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Sorry to say this but hypocrisy unwelcome

Piers Akerman – Thursday, March 18, 10 (12:39 am)

FULL marks to Tony Abbott for highlight the appalling paternalistic sanctimony of the welcome-to-country ceremonies that every kumbayah coffee klatch has now embraced.

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Flim-flannery to run new bureaucracy

Piers Akerman – Monday, March 15, 10 (12:24 pm)

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has named mammal palaeontologist Tim Flannery as the head of the federal government’s new bureaucracy, the Coasts and Climate Change Council.

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Why Labor looks to women to save face

Piers Akerman – Saturday, March 13, 10 (11:10 pm)

SOUTH Australians will make political history should they elect Isobel Redmond their first woman premier next weekend.

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Turning our backs on an Aussie in trouble

Piers Akerman – Wednesday, March 10, 10 (11:13 pm)

JAILED drug runner Schapelle Corby might gain some satisfaction in knowing that two artists have entered her portrait in this year’s Archibald art prize.
It is unlikely, however, to be of much comfort to Corby’s supporters, who believe she was wrongfully convicted.

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Muslims kick own goal in PR stunt

Piers Akerman – Monday, March 08, 10 (12:30 pm)

Attempts by Australian Muslims to build bridges to the wider community through Saturday’s open day at the Lakemba mosque exploded as dramatically as an Islamist suicide terrorist.

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Why Conroy, not Garrett, is the Rudd Government’s problem

Piers Akerman – Sunday, February 21, 10 (01:15 am)

WHETHER skiing with Seven media boss Kerry Stokes or golfing with Foxtel shareholder James Packer, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy is becoming quite the all-round sportsman.

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Malicious bullets fired by the global warmists’ guns

Piers Akerman – Thursday, February 18, 10 (12:00 am)

LAST Tuesday I received an email from London’s The Independent newspaper, asking about a quote attributed to Sir John Houghton, former chief executive of the British Met Office, which ran in a column of mine four years ago.

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Improving The Gap’s safety is a no-brainer

Piers Akerman – Monday, February 15, 10 (11:04 pm)

WHEN Kevin Rudd was campaigning for the top job in the nation he was painted as Kev the Compassionate.

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Winds of change blow on Kevin Rudd

Piers Akerman – Saturday, February 13, 10 (04:56 pm)

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd is becoming increasingly rattled, say his Labor colleagues, who point to his uncharacteristic attempts to be nice to MPs during the past two meetings of the parliamentary Caucus as evidence of his shaken confidence.

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Punished for doing the right thing for old age

Piers Akerman – Wednesday, February 10, 10 (11:55 pm)

BEFORE the last election, Kevin Rudd promised he would not change superannuation laws.

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Camel gas and other warmist nonsense

Piers Akerman – Monday, February 08, 10 (06:41 pm)

THE insanity all of those who have been engaged in running the great global warming scam is summed up by the decision to recognise belches and farts from domestic camels, and not those emitted by the feral camel population, when calculating a nation’s carbon footprint.

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Let it not all be in vain

Piers Akerman – Saturday, February 06, 10 (05:43 pm)

AS Australians mark the first anniversary of the worst peacetime disaster in our history, the Black Saturday bushfires, it is worth asking whether anything has been learned from the tragedy.

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Mad mullahs believe bad science is gospel

Piers Akerman – Wednesday, February 03, 10 (11:18 pm)

GLOBAL warming believer Kevin Rudd has adopted the strategies of radical ayatollahs to push his agenda for a huge new tax on Australians and a global wealth redistribution scheme.

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Crazy way to treat our most vulnerable

Piers Akerman – Monday, February 01, 10 (07:13 pm)

IT SOUNDS a little crazy but the deteriorating state of the mental health of Australians is not only being ignored by the Federal Government, but the professional supervising body for psychologists is accused of having some of the lowest training standards in the Western world.

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Kevin Rudd feels the heat on global warming

Piers Akerman – Saturday, January 30, 10 (05:34 pm)

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd, the man who said he would never “knowingly” tell a lie, should begin the new Parliamentary session Tuesday with a few admissions of deceit.

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Piers has been one of The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph's best-read columnists since 1993. One of the nation's most respected journalists he has worked in New York, London, Washington and Los Angeles.


Latest Articles

Article Icon - Comments
Sorry to say this but hypocrisy unwelcome 197
Flim-flannery to run new bureaucracy 248
Why Labor looks to women to save face 172
Turning our backs on an Aussie in trouble 175
Muslims kick own goal in PR stunt 449
Why Conroy, not Garrett, is the Rudd Government’s problem 367
Malicious bullets fired by the global warmists’ guns 306
Improving The Gap’s safety is a no-brainer 153
Winds of change blow on Kevin Rudd 450
Punished for doing the right thing for old age 332


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