WSJ Blogs

Obama Won’t Punish Blue Dogs, Jarrett Says

Jake Sherman reports from Pittsburgh on the Netroots Nation convention.

Valerie Jarrett, the president’s senior adviser, said that President Barack Obama will not punish Blue Dog Democrats for their role slowing the health-care debate.

Baratrunde Thurston, a political comedian, took questions from Twitter, Facebook and email for Jarrett during a talk at the Netroots Nation convention. One question asked if Obama would tell Blue Dogs that they would have to go to Republican Sen. Jim DeMint for federal funding if they don’t support health-care overhaul.

“I know that there is a lot of frustration here and around the country and I am telling you I’m convinced this president has it right,” Jarrett said to a largely friendly audience. “He’s going to continue along the way he’s going. He’s not the one to punish.”

She reassured the group of progressives that Obama is for the public option, but she did acknowledge some frustration within the White House walls. “We share your frustration, we share your sense of urgency,” Jarrett said when asked what the blogosphere can do for Obama. “Stay engaged, push us, have a constructive conversation with us.”

There were a few hecklers here Saturday morning. Some convention-goers took issue with Obama’s continuation of Bush-era policies like indefinite detention and the ongoing business dealings with the private security company Blackwater.

We learned a few new things about Jarrett. She didn’t recall Obama’s senatorial history exactly accurately. She doesn’t have Twitter. And in the early weeks of the Obama administration, her chief of staff Michael Strautmanis had to find a desk to take a nap during the White House’s poetry slam.

Jarrett said that when she took over the office previously held by Bush adviser Karl Rove, she played some calming music in the first week to help “level the playing field.”

There was one burning question Jarrett left unanswered for this group of bloggers: which liberal blogs does the president read and does he use a Mac or PC. Jarrett said Obama reads blogs but declined to say which ones. And which kind of computer? She declined comment.

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    • potus is arrogant and self-righteous. it is a certainty that anyone who dares to defy him will live to regret it. the man’s ego knows no bounds and his vindictiveness is limitless.

    • I need a choice. Retiring at 62, I took on a part-time job for the health care. My previous Blue Cross/Blue Shield health care policy overlapped my new Blue Cross/Blue Shield policy. There is a one year “pre-existing” exclusion in my new plan.

      At 62, what is not a pre-existing condition?

      HIPAA was to assure health care insurance would continue with job changes. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. BC/BS told me a small business can “sign a card” and not follow HIPAA.

      With President Obama’s health care proposal, I would not have a “pre-existing” clause, and I could choose an affordable public health care plan.

      Obama’s plan does not require anyone to give up private insurance. It only offers the choice of a government run plan as an option.

      Because a government run plan would not give large bonuses to CEOs, nor pay large sums of money to lobbyists and congressmen and women to prevent health care change, it would operate at a much lower cost.

      This option would add competition, lowering private insurance rates.

      I am on government run Social Security. In a few years, I will be eligible for government run Medicare.

      Neither of these public plans takes away my right to private programs. They are options, like President Obama’s proposal for a government health care option. So, would someone help me understand why there is such a voice out there against the choice of a government option?

    • This President has already shown how stubborn he can be and how it has to be his way or no way - look at the rushed stimulus which has done nothing for us as other countries which spent far less are already exiting recession - if I was a Blue Dog that went against him I would be shaking in my boots, because he will at some point make it know he is the king. Not President, King.

    • I always felt 60% of my countrymen were right of center, whats a pol to do all that money flowing in from the Ins companies, rightwing push groups and the wall st firms making a ton of money on health. today to run a national race you need money and most of the right has the money.

    • Of course the President won’t punish them.

      Strong arm Madam Speaker? That might be a whole other story.

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