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Al Qaeda's Safe Havens

By Michael Jacobson

On February 25, the Washington Institute held an event on Al Qaeda's safehavens -- a topic of growing concern in Washington since the failed Christmas day attack revealed how the group has been exploiting the undergoverned territory in Yemen to plot attacks against the US. Tom Krajeski, the former US Ambassador to Yemen, covered the factors that have enabled AQAP to operate in that country, but was optimistic that with increased US-Yemeni cooperation, we would succeed in dramatically weakening the group.

Seth Jones, a political scientist at RAND, spoke about the al Qaeda/Taliban presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan and how these governments are responding, and Andre Le Sage, a professor at the National Defense University, discussed the state of al Qaeda and al-Shabab in Somalia.

Here is a rapporteur's summary of the event:

Al Qaeda's affiliates and safehavens is an area of increased focus for the Washington Institute. We have recently published a series of articles on this subject, including: a piece by Gregory Johnsen of Princeton University on AQAP; a piece by Stephen Tankel of Carnegie on Laskhar e -Taiba, and a two part piece by Andre Le Sage on al Qaeda/al Shabab in Somalia (click here and here).