
Social networking in a box. Build a social network for your company, school, sports team or niche community all based on the power and flexibility of WordPress.

BuddyPress is completely free and open source. Why not take a look through some of the sites already using BuddyPress?

Download BuddyPress 1.2.1 →

With all the features you'll love.

Activity Streams

Activity Streams

Global, personal and group activity streams with threaded commenting, direct posting, favoriting and @mentions. All with full RSS feed and email notification support.

Friend Connections

Friend Connections

Let your users make connections so they can track the activity of others, or filter on only those users they care about the most.

WordPress Blogging

WordPress Blogging

Start a blog built on the best blogging software in the world. Even allow each of your users to start their own full powered WordPress blog. Track new posts and comments across your site.

Extended Profiles

Extended Profiles

Fully editable profile fields allow you to define the fields users can fill in to describe themselves. Tailor profile fields to suit your audience.

Private Messaging

Private Messaging

Private messaging will allow your users to talk to each other directly, and in private. Not just limited to one on one discussions, your users can send messages to multiple recipients.

Need a feature not listed?

BuddyPress is infinitely extensible, just like WordPress. In fact, it’s a WordPress plugin so you can build or use WordPress plugins to extend or run alongside BuddyPress.

There are many BuddyPress plugins available to use ranging from Group Documents, Media Links all the way to OpenID or LDAP login support. View all plugins

Extensible Groups

Extensible Groups

Powerful public, private or hidden groups allow your users to break the discussion down into specific topics. Extend groups with your own custom features using the group extension API.

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums

Full powered discussion forums built directly into groups allow for more conventional in-depth conversations.

Know WordPress?

If you’re a WordPress plugin or theme developer then you already know the fundamentals of BuddyPress. You should be able to start building and designing for BuddyPress with very little extra work.

Theme designers might find the "Building a BuddyPress child theme" guide helpful, and plugin developers should take a look at the "Building a Custom BuddyPress Component".

Up and running in six minutes flat.

Installing WordPress


Download and setup WordPress with its famous 5-minute install.

Install BuddyPress


Head to your “Plugins → Add New” menu and automatically install BuddyPress.

Activate Theme


Activate the awesome bundled theme, or any other BuddyPress compatible WordPress theme.