will see you tomorrow for sure,’ ” bartender Benjamin Avery recalled.

An hour later, Osnes, 55, lay dying in a crosswalk a few blocks away, the victim, police say, of a violent road rage attack by a Swedish hip-hop artist.

The rapper, David Moses Jassy, also known as Dave Monopoly, 34, made a brief appearance in Superior Court on Wednesday. His arraignment was postponed a week to allow him to hire an attorney.

According to authorities, Osnes, who did not own a car and was a stickler for pedestrian rights, was crossing a street near his residence when Jassy’s rented SUV drifted into the crosswalk. After Osnes struck the front of the vehicle with his hands, Jassy allegedly got out, punched Osnes, kicked him in the head when he stooped to recover his glasses and then ran over him with the vehicle. Bystanders, including an off-duty Anaheim police officer, witnessed the assault and tried unsuccessfully to detain Jassy, according to authorities.

Avery, the bartender, came to court for the short hearing, in part, he said, to see what sort of man would hurt Osnes, who he described as rail-thin and “frail.” Jail records show that Jassy outweighed Osnes — who friends say weighed about 150 — by 50 pounds.

“I guess I was expecting someone who was really gangster or homeless, but he doesn’t appear that way,” Avery said of Jassy, a trim man with light eyes and a shaved head.(Emphasis added.)

[Pianist's life lost during a walk home |John Osnes, a pedestrians' advocate, died in an alleged road rage attack by Swedish rapper David Moses Jassy. The performer, so far, faces charges of assault, battery and leaving an accident scene. By Harriet Ryan November 27, 2008]

Note what’s missing from that description–the fact that Mr. Jassy is black. (Not “African-American,” in this case, since he’s not American.)The UK’s Daily Mail has this  headline: Swedish hip-hop star held in LA following ‘road-rage’ incident in which pedestrian died , November, 26 2008, but they have a picture of Mr. Jassy, who turns out to be of Gambian and Estonian descent, although he may be a resident, or even a citizen of the Kingdom of Sweden, he is not what we normally callSwedish.”

Nicholas Stix is already on the case, with an essay called David Moses Jassy and John T. Osnes: Rap’s Murder of Music Now a Dead Metaphor, in which his point is that a rapper has allegedly killed an actual musician.

“Terrorists Strike in Indian City”

That was the rather long and uninformative headline a few days ago in the local newspaper. They couldn’t say “Terrorists Strike in Mumbai” because few of the local rag’s the readers know in what country “Mumbai” is. Readers have heard of “Bombay.” They’ve eaten at Bombay Bicycle Club restaurants and they’ve bought end tables from Bombay Co. Furniture stores, so they mostly know Bombay is a city in India. But, Mumbai they don’t know from Kolkata or Chennai. So, the headline writer has to refer to “Indian City” because the English-language media recently stopped using the place name that has been used in English for centuries.

The effect, of course, is what normally happens when names are changed. The Name Game just makes most people more ignorant (while giving a few people another reason to self-congratulate over their superior sensitivity). Older Americans who grew up hearing about Bombay can’t understand today’s news; and younger Americans who are growing up hearing about Mumbai won’t be able to understand all the books in the library that refer to Bombay.

Fortunately, there’s a double standard that prevents the media from junking Anglicized spellings of places in the white world. We’re in no danger that “Florence” or “Germany” will disappear from the AP stylebook to be replaced by baffling references to “Firenze” and “Deutschland.”

Yes We Can…Kill by Stampeding at Wal-Mart

Hat tip, five feet of fury, for a beautifully linked-up discussion of yesterday’s Valley Stream NY Wal-Mart atrocity:Black Friday violence: Sick “savages” trample Wal-Mart employee to death

Speaking as a professional, I would say there is at least three hours’ work in the links to this piece – a superb job.

As five feet of fury aptly says

The comments at the Daily News are, er, fascinating.

(This is at the story Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede , By Joe Gould, Clare Trapasso And Rich Schapiro,  New York Daily News, November 28, 2008 - Comments here)

So are the pictures.

28 November 2008

Grisly Hispanic Familicide in Mass.

Another example of the much ignored problem Brenda Walker wrote about last year–that of immigrants murdering their own children–has accidentally become a front page story by the open borders Boston Globe.
Ernesto Gonzalez of Lynn, Massachusetts has just confessed to Boston Globe reporter Maria Sacchetti [Video] that he murdered his 5 year old son, Giovanni, last summer. [Lynn man confesses to killing son, 5 | Tells reporter of dismembering child who has been focus of massive search, November 27, 2008]

According to Mr. Gonzalez’s confession (in Spanish), little Giovanni was misbehaving so he stabbed him to death in his kitchen. Next, he dismembered the boy in the bathtub. Gonzalez also claims to have placed his son’s body parts in several shopping bags, then tossed them into different dumpsters around the city.

Lynn, MA is a North Shore city suffering from severe Hispanization. Mr. Gonzalez appears to be Puerto Rican.

Maria Sacchetti is the Globe’s designated immigration cheerleader. But has this shocking confession of a parent dismembering his own child caused her to doubt the immigrant happy talk she’s long been peddling for the Globe? Ask her (msacchett@globe.com).

Great Books–Who Wrote Them? And Who Can Say?

reviews A Great Idea at the Time, Alex Beam’s book on the Great Books series, in the Chicago Tribune, [] and describes the 1990 relaunch of the series at in a time of burgeoning political correctness like this:

The program had a good run before sales “fell off the cliff” in the 1980s. Beam marvels that Britannica and Adler, the only surviving member of the triumvirate, decided to relaunch the Great Books in 1990, “the very moment that the Western canon and ‘dead white males’ in particular were under siege.” (”Did anyone look out the window?” he asks.) He tartly assesses the “underwhelming” changes made—a few really obscure Greeks eliminated, a very few female authors added—and winces over 88-year-old Adler’s maladroit claim that “there are no ‘Great Books’ by black writers.” No wonder it was a disaster.

In fact, that’s not what Mortimer Adler said–he said that there were no  “Great Books” by black writers before 1955, which was the cutoff date for the “Great Books” series, which was intended to put books that were actually Great in people’s homes. The problem is that there by definition there are no “Great” books written after 1955, because we won’t know if they’re great for some time, and before that few blacks (and few women–the 1990 revision added Jane Austen) wrote at all. Of course, according to Charles Murray, there may have been few “Great Books” written after 1950, by anyone, but that’s different problem.

Saul Bellow became notorious for having said ”Who is the Tolstoy of the Zulus? The Proust of the Papuans?”, [Chicago's Grumpy Guru, By James Atlas, New York Times Magazine, January 3, 1988] in response to the Western Civ brouhaha at Stanford, which is the assault on “Dead White European Males” that Beam thinks Adler ought to have been paying attention to. This is just common sense, but that one sensible remark is still remembered against Bellow. [Bellow’s remarks on race haunt legacy in Hyde Park, By Azam Ahmed, Ron Grossman, and Tribune Staff Reporters, Chicago Tribune, October 05, 2007]

And what happens to a professor who isn’t a Nobel Prize winner  like Bellow, or an internationally known philosopher like Adler? They get the message and conform, or they get sued.

More Corporate Welfare for US Financial Industry?

The Federal Reserve committed $600bn to buying up toxic mortgage assets and the US treasury underwrote a $200bn credit line to the securities markets for car, student and credit card loans.
The influential Oppenheimer & Co analyst also warned that about 30% of the new capital raised by Bank of America, Citigroup and JP Morgan would have to be poured into covering losses on credit cards.[Torrent of gloomy news gives US little to be thankful for, by Dan Milmo, guardian.co.uk,November 27, 2008]

Looking at the statistics:

Company H-1b Petitions 2001-20007 H-1b Rank
JP Morgan 3498 #20
Citigroup 5400 #13
Bank of America 2161 #51

After what we saw at Enron, I find the pattern of intense use of H-1b visas
followed by enormous financial losses to be an interesting on. I wonder how
much of these funds will be showing up in places lke India–and how many of these
credit card loans involve either recent immigrants–or people who cannot legally work in the USA?