[Thomas F. Roeser • 18 Dec 2009 • One Comment]

The Coming Dem Deluge A good thing for the Illinois Democratic party that the mainstream media has a long history of obscuring details unfavorable to liberaldom, else the real truth about the political situation would be disseminated. But to anyone with a realistic sense of politics, the truth is getting out anyhow. The standoff between Gov. Quinn and Dan Hynes will be won by Quinn who is the weaker of the two candidates. If Hynes were to win the nomination, he at least would be a somewhat newer... 

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[Mary Laney • 18 Dec 2009 • No Comment]

The old story of the little boy who cried wolf keeps coming to mind. You know the story. The little boy would try to scare people by yelling “wolf”; but he did it so often that no one listened to him and then, one day, a real wolf showed up and the boy yelled for help and no one believed him. The wolf got the little boy. Lately I’ve begun to wonder: didn’t President Barack Obama have a parent or grandparent tell him that story of the wolf? Didn’t someone tell him about the dangers... 

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Mark Kirk Steps Up Attack on Science with “Cap-and-Trade” Energy Tax
Joe Bast

After being confronted earlier this month at a townhall meeting with constituents who oppose the cap-and-trade scheme embodied in Waxman-Markey, Kirk wrote the following letter...

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How Can I Be So Optimistic?
Brian Wesbury

My forecast for the second half of this year and all of next year is that real (inflation-adjusted) economic growth is going to average more...

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Now Is The Time for all good Obamacrats to Come to the Aid of Terry McAuliffe
Phil Krone

There are two gubernatorial races this off off year (2009): New Jersey and Virginia.  Republicans will obviously try to make these a referendum on President...

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New Lake Michigan “Czar” Has History of Blind Eye Toward Pollution
Chicago Daily Observer

You remember Cameron Davis don’t you?  He is the president of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, the “environmental” organization that was napping (for several...

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[ Carol Felsenthal • 18 Dec 2009 • No Comment ]

Retired Senate President Emil Jones — Obama’s mentor — “is mounting a formidable effort to re-elect embattled Cook County Board President Todd Stroger” by gathering “business powerhouses from the black community to generate a business-based final push for the candidacy of Stroger, who needs a concerted turnout in the black community.” There was no link in her story, unfortunately, to Carol Marin and Don Moseley’s excellent investigative piece, also... 

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[ Brian Wesbury • 17 Dec 2009 • No Comment ]

This past weekend, President Obama’s top economic advisor, Larry Summers, said the “recession is over.”  But in the next breath he called for more government action to stimulate the economy, in particular, the pace of hiring. As far as the Administration is concerned, it is government stimulus that brought us this recovery.  Now, it’s just a matter of piling on even more government spending to generate job growth. In one sense we agree completely with Mr. Summers.  The recession is over. ... 

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[ Russ Stewart • 17 Dec 2009 • No Comment ]

Political candidates are not unlike automotive tires: There are retreads, non-treads, and worn treads. The key criterion is extended use, and whether the candidate still has traction. Here are unwritten political rules regarding repeat candidacies: First, a candidate who narrowly loses, was expected to lose, but performed better than expected, gets a second chance. He or she is a viable retread. Second, a candidate who loses, but was expected to win, is a non-tread. The rubber is off the tire. There... 

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[ John Powers • 16 Dec 2009 • No Comment ]

In response to the Sun-Times promo for Importing Offshore Terrorists , I respond in italics. There aren’t many politicians who would push for transferring suspected terrorists to their state on the eve of a primary election. Because many (but not all) politicians are marginally sane. Inmates, asylums, running…Welcome to Illinois politics. But Gov. Quinn, to his credit, did just that, showing strong leadership by backing the federal government’s proposal to turn the Thomson Correctional... 

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[ Thomas F. Roeser • 16 Dec 2009 • 3 Comments ]

There has been some confusion over whom I support for governor. Let this piece clear it up. In 1960 in the midst of the very narrow Kennedy election for president, a Republican businessman won the governorship of the then heavily Democratic state of Minnesota with considerably more votes than did JFK-a spread of 20,000. He unseated Orville Freeman, Hubert Humphrey’s protege who had no expectation he would be defeated a few months later. The citizen upstart Republican winner was Elmer L. Andersen... 

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[ Sen. Adlai Stevenson III • 16 Dec 2009 • One Comment ]

Great-grandfather Adlai Stevenson I, then a student, later vice president of the United States, told of grandfather Jesse Fell proposing to Senator Stephen A. Douglas joint discussions of slavery in the territories with a young lawyer-legislator named Abraham Lincoln, and the “cordial” conversation with Lincoln that followed. After this series of debates — each lasting three hours — brought to Lincoln national attention, he wrote and gave Fell his “autobiographical sketch”... 

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