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January 01, 2010

Reporting A Threat in UK

London's Scotland Yard Counterterrorism Office
-- Should you ever see a specific threat of an attack announced for London
-- the contact information for Scotland Yard on terrorist threats is as follows:
-- Telephone (from UK): 0800 789 321
-- Telephone (from U.S.): 011 44 800 789 321
-- Website:

UK's MI5 Security Service
-- Reporting suspected threat
-- Telephone (from UK): 020 7930 9000
-- Telephone (from U.S.): 011 44 20 7930 9000
-- Note that the MI5 telephone is not available 24x7, and if you uncover information of an urgent matter for a UK threat, you should contact Scotland Yard directly

August 14, 2009

UK: Pakistani Terror suspects denied bail by judge because of emails 'linking them to Al Qaeda bomb plot'

(UK) Pakistani Terror suspects denied bail by judge because of emails 'linking them to Al Qaeda bomb plot'
-- "The emails from the man, identified only as XC"

-- Judge says 'al-Qaeda emails' could refer to bomb plot

-- KUNA Report

July 07, 2009

(UK) Tube still 'extremely vulnerable' to attack after 7/7, MPs warn

(UK) Tube still 'extremely vulnerable' to attack after 7/7, MPs warn

June 17, 2009

June 17, 2009 News

(UK) Al Muhajiroun's return presents test for terror laws
-- "A formerly defunct radical Islamist sect led by the banned preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad
has appointed a new British leader and will re-form publicly this week for the first time in five years."
-- "Al Muhajiroun, which campaigns for the implementation of sharia in Britain and once described
the 9/11 hijackers as 'the Magnificent 19', supposedly disbanded in 2004."
--- Centre for Social Cohesion Press Release: "One in Seven UK Terror-related Convictions Linked to Islamist Group Now Threatening to Relaunch"
--- Al Muhajiroun: Extremists and Thugs
--- Islamist Al-Muhajiroun relaunch ends in chaos over segregation attempt
---- Choudary: "Jews and Christians will never make peace with you until you either become
like them or adopt their ways."

(UK) Student sentenced over terror bid
-- "Mohammed Abushamma, 20, from Islington, north London, was arrested at Heathrow Airport
in April last year, along with co-defendant Qasim Abukar"
-- "A student who tried to travel to Afghanistan to fight jihad has been jailed for three-and-a-half years"

(UK) Money was for orphans, says terror charge Imam Ahmed Mohamed

(UK) No bias, UK cops target non-Muslims

June 15, 2009

June 15, 2009 News

MPACUK congratulates President Ahmadinejad
-- Along with HAMAS and Muslim Brotherhood
-- Iran: "Congratulation messages pour in" -- including leaders of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and HAMAS

(UK) Muslims told voting was a sin
-- "I AM a resident of Normanton and I received a leaflet targeted at the Muslim community explaining
why it was anti-Muslim to participate in both the council and EU elections."
-- "This leaflet covered a full sheet of paper stating, amongst other things, that the only law- maker was
Allah and that anyone who voted in the elections was a disbeliever and that any Muslim who votes is a sinner."

(UK) Guardian Newspaper Article defends Sharia - Sara Khorshid
--- Sara Khorshid: "Muslim incorporation of sharia law in the public square will increase
western entities' credibility among Muslim masses"
--- Sara Khorshid's "articles are published in the Middle East Times,, and other
media outlets. She is the managing editor of's Politics in Depth section"

(UK) Olivant loses £2.3m on sharia asset fund



June 14, 2009

June 14, 2009 News

(UK) Father fails in fight to change unlawful killing verdict
-- Shafilea Ahmed
-- "A few months earlier, she had refused an arranged marriage, and, during a visit to Pakistan to meet
a prospective husband, had drunk bleach and spent five weeks in hospital."
-- "After her death, police initially worked on the theory that she had been the victim of an honour killing
and arrested and questioned her parents, Iftikhar and Farzana Ahmed, on suspicion of kidnapping"
-- "But a Crown Prosecution Service investigation found there was no chance of anyone being convicted
on the evidence available"
---  Previous Reports:
--- "A Muslim girl who had refused her family's wish to have an arranged marriage was murdered,
a coroner ruled yesterday."

June 12, 2009

June 12, 2009 News

(UK) Leading Muslim leads calls for extremists to leave the UK

June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009 News

(UK) Britain was wrong to freeze assets of Abu Qatada, rules EU, clearing way for him to get compensation
-- EU court annuls freeze on Abu Qatada's assets

(UK) Radical Islamists must be exposed, not invited to tea

June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009 News

(UK) Disarray over terror control orders after law lords ruling on secret evidence

(UK) Abdur Raheem Green: Imperious Islam
-- founder of "Islamic Education & Research Academy" (iERA)

June 08, 2009

June 8, 2009 News

(UK) Bilal Philips On Tour