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Trial and Error

I recently played a series of 4 events in Europe, and the first of those was in Seville, Spain. I tied for first in this tournament, and my best game of the tournament was my win against the young Argentine GM Damian Lemos. Here's how that game started: ...Read more »

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VIDEO: Amateur Game Review: Amateur's Mind 4

by IM Daniel Rensch

In the second half of the game covered in Amateur's Mind 3, IM Rensch covers the psychology of how to handle positions where you are down a pawn with good compensation, and some key principles for tec Watch Video »

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Round Nine At Amber

Another two draws for Vassily Ivanchuk were enough for him to retain first place at Amber, but Magnus Carlsen won his rapid game against Dominguez to reduce the lead to half a point with just two rounds to go. Vladimir Kramnik also won in the rapids again...Read more »

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Dinner With Andrei

Yes, I turned 15 today. Isn't it amazing? I feel so old. Drop me a happy birthday note or trophy if you can. Anyway, here's a great game that Topalov won back in '04. He gives up the exchange to acquire a tight bind on white's position. His advantage is s...Read more »

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