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"Threat from Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh": ICG Report

By Animesh Roul

I wish to flag the latest Crisis Group report on the threat emanating from the Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) which remains active and dangerous despite continuous government crackdowns. Undoubtedly a well researched report titled "The Threat from Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh" (Crisis Group Asia Report No. 187, 1 March 2010), assesses the ongoing danger JMB poses to the state and possibly to the region.

Here is a brief excerpt for CTBlog readers:

The danger from JMB is exacerbated by its links to other Bangladeshi and international jihadi groups and to members of the Bangladeshi diaspora in Britain. New information has revealed operational ties to LeT and to al-Muhajiroun, the groups whose members took part in the London underground bombings of July 2005. There has also been collaboration between JMB and a splinter of the once formidable but now diminished Harkat-ul-Jihadal- Islami, Bangladesh (HUJI-B).

Bangladesh’s political mainstream has long understood the danger posed by JMB but has either deliberately used it for narrow political ends, as during the coalition government led by the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) from 2006 to 2007, or been distracted by other concerns. The current Awami League government is especially aware of the problem as its members have been victims of attacks. But internal wrangling, lack of coordination between security agencies and the absence of a single
counter-terrorism force have undermined any sustained effort to dismantle the organisation.

For the Executive Summary, Read Here.

For Full Text, Read Here.