Miracles Beyond Measure

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Today at 7:00 PM
Gordon Robertson & Marguerite Evans
The Miracle of Salvation

Thursday, May 21, 7:00 PM
Darrin Clark
Blessing Your Children

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Monday, May 18, 7:00 PM
Gordon Robertson & Demetria Stallings
The Sound of Nations

Friday, May 15, 7:00 PM
Tom & Jane Hamon
Prophets and Personal Prophecy

Daily Word

For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up. (John 6:44, NLT) -- Read or listen to this chapter

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Empty Pockets

What is Prayer?

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Wife-Speak Demystified

Wife-Speak Demystified

What does she really mean? Author Nancy C. Anderson explores the secret passageways between women's words and men's ears.

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Add Veggie Power to Your Meal

According to the new MyPyramid Food Guide, we should consume 3-5 vegetable servings per day.

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Save on Your Grocery Bill

Save on Your Grocery Bill

The following are some simple tips for reducing your grocery expenses.

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Don't Say a Word Author Finds God

Don't Say a Word Author Finds God

Best-selling author Andrew Klavan talks about his conversion to Christianity and how his new book stems from his new-found faith.

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New Hope for the Chhim Family

Operation Blessing in Cambodia helps the Chhim family in their time of need by providing them with a cow.

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José L. González is CBN.com's first blogger in Spanish. Join us as he explores spiritual and cultural issues from a Hispanic perspective. English translation provided.

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When Good Plans Go Bad

Carlos's and Dawn's plan for their dream house went terribly wrong.  Then a bold decision brought them back their heart's desire.

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When the North Dakota flood took everything from Bob, you helped bring back his hope and gave him the strength to go on.

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