28 February 2010

“They Keep Coming” 2010

Despite dubious statistics to the contrary, you don’t have to look far to see that illegal Mexicans are still piling into this country by any means available. (For background, see “They Keep Coming” Update.)

Today’s lesson in Mexo-scamology comes from Juarez residents “relocating” to safer El Paso with clever gimmicks. Of course the American border city won’t keep its low number of murders for long with so many Mexican moochers filling up the place with their culture of crime. There goes the neighborhood!

Drug war: Laser, investors’ visas allow many to live, work in El Paso, El Paso Times, February 28, 2010

They are not your typical undocumented immigrants.

Thousands of middle-class Mexican citizens, under the guise of being commuters or visitors, may be manipulating the U.S. immigration system to escape the violence of Juarez.

Note the informative statistics showing the degree of social breakdown that can result when violent crime runs amok…

More than 4,600 murders occurred in Juarez in 2008 and 2009, and the fallout is apparent in the city’s decay. More than 110,000 houses have been abandoned, 75,000 people have lost their jobs and more than 10,000 businesses have closed.

Now a white-collar segment of Juarez’s population may be streaming to El Paso by misusing tourist visas, then renting houses or apartments or even opening businesses.

Living in the United States may be illegal for these immigrants who flee the epicenter of Mexico’s drug war by moving right across the border to one of the safest cities in the country.

El Paso had 12 murders last year compared to 2,643 in Juarez. New York City, with eight times the population of Juarez, had 466 homicides in 2009.

America’s stock is up in Mexico, despite the tanking economy. A Pew poll from last fall of Mexicans found that “Close to six-in-ten (57%) say that people who move from Mexico enjoy a better life in the U.S., up from 51% in 2007.”

So declining America looks good from the crime-hole of the hemisphere. Isn’t that heartwarming?

Bianca Jagger Says “No” To Death–”Yes” To Murder

Ann Althouse writes

“The Time Has Come to Say No to Death,” by Bianca Jagger.

All right then: No!

You hear that, Death?

I wondered if Bianca Jagger had taken up the questionable Immortalist philosophy of Sondra Ray, as demonstrated in her book How to Be Chic, Fabulous and Live Forever. (1990) (Ms. Ray is in fact alive and well in 2010–so far, so good.) Perhaps, like G. K. Chesterton’s Methuselahite, Bianca Jagger had decided to live as long as she possibly could. (She’s 64.)

In fact, Miss Jagger is not saying “No” to death, she’s saying “No” to the death penalty, which means saying “Yes” to murder, since murder rates always go up when the death penalty is abolished. The Huffington Post article at the link is The Time Has Come to Say No to Death, which “was delivered at the fourth Congress Against the Death Penalty, in Geneva, on 24th February, 2010″ by Miss Jagger, who is described as an “International human rights and climate change advocate,” rather than, say, the ex-wife of a noted guitarist.

It’s frequently claimed that the death penalty has a racial component, and thus should be banned. In fact, it’s crime that has a racial component, leading to the disparities involved.

One of Jagger’s examples of the horrors of the death penalty is the murderer of Bobby Grant Lambert, a 53-year old white man in Texas, who was killed on a trip to the grocery store. The killer, an African-American who was 17 at the time, was in the middle of a violent robbery spree in which he had 28 victims, the last of whom was a 57-year old woman who he kidnapped at gun point, took back to her home and raped, after which he fell asleep, leading to his capture. Details can be found in Guilty as Charged.[By Dianne Clements and Dudley Sharp, Wall Street Journal June 28, 2000]

Bianca Jagger is convinced that he’s innocent, arranged to be a witness to his execution, and gets all pathetic about it.

“I cannot put into words my feelings on that day. Gazing through a Plexiglas window, I could see [the killer] tied to a hospital trolley and about to be killed. It reminded me of a modern-day cross. I was terrified at the thought of witnessing another human being killed.

His forehead was in held in restraint by a leather strap and he had to strain his head to look at us. His look was intense. Suddenly, he began to speak. He knew they would be his last words on earth: “I’m an innocent black man that is being murdered. What is happening here is an outrage for any civilised country.” It was at that point that I broke down. We told him we loved him. I put my hands and face on the glass. I was just four feet away.”

Where was she when he was raping and killing? Probably Gstaad.

27 February 2010

Will the “AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE” comments thread survive?

I see that Ron Unz has had the chivalry to respond to Ed Rubenstein’s critique of his Hispanic-booster piece in (alas) The American Conservative.

The usual response to argument by the Beltway “Right” is - resounding silence.

Ed, perhaps others, will enjoy getting into statistics-slinging with Unz. But I write tonight to salute those who took time (clearly often a great deal of time) to respond him, clearly from the Front Line, on the Amcon comment thread (how long will this survive?)

Dan, on February 26th, 2010 at 3:33 pm Dan, on February 26th, 2010 at 3:33 pm said:

As someone who lives in a city with substantial Mexican and Negro ghettos, and has had to catalogue not only the numbers of violent crimes but also the particular details of each crime, I can say that while there is a tragic rise in crime in certain areas of the Mexican neighborhoods, it pales in comparison with what is going on in the Black neighborhoods. It is painful to have to say this but the sheer savagery of Black crime, the details of which would disturb anyone, with its near-total lack of remorse for the victim, its viciousness, its seeming (dare I write this?) “glee” with the violence of the crime itself makes the relatively stupid-type crimes committed by Mexicans seem almost innocent.

Brenda said

My husband is very active in a sport that also attracts police. He was in the locker room during the “police/firefighter” competition.
He overheard a SJ police officer saying that the low crime rate in San Jose is totally false, and a joke.
All I can say is when I tried to report a crime, the person on the telephone discouraged me and said, why would you need to report this?
Stats do not always tell the truth.

Nobody, on February 26th, 2010 at 5:56 pm said:

The FBI also didn’t get Unz’s memo that Hispanics cause the same about of crime as Whites:

http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/fugitives/vc/murders/vc_murders.htm …Comparing crime rates of Portland, OR and LA is laughable for anyone who has either lived or visited both places. And, I’d point out, that much of the violent crime happening in Portland today often involves hispanic gangs.

I thought Leon Haller’s comment especially realistic:

Thanks to 45 years of unnecessary, undesirable, and untrammeled Third World immigration, destroying America’s historic and very salutary white racial base, we are now a diverse (and thus increasingly dysfunctional) hellhole. Our future is bleak. Multiracial societies are not a blessing, but a curse, needing constant management to avoid or ameliorate natural tensions, not to mention, for whites, endless interracial wealth transfers and remediation for the benefit of economically underachieving non-whites

All of us wait with interest this kind of comment freedom will survive at the The American Conservative under the new Unz management.

Knoxville Horror Carjacker-Kidnapper-Rapist-Torturer-Murderer Letalvis Cobbins Sentenced to “Life” Plus 100 Years

Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, the victims of
the January 6-7, 2007 Knoxville Horror.

[NS: My reader-researcher David in Tennessee sent the following update on the Knoxville Horror case Thursday.Letalvis Cobbins had already been sentenced to “life without parole” in August for murder and aggravated rape, but had additional convictions outstanding, for the Horror.]

Letalvis Cobbins at Thursday’s
sentencing hearing, with a new perm

Today, Judge Baumgartner sentenced Letalvis Cobbins to life, plus 100 Years. You will recall that the Judge brought in a jury from Nashville for the trial of Cobbins last August.

From Jamie Satterfield’s twitter reports, we learn that Judge Baumgartner said that Cobbins can’t blame his half-brother, [Lemaricus] Davidson. The judge said that even if he had a rough childhood, Cobbins’ sister overcame it. Baumgartner “can’t comprehend how someone could commit crimes like this.”

You could explain it to him, couldn’t you?

Judge Baumgartner finally said it was the “worst of the worst.”

As you wrote, he didn’t want them found not guilty, he just opposed the death penalty.

Judge Richard Baumgartner
at Cobbins’ sentencing hearing.

[Later, David sent the follow-up message below.] (more…)

Sliding Sports on TV

Is there any way to make Winter Olympic sled sports, such as the bobsled, luge, and skeleton, more gripping on TV? As far back as I can remember, the 1984 Winter Olympics, the networks have televised the sliding sports using much the same camera work as Philip Kaufman used in 1983’s The Right Stuff to show us that test pilot Chuck Yeager was going really fast when he broke the sound barrier: Zoom! Zing!

It looked pretty exciting a quarter of a century ago, but, let’s be honest: everybody looks alike as they’re all crouched down trying not to get their heads knocked off in a crash. And, I, personally, can’t tell whether they picked the right line or not. So, you just end up waiting around for the announcer to tell you when they get to the bottom whether the latest guy with a Teutonic name went 0.05% faster or slower than the previous guy.

Maybe what they should do is show it tape delayed a few minutes on TV (yeah, you could go look up on the Internet who won just before you saw it on TV, but do you really care enough to get off the couch?) and show in split screen two sledders going down the track side by side. That would give the viewer more of a sense of competition, and actually let you see why one team is faster than another. (And it would only take half as long.)

As TVs get more wide screen, split screen becomes more feasible.

They could also show two skiers at once, too. But, that would be somewhat less of an improvement. Generally speaking, precarious-looking sports where people try to stay upright up on snow or ice, like skiing, skating, and snowboarding, are more fun to watch than ones where they have the good sense to be already lying down because, hey, it’s slippery out there.

America Ends Tomorrow, Minorities Hardest Hit

The Center For Immigration Studies has a report to the effect that “minority leaders” (Al Sharpton, The Black Caucus, Janet Murguia, et cetera) are often far more enthusiastic about immigration than their constituents, who are being displaced by them, not to mention occasionally being shot:

While it is sometimes assumed that minorities, particularly Hispanics, favor increased immigration and legalization for illegal immigrants, a new Zogby survey finds that minority voters’ views are more complex. The poll of Hispanic, Asian-American, and African-American likely voters finds some support for legalization. But overall each of these groups prefers enforcement and for illegal immigrants to return home. Moreover, significant majorities of all three groups think that the current level of immigration is too high. These views are in sharp contrast to the leaders of most ethnic advocacy organizations, who argue for increased immigration and legalization of illegal immigrants. The survey used neutral language, avoiding such terms as “amnesty,” “illegal alien,” or “undocumented.”

Among the findings:

In contrast to the leadership of many ethnic advocacy groups, most members of minority groups think immigration is too high.

* Hispanics: 56 percent said it is too high; 7 percent said too low; 14 percent just right.

* Asian-Americans: 57 percent said immigration is too high; 5 percent said too low; 18 percent just right.

* African-Americans: 68 percent said it is too high; 4 percent said too low; 14 percent just right.

[An Examination of Minority Voters’ Views on Immigration, By Steven A. Camarota, February 2010]

While this is true of minority leaders and their minority constituents, it turns out that white leaders, like George Bush, John McCain, and the late Teddy Kennedy, (can’t get much whiter than those three) are also out of step with their constituents, which in Teddy Kennedy’s case would include the Irish victims of first, busing and then mass immigration in Boston.

Of course, another way of putting it would be that American leaders are out of step with their constituents, the American people. See Poll Exposes Elite-Public Clash On Immigration, by the late Sam Francis.

Ron Unz: Response To Ed Rubenstein

Ron Unz writes at the American Conservative:

My thanks to Ed Rubenstein for producing a fine rejoinder (Ron Unz Vanishes Hispanic Criminality … Not!) to my own recent analysis of Hispanic crime rates (His-Panic). Most of the previous rebuttals to my original article seemed either utterly risible (Statsholic) or ideologically shrill and analytically weak (Unzism, a Dangerous Doctrine). Although I certainly disagree with the slant of Rubenstein’s interpretations, he raises some strong and quantitatively
interesting issues which provide an important contribution to the ongoing debate. This tends to confirm VDare.com’s reputation as the premier “hardcore” anti-Immigrationist webzine.

First of all, I appreciate his willingness to excerpt numerous paragraphs from my article, some of which he endorses and some of which he disputes; this allows his readers to obtain a sense of my claims without being forced to endlessly click between the two pieces. [Response To Rubenstein, AmConMag Blog]

That is the kind of service we try to give. Ed will probably reply to the reply, and this will continue until we get tired of it.

26 February 2010

Illinois Sheriff Gets Religion In Election Year, Now Supports Legalizing Illegal Aliens

In September 2008, VDARE contributor Brenda Walker had this to say about Lake County (Ill.) Sheriff Mark C. Curran:

You can thank Sheriff Curran for his forthright defense of public safety via email: . . . I did.

Well, Brenda, like the man said, “The times they are a changin.”

Curran, who for several years has portrayed himself as being tough on illegal immigration, has joined Lou Dobbs and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) in caving to the demands of the “(illegal) immigrant community.”

Nobody knows for sure yet why Dobbs decided to roll over, and we know that Gillibrand did what she had to do to keep her U.S. Senate seat warm. But Curran, a Roman Catholic, says his religion has made him see the light and he now favors legalization because it will allow illegals in his community to become, well, you know, “patriotic American citizens.”Law enforcement officials back immigration reforms,
By Antonio Olivo,Chicago Tribune, February 24, 2010.

“It’s morally the right thing to do,” said Curran[email him], who first heard the voice of God last April when Waukegan Mayor Richard Hyde found himself voted out of office because he had the nerve to announce that he wanted to join the feds in enforcing immigration laws in his city whose population is more than half Hispanic.

Memo to this bogus wearer of the badge who has sworn to uphold the law but now sees saving his own political butt as being far more important than the rule of law: I’m also a Roman Catholic, but I fail to see what is “morally right” about giving citizenship to job thieves who think only suckers play by the rules and that our sovereignty is just another word in the dictionary.

CPAC Goes Ideologically Diverse for Immigration Panel

The big cheese American Conservative Union (CPAC) recently hosted its annual conference, attended by enthusiastic thousands. Its main immigration panel was titled Saving Freedom from Obama’s Immigration Plan, even though the Obie amnesty is not much different from the Bush model.

The CPAC panel was “diverse” in that speakers included both friends of borders (Dino Teppara, Congress candidate Ed Lynch, Robert Rector) and supporters of comprehensive amnesty (John Fund, Linda Chavez). Rector at 21 minutes is the most worthwhile.

I thought it rude that John Fund used his position as moderator to dismiss the remarks of Robert Rector, but politics ain’t beanbag, as they say.

CPAC’s list of foundational beliefs bravely states “…we will be free only so long as the national sovereignty of the United States is secure,” but its institutional attitudes toward hostile Islam and immigration show a different mindset altogether.

Rhode Kill

Most of you probably remember the video from July 22, 1979 of a cigar chomping Saddam Hussein, during a meeting of the Command Council in 1979. As Saddam read names from an enemy list each once stood up and was unceremoniously escorted out of the room for execution or mock trials.

I couldn’t help but think of that video as I watched this one:Rhode Island teachers fired. As reported earlier on VDARE.com, there has been a mass teacher termination in Rhode Island.

If you are like me you probably haven’t heard of Central Falls, RI. The city website has a message that signals that the city is in the middle of a siege, and feels the need to appease:

While the past history focuses on the building of mills and the growing population. The City’s recent history focuses on the immigration of many people of Latin American decent. Like the people who arrived before them, these new immigrants have found a home in Central Falls. Many are bringing new flavor and culture to an eth[n]ically rich community.
