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  • Obama Speech in Egypt..

    I'd love to hear from people around the world about their reactions to Obama's Cairo speech.

    Has his speech changed your expectations of U.S. policy or view of Americans?

    Do you see a difference in policy between the Obama Administration vs the Bush Administration?  If so, is it positive?

    Do you believe that constructive change can happen internationally?

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    • By David_Clements
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    • 1 month ago
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  • obama speech in egypt

    Hillary and Obama in Cairo.

    The visit of the mosque “Hassan Sultan” in the old Cairo (The Cairo of Fatimides) by Hillary Clinton et Barak Obama is the manifest symbol of a new era between the Occident and The Orient.

    The historical speech of Obama addressed to the world arabo-Moslem, in the auditorium of the university of Cairo, restores the brocken bridges between East and West during the eight last years.

    The speech had a main object. To put an end to the foolish confrontation between the civilizations and to show clearly the way to be followed for a fruitful cooperation.

    Naturally the speech was followed and generally positively received by the Moslems and the majority of the world’s capitals.

    The speech had touched the saoul and the heart of the audience of the Cairo’s university and was stopped thirty times as a sign of approval and admiration.

    The President spoke about the reconciliation with the Moslim world, the assistance to bring in the field of women’s promotion, education of the young people, reduction of unemployment, health…
    He spoke about the constitution of two states, Israel and Palestina, about the nonproliferation of the nuclear weapons, about negociation instead conflicts.

    Now, the arabo-Moslem world is waiting that this historical speech will be translated into concrete actions on the ground.

    The President Obama and his skilled Administration are capable of great actions…. I think “ they can ! “

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    • By essaadi
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  • President Obama has already made a break through

    In my own view i see Obama Administration bringing an international change,a positive change torward the US and Muslim relations because of the step he took to visit the muslim world.Of course he is aimed at bringing world peace and unity,and he has made a very positive step by so doing.In quite a short time we shall see change of attitudes of many people that have been negative all along.Unity shall surely come.+260(0)955776083

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    • By Sylvestermoono
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