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George Pitcher

George Pitcher is Religion Editor of Telegraph Media. He is an Anglican priest and serves his ministry at St Bride's, Fleet Street, in London – the "journalists' church".

Tory climate bores will eat each other


There is something delightfully ecological about the launch today of the Conservative Environment Network. It is the Warmists’ ying to the Deniers’ yang; evidence that Gaia protects her own, the green butterfly wing-flap that will precipitate a reactionary tsunami from the foam-flecked climate conspiracy theorists of the New (except it’s Old) Right.

The CEN thinks we’re all going to drown or explode or something The Day After Tomorrow, while the Conservative Righties cream themselves over this vast conspiracy theory, apparently orchestrated by the Left (but actually far more likely to be organised by their own people in the motor industry), but as of today also represented by the Greenies of their own party.

It’s quite Darwinian in its way. Conservative climate nutters meet for their final clash, their Armageddon. The Tory Green wing, led by the serious Peter Ainsworth MP, invoking Benjamin Disraeli, meets the Tory Denial wang, in the shape of fearless fighter for Climate Truth, James Delingpoole, and all the tedious who-ate-all-the-pie-charts fanatics who are mad for, oh God spare us, “Climategate”.

The real truth is that most of us in the middle of this debate just don’t care. We’d quite like to know if we’re damaging the planet and what can be done about it, but are bored rigid by hysterical claim and counter-claim from this weird bunch of anoraky ideologues, who should get out more.

So we can only hope that the Tory climate extremists will meet in one great, final conflagration and burn up in the fury of their own arguments, delivering a carbon deposit that will prove the matter once and for all. Perhaps it’s nature’s way. Climate bores balance each other out and eventually neutralise each other’s toxicity. No mess, no fuss, no waste. Isn’t Nature wonderful?



  • The truth is that we do actually care that taxes are being swindled out of us for the religion of the scam that is MMGW, and that many charlatans are making vast sums out of our cash for carbon trading.

    Similarly, we do care that certain “scientists” are obtaining massive grants of £ MILLIONS, so long as they keep pushing the MMGW myth – lying and cheating as they go.

    The IPCC “head, Pachauri can’t seem to be trusted not to obtain business for his various businesses, nor can the IPCC be trusted per se to spout anything other than propaganda.

    The Met office is as bad – led by a person who is definitely not unbiased re MMGW.

    So YES…it does matter, and most of us are not “in the middle”, but firmly on the side of exposing the sham of MMGW.

    Do any of those Tories ( who are causing the Party to lose support from vast swathes of the electorate that can think for itself) espousing their religion, have any notion of geology/history which shows us that climate has always changed and will continue to do so? Witness the far warmer times post major ice-age, pre little ice age and post final ice coverage of most of the UK 10000 years ago.

    Witness the growing of vines all over England during Roman times, and the changes since then.

    The sun and Earth’s tilt plays the only part in causing the climate to vary, and tectonic shift affects sea levels far more than so-called “melting” ice.

    PaulButler on Mar 10th, 2010 at 8:07 am
  • Canute’s Law: Nature rules.

    That is the thing about Nature: it is never still; it constantly, slowly see-saws; once in a while, for a short while, there is a perfect balance; then off it goes again.

    With all our science, with all our written records, with millions of years of Earth’s history at least partly understood, one might think the doom-sayers would understand that it is the Cosmos in charge, not Mankind, a microbe, living on a dust speck floating through a vast void.

    Reducing carbon is like emptying the oceans with a tea-cup.

    Rocky on Mar 10th, 2010 at 8:13 am
  • Well,well.Half right George.
    Your improving.
    Oh..and er..don’t stand in the middle of the road.
    You know what happens–right?

    Dan O Connor on Mar 10th, 2010 at 8:34 am
  • “cream themselves”??

    That’s a theological term, I assume.

    HNMcC on Mar 10th, 2010 at 8:48 am
  • You and the CEN have a lot in common, George. You both have faith in something which cannot be proved.

    bc cape town on Mar 10th, 2010 at 8:48 am
  • PaulButler 8:07 am. Absolutely right. I couldn’t have put it better myself.

    mrtipster on Mar 10th, 2010 at 8:57 am
  • Like PaulButler, I do care. A LOT.

    So please careful with the ‘most of us’ bit, at least without some substantiation.

    But I will go along with the frustration at the two tribal extremes we are almost exclusively presented with, Monbiot vs. Delingpole (though actually sort of ‘in concert’ over some energy issues at the mo’ that it might be interesting to get a sensible, unspun thought from any ‘green’ pol on), Guardian vs. Express, Andrew Neil vs. the rest of the BBC, where you are either ‘with’ the notion of AnthroCC totally or ‘with’ the notion that some snow shows GW to be a crock.

    I am concerned about where the ‘climate’ is going, but not to the extent of then blindly signing off on any hare-brained, green-daubed scheme with an EU box tick just because it meets a target that may or may not tangibly end up in a GHG reduction, without numbers that add up and feedback systems that ensure proper monitoring.

    Beyond the cute choice of picture to illustrate their piece, almost designed to undermine the credibility of any eco-claims, it also seems extraordinary to have pinned so much on the party leader’s credibility in this arena, which is as mixed as he seems confused on many underlying facts.

    Not that the other parties are any better. Have any got qualified advisers of proven competence, untainted by affiliations to money, career paths or beliefs that near immediately compromise the value of their input?

    And when will any in the media truly serve the middle ground that some concede might exist and be worth addressing to move on sensibly? Surely ratings can’t be that addictive that journalistic integrity almost always defers to agenda?

    JunkkMale on Mar 10th, 2010 at 9:25 am
  • Well done, George, got the wrong end of the stick yet again (Paul Butler, above, seems to be much more clear-headed than you on this issue). I guess you’re just sulking a little because James Delingpole (and others) call you the Comedy Vicar.

    Next week: religious bores battle it out. Pitcher versus Dawkins. A guaranteed cure for insomnia.

    Clothilde S. on Mar 10th, 2010 at 9:43 am
  • Maybe this will bring you down a peg or two George. It covers a lot of sins, but it is all in there.

    Put your coat on – it’s a chilling read.

    coltek on Mar 10th, 2010 at 9:51 am
  • Nice one Cloth’

    scud1 on Mar 10th, 2010 at 9:53 am
  • What a peculiar turn of phrase for someone who espouses “judge not, lest ye be judged”.

    Cream themselves
    Foam-flecked climate conspiracy theorists
    Organised by their own people in the motor industry
    Climate nutters
    Anoraky ideologues
    Hysterical claims and so it goes……..

    Perhaps you could contribute your expert advice on climate; you know George, the bit about the rising sea levels that make Gore’s predictions a mere ripple, the one where the entire planet drowns and an old man builds a reeeally big boat and wrestles all the wild animals on board etc etc etc

    As a man only too willing to hold his hand out for the tithes of the devotees of your ideology, I guess you see little wrong in people being taxed into penury for another Great Lie. The difference is, the law doesn’t demand I subscribe to yours.

    You have crudely and dismissively trivialised an issue that you “don’t care” about. Please have the courtesy to keep your non-opinion to yourself and allow others some modicum of respect who DO care to expose Frauds, Liars, and Charlatans.

    blackswan on Mar 10th, 2010 at 9:54 am
  • The solution – worry more about your own local environment – and less about somebody else’s.

    ozboy on Mar 10th, 2010 at 9:59 am
  • ‘most of us in the middle of this debate just don’t care’

    You would if you had even a teensy inkling of how much the AGW scam is costing you

    dirlada on Mar 10th, 2010 at 10:01 am
  • And now an appeal for sanity from the vicar …


    pointman on Mar 10th, 2010 at 10:09 am
  • How appropriate that this is discussed by a theologian and not a scientist. But are there any scientists left in the world of journalism (apart from zoologists, of course)

    bwims on Mar 10th, 2010 at 10:21 am
  • As Religion Editor of Telegraph Media, George Pitcher is perfectly qualified to write a piece on this subject.

    Not surprisingly, he actually says nothing, commits to no position himself. Are you FOR or AGAINST the AGW religion George? Fess up.

    We mere mortals, the long-suffering layfolk DO BLOODY CARE. We common-sensically recognise a scam, a cult and a powergrab all rolled into one. And want none of it. Those of us, at least, who have had the wool removed from our eyes.

    esotericist on Mar 10th, 2010 at 10:52 am
  • I’m convinced now. You need to enrol on a writing course.

    55gout on Mar 10th, 2010 at 11:01 am
  • “The real truth is that most of us in the middle of this debate just don’t care.”

    I’m afraid you simply don’t understand the debate.

    Joe on Mar 10th, 2010 at 11:35 am
  • blackswan Yeah!

    delboy36 on Mar 10th, 2010 at 11:49 am

    Thanks for that link. A chilling and succinct of ‘where we at’ in the grand scheme of historical stuff.

    I count myself lucky to have a nice Thai wife, sufficient land to feed the family mouths and a location way off the beaten track. I mean…. waay off!

    Either a very dark future awaits us or we fight. either way… it’s going to get very ugly before the end of the tunnel leads into the light. If it ever does in my lifetime.

    esotericist on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:09 pm
  • When one considers how well man has survived all the extreme climate fluctuations in the past without the benefits of the latest technology, it is most unlikely that we have too much to concern us man-made weather wise. However, our futures do not seem so secure politically, irrespective of which party comes up trumps.

    exbrat on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:12 pm
  • Staggering!

    You simply do not understand. This is not just a scientific debate. It is an intensely political one.

    We are told that people are losing interest in politics, have no passion for ideas and do not want to get involved in the big debates.

    Here is one of the biggest debates of all, particularly in terms of the potential impact on our economy and our lives of massive commercial and political vested interests, and your only response is the most arrogant, supercilious, down-the-nose dismissal of everyone involved on both sides.

    There is nothing wrong with robust argument and having one’s ideas challenged, but this sort of vacuous sneering contributes nothing to the debate and has no place in a serious newspaper.

    michaelp on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:13 pm
  • I’ve just read Colteks article.
    Its funny how that particular category of all encompassing comprehensive explaination starts of well and then slowly begins to veer into the realms of the highly improbable.
    I learnt now to stop reading before it reaches the utterly impossible.
    Followed by Lizard people and Aliens.

    Dan O Connor on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:20 pm
  • I couldnt agree less with you on this one, George. Anyone who doesnt care about this debate is in serious need of some anti-apathy medication.

    Everyone in the western world is about to recieve the biggest taxation rip-off in recorded history as well as a massive reduction in personal freedom as a result of the demented acceptance of MMGW by governemnts which dont care whether its true or not, only whether it provides a pretext for a mandate for increased power over peoples lives.

    calico343 on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:23 pm
  • Climate bores may well balance each other out, but even if the truth isn’t generally accepted, the work that is being put into reducing Man’s environmental impact is worthwhile – the research and development done themselves make it so – similarly to spin-offs from other projects, e.g. “space”.

    ryeatley on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:26 pm
  • for this bs alone, the tories deserve to lose.

    but as they haven’t even begun fighting yet i reckon the game’s more or less over anyway.

    what a bunch of cowardly tossers they are.

    neil on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:29 pm
  • @Dan O Connor

    I must have missed the bit about lizards. Oh well – I better read it again.

    The rest was IMHO a highly credible articulation of the dark direction in which our civilisation is headed unless we (the people) get up off our collective asses and do something about it.

    Given that we won’t… I can only hope for some thoroughly left-field event to throw a spanner in the works. Perhaps this is the point at which some aliens make their long-overdue appearance to deliver us from evil!

    esotericist on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:39 pm
  • @Dan O Connor,

    Like you I nearly stopped reading but I read it all.

    Go back and read it all.

    coltek on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:42 pm
  • Along with blackswan’s quote I would also add:
    “First cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s.”

    fadingfool on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:45 pm
  • @Dan O Connor,

    I have lived in the US for the last fifteen years and came back recently to find not just “the improbable” but the bloody IMPOSSIBLE! Lizards and all.

    coltek on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:50 pm
  • ?

    anzon on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:53 pm
  • What does he mean: we just don’t care? Don’t know about you guys, but I care. I don’t want to be plunged into darkness because of some nonsensical CO2 dogma. Just read Christopher Booker’s piece on the Tory green agenda to realise just how precarious the electricity provision will be 5 years from now.
    The trouble is that the three main parties are all locked into expensive pseudo-solutions to a non-problem. UKIP is the only party that offers a coherent and well balanced energy policy that might keep the lights on at night.

    dwightvandryver on Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:55 pm
  • @coltek

    To be fair,the lizards and aliens where on temporary vacation from this article so the coincidental numerology between 9/11 and 7/7 and the Mayan dooms day calender were filling in for them.
    Although I couldn’t help noticing from your last comment that the Lizards appear to have er..slid back again.

    Dan O Connor on Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:00 pm
  • Dan, the lizards were your idea, but they are here – in government.

    coltek on Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:05 pm
  • Straw man Dan – you’ll realise it sooner or later, mate. You’re experiencing the disbelief phase* at the moment, which will shortly and inevitably be followed by the collapse of your entire world-view.

    *The disbelief phase is marked by an inability to refute any of the claims made and a tendency to counter such claims with childish dross about believing in lizard-men and Mayan doom calendars.

    55gout on Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:13 pm
  • Fiddling while democracy burns!!

    paulotv on Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:14 pm
  • If you prefer the academic approach, do a history degree.

    55gout on Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:15 pm
  • I’ll leave you longheads to re-light your pipes and get back to your really serious business.

    coltek on Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:27 pm
  • @55gout(1.13 pm)

    “will shortly and inevitably be followed by the entire collapse of your world view”.

    I’m just recovering from the last three.

    Dan O Connor on Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:34 pm
  • I would just like to say that i am one of those that care a great deal about this subject.

    scanner on Mar 10th, 2010 at 2:45 pm
  • I enjoy reading the posts, but I wouldn’t waste my time trying to debate anything seriously with preacher Pitcher.

    He doesn’t do God, but he is a little wizard at politics of the left.

    Owd Al

    owdal80 on Mar 10th, 2010 at 4:17 pm
  • [...] Tory climate bores will eat each other – Telegraph Blogs [...]

  • “So we can only hope that the Tory climate extremists will meet in one great, final conflagration and burn up in the fury of their own arguments, delivering a carbon deposit that will prove the matter once and for all.”

    For pity’s sake, man, they disagree, that’s all! People do disagree, you know. Wanting them all to burn to death is not, (how shall I say?), a wholly rational response to the fact. Fortunately, I had no illusions about your religion to start with, so I shan’t bother to point out that you betray it’s supposed ideals.

    And, as for your:

    “…this weird bunch of anoraky ideologues, who should get out more.”

    Advising each other to ‘get out more’ is what these blogging junkies do, in the intervals between calling each other ‘trolls’. It isn’t how adults address each other.

    paulgiles on Mar 10th, 2010 at 11:19 pm
  • This Pitcher bloke is dumber than Moonbat.

    starfiregps on Mar 11th, 2010 at 4:56 pm
  • The point he misses entirely is that had there been real investigative journalism active on the case from the beginning, this scam would have been revealed for what it is years ago – media pig’s swill, lies and BS from day one, but no, these two bit hacks and Rockefeller arse lickers i.e. the editors of all the major newspapers have followed the propaganda line from day one and joined their stinking religion.

    jacobstrouble on Mar 11th, 2010 at 8:21 pm
  • Whoever dreamed up this environmental/energy SCAM,must by now be VERY rich,what is taken from the Land must be put back,energy is also,easily transferrable,as is water,and “air” !!!

    derekbevan3 on Mar 12th, 2010 at 4:44 pm
  • Quite right, jacobstrouble. That journalists – journalists of all people – should have been so eager to swallow the warming propaganda was, in many ways, the most depressing aspect of this whole scam. How did we end up with such a gullible, politically-correct press? Whatever happened to investigative journalism?

    westerner on Mar 12th, 2010 at 5:26 pm
  • [...] Tory climate bores will eat each other – Telegraph Blogs [...]