
Pat Condell

Last Updated: 2/10/2010

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Status: Married
City: London
Country: UK
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 

Category: News and Politics
This interview was published on 7 March 2009 in AD Weekend, the weekend section of the national daily newspaper AD (Netherlands). However, the published version was slightly edited, so I'm reproducing the original Q&A here.


Q: If I am right, you have already 6 million hits for your internet videos. Have there been efforts to silence you (even physically), or to ban you from the internet, outside the recent ban on YouTube?

A: Actually, the videos have had more than 20 million hits. “More demands from Islam” has been seen more than five million times on dotSUB alone.
I’ve had hundreds of death threats by e-mail and I’ve posted some of them on my website, but people who have recognised me in the street have been very warm and supportive. Nobody has tried to ban me from the internet.

Q: Who were behind the proposed ban of your videos on YouTube? Religious organisations in Britain or islamic regimes in the Middle-East like Iran or Saudi-Arabia?

A: Welcome to Saudi Britain was removed after a flagging campaign by Islamic activists, but it backfired because hundreds of YouTube users uploaded it to their own accounts in protest and spread it all over the site like a rash. Then the National Secular Society and Professor Dawkins got involved and the press picked up the story, whereupon YouTube backed down and reinstated it. I have no evidence that any religious organisations were involved.
YouTube briefly removed another of my videos Godless and free but they e-mailed me to explain that it had been done in error.

Q: You started a petition against sharia-courts in Britain. What are the results so far? And why did you pick especially this subject among so many others for a campaign?

A: I didn’t start the petition; I only signed it and helped to publicise it. Why this subject? Because sharia justice deals in crooked measures that are weighted against women in clear violation of their basic human rights. Isn’t that a good enough reason? The fact that it’s the thin end of a theocratic wedge is another reason.
The original petition was restricted to people in Britain, but now there’s a global petition that anyone in the world can sign. Already it has many thousands of signatures, and I urge everyone who is concerned about the growing Islamisation of Europe and the free world to add their name.

Q: Do you have any support among the mass media for this anti-sharia-campaign? It seems the BBC doesnt allow so much criticism on religion. Is it still possible to criticize or make jokes about islam?

A: No, the BBC is utterly spineless. Whenever I’ve worked for them as a comedian I’ve found it almost impossible to make jokes about religion or to say anything at all about Islam. That’s why I started making videos.

Q: Who are to blame for allowing sharia courts? Is it the Labour government or the churches, or both? Where are the Liberals and Conservatives in this?

A: It’s Labour’s sop to the imams. The Conservatives have promised to abolish them (the courts, not the imams, although some of them should be banned as well).
The Labour Party is the party of multiculturalism in the UK, though lately they’ve backtracked on some of the “diversity” rhetoric because it’s beginning to dawn on them what a disaster it’s been. But they depend heavily on the Muslim vote, and they’ll do anything to get it, even sinking so low as to install a buffoon like Nazir Ahmed in the House of Lords.

Q: Some people will say: what’s against sharia courts if people go there from their own free choice or religious convictions?

A: What free choice? Many women will be coerced into using these courts and everybody knows it. Their basic premise violates fundamental civilised values, and there is absolutely no excuse for allowing them.
Would we tolerate a legal code where people of a certain colour are treated unequally and their word is worth half that of someone of another colour? Then why the double standards when it comes to women? Why do we still tacitly condone the idea that women are inferior? What on earth is wrong with us?

Q: What went wrong with Labour? How is it possible that people like Lord Ahmed are in their ranks? Why is a movement, that in history tried to emancipate the working people from oppression by the church and the clergy, nowadays helping the oppression by the mosq and the clergy?

A: The Labour Party was established to emancipate ordinary people from economic hardship, but nowadays it’s dominated by a political class, a quasi-aristocracy preoccupied with imposing their own “enlightened” values on society against the will of the people and consolidating their own power. In other words, the same kind of people who run your country and most of western Europe.
Since this Labour government has been in office we’ve seen a more rapid erosion of our basic civil liberties than at any time in our history. So much for emancipation.

Q: Why do you think the christian churches are treating islam as their ally, while christians are oppressed all over in the muslim world?

A: The two fascist dogmas have a common enemy in secularism, which they rightly see as a threat. That’s why the Archbishop of Canterbury disgraced himself last year by advocating sharia law in Britain, and it’s why we’re hearing a lot more about interfaith dialogue between the two, where they agree to put aside their differences and focus on things they have in common, like prejudice against women and homosexuals, hatred of freedom, and a pathological fear of knowledge. In other words the basics.
Of course this co-operation will only go so far. There will be no churches allowed in Saudi Arabia, while mosques will continue to be built all over Europe.

Q: Are you amazed that Britain has banned our MP Geert Wilders? You banned Al-Qaradawi, so why not Wilders, some people would say.

A: I’m not in favour of banning anyone. If somebody enters the country and breaks the law they should be arrested and tried. If found guilty they should be deported.
The British government caved in to an implied threat of public disorder, and there’s no honour in pretending otherwise. Again Home Secretary Jacqui Smith revealed herself as someone who has been promoted above her ability and who is completely out of her depth.

Q: Many people in Holland agree with the ban. They say Fitna is a useless hatemongering movie insulting muslims. What would you say to people holding this opinion?

A: I’d ask what happened to the Dutch reputation for tolerance and open-mindedness. Are you only open-minded about things you agree with? And do you ban everything that offends anyone, or is it just Muslims who mustn’t be offended?
There’s more hate expressed in the Koran than in the film, which simply makes the point that Islamic scripture is used by terrorists to justify mass murder. That’s a fact and nobody can deny it. A literal reading of the Koran gives Muslims permission to kill people, and those who do so have repeatedly used it as justification. This stuff needs to be acknowledged and discussed, not banned.
Nobody wants to offend people, but honest free speech is the oxygen of our society, and I believe that makes it more important than anybody’s feelings, however delicate.

Q: What is your own opinion on Fitna and on Mr. Wilders proposal to ban the Koran and his comparison between the Koran and Hitlers Mein Kampf?

A: I think the film is a rather sensationalist way of drawing attention to the problem of European Islamisation. But the problem is real, and if it had been more honestly acknowledged and more frankly discussed in the first place there would be no need for a film like this.
As for the Koran, I don’t think any book should be banned. I didn’t know Hitler’s book was banned in the Netherlands. I think that’s childish. Nobody’s opinion should be silenced, even those who would deny the Holocaust. I think everyone should be free to make a public idiot of themselves if they want to.

Q: In your video Shame on Holland you blamed the christian parties in the Dutch government. Didn’t you forget the Dutch Labour party, that is part of the coalition government as well?

A: In that video I actually blamed the multicultural left, but several Dutch people e-mailed me to say that Christian politicians are also an important part of the problem, so I made that point in the subsequent video Freedom go to hell.

Q: Some people will say that Wilders, or Ayaan Hirsi Ali, or the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, or our cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot (did you hear about his arrest?), or you own person suffer from islamophobia. What about that? Do you think islam is now more dangerous for our freedom than other religions?

A: Nobody should worry about being called Islamophobic. Islamophobia is not a real word. It’s a crude attempt by multiculturalists and Islamists to play on people’s liberal guilt and demonise their legitimate concerns about the direction our society is going.
If you dislike something bad it doesn’t mean you have a phobia. It means you dislike something bad, and you’re probably wise to do so.
We keep hearing that Islam is falsely portrayed in a bad light, but the evidence shows that it’s falsely portrayed in a good light by people who should know better.
Also, Islam is more than just a religion. In the guise of Islamism it’s an aggressive political movement, and for this reason it is a bigger threat to our freedom than other religions.

Q: In your videos you seem very worried about the erosion of words like ‘tolerance’, and ‘human rights’ or ‘emancipation’? Can you explain a bit why?

A: Tolerance is rightly seen as a virtue, but in practice it has come to mean intolerance of anything that doesn’t conform to multicultural dogma.
The term “human rights” was redefined recently by the UN Human Rights Council after it was hijacked by a cartel of Islamic dictatorships. Now it means immunity from criticism for Islam. Also, they want western governments to make it illegal to criticise religion, and some seem very eager to do their bidding, including the Dutch government, as we’ve seen with the prosecution of Mr Wilders.
However, there are signs that things are starting to turn. The Norwegian government tried to introduce such a law last month, but they were forced to back down in the face of outraged public opinion. Bravo Norway. Maybe Europe does have a spine after all.

Q: Some people are very pessimistic and think Europe is already surrendering to Islam. Or are you more optimistic, hoping that our continent will come to its senses and recover and fight for its values?

A: I’m optimistic, but it won’t happen by itself. Firstly, we still have a vote. (I haven’t checked recently, so I may be wrong about that.) If we vote again for the people who created this situation we deserve everything we get.
Secondly, we can only defend freedom of speech if we use it. It’s no good as a theory. A silent majority is not a majority at all if it remains silent; it might as well not exist.
If we keep backing away from Islam, if we keep retreating into silence to keep the peace in the face of unreasonable demands, we’re in real danger of bequeathing our children the kind of world that we wouldn’t want to be born into; a world where ideas are banned and where feelings and dogma are more important than truth; where women have fewer rights, and where homosexuals and Jews have more to fear.
Those of us who care about this prospect need to examine our consciences and make a decision to start speaking out before it’s too late, because once it is too late, it will be too late forever.

Supplementary question 1
What do you think about the recent gains of the BNP (British National Party) in by-elections and in the polls?

A: I believe the BNP is a racist party, and therefore I don't support them. They're getting more support now because the mainstream parties have consistently ignored people's legitimate concerns about multiculturalism, and many people feel they've been left with no choice but to vote for them. If politicians listened to what people actually want, the BNP would be nothing.

Supplementary question 2
In the last opinion poll the PVV (Freedom Party) of Mr. Wilders scored as the biggest party, with 27 virtual seats. What is your explanation of the popularity of the PVV? What should the other political parties do about it?

A: It’s good news, but not entirely surprising. People aren’t stupid. They can see what’s going on, and they’re beginning to realise that if things don’t change radically and quickly then western culture and its values are in big trouble.
The other parties should take off their multicultural spectacles and read the mood of the country. Maybe some of the politicians in those parties will now start saying what they really think, and not what they think they’re supposed to think.

Chris O'Gara

You have no idea how happy I am that you're getting more exposure to the media. Keep going, please.

Posted by Icarus on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 10:38
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Good to see more support for the cause.
Another great interview!
Posted by Jonathan on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 10:59
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Dan Tyson

Hello there Pat,

I'm so grateful to you for enlightening Europe to the dangers of Islamification. I'm also grateful that I live in Australia where such bullshit is seen for what it is and the insane Imams here get their outrageous, hateful, hurtful statements jumped on by the various mass media a nanosecond after they spew from their uneducated, bronze age maws. Governments World wide do indeed need to hear from the silent majority to put a stop to this encroaching plague and I applaud you in your efforts. I know Australia is not immune from the Islamic menace but I think our natural abhorrence of all things bullshit may save us. Good luck in the Ashes by the way.

Dan Tyson


Posted by Dan on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 11:05
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Hello Dan, may i ask you, are there many muslims down under? I would never have guessed if there are, and if there aren't, i should think ill be moving there asap.

Regards, Alf
Posted by ALF on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 22:50
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Dan Tyson

Greetings Alf,

The Muslim population of Australia is about 1.7%. Most of these are Lebanese.

Posted by Dan on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 23:15
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Dan Tyson

Just to give a few examples of how the Australian media treats insane Islamic bullies, I post this link.
http://www. google. com. au/search?sourceid=navclient-menuext&ie=UTF-8&q=Sheik+Taj+al-Din+al-Hilali

This idiot is the Grand Mufti of Australia, the No. 1 Muslim here.
Imagine him dispensing Sharia justice?
Posted by Dan on Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 10:09
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It is good that there are now several writers, bloggers, etc. out here in virtual land with the ability see and write about what's going on. To see past the poitical correctness to the bigger pattern that is happening hidden by brilliant manipulation of peoples soft heatedness. Their supposed sense of right and wrong being scewed bypoliticiamns to keep their votes. I see freedom dwindling away on a daily basis in many areas as politicians fight to control everything but what they should be controlling. Its just not right.
Kudos to you!
Posted by Kevin on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 12:23
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Ronald Williams

Magnificent, Pat. What would we do without your powerful voice and arguments. Thank you.

Posted by Ron on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 12:58
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Mark Says, Hey Now!
Mark Wallace

Love You Pat!
Posted by Mark Says, Hey Now! on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 13:24
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Always great to hear your voice of quite rage saying so well most most people already know
Posted by Michelle on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 15:03
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Fuck yeah DUDE!!!
Posted by Raven on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 15:10
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This blog needs a lil more irreverence...just a dash!

Posted by Raven on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 16:18
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Power Essence
Power Essence

No wonder they want to cover up their women!
Posted by Power Essence on Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 20:11
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Vincent Truman
Vincent Truman

Don't be sari!
Posted by Vincent Truman on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 06:05
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tha's funny!
Posted by Raven on Monday, March 16, 2009 - 18:45
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Prog Rock Girl

I get so tired of this word "Islamophobia". Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ibn Warraq, who grew up in Muslim countries, would know better than anyone. It's funny how every time someone tries to "dispel the stereotypes about Muslims", all they actually do is confirm exactly what I expected all along, by talking about how it's great to be covered up and the world has too much fornication, etc. It's not Islamophobia, it's educated dislike for fuck's sake, but some people seem to think that is just not possible.

Posted by Prog Rock Girl on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 16:20
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Isaac? Sit On Acid
Isaac Musakwa

shine on!
Posted by Isaac? Sit On Acid on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 16:20
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Richard & Michael

Thanks for keeping up the good fight Pat. There are a lot of us out here standing with you doing what we can as well. Let's hope that more folks come to their senses before it's too late.

Hey Dan, must be nice to live somewhere that the media is still able to their job. Here in the U.S., our media long ago just gave up and just repeats any news release they are given, and then call it news. Oh and let's not forget that Islam is a "religion of peace" BS that has been rammed down our throats since 9-11. Peace huh? I'd sure hate to see them if they got violent.

Posted by Richard & Michael on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 16:35
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Dan Tyson

I'll post this link here as well.

http://www. google. com. au/search?sourceid=navclient-menuext&ie=UTF-8&q=Sheik+Taj+al-Din+al-Hilali

Have a read of a couple of these and see how the mass media should handle ratbags like this.


Posted by Dan on Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 10:19
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existential blues

You need to look beyond USA Today and cable news. There are publications that you can buy at American bookstores that speak pretty freely, as well as countless blogs and such.

It's not that big media can't express themselves freely; it's that they choose not to. They're just trying to make a profit. They're on the hook to their shareholders.

Posted by existential blues on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 17:20
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Richard & Michael

I totally agree with you existential blues. I was lamenting the fact that "big media" chooses not too. I get my information elsewhere, but let's be honest, MOST, and I mean almost ALL of our citizens gets their news from the TV. They accept it and never question it any further.
If they accept what they see and hear from the talking heads, why would they ever want to or need to investigate any further?
Posted by Richard & Michael on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 14:52
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Excellent interview.

Posted by Seer on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 16:39
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Maxwell Jennings

Brilliant! Again, Pat Condell for the President of Earth.

Posted by Maxwell Jennings on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 17:53
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Posted by Missa on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 18:28
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Distrust of multiculturalism seems to be synonymous with racism these days. Yet an honest analysis shows that whatever cultural origin a person hails from should be swallowed up by the majority that it as a minority desires assimilation into. The ethnic diversity of such a thing as Islam is staggering, it may well be the religion's finest achievement and greatest asset, the dissolution of race and the elevation of a nation based on ideology, the 'umma' of faith. Because I recognise the strength of that achievement, the power it retains and the openly autocratic agenda it pursues I want to see it vanquished. I am convinced though, that the sheer weight of a terminological abstraction (truth) will ultimately realise OUR hopes.
Good job Pat!
Posted by Greg on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 20:15
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Ben X - Repeal the 17th Amendment

There's nothing like squashing free speech for diversity, now is there? Which begs the question, if diversity for diversity's sake alone was a virtue, then what does it say for cancer cells?
Posted by Ben X - Repeal the 17th Amendment on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 22:03
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Great blog Pat!! People need to speak out.
Stop being SHEEP!!!!
Posted by Truman on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 23:12
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Thank god for you Mr. Condell.
Posted by David on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 00:47
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Richard Termini

Posted by Richard Termini on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 02:15
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Thank you, Pat. Brilliant and succinct as always. I wish Nederland would start acting like the enlightened, freethinking place I've always heard it was.

Posted by Alice on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 03:48
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Acharya S
Acharya S


You are simply fabulous, Pat!

A very great man, indeed.

I am praying to Isis to protect you... :)

Acharya S

Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection

Posted by Acharya S on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 04:08
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You tell em Pat!
Posted by TPO on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 14:45
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ATheist-flow $o$

I agree greatly with you bro let us continue to spread the word alallalalalal lol jk
Posted by ATheist-flow $o$ on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 17:59
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Dawn DeVito

i dont agree with atheism for obvios evidence but great pionts about the brits.

i had an ancestor rule there at one time and another who ruled scotland as well.

well good luck and God bless.

Posted by Dawn DeVito on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 20:42
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Albino Cockroach

WOW, very interesting.

Posted by Albino Cockroach on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 21:21
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Generic Emo Kid
Ethan Hampton

Pat, for once I think I can be glad that the southern half of the US is full Jesus freaks. Thanks to them, America won't have to deal with the advancement of Islam.

Keep fighting the good fight, Pat. Best of luck to Europe.

Posted by Generic Emo Kid on Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 03:17
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josh honaker

brilliant blog,you keep this stuff in peoples faces and maybe folks will step out of their bubbles of ignorance
Posted by kyrwak on Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 04:36
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Posted by Oscar on Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 06:36
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High Dee Heidi Hi


Notice that I have included FITNA among my videos here on myspace, and I did so many months ago.

And your "Godless and Free" video is on my main page, right between "About Me" and "Comments".

Posted by High Dee Heidi Hi on Saturday, March 14, 2009 - 22:06
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verry intresting interview Pat
Posted by Noodle on Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 02:47
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Helloooooo Internet !

Hey Pat

Great Interview, i loved it and how i wish we had more people like you.

I hope people do open their eyes and realize what is going on in Europe (and the rest of the world for that matter)

Keep up the good work!

Finn (your friendly neighbour) , Denmark


I talked to a girl from the US who's currently studying here in Denmark.

This was her reaction to what's going on in Denmark (Same goes for Europe)

" What i guess i dont understand the most is, why they move here to get away from the horrible lives they have elsewhere and then try and turn denmark into the same horrible place they left.

Arent they coming here for a better life and safety and to make money?
Why destroy what they came for? "

Amen To That !
Posted by Helloooooo Internet ! on Friday, April 24, 2009 - 03:20
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What would we do without you, Pat? You really are a (pardon the irony) godsend! It's about time someone stood up for the views of the until-recently-silent majority. It's people like you who give us the motivation we need to start doing something about the shambolic state of affairs the western world has got itself into. Keep going and never give up! You're doing a fantastic job!
Posted by Paul on Monday, May 04, 2009 - 22:10
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Barbara Todish

I have been banned too. I think that the only people that are truly alive are those who are banned, censored, silenced. To BE truly alive is to undergo social "death" Everyone is so afraid of being authentic, so instead they "live" as distracted human "pods" like in the classic film (remade a while ago) Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Comedians are only slightly less censored than others. Women comedians who attempt to be political have a harder time even getting laughs.

Posted by Barbara on Saturday, July 11, 2009 - 15:30
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Pooka Sighting

It still astounds me that Europe is having this problem.
I always thought of America as having the lion's share of westernized countries dealing with religious nuts.
I suppose our nations share this in common.

Similar to sharing a case of herpes. Joy.

Posted by Pooka_Sighting on Friday, July 24, 2009 - 00:55
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I wish you could testify for Geert in court Pat.

Keep up "God's" work, pardon the pun.

Posted by Enganacious on Saturday, February 06, 2010 - 01:26
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