Monday, March 2, 2009

Russia Concedes to Islamic Pressure

Islamic supremacists around the world maintain a continuous pressure to impose Shari'a law everywhere a crack appears. Recently a crack appeared in Chechnya, and Islamic law forced its way in.

Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechnya president, knows Moscow wants to keep Islamic rebellions at bay, and their desire is a weakness that can be exploited. So Kadyrov is imposing Shari'a, and Moscow is allowing it, even though it violates the Russian constitution. For example, Kadyrov agrees that the seven victims of honor killings were "loose women" and deserved what they got.

Kadyrov describes women as the property of their husbands and says their main role is to bear children. He encourages men to take more than one wife, even though polygamy is illegal in Russia. Women and girls are now required to wear headscarves in all schools, universities and government offices.

These are all manifestations of Shari'a law. Read the whole story: Islamic Law Allowed In Chechnya.


Monday, February 9, 2009

U.S. Government Allows Muslims to Determine What American Textbooks Are Allowed To Say About Islam

I'm sure it sounded reasonable in the beginning — history book publishers of U.S. textbooks should consult with Muslims when they write anything about Islam, just to make sure it is correct. Check with the experts on the subject.

But the Muslims involved in influencing what is being taught to junior high and high school students in the United States are first of all, not history experts, and second of all, they are deliberately editing the information to give a falsely positive view of Islamic doctrine and history. In the interests of multiculturalism, some schools go much further and actually insist their students practice Islam!

Looking at the long term, if you were an Islamic supremacist and you wanted to soften up Americans for an eventual takeover, and if you wanted to keep them from stopping you until it's too late, you would be hard pressed to find a more promising project than influencing school children to think Islam is benign. These future American leaders and voters will not be very willing to learn about the real nature and scope of the third jihad.

This astonishing situation in our school system is documented thoroughly in a new investigative report produced by a partnership of the Mission Viejo chapter of ACT for America and the United American Committee. Read the whole report here: Islam in America's Classrooms: History or Propaganda? (PDF document).


Friday, February 6, 2009

German Police Break The Law To Appease Hostile, Violent, Law-Breaking Muslims

One of my favorite sections in the news magazine, The Week, is the "Best Columns" — opinion columns from other countries. This is one from Germany, written by Alex Feuerherdt:

German demonstrations in support of the Palestinians in Gaza are growing increasingly anti-Semitic — and the police are doing nothing, said Alex Feuerherdt. In Berlin, 7,000 mostly Palestinian demonstrators marched through the city center, at least 100 of them giving the “Heil Hitler” sign and shouting, “Die, Jews!” The police stood by, watching, even though the Nazi salute is illegal here.

At a demonstration in Hanover, an Israeli flag was burned as marchers chanted, “Death, death, Israel” and “Jews, get out!” Again, there were a few Nazi salutes, and again, the police did nothing. Finally, at a demonstration in Duisberg last weekend, officers intervened — yet their action was not against the fascists but against the few pro-Israeli demonstrators. At this “stop the war in Gaza” rally, Muslims began throwing rocks and snowballs at a house that had an Israeli flag hanging from a window. The police actually “BROKE INTO THE APARTMENT” and took down the flag, saying it “was a provocation.”

Apparently, Muslim demonstrators who “wish nothing but death and destruction on Israel” are not merely tolerated in Germany. They are “getting concrete support.”
Follow-up on this story: German Head Officer Says It Was The Wrong Decision. Duh.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Parliment Concedes After Being Threatened

Here's what happened in Britain: A member of the House of Lords invited Geert Wilders to a private meeting in the Palace of Westminster. "She had intended to invite her colleagues in the Lords to a private viewing of his ‘documentary’ Fitna," says Archbishop Cranmer, "followed by discussion and debate in true parliamentary fashion. This is, after all, a liberal democracy, and their lordships enjoy the rights of freedom of expression and freedom of association, not to mention certain parliamentary privileges for the protection of their function in the legislature."

But after the House member sent out the invitations, Lord Ahmed "threatened to mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr. Wilders from entering the House," says Cranmer, and he threatened to take her to court.

And here is the shocking capitulation: The showing of Fitna was canceled after this threat! Are these the same British who defeated Hitler? Unbelievable. You would think they would make SURE they had the showing because of the threat. Maybe even try to triple attendance for good measure. But no. They conceded. The threat of Muslim violence within their own country made the leaders of Britain give up without a fight.

Read the whole story: Lord Ahmed Threatens Parliament into Submission.


Friday, December 26, 2008

British Concessions To Islamic Aggression

The following is Melanie Phillips speaking at a recent conference in Florida. She is a British writer who shares some of the unbelievable accommodations and misguided strategies the British government is pursuing. It's worth a listen.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Please Sign This Petition

Please sign the petition below and stop a concession to Islam from happening. Pam Iorio, the mayor of Tampa, Florida, wants to have a "CAIR day." CAIR is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, harasses people with litigation, and generally tries to win the Islamic supremacists' war against the West legally while portraying itself as a defender of human rights. The last thing we should do is honor them with an official day!

Read more about CAIR: The Roots of CAIR.

Also, CAIR is Fooling the Establishment.

Here's what the petition says:

To: Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio

We call on you to rescind the Proclamation you signed declaring November 15, 2008 "COUNCIL ON AMERICAN-ISLAMIC RELATIONS (CAIR) DAY." By signing the document, you ignored a number of troubling facts regarding CAIR.

* CAIR was founded in 1994 by operatives from the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which at the time was the American propaganda wing of Hamas, producing terror training videos for Hamas and publishing the Hamas charter in different languages.

* CAIR was created as being a part of the American Palestine Committee, which at the time was led by the global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook.

* CAIR has had a number of representatives involved in terrorism, who were convicted and/or deported for various criminal activities.

* CAIR is currently named by the U.S. Justice Department as a co-conspirator for a federal trial dealing with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas.

* CAIR-Florida representative Jawhar Sadallah Badran was recently caught on video stating his support for Hamas. CAIR's National Executive Director once did the same.

Keep in mind, Hamas is on the U.S. State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs). And while it is not illegal to verbalize one’s support for Hamas, it is immoral and offensive to do so, and it is as well immoral to legitimize any individual or group who does so.

We understand that you have signed this Proclamation for "CAIR Day" every year for at least the past four years. We ask that you take the opportunity to end this trend immediately by withdrawing this most recent Proclamation. To ignore this would be to ignore the worst of hatred and extremism.

We urge you to rescind the Proclamation immediately.

And please forward this to everyone you know, urging them to sign it.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Allowing Jihadis Too Much Influence

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) claims it represents "Moderate" Muslim Americans. But in an article by Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha in the Middle East Quarterly, they write, "Perhaps the most obvious problem with CAIR is the fact that at least five of its employees and board members have been arrested, convicted, deported, or otherwise linked to terrorism-related charges and activities."

The authors list the five and describe their crimes. Even though this is public knowledge, the whole mainstream establishment relies on CAIR. For example:

When President George W. Bush visited the Islamic Center of Washington several days after September 11, 2001, to signal that he would not tolerate a backlash against Muslims, he invited CAIR's executive director, Nihad Awad, to join him at the podium. Two months later, when Secretary of State Colin Powell hosted a Ramadan dinner, he, too, called upon CAIR as representative of Islam in America. More broadly, when the State Department seeks out Muslims to welcome foreign dignitaries, journalists, and academics, it calls upon CAIR. The organization has represented American Muslims before Congress. The National Aeronautics and Space Agency hosted CAIR's "Sensitivity and Diversity Workshop" in an effort to harmonize space research with Muslim sensibilities.

Law-enforcement agencies in Florida, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, New York, Arizona, California, Missouri, Texas, and Kentucky have attended CAIR's sensitivity-training sessions. The organization boasts such tight relations with law enforcement that it claims to have even been invited to monitor police raids. In July 2004, as agents from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, and Homeland Security descended on the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, a Saudi-created school in Merrifield, Virginia, a local paper reported that the FBI had informed CAIR's legal director, Arsalan Iftikhar, that morning that the raid was going to take place.

CAIR is also a media darling. It claims to log five thousand annual mentions on newspapers, television, and radio, including some of the most prestigious media in the United States. The press dutifully quotes CAIR's statistics, publishes its theological views, reports its opinions, rehashes its press releases, invites its staff on television, and generally dignifies its existence as a routine part of the American and Canadian political scenes.

CAIR regularly participates in seminars on Islamic cultural issues for corporations and has been invited to speak at many of America's leading universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Columbia. American high schools have invited CAIR to promote its agenda, as have educationally-minded senior citizens.
CAIR has successfully duped mainstream politicians and media, but their roots are deep in Islamic supremacism. The fact that anybody listens to CAIR is a concession beyond belief, given that anyone who can read can easily discover what they are really up to (read more about it here).

Read the whole article — CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Monumental Concession To Islam

The following are excerpts from an article entitled: Jihad Against Free Speech.

In 2005, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) urged the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to pass a resolution called “combating defamation of religions.” Although the title of the resolution referred to religions generally, the text cited concerns only Islam specifically. Not surprisingly, the countries that voted in favor of the resolution included many Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Qatar, Kuwait, and Sudan, among others. Freer nations such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, and Japan, all voted in opposition to the resolution.

At the OIC’s 2006 summit in Mecca, it adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding insults to Islam, going so far as to include “hostile glances” in its definition of Islamophic behavior. The immediate goal of the summit was to obtain “protection” for Islam in European parliaments and the UN including the Human Rights Council (which replaced the Human Rights Commission). It also proposed the creation of an “Islamic Council of Human Rights” and a “Charter of Human Rights in Islam.” Both would be based on Sharia law and run contrary to the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
You might be asking yourself, "Who cares what they want?" This might give you an idea of just how dangerous conceding to the OIC really is:
The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) is an Islamist supremacist organization. Composed of 57 member states with Muslim majority populations, the OIC is the largest Islamic body in the world. It is also the largest international organization of any kind, second only to the United Nations. It represents an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims across the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
And to further demonstrate the power of the OIC, what happened this year will set your teeth on edge:
In March 2008, the OIC held a two-day summit in Senegal, where it produced a battle plan to combat Islamophobia. It would defend itself against all forms of free expression that could be interpreted as criticism of Islam, including that of cartoonists, film producers, reporters, politicians or governments.

Countries that already regularly deny religious freedom and freedom of speech to their own citizens, demanded legal measures to have their oppressive rules imposed internationally. “I don’t think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy” explained Abdoulaye Wade, Chairman of the OIC. “There can be no freedom without limits.”

As a result of this summit, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed the resolution!

It’s ironic that countries which follow an interpretation of Islam that disallows religious freedom or freedom of speech at home, are utilizing these very freedoms abroad to achieve their Islamist goals. By turning the definition of freedom on its head, free speech and religious freedom for non-Muslims can now be condemned as anti-Islamic.
Islam has gained a major concession. This is an important first step in the ultimate political goal of worldwide Shari'a law. The attainment of this political goal is a religious duty for all Muslims. One way to wage jihad is with violence. Another way is to wage jihad by gaining concessions, and the first, most important concession to gain is silencing criticism of Islam itself. The passing of the United Nations Human Rights Council's resolution was a step in that direction.

Read the whole article here: Jihad Against Free Speech.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Islam in Europe

Pat Condell uses three terms in this video you might be unfamiliar with: Halal food, Islamophobia, Shari'a. Click on the words to get definitions. Pat makes several references to Islamic teachings, which you can learn more about here: The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex.

To listen to more of his eloquent rants, check out Pat's website.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Muslim Violence Censors Western Media

In an excellent recent article by Bruce Bawer, author of While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within, he wrote about what happened during and shortly after the "cartoon riots." The riots were caused by some cartoons published in a Danish newspaper. The drawing to your right is one of them.

Because Islam forbids the artistic representation of people, and because the cartoon implied that Muslims might be violent, Muslims across Europe rioted violently to protest. When it was all over, 187 people were dead. Over cartoons.

But that's not all that happened. As Bawer writes:

Not a single newspaper in Britain reprinted the cartoons. And both the Swedish and Norwegian governments provided textbook cases of cowering dhimmitude. But none of that was really a surprise. What did surprise, and disappoint, me was the American political and media establishment. Both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush condemned the Jyllands-Posten cartoons out of hand. The State Department denounced them too, and only reversed itself after getting an earful from the Danish government, one of its few allies in Iraq. In the entire United States of America, exactly one major newspaper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, reprinted the cartoons. And while the major broadcast networks, as well as CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC, reported extensively on the cartoon riots, none of them ever showed the cartoons at all.

That is outrageous. And pathetic! With that kind of cowering political correctness at work, who needs enemies? This is still America, isn't it? Land of the free? Home of the brave?

Read the whole article: Who's Sleeping More Deeply — Europe or America?


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Setting Precedents

As Robert Spencer put it: "'s a small accommodation in itself, but it reinforces the precedent that American practices must give way to Muslim ones whenever they clash. Once that precedent is set, it does indeed lead to the Islamization of American society, unless at a certain point non-Muslims are willing to draw the line and say 'Thus far, but no farther. No more accommodation of Muslim demands.' That line will never be drawn, however, as long as Americans continue to fail to see the larger implications and inevitable outcome of these individual incidents."

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