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The Confrontation

By Walid Phares
In Future Jihad, terrorism and Middle East expert Walid Phares gave a definitive account of the historical and cultural forces that led to September 11 and...more






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The U.S. is vulnerable to an emerging threat. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack could "cripple military and civilian communications, power, transportation, water, food, and other infrastructure."

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The Center for Terrorism Research (CTR) is dedicated to identifying effective strategies and techniques to combat the threat of terrorism.

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The Center for Law & Counterterrorism puts FDD in the forefront of legal aspects of the war on terrorism – finding the proper, shifting balance that protects both our freedoms and our safety.

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The Future of Terrorism Project examines the strategies that will be needed to defeat new, more lethal strains of terrorism that now threaten America and the free world.

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We are sending hundreds of billions of dollars in oil money to regimes hostile to our interests and our way of life. Our national and economic security is at risk as long as oil has a monopoly in the transportation sector.

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The Coalition Against Terrorist Media (CATM) brings together Muslim, Christian, Jewish and secular groups -- American and European -- concerned about the threat posed by terrorist-owned media outlets.

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The Committee on the Present Danger's goal is to stiffen American resolve to confront the challenge presented by terrorism and the ideologies that drive it.

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Africa, often called the “forgotten front” in the global war on terror, has become the next major front in the war by militant Islamism.

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A Pandora's box of corruption and incompetence at the United Nations has been exposed since FDD hired Claudia Rosett as its own investigative reporter and assigned her to the beat.

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Through educating the policy community and the public about the deadly activities of the Iranian-Hezbollah-Syrian axis, FDD attacks its most vulnerable points: its worldwide media operations, its standing in the United States and Europe, its finances, and its efforts to support terror around the world.



Peace Later
Apparently, some things cannot be tolerated. For example, while Vice President Joe Biden was visiting Israel last week, Jerusalem's Regional Planning Council announced its approval of plans to construct apartments for 1,600 Israeli families in Israel's capital, Jerusalem. "I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem," Biden said in a statement. "Condemn" is a word seldom used in diplomatic parlance - least of all in reference to an ally. ...more
Clifford D. May, Scripps Howard News Service, Spanish translation here.


Schedule an Interview

In the Media

A Modest Proposal For Israel
Claudia Rosett, Forbes.com

Hope And Change In Iraq
Reuel Marc Gerecht, The Weekly Standard

The Real Terror War Is On The Internet
Mark Dubowitz, FoxNews.com

Press Releases

FDD Applauds Designation of Hamas TV as Terrorist Organization

Notes and Comments



Leadership vs. Leaderless Resistance: The Militant White Separatist Movement's Operating Model
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Madeleine Gruen

Aid To Yemen: Throwing Good Money After Bad?
Jonathan Schanzer

Iran Energy Monitor: 1/25/2010


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David B. Rivkin, Jr. is a partner in the Washington office of Baker Hostetler LLP. He serves as Co-Chair of the Center for Law and Counterterrorism, a joint initiative of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the National Review Institute. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the Nixon Center and a Contributing Editor of the National Review magazine...more

Jonathan Schanzer to address the AIPAC Policy Conference 2010
March 21, 2010 —
Middle East Spotlight- Gaza Dilemma: The State of Play in the Hamas-Run Territory...more

Mutiple FDD Felows to speak at AIPAC Policy Conference 2010
March 22, 2010 —
2:15-3:30pm- Avi Jorisch: Middle East Spotlight - Iranian Interference: The Islamic Republic's Number One Export,: Terrorism
2:15-3:30pm- Tony Badran Middle East Spotlight - Hizballah's Hold: The Terrorist Army's Growing Power in Lebanon
2:15-3:30pm- Orde Kittrie : Middle East Spotlight - Dangerous Liaisons: Iran's Alliances With Rogue Regimes
4-5:30pm- Mark Dubowitz Middle East Spotlight - Persian Gulf, Persian Fear: Arab Fears of a Nuclear Armed Iran
4-5:30pm- Avi Jorisch Middle East Spotlight - Iranian Interference: The Islamic Republic's Number One Export: Terrorism
4-5:30pm- Tony Badran Middle East Spotlight - Hizballah's Hold: The Terrorist Army's Growing Power in Lebanon
4-5:30pm Orde Kittrie Middle East Spotlight - Dangerous Liaisons: Iran's Alliances With Rogue Regimes<...more

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross to Discuss Deradicalization Programs at The Heritage Foundation
March 26, 2010 —

Starting in 2006, the United States began transferring select terrorist detainees at Guantanamo Bay to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for participation in their terrorist de-radicalization program...more

From NRO The Corner: The Sell-Out on Gitmo Is Nigh by Andrew C. McCarthy, 03/19/2010
It's the Gang of 14 revisited...more

From NRO The Corner: Diplo-Speak and Duplicity by Clifford D. May, 03/18/2010
Anyone who has spent time among diplomats knows that they are precise in their use of language...more

From The Rosett Report: Kimjongilia Comes to NY by Claudia Rosett, 03/18/2010
Movies about North Korea are rare enough so that when one turns up in the theaters, it's worth knowing about...more