April 6th, 2010

The Intifada Jubilee

posted by Alex de Waal

Today is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the popular uprising that brought down the dictatorship of President Jaafar Nimeiri, setting the stage for Sudan’s last multi-party elections exactly a year later. It was a model non-violent people’s revolution.
The intifada was an extraordinary organizational feat. The prime movers were trade unions and professional associations. Although some army [...]

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April 5th, 2010

Elections in Sudan: In Whose Interest?

posted by Sudan Democracy First Group

“Even America is becoming an NCP member. No one is against our will”,
President Omer Albashir, in Sinar, Blue Nile City rally, 3 April 2010
Yesterday the African Union, under the leadership of former Ghanaian President John Kufuor, dispatched the final members of its 50 person strong team to monitor the elections in [...]

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April 4th, 2010

Transitional Elections in Comparative Perspective

posted by Alex de Waal

Democrats today, facing autocratic governments, have an advantage over their predecessors of ten or twenty years ago. Political scientists have studied transitions from authoritarianism and there are many lessons that can be learned from around the world—and applied. Dictators’ political engineers are surely learning too, so the democrats should try at least to be a [...]

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April 3rd, 2010

Revisiting the Prophecy: Good Reasons Why Sudan is destined to Inevitable Doom?

posted by Ahmed Hassan

A few months ago, when I posted my article “10 Good Reasons Why Sudan is Destined to Chaos”, in which I have anticipated the possibility that holding the elections and the referendum, at all, might not be possible unless the issues of concern are properly addressed, and in a timely manner, many views on the [...]

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April 2nd, 2010

On Confusion

posted by Alex de Waal

A senior member of a Sudanese opposition party, was present at the meeting of the leaders of the Juba Alliance in which the issue of boycotting the elections was discussed at length. From the meeting he knew precisely where each of the parties stood: which were for contesting the elections, which were for comprehensive boycott, [...]

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March 31st, 2010

Political Parties Council in Juba

posted by admin

The Political Parties Council for southern Sudan was officially launched in Juba today.
In his introductory remarks, Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Riek Machar, noted the importance of the Political Parties Council, and also said,
“We have just arrived from Khartoum. We have been involved in a lot of activities pertaining to the election [...]

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March 29th, 2010

Sudan’s Election: Postponement or Not?

posted by Hafiz Mohammed

The ongoing debate about whether the April election should be postponed or not has entered a new phase, as the Presidency will discuss it on Tuesday, and according to the outcome of that meeting, the Juba Alliance will meet and decide whether to boycott the election or not, depending on [...]

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March 27th, 2010

Justice Africa’s Mock Election

posted by Hafiz Mohammed

The coming election in Sudan is one of the most complicated elections in the world. In the north people have to vote eight times and twelve times in the south, that in a country with around 70% rate of illiteracy.
I have been studying the new electoral system in Sudan for the last two [...]

Read the rest of Justice Africa’s Mock Election.
March 26th, 2010

Sudan’s Electoral Design

posted by admin

On the eve of the elections, a new report by the Rift Valley Institute explains Sudan’s electoral system, analyses errors in constituency demarcation and warns of potential obstacles to the electoral process. The report highlights the strengths and shortcomings of the new system and its effects on the distribution of power in Sudan.

View the report [...]

Read the rest of Sudan’s Electoral Design.
March 25th, 2010

On Commitment to the CPA and Optimism About Southern Sudan

posted by Alex de Waal

Further to my posting yesterday, I am excerpting a few lines from President Buyoya’s speech to the summit of political parties in southern Sudan on 1 March:
“During the long years of war, the people of southern Sudan demonstrated that they could never be ruled against their will, and that the destiny of southern Sudan lies [...]

Read the rest of On Commitment to the CPA and Optimism About Southern Sudan.

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