Goon Squad

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dr. Strangelove or How to Stop Worrying and Enjoy These Splendid 'Little Wars!'

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama: "The first thing I will do as President is get our troops home. Take that to the bank."

Quote: "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. " - Barack Obama Campaign Promise - October 27, 2007

Well Obama you have been in office for almost a year now, it is almost 2010, and the war(s) are still raging. Afghanistan has turned into an American Troop Meat Grinder, and Poppy growing paradise. Iraq is now worse off than it has been in decades, and there is no discussion of ending the wars at all.

Obama, you could have kept your promise, but we know you would have said anything to ascend to your position of power. It's not to late to make good on your word, Obama. End the wars now, Obama. Just drawdown the troops over the next 3 months to make it fast and easy. Don't listen to the Generals and commanders and bankers, you are in control, and what they say doesn't matter.

No more war, Obama, no more LIES.

"Look out, it's Bin Laden and he's right behind you!"

"OMG, it's KSM and he's WORSE than Bin Laden!!!"

"Oh no, it's the Taliban and they are worse yet, but never fear, as long as OBOMBAMAN is here!"

Obama is not in control, he's just a front man for the NWO crowd that includes Wall Street, Israel and the Federal Reserve. Obama's just a puppet, dancing for his master's delight.

He'll gladly do as he's told or he'll join JFK in Arlington Cemetery. Besides, he is getting them home.... in body bags.

Thanks to Thy Weapon of War for the story.

I Had a Dream....

That I lived in a nation that had informed, educated people that loved and fiercely protected their Constitution and Bill of Rights that enshrined forever those unalienable rights so vital and necessary to a free republic.

That this country had a healthy and robust educational system, with free schooling all the way thru college. And that these schools at all levels taught Civics with an emphasis on the Constitution which led to many a lively debate in the classrooms about the rights the people had and how much power should be accorded to the federal government.
These vigorous debates didn't stop after graduation from college, but carried on in many a restaurant, bar, club and home.

That this country had a national health insurance plan that was based on single-payer. The people paid some taxes to help support the plan, but those costs were minimal and were not thought to be a burden because the medical care was excellent and no citizen was turned away when seeking help.

That the country had long ago seen the futility of buying energy overseas and polluting the atmosphere and had instituted a massive solar and wind power generating program that made banks loan money ( at low interest) to homeowners for installing photovoltaic cells and wind turbines on their homes to generate electricity and that the utility companies and co-ops were required by law to pay them handsomely for the excess electric they sold back.
This way they saved trillions in costs by not building overpriced and polluting coal burning and nuclear energy power plants.

That this country had a futuristic mass transit system that was the envy of most nations. One that was clean, on time, easy to access and use which the people did, in droves. Traffic jams and gridlock were unheard of and massive highway construction projects were a thing of the past.

That the people controlled their own money supply, so words like inflation, stagflation, deflation and devaluation were obsolete. Their monetary unit was envied and sought after world-wide, due to its ability of holding on to its value.

That all of this was possible due to the people insisting on not having large standing armies during peace time. They had a lean, mean fighting machine that was given everything it needed, but not wanted.
By not spending over half their budget on military excesses and puffed up generals, the money saved was spent on the country's education, medical care and infrastructure.

They also had a Congress that was responsible to the people and not corporate interests. They had public financing of campaigns that was mandatory and no money from private parties was allowed to pollute campaigns.
They had passed very punitive laws that mandated a minimum 10 years in federal prison and a one million dollar fine for anyone trying to bribe, corrupt or donate private money to elected and non-elected officials or those running for office and a mandatory 10 years in solitary confinement in a federal prison for any official caught accepting those bribes or campaign donations.

They had a MSM which reported real news that actually affected their lives and was not controlled by corporate interests or individuals with dual loyalties and ulterior motives. Gossip about celebrities and sports were relegated to the end of the news and seldom mentioned at all, because the people didn't care to fill their heads with nonsense.
They demanded from the MSM news about events that did or could shape and affect their lives, economy and government, not the latest Hollywood scandal.

But then....

Then I awoke and found I was living in the nightmare called Amerika.

Monday, November 16, 2009

In a Land of Morons, a man (or woman from Alaska) with half a brain could be King

The Stupid Virus (VIDEO)

"SuperNews!"--aka the guys that brought you the Twouble with Twitters, Larry King interviewing the Large Hadron Collider and Emoticon Wars--have returned this week to bring you the answer to this question: Why are people so stupid? Turns out it's a virus spread by an Obama-hating monkey. He's responsible for birthers, the people who equate health care reform to the Holocaust, and Rush Limbaugh.

When a lab-monkey declares that President Obama wasn't born in America, he becomes Patient Zero for a new brand of fear-based news virus - Fearus Ignoramus. We watch as the virus goes ear-borne, spreading from Rush Limbaugh to CNN to the mainstream-media to the general public. America devolves into panic, convinced its President is an illegal alien anti-Christ.


What some of their subjects are up to in 'Moronia.'

The home page of SuperNews

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Israel--NOT Muslims-- DID 9/11"

Is the only one with CAJONES a frail, elderly old man?

Keep your eyes and what's left of your brain on the designated 'boogieman' Muslims, since they've been the designated patsies since the 9/11 False-Flag.

Don't pay ANY attention to Wall Street Banks robbing us blind and laughing about those HUGE bonuses they took from that TARP money.

Don't wonder what happened to that 24 TRILLION the Federal Reserve printed up and gave away to it's bankster friends and then told us to "Piss Off" when some asked for an audit. Money printed out of thin air and given away to gangsters that will be turned into DEBT, to be paid by "We the People."

Don't spend anytime thinking that there might be more 'Bernie' Madoff types looting your 401K accounts, pension fund and regional banks then shipping that loot to Israel just because the Feds were completely clueless about 'Bernie" even though they had repeated warnings about his scams.

Don't cry over the nearly 100,000 thousand Americans who have either been killed or wounded fighting since 9/11, after all, they've been dying for the greater glory of Israel and NO discussion is allowed on that subject unless you want to be hauled before the ADL's 'Hate Crimes Tribunal.'

Don't shed a tear over the crumbling of America highways, bridges, schools and neighborhoods, be grateful that most of that money was either stolen from our Congressionally mandated Trust Funds or just handed over to a certain SLC.

Keep your eyes and hate focused on those damned Muzzies, because they are the source of all the above troubles, not a cabal of Zionists and Neocons trying to own and control the world.

Zan takes on the KRLA crowd gathered to hear Dennis Miller, Dennis Prager and Larry Elder at the Alex theatre in Glendale California. To say the least the crowd were none to happy with his "Israel did 911" message.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Worst Book Burning... Ever. (VIDEO)

The Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton, North Carolina grabbed headlines in mid-October when it announced a "Halloween Book Burning." It was going to be anything but your typical book burning, assuming there is such a thing.

To be sure, they planned to burn heavy metal music and smutty movies. But they also had country, gospel, and Christian contemporary music and videos about Jesus in their crosshairs. Most shockingly, they said that they would burn all non-King James versions of the Bible -- aka "Satan's bibles."

They also announced a long list of "Satan's popular books written by heretics" which would be burned. And to top it all off, they offered "fried chicken, and all the sides."

But when the big day came around, a combination of rain, protesters, and a state law against burning paper all conspired against them. Here's what happened:

And here, in their own words, is what Amazing Grace said about their quote-unquote book burning:
We wanted to say that the Book Burning was a great success[.] We wanted to thank all the Bible doubters who prayed for rain with us. All the protestors and media got wet; we were inside where it was nice and dry[.] We are not glad people got wet, we are glad that His Word was honored. Some have written praising God that he intervened and stopped the Book Burning because of the rain, protestors, and state laws about burning paper. Nothing was stopped. Our goal was to destroy garbage as noted below, and we did just that. We didn't care how it was destroyed; only that it was destroyed. These same people must have never heard about "Paper, Rock, & Scissors." Scissors cut paper, and paper tears real easy. We destroyed everything as planned. Praise God! God answered every prayer that everyone prayed, but they don't like the answer.

Back to the Future.... as long as that 'future' is in the Dark Ages. Next stop, a 21st Century Inquisition, which should compliment nicely our Zionist run and controlled Wars against the Muslim World.

"Torquemada, C'mon on Down!"

Israel's using OUR TAX DOLLARS to SHOOT children

"The Punk Has A Grenade, Pull The Trigger Abe"


It Was Life Or Death, So Shem Pulled The Trigger


Israeli soldiers shot and killed a 10-year-old boy and a Palestinian militant in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

A Hamas official said the boy was killed by Israeli troops operating near the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis. An Israeli army spokeswoman said Israeli troops clashed with militants in the area, but said the army was unaware of a child being hit.

The Palestinian Version

The man was a farmer, he was working the fields with his son, and they were were near the Gaza/Israeli fence.

This is how an article about Israeli Occupation Forces killing a child gets framed in the Zionist press to help shield Israel from any criticism from its ongoing criminal activities.

Israeli troops kill militant, child in Gaza

The truth is that Israel is a violent, out of control nation led by psychotic right-wing extremists and protected from reality and war crimes prosecution by the USA.

Mass murderers must stick together, don't you know!

Another story about IOF goon squads shooting and killing Gaza teenagers that is again framed as if Israel was just protecting itself during a 'confrontation' when actually what happened was that IOF soldiers were bored and decided to butcher some Palestinians for sport.

If you like killing people for sport and wish to do so without fear of reprisal, then make 'aliyah' to Israel..... but only if you're a 'Chosen One' because they don't like or permit us GOY types to immigrate to that nation of thieves, liars, murderers, con artists, assassins, crooks and false-flag experts.

Iraqi Death Count

Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator

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Greg Bacon
Retired from a Central Missouri Fire Department in 2004 after 20 years of service to the community.
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