Life of Crime

Ian Huntley Is Not Dead 

March 22, 2010 2:20 PM - Written by Martin Brunt

I hate to underplay the injury done to Ian Huntley, but the Soham schoolgirls killer seems to have gone from "they thought he was dead" to "has now returned to prison" within a few hours.

The Daily Mirror even had a witness who said Huntley "stepped out" of the ambulance on his brief visit to hospital.

Still, a slashed throat is a slashed throat and you can't escape the conclusion that one day Huntley's exit from prison will be permanent. And I don't mean parole....

Most Wanted: Is Amsterdam The New Costa Del Crime? 

March 16, 2010 11:05 AM - Written by Martin Brunt

Even though it's cold and wet here in Amsterdam, I can see why it's becoming a rival to the Costa del Crime.

It's a beautiful city, everyone speaks English and the thriving sex and dope cafe trade, although licensed, has been infiltrated by organised crime.

So a British criminal on the run can blend in and still earn a dishonest crust.

Punters are being asked to help in the hunt for six Most Wanted thought to be hiding out in the cultural capital of Holland.

But look at the list......

David Calvert Is Still Not Jon Venables 

March 08, 2010 5:07 PM - Written by Martin Brunt

Spare a thought for a young man called David Calvert who was 'outed' as Jon Venables five years ago.

Now his name is all over the Internet again.

Scouser Mr. Calvert, 27, was threatened and abused and feared for his family's safety when neighbours were told he was one of James Bulger's killers.

Police even installed a panic button in his home in Fleetwood, Lancashire.

The clamour eventually died down when he was interviewed by his local paper and opened up the family album....

What's Jon Venables Done This Time? 

March 03, 2010 11:55 AM - Written by Martin Brunt

We are all, naturally, trying to find out what Jon Venables did to warrant his return to jail.

It must be something serious, because Home Secretary Alan Johnson said he wouldn't tell because he did not want to "prejudice the future criminal justice proceedings."

That sounds like Venables is facing a criminal charge and a court case.

Another factor is this....the probation service would not have ordered him back to prison lightly,...

Tory Donor Not In Trouble 

March 02, 2010 11:14 AM - Written by Martin Brunt

The general election just got less interesting.

Tory donor David Ross has been told today he won't face an assault charge after a complaint from a Lithuanian call-girl.

She claimed that a week before Christmas she'd been booked by someone from Mr. Ross's swish Belgravia home, then told her services were no longer required.

She said she was bunged a few quid and sent away with more than a flea in her ear.

It was 5am. There had been a party. Drink may have played a part in alleged events....

We Were The Sweeney, Son 

February 08, 2010 1:34 PM - Written by Martin Brunt

There's trouble brewing at Scotland Yard as many of its best detectives are about to be forced into more mundane duties.

Members of elite groups such as the Flying Squad, the Project Team and the Specialist Intelligence Service, who target the top villains, have been told they must go back "on division" and help out colleagues chasing burglars and local drug dealers.

One of the reasons is the poor investigation into the black cabbie rapist John Worboys,...

Could Police Have Saved Harry And Elise? 

February 01, 2010 1:54 PM - Written by Martin Brunt

Sussex police have finally referred their investigation into "killer mum" Fiona Donnison to the police watchdog to decide if they could have done more to protect the two young children she's accused of murdering.

I'm not surprised, given the fact they had had recent "contact" with the family over allegations of aggressive behaviour and assault....

Madeleine McCann And A Load Of Nonsense 

January 26, 2010 6:12 PM - Written by Martin Brunt

It's 1,000 days since Madeleine McCann vanished and even now there are intelligent, sane and rational people, in Portgual and in the UK, who still believe that her parents Gerry and Kate phoned Sky News before they called the police.

They didn't.

Even the Portuguese police know they didn't.

Anyone who believes they did rather blows a hole in other things they think they know about the Madeleine case.

Chucky And The Torture Kids 

January 22, 2010 12:32 PM - Written by Martin Brunt

The makers of the demonic Chucky films have once again been fingered for fuelling child violence.

The two torture kids in Doncaster were said to have watched the movies and maybe got ideas there for the terrible attack on their young victims.

But before psychologists condemn the movie makers, perhaps they should take a closer look at more mainstream television....

Maximising Publicity 

January 19, 2010 12:34 PM - Written by Martin Brunt

I've been 'Maxed', if that's the right word.

A while ago I interviewed a stalker victim who was looking for wide publicity because she felt the courts were not protecting her.

My report ran, her anger and fear were widely aired, and she was pleased with the broadcast.

This week we both awaited the judge's sentence.

After seeing her stalker jailed she walked out of court and I pointed my microphone towards her.

"What's your reaction to the sentence?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Martin," she said....