YouTube: Viacom Uploaded Some Of The Videos They're Suing Us Over

It's a showdown of new media and sorta-old media as YouTube defends itself against Viacom in the TV leviathan's billion-dollar copyright infringement lawsuit against the site that showed the world that cats can indeed play the piano. More »

Become Famous On The Internet

I am shooting PLUNDER FUNNEL - a video short skewering sleazy late night infomercial get rich quick schemes! And I need 2 actors. More »

Madoff Gets S*** Kicked Out Of Him In Prison

A fellow inmate at Butner federal prison brutually fulfilled the fantasy of millions by brutally beating the piss out of ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff, reports WSJ. More »

NHTSA: No Evidence Of Braking In NY Prius Crash

Looks like those who called "driver error" on the Prius that slammed into a stone wall in upstate New York a couple weeks back might have reason to boast. An e-mail from NHTSA seems to negate the driver's claims that she attempted to brake during the incident. More »

Data Shows Horrifying Bank Of America Refinance Story Actually Typical

The Chicago Reporter is a publication that reports on race and poverty in Chicago. This issue's cover story is about mortgage modifications and the struggles that homeowners face when trying to access the Obama Administration's refinance program. Apparently, banks are so incompetent that it can be almost impossible to actually modify your mortgage. More »

Grocery Shrink Ray: Secret Weapon In The War On Obesity?

Consumerists, I think we've been wrong about this Grocery Shrink Ray thing all along. We've long believed that companies deploy the Grocery Shrink Ray to imperceptibly decrease the amount of product in a package without customers noticing. But maybe--just maybe--there's a higher purpose. Maybe they're trying to save us from consuming a precious few calories and use social engineering to get us to snack less over time until at some point we're hardly snacking at all. Consider this exhibit: the shrinking Double Gulp cups at Chris's local 7-11 in Maryland. More »

VOTE: Choose Who Gets The Last 5 Spots In The 2010 Worst Company Tournament

Bank of America and Comcast are leading the nominations and are on top of the bracket, but it's time to fill out the rest with the companies you most want to see compete with the big boys. That's why this year we're letting 10 nominated companies play to get in. Inside you will find a poll with 10 options. You can choose 3 companies you feel deserve to have one of the final spots in the 2010 Worst Company in America Contest. The 5 companies that have the most votes will enter the tournament. The rest will go home. Choose wisely. More »

Acme Sells Me Edy's Ice Cream, 8 Months Past Expiration

Last week, Consumerist reader Aaron went to his local Acme supermarket outside of Philadelphia to pick up some yummy, delicious, Edy's ice cream. Except what he brought home was neither yummy nor delicious because it was 8 months past its sell-by date. More »

Grocery Self-Checkout: Blessing Or Scourge?

Our sister publication ShopSmart asked their readers today what they think of grocery store self-checkout systems. Would you rather stand and watch someone else scan and bag your groceries, or do you prefer to buy your Oreos and hemorrhoid cream without another soul knowing? More »

VIDEO: Scammers Using Text Messages To Get Your Credit Card Info

Someone in the Southeast is trying to prey on unsavvy texters by pretending to be their bank and asking them to "verify their account info." More »

Celebrate The iPad's Launch By Sculpting Steve Jobs' Head In Cheese

Are you excited about the launch of the iPad? Do you like cheese? Take your brand loyalty to new and disturbing levels by sculpting the head of Steve Jobs in cheese. Cheese Steve is made out of mozzarella, black pepper, and my nightmares. It's odd to celebrate the iconic CEO of a company by sculpting what looks like his embalmed corpse in soft cheese. More »

Amazon Releases Kindle For Mac

Until now, if a Mac owner wanted to read a Kindle e-book on his computer, they were out of luck (or used something like Parallels and had the Kindle for PC app running on Windows). But that all ended today, with the release of Kindle for Mac. More »

Disgruntled Former Dealership Employee Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely, Honks Horns

Some car dealerships and lenders have equipped cars with devices that disable the ignition or make the horn honk nonstop when payments are late. We wrote about this last year, but didn't realize that the interface has fantastic potential for pranks. And that's how a laid-off car dealership employee was allegedly able to disable the ignitions of more than 100 cars purchased from the dealership. Or set off their horns in the middle of the night. More »

United Forgets That You Had Reserved Seats, Shrugs

Silly Mike. He thought that by booking seats in the bulkhead row next to each other on well ahead of time for his flights to and from Tokyo on United later this week, he would actually get to sit in those seats. Instead, he writes, United's customer service changed the plane type for their flight long after he reserved his tickets. Yet the airline somehow managed to not re-book seats for Mike and his wife at all. When he called to straighten things out, the airline put them on a different flight not sitting together and took away their precious bulkhead seats. United's representatives don't see why Mike has a problem with any of this. More »

Graco Recalls 1.2 Million Harmony High Chairs

Graco has announced a recall of approximately 1.2 million of their Graco Harmony High Chairs after finding that the screws holding the front legs of the chair can loosen and fall out. Also, the plastic bracket on the rear legs can crack, "causing the chair to become unstable and tip over unexpectedly." More »

How Safe Is Your Facebook Info From The Feds?

Newly released documents under the Freedom of Information Act reveal not just the Justice Department's guidelines for how to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter for investigative purposes, but which ones are the most friendly to their requests for access to user info. More »

Dell Just Calls This $150 Upsell What It Is

Dell has given up even pretending to be subtle. They've just gone ahead and call their offer of in-home programming for your Logitech Harmony remote control what it is--an upsell. More »

Chicago-Area Subway Now Being Blamed For 78 Illnesses

Yesterday, we wrote about a Chicago-area Subway that was the target of lawsuits after being tied to 21 separate cases of Shigellosis, an infectious disease caused by the food-borne Shigella bacteria. Well, that number has increased, just a little bit, to 78 confirmed cases. More »