Image by Frieda 100

Every year, Jews throughout the world celebrate Passover, known as the Festival of Freedom. This year it starts Monday night at sundown. It commemorates the freeing of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt and their deliverance to the ‘Promised Land’.

BUT….. are they free? Are they enjoying a life in a democratic society? Are they not inflicting suffering on other peoples? What is even worse is that we see those that suffered themselves defending these policies, instead of being in the forefront of those opposing them. Why would a Sharansky, a man that supposedly suffered because he is a Jew, be willing to inflict suffering on another people? Why would a Wiesel, a man that has made millions of dollars writing about his suffering, also be a spokesman for the evildoers?

Are any of us free while freedom is denied to millions? Are any of us free when freedom is denied even to ourselves??

Let’s take a look at the Israeli government…..

A Prime Minister whose last interest is the establishment of a just and permanent peace in the region… one that is more interested in eroding every human right that exists today…

A Foreign Minister that is a nazi…

A President, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, that is a warmonger.

A Defense Minister that sold his so-called Socialist ideals to sit in a government with the likes of the above….
And what did they replace?

A Prime Minister who is presently facing criminal charges for illegal property deals…

A President that is a convicted rapist…
Is this the Israel that Diaspora Jews dreamt of ‘returning’ to for centuries??

Is this what is considered ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’???

That’s one side of the wall of apartheid…..

On the other side we see an entire nation denied the basic right to even exist. We see a systematic elimination of the people.
At the Passover Seder, the story of the Exodus from Egypt is read. The purpose is to remember the suffering and to teach about it to our children and their children. All one has to do is go beyond the wall…. see the suffering first hand. Go to Gaza…. see the genocide in action. Is this the freedom we speak of? Is this what the Sharanskys and Wiesels want to see continued??
But wait….. Israelis cannot go to the other side of the wall… nor can they go to Gaza. Why do you think that is? Is it to protect them from the ‘caged up enemy’ or is it to hide the truth?? Are most Israelis even aware of what is happening on the ‘other side’? The media is slanted, the news is censored…. is the truth getting out? The Blogesphere is probably the greatest source of real information these days.

Let us spread the word…. let us spread the truth…. let us work to the day when the Festival of Freedom can be celebrated by all of us…. FOR REAL!
The above is a repost.


Israel’s Provocation at al-Aqsa: Rabbi Plans ‘Miracle’

By Jonathan Cook


The Israeli government has indicated that it will press ahead with a plan to enlarge the Jewish prayer plaza at the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, despite warnings that the move risks triggering a third intifada.

Israeli officials rejected this week a Jerusalem court’s proposal to shelve the plan after the judge accepted that the plaza’s expansion would violate the “status quo” arrangement covering the Old City’s holy places. Islamic authorities agreed to the arrangement after Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967.

The site eyed by Israeli officials is located at the Mughrabi Gate, an entrance to the mosque compound known as the Haram al Sharif, the most sensitive site in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Inside are Al Aqsa Mosque and the golden-topped Dome of the Rock.

Earlier encroachments by Israel on Islamic authority at the site have triggered clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians. A heavily armed visit to the compound by Ariel Sharon in 2000, shortly before he became prime minister, to declare Israeli rights there sparked the second intifada.

In recent weeks, analysts have grown increasingly concerned that a third intifada is imminent as Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has advanced settlement building in East Jerusalem and declared several places deep in the occupied West Bank as Jewish heritage sites.

Another assault on Muslim control so close to Al Aqsa Mosque risked “pouring fuel on the fire”, said Hanna Sweid, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament who filed the original planning objections to the Israeli scheme.

According to evidence presented to the Jerusalem court, Israeli officials used minor storm damage to a stone ramp leading to the Mughrabi Gate as a pretext to tear it down six years ago. The intention is to replace the ramp with a permanent metal bridge and then extend the Jewish prayer plaza into the area where the ramp was.

The scheme is the brainchild of Shmuel Rabinowitz, the rabbi in charge of the Western Wall, who declared the damage to the ramp in 2004 a “miracle” that had offered Israel the chance to take control of more land from Islamic authorities in the Old City.

The rabbi’s plan was approved in late 2007 by a special ministerial committee headed by Ehud Olmert, then the prime minister. The project has also won backing from Mr Netanyahu, though he froze construction work in July under orders from the Jerusalem court.

The judge, Moussia Arad, proposed in January that the ramp be reinstated, or at the very least that the bridge follow the exact route of the ramp, and that all prayer at the site be banned. That position won the backing of United Nations officials monitoring Israel’s work at the Mughrabi Gate.

The Jordanian, Turkish and Palestinian Islamic authorities have all expressed deep concern at Israeli excavations at the Mughrabi Gate that are seen as a prelude to the plaza’s expansion.

Observers had hoped that, faced with the danger of another row with the United States so soon after the diplomatic crisis sparked by Israeli settlement building in East Jerusalem, Mr Netanyahu might agree to the court’s compromise.

They have been proved wrong.

“Netanyahu has a history of trampling on Palestinian rights in the Old City,” Mr Sweid said. “There is every reason to be worried about what he plans to get up to this time.”

In 1996, during his previous stint as prime minister, Mr Netanyahu opened the Western Wall tunnel, another excavation close to the mosque compound, resulting in clashes in which 75 Palestinians and 15 Israeli soldiers were killed.

Israel, which says the mosques sit on the ruins of two ancient Jewish temples, built by Solomon and Herod, refers to the site as Temple Mount and has staked a claim to a degree of sovereignty over the area in recent peace negotiations.

Last week, in a sign of the explosive consequences of tampering with the status quo concerning Jerusalem’s holy places, riots broke out in a “day of rage” in East Jerusalem following Israel’s announcement that it had rebuilt an old synagogue, the Hurva, close to the mosques.

“The Haram al Sharif is a site of unrivalled Muslim sensitivity and the Israeli government is playing with fire here,” said Mohammed Masalha, a lecturer who heads a coalition of Islamic groups inside Israel that brought the court case.

In evidence presented to the court, Meir Ben Dov, an Israeli archaeologist and the excavations director at the Western Wall for nearly four decades, produced photographic evidence showing that the storm had caused only a minor landslide.

“I was asked by the government to inspect the damage two days after it occurred and I found maybe a dozen stones had been dislodged,” he said. “The ramp could have been repaired in less than a week but instead they decided to demolish it.”

Judge Arad, Mr Ben Dov said, had been “shocked” when she saw the photographs.

Mr Ben Dov said his recommendation that the walkway be repaired for $14,000 was ignored by Israeli officials, including the then-tourism minister, Benny Elon, a settler rabbi who heads a far-right party. Instead the government tore down the ramp and built a temporary wooden bridge to the Mughrabi Gate while excavations were carried out in the area exposed by the ramp’s destruction.

The Jerusalem comptroller, Shulamit Rubin, the city’s watchdog official, criticised the excavations at the time, saying they were illegal because the necessary authorisations had not been sought.

The secretive nature of the excavations was widely assumed by Islamic groups to be evidence of an Israeli intention to search for parts of the destroyed temples. With such evidence, Israel would have a stronger claim to extend its control.

The unscientific approach to the excavations was highlighted in early 2007 when it emerged that three years earlier Israeli archaeologists had unearthed at the site a Muslim prayer room from the time of the Saladin, dating to the 11th century, but had kept the discovery quiet.

In February 2007, when Israel brought heavy machinery to the Mughrabi Gate excavations, hundreds of Palestinians clashed with police while the Islamic Movements within Israel staged large demonstrations. Islamic Jihad said it had fired two Qassam rockets from Gaza in response, and Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade threatened to carry out attacks if the work was not halted.

Islamic authorities also expressed fears that the compound of mosques might be damaged by the bulldozers, and that the heavy machinery might also destroy the as-yet-undiscovered Al Buraq mosque, believed to be located close to the Mughrabi Gate and marking the site where the Prophet Mohammed tethered his horse on his Night Journey between Mecca and Jerusalem.

To calm the situation, Israel allowed Turkish experts to examine the excavations a short time later. They reported that Israel was trying to sideline Jerusalem’s Islamic history so that its Jewish aspects could be emphasised.

Israel had another reason for pushing ahead with the illegal excavations, said Kais Nasser, the lawyer representing the Islamic groups. “They needed to unearth something, anything, that could be claimed as an antiquity to nullify Muslim demands for the ramp to be reinstated. Rebuilding the ramp would then be impossible because it would risk damaging an archaeological site.”

Mr Nasser said Israel hopes that if it can present the bridge as the only feasible option, then there will be no obstacles to expanding the prayer plaza.

Mr Ben Dov said he shared such suspicions about Israel’s activities at the site, adding that the goal of Israeli officials seemed to be to gain control over the whole 480-metre length of the Western Wall.

He and other observers have said this is just one more example of a long-standing policy to gradually encroach on Muslim control of the mosque compound.

Among the most significant has been the creation of the City of David, an Israeli archaeological park, directly south of Al Aqsa Mosque in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan. The site is run by Elad, an extremist settler group, that has taken over neighbouring Palestinian homes and, along with the Jerusalem municipality and government officials, is pushing for dozens more to be demolished. It eventually wants to link up the park with the Temple Mount.

Jewish settlers have also been concentrating their efforts on taking over Palestinian homes in the Muslim quarter, close to the Haram al Sharif, and have been supported by right-wing politicians, including in the past by Mr Netanyahu.

One settler organisation, Ateret Cohanim, has been especially active, and is known to be excavating under Palestinian homes around the compound in the hope of discovering traces of the temples.

“What we see here is an unholy alliance of government ministers, Jerusalem municipality officials and settler organisations trying to revive a supposed golden era of Jewish sovereignty from thousands of years ago,” Mr Sweid said.

In addition, he said, Israel believed that a more significant Israeli presence close to the mosques would strengthen its hand in any final peace talks over the division of Jerusalem with the Palestinians, with Israel able to stake a bigger claim to sovereignty over the site.

At the Camp David talks in 2000, Bill Clinton, then US president, proposed dividing sovereignty so that Israel would have control over both the “subterranean spaces” of the mosque compound and the Western Wall. During the talks Ehud Barak, the Israeli prime minister of the day, alarmed observers by calling the whole compound the Jewish “holy of holies”, a term previously used in referring only to the inner sanctum of the destroyed temples.

There are additional fears among Palestinians, and the wider Muslim world, of darker plots being hatched by even more extreme groups.

Although Jewish religious purity laws have traditionally forbidden Jews from entering the Temple Mount, a growing number of rabbis are demanding that Jews be allowed to pray in the compound. Even more fanatical groups are known to favour blowing up the mosques and building a third temple in their place.

The recent rebuilding of the Hurva synagogue has added to such concerns. The Israeli media reported that, according to a 300-year-old rabbinical prophecy, the synagogue’s rebuilding would herald the construction of the third temple.

A Sordid affair: The Mughrabi Quarter’s Ethnic Cleansing

Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Mughrabi, or Moroccan, quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City after its capture in 1967 is one of the more sordid episodes of the 1967 war.

Until it was destroyed by Israel in 2004, the stone ramp that led to the Mughrabi Gate — one of the main entrances to the elevated compound of mosques known as the Haram al-Sharif — was the only visible reminder that the quarter, once home to 1,000 Palestinians, had ever existed.

At the end of the Six-Day war, as Israeli troops poured into the Old City, the Israeli government was presented with an opportunity not only to restore a Jewish presence to the walled city but to create a newly expanded Jewish quarter that would have the Western Wall at its centre.

Before 1948, prayer at the Wall had been possible only at several points along a narrow alley at the margins of the densely populated Moroccan quarter, an area bequeathed in the twelfth century to Saladin’s followers by his son Malik al-Afdal.

But in the immediate wake of the “miraculous” victory in 1967, the Israeli government saw the chance to create a wide prayer plaza in front of the Wall, making it the symbolic heart of an expanded Jewish state that could unite religious and secular Jews.
All that stood in their way were the quarter’s 135 homes.

On the night of 10 June, Uzi Narkiss, head of the army’s central command, authorised 15 private demolition crews to raze the quarter under cover of dark. He, like the politicians, knew that neither the international community nor the Israeli courts would consent to such a brazen violation of international law.

When Teddy Kollek, the mayor of West Jerusalem, had consulted the justice minister, he had been told: “I don’t know what the legal status is. Do it quickly and may the God of Israel be with you.”

Uzi Benziman, an Israeli journalist, described the “near-mystic” compulsion that drove those behind the act of ethnic cleansing: “The officers and the contractors considered themselves emissaries, come to renew Jewish statehood as it had been 1,897 years earlier.”

An officer went from house to house ordering the residents to evacuate. According to observers, those who refused finally fled when the walls of their homes came down. One old woman, found amid the rubble, died a short time later.

As the ruins were cleared and the ground levelled to create an expansive plaza in front of the Western Wall, the contractors were told to use the rubble from the homes to build a ramp up to the Mughrabi Gate. The gate is the only entrance to the compound for which Israel kept the key. Today it is the access point for all non-Muslim visitors, including the Israeli police.

The Western Wall and the plaza, on land that had previously fallen under the control of the Islamic authorities, was placed under the jurisdiction of the Israeli religious affairs ministry. A few days later, on the Jewish holy day of Shavuot, an estimated 200,000 Israeli Jews — one in 10 of the population — came to visit the Wall.

Although Israel had effectively annexed East Jerusalem, its leaders were still troubled by the possible international repercussions of being seen to seize control of the Old City’s holy places, especially the compound of mosques. Under a so-called “status quo” agreement, Muslim officials were supposed to continue controlling the mosque compound, with Israeli oversight.

But that did not stop the rapid emergence of a movement in Israel seeking control of the compound too. Many Jews believe the ruins of the temples of Solomon and Herod can be found under the mosques.

From the early 1970s, extremist rabbis — led by the Shlomo Goren, then the chief rabbi of Israel — began lobbying for Jews to be allowed into the compound to pray, despite traditional rabbinical rulings against such a practice.

Jewish groups soon sprang up demanding more: that the mosques be blown up to make way for a third temple that would bring nearer the arrival of the Messiah.

Since the outbreak of the second intifada, little of the status quo agreement remains. Israeli movement restrictions affecting both Gaza and the West Bank mean that today only a tiny number of Palestinians can reach the mosques. Palestinian institutions are also barred from operating inside Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, settlers and Israeli officials have encroached on more and more land around the mosque compound. At the Camp David talks with the Palestinians in 2000, Israel proposed for the first time that Jews be allowed to pray in the compound and that Israel have a degree of sovereignty over the site.

In recent years Jews have started to be escorted by Israeli police inside the compound through the Mughrabi Gate, though praying so far has not been sanctioned.



Norman Finkelstein booted, again

Norman Finkelstein may be a curmudgeon who can barely contain his contempt for institutions he feels have violated the public trust. But look past the attitude and sometimes poor choices (which, after all, Finkelstein’s nemesis Dershowitz has in spades) and he’s an excellent, even obsessively detailed scholar, and certainly no anti-Semite. And he’s fundamentally morally right. We Jews especially should be outraged.

Finkelstein is someone possessed with the intense and justified anger of a son of concentration camp survivors who saw his parents’ devastating experiences exploited while they received little support. He rails against not just the financial but also the ideological exploitation of the Holocaust. And I think he has the rage of disappointment of the loyal Jewish son who believed all the words about all Jews working to stop injustice, and discovered they weren’t true.

(Many of his charges are by now well-documented by numerous scholars and accounts, but it goes so far against the  cinematic swelling violin background music of our favorite Holocaust narratives, that we still can’t even imagine elderly Israeli Holocaust survivors and their families protesting in the streets because they are living in poverty, while prominent lawyers and various advocacy organizations pocket millions and Israel continues to take Palestinian land while crying anti-Semitism every time someone says “No!”. And so Finkelstein becomes the target of our collective discomfort. He’s essentially a whisteblower for corrupt Jewish organizations and it’s no wonder that many of us, in the Jewish community and beyond, don’t want to listen. To be fair, it’s also true that he doesn’t seem concerned about getting more people to listen.)

Finkelstein lost tenure at DePaul. He most recently got disinvited by the Greens in Germany. And this morning, word that the global shunning continues in Chicago, where event organizers report that since he’s not allowed to speak at DePaul (part of his severance agreement-amazingly), they found, and then just lost, an alternative venue:

I’ve been very involved in organizing Norman Finkelstein’s April midwest tour, which will include Purdue, Beloit, Michigan State, and Chicago events (DePaul, Northwestern, UofC). Unfortunately, today I received this news from our friends and partners at DePaul:

As you know, former professor and academic Norman G. Finkelstein is scheduled to speak in Chicago on Friday, April 16th. SJP DePaul and friends have been working diligently for this event, from securing a venue, booking his flight and hotel, and fundraising from scratch to make this event happen successfully. Everything was finally coming together, and we were all excited. Unfortunately, today we received horrible news. The event coordinator received the following email from the venue we had secured for the event:

“Good morning Shirien,

We had a Parish council meeting this past week, I notify everyone on the up coming events that are held at our church, and of course, your event was one of the topics

A few of our board members are attorneys and they are the ones that look into almost everything from the individuals that rent the gym out and if they are covered insurance wise.

they looked deeper into the Professor that will be speaking at our church and they insisted that we couldn’t be affiliated with the ideologies of Mr. Norman Finkelstein so I am sorry to say that the church is going to have to cancel and will not be able to rent the gym the night of April the 16th 2010

Please again I am very sorry for the inconvenience.”

Write a nice note to St. George Greek Orthodox Church to let them know Finkelstein should speak:

Deno Diamantakos

And if you have an alternative venue idea for April 16 in Chicago, contact organizer

Source via Antony Lowenstein


Obama Still Has No Stomach to Take on Israel

by Jonathan Cook

Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in the United States this week armed with a mandate from the Israeli parliament. A large majority of legislators from all of Israel’s main parties had supported a petition urging him to stand firm on the building of Jewish settlements in occupied East Jerusalem — the very issue that got him into hot water days earlier with the White House.

Given the Israeli consensus on Jerusalem, there was no way Mr Netanyahu could have avoided rubbing that wound again in his speech on Monday to the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the powerful pro-Israel lobby group.

He told the thousands of delegates: “The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today. Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital.”

Citing his own policy as inseparable from all previous Israeli governments, he added: “Everyone knows that these neighbourhoods will be part of Israel in any peace settlement. Therefore, building them in no way precludes the possibility of a two-state solution.”

Mr Netanyahu’s speech appeared consistent with the new approach agreed by both sides to end this particular debacle. According to the US media, a policy of “Don’t ask and don’t tell” has been adopted to avoid making East Jerusalem an insurmountable obstacle to negotiations.

It will be telling how the US administration responds to the latest approval by Israeli planning authorities of a housing project at the Shepherd’s Hotel in East Jerusalem – this time in the even more controversial area of Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian community slowly being taken over by Jewish settlers backed by the Israeli courts.

The White House has eased its stance chiefly because Mr Netanyahu has climbed down on two issues of even greater importance to the administration.

First, he has agreed to make a “significant gesture” to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, probably in the form of a prisoner release. That is the carrot needed to bring Mr Abbas to the peace talks overseen by George Mitchell, the US special peace envoy.

And second, Mr Netanyahu has conceded that Israel will discuss the “core issues” of the conflict – borders, Jerusalem and the Palestinian refugees – ensuring that the negotiations are substantive rather than formal, as he had intended.

Those concessions – if Mr Netanyahu delivers on them – should be enough to break up his far-right coalition, a prospect the White House craves. The US administration wants Tzipi Livni, the leader of the centrist opposition, to join Mr Netanyahu in a new, “peacemaking coalition”.

If Mr Netanyahu could wriggle out of this bind, he would do so. But his ace in the hole – harnessing the might of AIPAC and its legions in Congress to back him against the White House – looks to have been disarmed.

Comments last week by Gen David Petraeus, the head of the US Central Command, linked Israel’s intransigence towards the Palestinians to the spread of a hatred that endangers US troops in the Middle East. That left the AIPAC hordes with little option but to swallow their and Mr Netanyahu’s pride, lest they be accused of dual loyalties.

In the words of Uri Avnery, a former Israeli legislator: “This is only a shot across the bow, a warning shot fired by a warship in order to induce another vessel to follow its instructions. The warning is clear.”

And the warning is that Mr Netanyahu must come to the negotiating table to help to establish a Palestinian state whatever the consequences for his coalition.

But it would be unwise to assume that the crisis over settlement building in East Jerusalem indicates that the Obama administration plans to get any tougher with Israel on the form of such statehood than its predecessors.

Ms Livni, unlike Mr Netanyahu, may wish to find a solution to the conflict – or impose one – but her terms would be far from generous. The White House knows that she, too, is an ardent advocate of settlements in East Jerusalem. When she broke her silence on the crisis last week, it was to emphasise that, by “acting stupidly” in stoking a row with the US, Mr Netanyahu had risked “weakening” Israel’s hold on Jerusalem

Instead, the signs are that Barack Obama could be just as ready to accommodate the Israeli consensus on East Jerusalem as the previous Bush administration was in backing Israel’s position on keeping the overwhelming majority of West Bank settlers in their homes on occupied Palestinian land.

Shimon Peres, the Israeli president who is much favoured in Washington, has outlined a “compromise” to placate the Americans. It would involve a peace deal in which Israel keeps the large swaths of East Jerusalem already settled by Jews, while the Palestinians would be entitled to the ghettos left behind after four decades of illegal Israeli building.

In her own AIPAC speech, Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, hinted that such a solution might yet be acceptable to the administration. The recent US condemnation of settlement building, she said, was not “a judgment on the final status of Jerusalem, which is an issue to be settled at the negotiating table. This is about getting to the table, creating and protecting an atmosphere of trust around it — and staying there until the job is finally done.”

Having lost patience with Mr Netanyahu’s lip service to Palestinian statehood, the White House appears finally to have decided its credibility in the Middle East depends on dragging Israel — kicking and screaming, if needs be — to the negotiating table.

Mr Obama may hope that the outcome of such a process will make US troops safer in Iraq and strengthen his hand in the stand-off with Iran. But it remains doubtful that the US actually has the stomach to extract from Israel the concessions needed to create that elusive entity referred to as a viable Palestinian state.



Thesaurus Entries

aggressively self-confident, bluff, bold, brash, bumptious, cheeky, chesty, chutzpadik, cocky, conceited, contemptuous, crusty, derisive, disrespectful, facy, flip, flippant, forward, fresh, gally, gratuitous, immodest, impertinent, impudent, know-it-all, malapert, nervy, obtrusive, overwise, peacockish, peacocky, perk, perky, pert, procacious, puffed up, rude, sassy, saucy, self-conceited, self-opinionated, smart, smart-alecky, smart-ass, stuck-up, swelled-headed, uncalled-for, wise-ass

From Chutzpah…..

Zionists are embarking on an ’image campaign’ now that they feel secure in their acts of aggression and terrorism against the people of Palestine. They got a big boost to their morale this week when America backed off from their condemnations criticisms against the settlement expansions. AIPAC made sure this would happen.

I want you to read the following email that is being circulated by the zionists…. but you MUST read it to the end to understand why I used the heading I did for this post….. they are  proud of their situation… laughing at us all …. and we are letting them get away with it. THAT’S CHUTZPAH!

Also ask yourselves how many of these ‘facts’ would have been possible without investments of foreign capital.

Israel is only 1/6 of 1% of the landmass of the Middle East .
Israel is roughly half the size of Lake Michigan .
The Sea of Galilee , at 695 ft. Below sea level, is the lowest freshwater lake in the world.
The Dead Sea is the lowest surface point on earth, at about 1,373 feet below sea level.
Israel is the only nation in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in it’s number of trees.
Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited town in the world.
The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem is the oldest, continually used cemetery in the world.

Israel ’s population is half the size of Metro New York City.
Israel has only 2% of the population of the Middle East .
Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees per capita in the world.
Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation in the world – by a large margin.
Israel has the highest number of scientists and technicians per capita in the world – by a large margin.
Israel has the highest number of engineers per capita in the world.
Israel has the highest number of PhD’s per capita in the world.
Israel has the highest number of physicians per capita in the world.
Israel has the largest percentage of it’s workforce employed in technical professions in the world.
Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation in the world, per capita.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population has grown over the last 50 years.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christians, Muslims and Jews are all free to vote.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where women enjoy full political rights.

Israel has the largest number of startup companies per capita in the world.
Israel is the world’s largest wholesale diamond center, finally surpassing Antwerp in the 1970’s.  Most of the cut & polished diamonds in the world come from Israel .
Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies outside of the US and Canada .
Israel was the first country to have a f! ree trade agreement with the United States .
Apart from the Silicon Valley, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world.

The cell phone was developed in Israel at Motorola’s largest development center.
The Voice Mail technology was developed in Israel .
In the early 80’s, IBM chose an Israeli-designed computer chip as the brains for it’s first personal computers.
The first anti-virus software for computers was developed in Israel in 1979.
Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed in Israel by Microsoft.
Both the Pentium-4 and Centrino processors were entirely designed, developed and produced in Israel .
The Pentium MMX Chip techn! ology was designed in Israel at Intel.
Israel has the highest number of home computers per capita in the world.
The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger and ICQ was developed in 1996 by 4 young Israelis.
Israel was the first Middle Eastern country to launch a satellite, the Ofek 1, on September 19, 1988.

Hebrew is the only case of a dead national language being revived in all of world history.  Hebrew had not been spoken as a native tongue by anyone for centuries.  Today it is the native tongue of millions of people.
Israel has more museums per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel has more orchestras per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel publishes ! more books per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel publishes more books translated from other languages than any other nation in the world.
Israel reads more books per capita than any other nation in the world.
The most independent and free Arabic press in the Middle East is in Israel.
Israel has the largest fleet of F-16 aircraft outside of the US .
Israel has the world’s most impenetrable airline security.
Israel spends more money per capita on it’s own protection than any country in the world.


Israel ’s dairy cows are the most productive dairy cows in the world.  They average 25,432 pounds of milk per cow per year, compared to just 18,747 pounds from American cows; 17,085 from Canadian cows; 13,778 from European Union cows; 10,207 from Australian cows; and 6,600 from Chinese cows.
Israel has more in-vitro fertilization per capita than anywhere in the world, and it’s free.
Israelis, per capita, are the world’s biggest consumers of fruits and vegetables.

Of the 175 UN Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel .  Of the 690 UN General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel.

Following you can see the type of sick person that is sending out these emails….

This is what AIPAC wants you to continue paying for….. after all… just watch the following to see Who is behind it all ;)


Now that the AIPAC circus has more or less made it certain that no sanctions will be made against Israel….  preparations for the tourist season are under way…..

The ‘Size doesn’t matter’ campaign to encourage tourism to Israel seems to have inspired other sexually oriented promotions…. this one aimed at the gay community.

It will be interesting to see the reactions of the likes of Hagee and others in his camp of ‘goody-goody ‘Christian’ zionists….
after all, they consider these people to be an abomination….

The reality is that Hagee and company are the abomination!
It will also be interesting to see the reactions of Israel’s own ‘Holier Than Thou’ community.

Gay porn magnate Michael Lucas offering tours of Israel

Gay porn superstar Michael Lucas is offering group tours to  Israel
Gay porn superstar Michael Lucas is offering group tours to Israel
Lucas Entertainment

Here’s a first -  Michael Lucas, megawatt gay porn star and entrepreneurial owner of Lucas Entertainment, is now a travel agent, offering group trips to Israel, according to The Advocate.

Why Israel, you ask?  Because Lucas says it’s one of his favorite places in the world, and the trip was inspired by two movies he filmed there called Men of Isreal and Inside Isreal.

A look at the Lucas Entertainment website reveals all the details. Lucas says:

  • This is not your average tourist vacation.  I will not take you nor will I send you to any tourist restaurants! We will eat only the finest authentic Israeli cuisine preferred by the locals, and I will organize a dinner for whomever is interested with some of the top Lucas Entertainment performers.
  • I’ll also be sure to take you to one of my favorite beaches, hidden far away from the overcrowded coastal scene: Gaash Beach. This is the premiere clothing-optional beach in Tel-Aviv known only to insiders. You can feel free to lie in the sun as nude as you’d like, enjoy the ocean, or feel free to watch any number of hot guys have sex up and down the shore!
  • An optional photo shoot with photographer Ronen Ackerman, in which you can have your photo taken with some hot Israeli soldiers!
  • In addition to the friends you meet out and around, there are many close friends of mine I can’t wait to introduce you to! They will help make sure you get the best locals’ experience of Israel possible, with no time wasted at frivolous or sub-par tourist sites

The price tag for this extravaganza is $2,755 US for a 9-day tour or $3790 for a 12-day tour, which includes excursions to Eilat and Petra.  You must book your trip in advance by paying a non-refundable $200 deposit.  Groups are limited to no more than 20 in number.

Go here to learn more and here to pre-book your trip.

When you pay your deposit, you get Michael’s personal phone number.  That’s worth $200 all by itself!

Groups depart from and return to New York City.

Taken FROM

See for yourself what you could be missing out on…..

  • Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea

  • Israeli soldiers having fun in Tel Aviv

  • Gaash Beach

  • The Dead Sea

  • Tel Aviv

  • Me on a photo shoot in Jerusalem

  • The Church of the Holy Sepulcher

  • Old Jaffa Port

  • My models floating in the Dead Sea

  • Old Jaffa

  • Sunset over the gay beach in Tel Aviv

  • Me with an Israeli soldier

  • Jerusalem at night

  • Petra

  • During filming at Gaash Beach

  • Tel Aviv

  • Eilat Red Sea Resort at night

  • The Dead Sea

  • Tel Aviv

  • Guys washing off healing mud at the Dead Sea Resort

  • The Mediterranean Sea

  • Jerusalem

  • My models on the beach

  • Tel Aviv at night

  • The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem at night

  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher

  • Nachalat Benjamin Pedestrian Market

  • The Caves of Qumran

  • Old Jaffa at dusk

  • Scuba diving in the Dead Sea in Eilat

  • The city of Haifa

  • Nahariya

  • Haifa

  • The Red Sea Resort

  • The Qumran Caves

  • The Dolphin Reef in the Red Sea Resort in Eilat

  • Eilat

  • Two men kissing in Tel Aviv

  • Gay Pride in Tel Aviv

  • My models posing in the Dead Sea

  • Israeli soldiers

  • Old Jaffa

  • Old Jaffa

  • Me in the Negev Desert

  • My models showering after floating in the Dead Sea


Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
Yesterday, after 6 days of kidnapping and beating our friend Omar Mousa
Ala'eddin from the village of Al-Ma'sara, the Israeli occupation authorities
released him broken and battered.  We spend much of the day with him.  Omar
is an English student at Hebron University and was returning with other
students and two of his professors from a field trip to Ramallah where they
watched a play. On the way back, a soldier at the checkpoint entered into a
verbal exchange with Omar when Omar tried to explain to him about a fellow
female student who did not have her ID card with her since Omar spoke
Hebrew.  The soldier ordered him out of the bus and the first blows were
delivered to Omar in front of his friends and teachers.  After they took him
to a back room and have received information about him (perhaps that he had
been in jail or that he participated in the weekly nonviolent protests), the
beatings became more regular. The initial beating of Omar on the face and
head made his mouth bleed and his head hurt and he was not able to speak to
the soldiers and this only made them beat him more for not answering their
questions. Omar told our friend Sevtap that one of the soldiers told him "do
you think the international solidarity will protect you". Omar was
transferred during those 6 days from the container checkpoint to  a police
station in the settlement of Maale Adumim, then to a military doctor at an
unknown location (but the doctor only looked briefly at him and basically
told him to shut up, then to the Russian compound prison in Jerusalem, then
to Ramle prison, then to Ofer prison, and finally to Ramleh prison again. On
the last day, he was brought before a judge and assigned a state lawyer who
made a deal for him to be released on bail.  Many hours passed because the
prison authorities refused to let him make a call to get someone to come pay
the bail.  After the bail was paid, Omar was not released but finally, the
military brought him to the South of Ramallah and dumped him on the side of
the road.  Omar was initially treated at Al-Hussain hospital in Beit Jala
and released but his condition deteriorated and his family decided to take
him to a hospital in Hebron where he spent last night.  He might be released
at noon today. Video of Omar at Hospital at
Photos of injuries before his situation deteriorated is at

Fatenah animation is now on You Tube! Summary: Fatenah is a 27 year old
woman living in the Gaza Strip. Her life is similar to the lives of many
other women in Gaza. Her life changes the day she discovers to have breast
cancer.  This animation, the first produced in Palestine, shows with great
accuracy the scenarios of Gaza city. The 27 minutes long story is a
breath-taking journey into Fatenah's daily struggles. It uncovers the human
drama of her fight to survive. This journey into the heart of the Gaza Strip
will touch and move you. 
Part 1/3  

Part 2/3  


Part 3/3  

Directed by Ahmad Habash, Screenplay Saed Andoni, Ahmad Habash, Ambrogio
Manenti, Produced by Saed Andoni, Music Said Murad, Editing Saed Andoni,
Animation Ahmad Habash, Director of Photography Ahmad Habash, Sound Designer
Zaher Rashmawi, Voices - Actors: Buthaina Sumairi (Fatenah), Ahmad Abu
Saloom (Abu Rasheed), Shaden Saleem (Amal), Imad Ahmad (Mualem), Mesbah Deeb
(Ayman), Waleed Aqel (Dr. Salah / AMB. Driver), Nibal Thawabteh (Lutfieh),
Hanan El Hilu (Dafna), Amira Habash (IDF soldier), Ahmad Habash (Palestinian
Dr. / IDF soldier), Saed Andoni (IDF sergeant), Gabriel Lambert (Israeli
Dr.), Chiara Stefanini (Israeli nurse)..

Quote from US Secretary Hilalry Clinton at the powerful AIPAC lobby: "Under
President Obama's leadership, we have reinvigorated defense consultations,
redoubled our efforts to ensure Israel's qualitative military edge, and
provided nearly $3 billion in annual military assistance. (Applause). The
United States . did lead the boycott of the Durban Conference and we
repeatedly voted against the deeply flawed Goldstone Report. (Applause.)
This Administration will always stand up for Israel's right to defend
itself. (Applause.) And for Israel, there is no greater strategic threat
than the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran. (Applause.)"


Image ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff

Israeli Army World’s Most Moral?
By Mel Frykberg

RAMALLAH, – Many Israelis like to believe, and the cliché is repeated regularly in Israel, that their army is the “most moral army in the world.”

However, following the Gaza war which left 1,400 Palestinians dead, most of them civilians, some Israelis have begun to question this.

Furthermore, the fatal shooting of four Palestinian teenagers in the course of 24 hours over the weekend, in highly questionable circumstances, has forced the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) to investigate the incident amidst contradictory statements issued by the soldiers involved.

In the last few weeks violent protests have been breaking out all over the occupied Palestinian West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in protest at Israel’s continued Judaisation of the eastern sector of the city.

This has involved the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from occupied East Jerusalem to make way for illegal Israeli settlers.

Other measures, aimed at curbing the demographic presence of Palestinians, have included limiting building permits for Palestinians despite a chronic housing shortage and demolishing homes built “illegally”.

Tempers reached boiling point recently when the Israeli government declared plans to build thousands of new apartments in East Jerusalem and extremist Jews tried to enter Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest shrine.

Alarmed at the volatile demonstrations sparked in villages and towns across the West Bank, Israeli security forces have been cracking down on grassroots activists with arrest campaigns and declaring some villages closed military zones.

Inevitably the closed military zone orders in the villages of Nilin and Bi’lin near Ramallah were ignored so the IDF began to employ lethal force there and elsewhere.

Kelly Stark, an American activist with the International Solidarity Movement, was shot at close-range with a rubber-coated metal bullet the size of a large marble. Israeli military law says the bullets can only be shot from a distance of 40 m and at the legs.

Stark was not involved in stone-throwing and was standing with a group of medics. She underwent surgery to remove the bullet lodged in her arm which fractured her wrist.

Ussayad Qaddous, 19, and his cousin Muhammad Qaddous, 16, died over the weekend after Israeli soldiers used live ammunition during protests in the village of Iraq Burin in the northern West Bank.

Clashes erupted after Palestinian protestors tried to reach village land that has been confiscated for the adjacent illegal Israeli settlement.

Eyewitnesses state that the two cousins were not involved in the protests and that calm had returned before IDF jeeps reinvaded the village, sparking fresh confrontations.

Ussayad was shot in the back of the head while Muhammad was shot through the torso. The IDF initially denied using live ammunition and stated that only rubber-coated metal bullets had been used.

However, x-rays and pictures taken, showing a bullet lodged in the skull of Ussayad and the entry and exit wounds on Muhammad’s torso, suggest otherwise and have been corroborated by the testimony of doctors.

“The IDF uses two types of rubber bullets; one is shaped like a ball and the other is cylindrical. The object lodged in Ussayad’s skull is shaped like a prism, pointed at the end. It’s a bullet,” Israeli activist Jonathan Pollack from Anarchists against the Wall told Ma’an News Agency.

“There is an entry wound and an exit wound in Muhammad’s torso, and no rubber bullet in the world can cause such an injury,” added Pollack who was backed by doctors who examined the bodies.

The IDF was eventually forced to retract its initial denials and admitted that it had used live ammunition, adding that had the soldiers involved not violated the correct procedures of engagement the cousins would still be alive.

Israeli rights group B’tselem has asked the army to conduct a criminal investigation into the killings.

On Sunday, shortly after the fatal shootings in Iraq Burin, two other Palestinian teenagers, both 19, from the nearby village of Awarta were shot dead as they approached their agricultural land carrying farming equipment.

Muhammad Faysal and Salah Qawariq were accused by soldiers, from the same brigade responsible for the deaths of the Iraq Burin teenagers the previous day, of being “terrorists disguised as farmers who had attacked them alternatively with pitchforks, then broken glass, then bottles with pebbles in them, and finally with a syringe.”

Once again the IDF has opened an investigation after Israeli military police stated “events at Awarta reveal discrepancies.”

Meanwhile, The Coalition Against Racism and the Mossawa Centre, which work to promote equality in Israel, have accused the current Israeli Knesset, or parliament, of being the “most racist since the country’s founding.”

They state that 21 bills aimed at discriminating against Israel’s Arab citizens have been presented to the Knesset during the last year.

Included is a proposed legislation that would allow the imprisonment for a year of anyone who publishes or says anything that would “bring contempt upon or discomfort to the country”.

Other bills mentioned involve exclusive sale of land to Jews and an attempt to change all street names in Israel to Hebrew only.


Norman Finkelstein Responds to Clinton, Netanyahu AIPAC Comments

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told attendees at the AIPAC conference on Monday that the US commitment to Israel is “rock-solid,” but Clinton did criticize Israel for continuing to build settlements in occupied East Jerusalem. In a defiant speech hours after Clinton’s address, Netanyahu rejected US criticism and vowed to continue building settlements. We speak with Norman Finkelstein, author of the new book, This Time We Went Too Far


The US’ choreographed “outrage” at Israel
Stephen Maher

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the AIPAC conference in Washington, DC, 22 March 2010. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP)

The speeches at AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby group, on Monday by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Netanyahu’s subsequent meeting with US President Barack Obama are widely seen as drawing to a close what Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren called the “most severe crisis in US-Israel relations” in decades. This rapprochement comes on the heels of a series of seemingly angry statements top members of the Obama Administration released, after Israel announced construction of 1,600 new illegal housing units in occupied East Jerusalem while US Vice President Joe Biden was in the country.

In fact, the basis for the Obama Administration’s criticisms of the settlement announcement — as well as the significance of the crisis itself — has been widely misconstrued by both supporters and critics of Israel. AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) were “shocked and stunned” that Biden and Clinton called the Israeli announcement “insulting.” AIPAC urged the administration to “take immediate steps to defuse the tension with the Jewish state” and “move away from public demands and unilateral deadlines directed at Israel.” Meanwhile, the ADL mused, “One can only wonder how far the US is prepared go in distancing itself from Israel.”

Voices more critical of Israel, such as Richard Dreyfuss of The Nation, suggested that “this is not just the reaction to an insulting announcement during the visit of Vice President Biden,” but rather “the Obama Administration is beginning to realize that Israeli intransigence … is a major obstacle to US policy in the region.” Dreyfuss predicted that this “might turn into the most significant confrontation between the United States and Israel” since the 1956 Suez War.

Contrary to both of these positions, the Obama Administration merely reacted to a diplomatic affront it was dealt by the Israeli government. Israel’s announcement came on the same day that Biden had arrived in the country to proudly confirm the US’ “absolute, total and unvarnished” commitment to its ally, and commence indirect talks with the Palestinians. Following the announcement, protests and violent clashes broke out in Jerusalem and elsewhere throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Responding to this pressure, the Arab League threatened to cancel its endorsement of the indirect negotiations, with Secretary Amr Moussa even announcing that the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had decided not to participate in the talks. As the endorsement was the only political cover Abbas had to re-enter negotiations, the US administration took careful notice of these events as pressure on Abbas to abandon talks from within the territories mounted. With the Arab world outraged and Biden humiliated due to the degree of US complicity that the timing of the announcement revealed, the Obama Administration was forced to react.

Clinton said the timing of the announcement was “insulting,” while top aide David Axelrod called it an “affront” that “seemed calculated” to undermine the peace talks. The Obama Administration hopes that this PR display will allow the US to fortify its farcical claim to be an “honest broker” in the peace process, provide Abbas the political cover to re-enter negotiations, and send a message to the Israeli government that American leaders are to be treated with respect. As CNN reported, Netanyahu has now set up a team to investigate why the settlement construction announcement was made during Biden’s visit.

Netanyahu may well have been telling the truth when he claimed to be “surprised” by the public criticisms by the US government. The day before, one day after US envoy George Mitchell arrived to broker newly-announced “proximity talks,” the State Department explicitly approved Israel’s construction of 112 new apartments in an illegal settlement outside Bethlehem. The assent came despite Netanyahu’s declaration of a “moratorium” on settlement building, which he has insisted cannot include such illegal construction in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem, a position the US has accepted.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has also chastised Israel for its “provocative actions,” including record-high rates of stripping Palestinians from Jerusalem their residency rights and infringements on Palestinian religious sites that are clearly designed to incite a Palestinian response or otherwise make it impossible for Abbas to return to the negotiating table. Yet even when the administration was at its most critical of Israel, following Obama’s speech in Cairo last year, Israel was reassured that the actions taken by the US would be “largely symbolic.” Indeed, Obama unconditionally re-authorized the loan guarantees program and massive US aid — conservatively estimated at $7 million per day — has continued without threat of reduction.

Obviously, the Obama Administration is hardly concerned about Israeli violations of international law, previous agreements it has signed, or the human rights of the Palestinians. The implication throughout is that had the announcement come a week before Biden visited (or even a day before, as the Bethlehem announcement did) there would have been no problem. Indeed, just one week later, after the Israeli government announced construction on an additional 426 East Jerusalem settlement homes, Clinton “bolstered her support for the Jewish state,” according to The Washington Post. The Israeli army then opened fire on peaceful protestors in Gaza twice in two days, and carried out air strikes on targets in Gaza, while Clinton issued another statement saying that the steps offered by the Israeli government to resolve the dispute were “useful and productive.”

The escalating repression continued Sunday, when the Israeli army shot and killed four Palestinian youths in 24 hours in the West Bank, two aged 18 and two 16. Simultaneously, Netanyahu issued a statement proclaiming that Israel would never cease building illegally in East Jerusalem as Ban Ki-moon arrived in Israel. Clearly, recent condemnations of these projects as “illegal” by Ban and the European Union did not stop Obama from welcoming Netanyahu to Washington on Monday with a private meeting, nor Clinton from proudly sharing the stage with him at the AIPAC conference to reaffirm the US commitment to support Israel’s rejection of the international consensus for resolving the conflict. Though she did say the settlements “undermine mutual trust,” she did not acknowledge their illegality and mostly stressed the threat that US support for them poses to its “credibility” as an “honest broker,” thus urging Israel to refrain from such flagrantly provocative behavior while reinforcing that the US-Israel relationship is “rock solid.”

The US hopes that this pretended outrage will lend its role as “honest broker” enough credibility to keep the “peace process” moving, itself merely a PR facade that shields Israeli crimes from public scrutiny. If it does not, the US will undoubtedly pay little mind to the harsh words spoken this week and do as it has done before: blame the Palestinians for its failure and support Israeli repression.

Stephen Maher is an MA candidate at American University School of International Service who has lived in the West Bank, and is currently writing his masters’ thesis, “The New Nakba: Oslo and the End of Palestine,” on the Israel-Palestine conflict. His work has been appeared in Extra!, ZNet and other publications. His blog is


AND this never happened to me when Bush was president.

Whose Streets? (Our Streets between 1pm and 4pm With a Permit)

On the 7th commemoration of the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, there was a rally and march in DC sponsored by the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition that was attended by about eight thousand people.

For quite awhile, I have been having problems with marches on Saturday, anyway. It seems like we march past empty buildings and shake our fists at them and promise that if those empty buildings don’t change their ways, we will be back next year to do the same thing. The arrests are symbolic and don’t shut down anything, except in the case of large arrests, where the police stations are busy for a few hours.

As far as I know, there were no large civil disobediences scheduled for last Saturday’s rally, but some coffins were built on the sidewalk in front of the White House and four protesters decided to lie down near them and not move. Two of these protesters were good friends of mine: Elaine Brower of Military Families Speak Out and Matthis Chiroux of Iraq Vets Against the War. When I went over to check the action out, the four were begging the hundreds of others surrounding the protest to join them. The four were cordoned off with barriers and crime scene tape.

I began to plan a way to join Matthis and Elaine when I went to the front of the barrier and saw my dear friends, who have always been there for me, lying on the sidewalk by themselves. Just as I was figuring out how to get over the barriers, the section I was at collapsed onto the sidewalk and I took the opportunity to step over hoping that dozens, if not hundreds, would follow.

As soon as I crossed the barrier, I was slammed by a couple of cops, handcuffed and then actually run around the front of the White House while the cops tried to find a paddy wagon to stick me in—about 50 people were running with the cop and I, yelling: “Let her go, let her go.” When the officer and I finally got to the paddy wagon, I was surprised to find that only two others had followed me. One other crossed the line to bring our detained numbers up to eight.

During my speech at the rally, I iterated the importance of “throwing our bodies upon the gears” of the machine, as well as marching—I got a huge cheer and during the march the participants chanted: “Whose streets, our streets.” Eight detainees? Apparently the streets are only “ours” when we have a permit–god forbid we take them when the event is not permitted by the Police State!

Why, when the barrier was compromised, did more people not follow us to actually put their beliefs into higher relief than merely marching in a circle on Saturday? While we were being (tightly) handcuffed and loaded onto the hot paddy wagon, the crowd of on-lookers chanted, “This is what hypocrisy looks like.”

I was, to say the least, very disheartened that hundreds of people didn’t join us. Watching the video of my “crossing over,” you can see a couple of people go over and then run back when the police come—but most of the people step back like the downed barrier is a livewire.

After a bumpy and sweaty ride, we eight arrive at the Park Police Station in Anacostia. As we were being processed, it started to become very clear that some of us were going to be detained until Monday. Ultimately, two of us were released and six of us were held. The two that were released were from DC and those of us held were out-of-towners. Immediately, we knew this explanation was total b.s. because I have been arrested in DC about 13 times now and I have always been from “out-of-town,” and have never even been held overnight, let alone two nights.

Was it a coincidence that Camp OUT NOW had two major actions over the weekend to try and hold our campsite that I missed due to being jailed? I don’t think so

Well, those two days were some of the most miserable days of my life! We were taken to a lock-up and Elaine and I were put into a freezing room and I had a t-shirt and flip-flops on, being unprepared to be arrested. For four women, our cell had one cement block bench that was about 7-8 feet long, so at least one of us always had to be on the stone-cold floor. Sleeping was fitful as it was very chilly all night—and very noisy!

Thirty-six hours, and eight bologna-like and cheese-substitute sandwiches later, we were taken to the court for our arraignment and stayed in that cell for seven hours and were finally released at 5pm after we all pled “not-guilty” and were scheduled for a trial on June 9th.

Basically, six of us stayed in jail for 50 hours for an offense that ends up to be the equivalent of a traffic ticket and we even had to go to traffic court to be arraigned. I am positive that everyone in DC who gets a traffic ticket and is from “out-of-town” does not have to stay over night. Then, I found out that the penalty for my charge “Crossing a police line” doesn’t even carry any jail time. I spent two nights in jail on an offense with no jail time! The maximum penalty is $300! Boy, I will be even more pissed if I go through a trial and have to pay $300 dollars after I have already spent two nights in jail.

To make matters even worse, I was the only one who was forced to come back for a trial even though Elaine has more DC arrests than I do. The other seven have chosen to go to trial with me, but they were given the option to “pay and forfeit” which means to pay the fine and forfeit your right to a trial.

The icing on the entire crappy cake came when the eight of us were given a “stay away order” from the White House—I asked the Judge how could that be legal because we weren’t convicted of anything, but the Judge assured me that conditions could be placed on our release. I also think this is very suspicious considering our Camp OUT NOW actions were focusing on the White House.

Many times during the 50 hour ordeal, Elaine and I were asked if we thought it was “worth it,” to go through so much hardship for so little gain.

My answer is, first of all, if more people crossed the line with me, we wouldn’t have had to stay 50 hours in jail and I was very upset that we were left to hang out to dry like that. Secondly, the war didn’t end while we were suffering—but knowing how awful it is to spend so much time in jail and be treated like one is a serial killer and not a protester—I would do it again and again, as I have.

There are literally billions of people suffering all over this planet due to my nation’s militarism and greed and I know many people would have traded places with me in a heartbeat and think the conditions were pretty damn good.

AND this never happened to me when Bush was president.

UPDATE: Three of us went to pick up our property this morning at the Park Police station and as we were being jacked around, an officer named Thomas (Badge number 628) told me that if I “stopped getting arrested” I wouldn’t have to go through all of this.

I said: “when the wars stop, I will stop.” He actually then told me: “The wars will stop when we nuke them and take their oil.”

I wonder why they are called “pigs.”

Source Cindy Sheehans Blog


Netanyahu AIPAC speech disrupted by CodePink activists in settlement protest

CODEPINK Protests Netanyahu inside AIPAC Gala

Activists call for end to siege on Gaza and illegal settlements

WASHINGTON – March 23 – Shortly after announcing Israel’s commitment to defense in his address to the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Gala, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was disrupted by a demonstrator. Rae Abileah, 27, from Half Moon Bay, CA, jumped onto AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr’s private table alongside the stage and unfurled a pink banner that said “Netanyahu: Build Peace Not Settlements!” Abileah shouted, “Lift the siege of Gaza! No illegal settlements!” as she was forcefully removed from the building. A second disruption came moments later from Joan Stallard, from Washington, DC, who shouted, “Stop the settlements!”

Today, Tuesday, March 23, at noon CODEPINK is planning to build a settlement (including homes and beds) inside Senator Schumer’s and Senator Lieberman’s offices (Hart Senate Building, offices 313 and 706). CODEPINK’s protests of the policies of AIPAC during their national conference this week have included daily morning protests, staging of a checkpoint for attendees, an afternoon press conference announcing the launch of a city-wide boycott of products illegally made in the settlements, and the release this morning of a spoof press release from AIPAC announcing that the organization was calling for a settlement freeze.

American Jewish peace activists are outraged at the influence that AIPAC has on U.S. policy. “AIPAC supports policies of aggression that damage Israel’s reputation, harm innocent Palestinians, and contribute to making America less safe in the world,” said Jewish-American activist Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK.”

CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities. CODEPINK rejects foreign policies based on domination and aggression, and instead calls for policies based on diplomacy, compassion and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.

Audio report at Democracy Now here

Al Jazeera report here

CodePink press release

Take a look at what Dershowitz had to say….. but make sure you didn’t just eat ;)

AIPAC is a criminal organization
Dershowitz explains how the Cosa Nostra should work


Taken from Uruknet


Deceit — Destruction — Denial


What is referred to as ‘The Holocaust‘, lasted 12 years from beginning to end. This does not include the number of years of the ongoing holocaust against the people of Palestine. Next month it will have reached the 62 year mark…. and continuing as I write this.

It started on the day that Israel’s Independence was declared by the United Nations, the 14th of May, 1948. On that day, the nation of Palestine ceased to exist. The Day of the Nakba is what that day is commonly called by Palestinians as well as by Progressive Israelis. It is the day that millions of Palestinians faced forced expulsions from homes, their towns and villages in the face of Jewish and later Israeli troop advances. Millions of these refugees eventually wound up living in refugee camps built by the very world body that was responsible for their displacement. Sixty two years later, millions still languish in those very camps. They are the lucky ones in a way, those that remained behind have systematically been slaughtered by the State of Israel. Sixty two years later Palestinians are still forced from their homes and properties as illegal settlements are built on lands belonging to them.

In many European countries. including Germany, it is illegal to deny that the holocaust took place. Violators of these laws have served prison terms for as long as seven years.

In Israel, it will soon be illegal to admit that the Nakba took place. The Israeli Parliament is in the process of passing a Bill which would outlaw the teaching of these events in Israeli classrooms, including those in the Arab sector.
Among the activities forbidden by the “Nakba Law” are marking Independence Day and the founding of Israel with mourning ceremonies and vandalizing or physical disdain towards the flag and State symbols. As in the case of the holocaust deniers, there are many Israelis that are prepared to risk all by publicly mourning with the people of Palestine.

Denials of FACTS does not negate them. THIS photo essay shows the similarities of both holocausts. The resemblances of the horrors are frightening, the only difference is the ones of the ‘holocaust’ came to light after the fact…. the ones in Israel are presented while the atrocities are still being carried out.

In many Eastern European cities the Jewish areas were walled off to keep them from being a part of society. In Israel today most Arab areas are walled off, the excuse being to prevent terrorist attacks. Yet those attacks continue on a daily basis and hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians have been murdered by the Israeli terrorists I speak of. When the Jews resisted these measures in Europe they were referred to as resistance fighters. The Palestinians are simply called terrorists. If you looked at the photos presented in the link above you can see a contradiction to this terminology. Palestinians are fighting for their very lives as well as their homeland just as the Jews did years earlier.
Three years after the holocaust ended Israel was declared a state. Many say this was a direct result of the holocaust itself. Does Palestine have to wait till their dead reach the total of six million to get the same homeland they deserve, a homeland that belonged to them in the first place. Why is it that after 62 years the scales of justice are still tilted  against the victims of the ongoing holocaust?

Recent events have brought the struggles of the Palestinian people to the front pages of the mass media. The UN sponsored Goldstone Report put on display the horrors suffered by the Gazan population at the hands of the zionist oppressors. The last few months of continued settler expansion has brought angry responses from officials in the Obama Administration as well as from the leadership of the European Union. BUT, nothing is being done about this. Again I ask, do the fatalities have to reach the six million mark before anything is actually done about this?

As of this writing the proceedings at AIPAC’s convention are making news on all American airwaves and media outlets. Israel is rejoicing at the US governments position that ….
” America’s support for Israel was “rock solid, unwavering, enduring, and forever.” That position, along with the 3 BILLION dollars a year they give to Israel is the go ahead for Israel to continue it’s aggressive policies against the Palestinians.

That same US government is doing everything in its power to insure that the Palestinian position not even be heard. Are they convinced that the truth will set the Palestinians free?

The valiant people of Palestine are putting up a brave fight against the oppression, but they must not struggle alone. ALL people of conscience throughout the world must stand up in their defense. Their struggle is a just one, their struggle is ours. Despite efforts by the US and other European governments, the facts will not remain hidden from the public eye. We, at this site, as well as on others, will continue to bring you those facts until the day Palestine is free.



On the 14th of May please light a candle for the people of Palestine…


My maternal grandmother was a simple Shtetel Jew. She came from a place not much different than the small town portrayed in Fiddler on The Roof.

Traditionally the womenfolk from those areas were uneducated in matters of anything other than home making and child raising, while the menfolk studied their Holy Books for hours on end. Life was simple for them, and they themselves were basically a very simple folk.

I remember my grandmother going through the frenzie of cleaning the house this time of year…. the traditional Passover cleaning. All traces of leaven had to be removed from the home before the start of the Holiday. To her, that process included the removal of any trace of dust or smears on the window panes. The house sparkled when she was finished. Most of our non Jewish neighbours were going through the same process, but simply called it ’spring cleaning’, ridding the house of all unwanted matter, including broken furniture and junk.

I remember asking my grandmother why she was going through such a frenzie…. her answer was simple and to the point…. “If a Jew eats bread during Passover he will die!” That was what she was taught, that’s what she taught us….

In Israel today, things are not much different than life in the Shtetel when it comes to Passover preparations. But today there is a growing number of non observant Jews as well as a growing number of non Jews. This is a threat to the lifestyle of the self imposed Shtetel Jew living here today. The courts are allowing the sale of Chametz (leaven) this year. This has the ultra orthodox community up in arms. A Torah violation right under their noses!

BUT WAIT!!!!!!

That very same Torah teaches the Jew not to hate…. where is the uproar when that is violated? When an extreme rightwing member of the Knesset utters anti Arab remarks…. one representing a so-called religious party, what is done? He is provided with extra protection! (I was distressed to learn that this bastard lives very close to my home).
Where is the uproar against his madness? WHERE???

Where is the uproar against the Neanderthal rabbis that have recently called for the expulsion or the genocide of the Palestinians? WHERE??? As in previous years, the Palestinians living on the ‘other side’ of the great wall of apartheid will be sealed in for the duration of the Holiday (8 days), literally making the State of Israel Arabrein for that period of time. Where is the uproar against this? WHERE???

Israel does need a cleansing… a good one; not only of bread during the Holiday season but also of hatred. Both are violations of the Holy Teachings.

The above is a repost from the archives


Settlements have cost Israel $17 billion, study finds

It should read…. Settlements have cost the US Taxpayer $17 billion, study finds

Israeli settlements in the West Bank encompass 12 million square meters of roads, homes and factories that cost more than $17 billion to build, according to a study by the Macro Center for Political Economics.

Using satellite imagery and other technology, the research institute mapped every home and structure put up in the settlements.

Its work was the result of a years-long effort to gauge the total value of the Jewish settlement enterprise in the West Bank.
The findings will be unveiled Tuesday at a conference.

Read the rest HERE


Human Shield Story: US activist Rachel Corrie remembered in film

Seven years ago American peace activist Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer while protesting against the demolition of Palestinian homes in Gaza. Her parents are now suing the Israeli government. The trial got underway on the anniversary of her death. RT caught up with filmmaker Simone Bitton, who made it her mission to find justice.

In Her memory and all fallen victims of Israel’s crimes,
light the flame of freedom, boycott Israel, end apartheid!

Her eyes are Palestinian

Her name is Palestinian

Her dress and sorrow Palestinian

Her kerchief, her feet and body Palestinian

Her words and silence Palestinian

Her voice Palestinian

Her birth and her death Palestinian

Mahmoud Darwish

Posted at


During the Bush Administration, Mohammed Omer had a problem obtaining a visa to enter the United States for a speaking engagement. Condoleeza Rice intervened and the visa was granted.

During the Obama Administration, Mohammed Omer WAS DENIED a visa to enter the United States for a speaking tour AND NO ONE INTERVENED.

We were promised a ‘CHANGE’….. it looks like we got it!

On Friday I posted THIS about the situation….. following is an update.

American Consulate Bans Award-Winning Palestinian Journalist from U.S. Tour

On his way back to Gaza after accepting the prize in London, Omer was detained, interrogated, and beaten by Israeli security forces and eventually hospitalized with cracked ribs and respiratory problems.

Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer was denied entry to the U.S.   for a scheduled tour, and was beaten by the Israeli military and   hospitalized upon his return to the Middle east.
Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer was denied entry to the U.S. for a scheduled tour, and was beaten by the Israeli military and hospitalized upon his return to the Middle east

(CHICAGO) – Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer was denied a visa to the United States where he was scheduled to speak in Chicago about the living conditions in Palestine, tour organizers said.

“Effectively canceling a planned speaking tour, the U.S. consulate in the Netherlands has put an extended hold on the visa application of [Omer],” tour organizers in Chicago wrote in a news statement.

When contacted, a representative said, the US Consulate in the Netherlands said it could not provide an update, while the US embassy told organizers they could not help.

The tour would see Omer speak in Santa Fe, Houston, and Chicago, where he would have been hosted by Haymarket Books in Chicago at the Newberry Library, which will reportedly go ahead with the event via skype.

The event is funded by Lannan Foundation, whose focus is the promotion of “cultural freedom, diversity and creativity through projects which support exceptional contemporary artists and writers.”

Host organizations in Santa Fe and Houston are considering keeping their events in place as well, a Haymarket spokeswoman said.

Omer – journalist and photo journalist for Rafah Today and correspondent for The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs – will instead speak at all his engagements via skype or video conference, the statement said.

Omer was awarded the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism in 2008 for “his firsthand reportage of life in the besieged Gaza strip.”

On his way back to Gaza after accepting the prize in London, Omer was detained, interrogated, and beaten by Israeli security forces and eventually hospitalized with cracked rib.



By Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

Today was mother’s day in Palestine. It was not a good day for my mother. In the morning my sister took her to an eye doctor in Hebron as her sight is affected by her diabetes. On the way back, my sister was slapped by an Israeli policeman with a ticket of 500 NIS (roughly $120) for making what he considers an illegal turn. The stress made my mother forget a pot of syrup on the stove and it burned through with smoke all over the house as she was visiting with my brother in law who has cancer. I felt bad because instead of being with them most of the day, I was in two popular resistance events in Beit Jala and Beit Sahour. The demonstration in Beit Jala, birth place of St. Nicholas, got a delayed start as we negotiated with Palestinian security forces to let us through. It was a commemoration of the murder of Rachel Corrie and it was coincidental with Mother’s day. After several phone calls and conversations, the baton holding Palestinian security forces retreated and we were allowed to proceed down the hill towards where the Israeli soldiers were stationed. In this regards we felt fortunate. But we also noted a new Israeli procedure this week as opposed to last week here: a barbed wire was strung across the road to prevent people from trying to continue down the hill to their lands. The demonstration proceeded peacefully and several people spoke including Jewish Israelis. We left before the demonstration ended because we wanted to get to the even in Beit Sahour.

On the way we heard that Israeli forces shot dead two young Palestinians who were working in their own lands because as they claim they were carrying deadly tools with intend to harm (one was carrying a shovel and digging in his land). The two 19 year old farmers Muhammad Faysal Qawariq and Salah Muhammad Qawariq) were shot in their village of Awarta near Nablus. We also heard that the other 16 year old kid shot in the head yesterday died; the two 16 year olds are Mohammed and Useid Qadus from Iraq Burin village. This brings the casualty figure in 30 hours to 4 Palestinians murdered and over 100 injured. An ISM volunteer was among those injured see Many were arrested.

Huwaida Arraf of ISM was arrested and released 31 hours later but two Palestinian young men who were with her in detention in an illegal colonial settlement were abused worse and are likely to face further repercussions for demonstrating against the illegal colonial apartheid soldiers on their lands of Nabi Saleh. It appears that Israel is upping the pressure on popular protests. They also bombed Gaza injuring 12 Palestinians.

At Ush Ghrab, we had a small number of people (15) who volunteered to do some cleaning in the area photos at We could not proceed beyond superficial cleaning of a staging area and some of the land around it because land owners were not there for us to build stone hedges etc. I wondered if they are with their mothers and wives. But I kept thinking of those in Israeli jails (over 10,000 of them) and of their families. Here are excerpts from Fatma Abu Rahima whose husband is in jail: “I am grief-stricken since Adeeb’s imprisonment. However, I cannot allow myself to lament my husband’s loss as I have a family of nine to take care of. Since Adeeb has been away, I have to be both mother and father to my children. We shared the care over the children, this is now my sole responsibility. We miss him very much. Batuh, the youngest daughter, has caught on the topic of the conversation, stops playing, and stresses the tensity by softly, but firmly addressing her mother: “I want to go with you, to see ‘baba’!” We have only been allowed one visit since Adeeb’s arrest [four months ago]. Batuh was there to see her father, but she was afraid of the pale and sad figure that her lively father had turned into. She did not even recognize Adeeb and refused to talk to him. Since this visit, no one from the family has been allowed to visit. We are all considered to be “security threats”. It has been even harder on an emotional level. Two months ago, Alaah, my daughter of 17, was very sick and was even hospitalized twice. She could not walk or move, as if she was paralyzed. The doctors could not find anything wrong with her and decided it was psychosomatic…”

I thought about these mothers and wives of prisoners (and over 300 women prisoners) and the mothers of the many murdered Palestinians, thousands over the past 20 years alone, tens of thousands injured. How will they spend their mother’s day? When I talked to my mother this afternoon over a cup of mint tea, she wondered when the death and killing end will and she seemed very sad. I wondered what I can say that comforts her or any of the millions of Palestinian mothers worried sick about “the situation”. I wondered this and many other things silently. I wondered when we in Palestine will celebrate a mothers’ day in freedom. I wondered what happened to Cindy Sheehan, mother of American marine who was killed in Iraq and who was arrested yesterday in Washington in an anti-war demonstration. I wondered how much longer we will suffer of colonial occupation, ethnic cleansing, and oppression after 62 years. I wonder why people are so patient on injustice. I wondered why politicians can’t think of themselves as fellow human beings. I wondered who will visit the mothers of the dead Palestinians. Will the Palestinian President or the Israeli Prime Minister go visit some day and try to comfort the grieving mothers. I wondered for how long my US taxes will still go to fund all of this. I wondered when I will stop wondering about these and many things. I tell myself to take a deep breath and meditate to regain hope and energy.

There is much to be hopeful about. Yesterday there were many other popular resistance actions throughout the West Bank as more and more people take matters into their own hands. See for example these reports: Bethlehem district: al Ma’sara and al Walaja defend their lands and homes Ramallah district: anti-Wall protests spread to five villages.

(to remember Rachel Corrie) Video: Gaza the killing Zone watched by over 3.3 million viewers on youtube and 140,000 comments!

I end with a Greek song for Palestine (English subtitles)!


The ‘bravest, most moral soldiers’ in the world in action….. not a shot was fired, not a stone was hurled, yet they ran for their lives.
One small victory for Palestine, One GREAT boost to it’s morale!

Thanks to my Irish pal for sending this to me.


The same legal system that approved the illegal evictions of families in Occupied Jerusalem continues to support the racist policies of Israel…..

Israel: Arab family denied right to rent home

Jonathan Cook

NEVATIM, ISRAEL // The Zakai and Tarabin families should be a picture of happy coexistence across the ethnic divide, a model for others to emulate in Israel.

But Natalie and Weisman Zakai say the past three years – since the Jewish couple offered to rent their home to Bedouin friends, Ahmed and Khalas Tarabin – have been a living hell.

“I have always loved Israel,” said Mrs Zakai, 43. “But to see the depth of the racism of our neighbours has made me question why we live in this country.”

Three of the couple’s six dogs have been mysteriously poisoned; Mrs Zakai’s car has been sprayed with the words “Arab lover” and the windows smashed; her three children in school are regularly taunted and bullied by other pupils; and a collection of vintage cars in the family’s yard has been set on fire in what police say was an arson attack.

To add to these indignities, the Zakais have spent three years and thousands of dollars battling through the courts against the elected officials of their community of Nevatim, in Israel’s southern Negev desert, who have said they are determined to keep the Tarabins from moving in.

Last week the Zakais’ legal struggle looked like it had run out of steam. The supreme court told the two families the Tarabins should submit to a vetting committee of local officials to assess their suitability – a requirement that has never been made before by the Negev community in the case of a family seeking to rent a home.

“The decision of the committee is a foregone conclusion,” Mr Tarabin said.

Chances for Jews and Arabs to live together – outside of a handful of cities – are all but impossible because Israel’s rural communities are strictly segregated, said Alaa Mahajneh, a lawyer representing the Zakais.

Israel has nationalised 93 per cent of the country’s territory, confining most of its 1.3 million Arab citizens, one-fifth of the population, to 120 or so communities that existed at the time of the state’s creation in 1948.

Meanwhile, more than 700 rural communities, including Nevatim, have remained exclusively Jewish by requiring that anyone who wants to buy a home applies to local vetting committees, which have been used to weed out Arab applicants.

But Mr Mahajneh, from the Adalah legal centre for the Arab minority, noted that legal sanction for such segregation was supposed to have ended a decade ago, when the supreme court backed an Arab couple, the Kaadans, who had been barred by a committee from the community of Katzir in northern Israel.

Although the Kaadans were eventually allowed to move into Katzir, the case has had little wider effect.

In fact, Mr Mahajneh said, the decision in the Zakais’ case suggests “we’re going backwards”. The Kaadans won the right to buy a home in a Jewish community, whereas the Tarabin family were seeking only a short-term rental of the Zakais’ home.

The Zakais said they had been told by the officials of Nevatim, a community of 650 Jews a few kilometres from the city of Beersheva, that it would not be a problem to rent out their home.

Mrs Zakai brought the Tarabins’ ID cards to the community’s offices for routine paperwork. “When I handed in the IDs, the staff looked at the card and said, ‘But they’re Muslims’.” Later, according to Mrs Zakai, the council head, Avraham Orr, rang to say he Arabs would be accepted in Nevatim “over my dead body”.

Several weeks later, Mrs Zakai said, two threatening men came to their door and warned them off renting to Arabs. Soon afterwards 36 cars belonging to Mr Zakai, who has a used car business, were set on fire.

Then behind the Zakais’ back, Nevatim went to a local magistrate’s court to get an order preventing them from renting their home. The couple have been battling the decision ever since.

Mr Mahajneh said the Tarabins had accommodated a series of “extraordinary conditions” imposed by Nevatim on the rental agreement, including certificates of good conduct from the police, a commitment to leave after a year, and limited access to the house’s extensive grounds.

But still Nevatim officials were dissatisfied, insisting in addition that the Tarabins submit to questioning by a vetting committee to assess their suitability. Although 40 other homes in Nevatim are rented, Mr Mahajneh said testimonies from past members of the vetting committee showed that this was the first time such a demand had been made.

“It is true that anyone buying a property in Nevatim is supposed to be vetted by the committee, but there is no reference in the community’s bylaws to this condition for renters,” Mr Mahajneh said.

In 2008, a district court judge in Beersheva overruled Nevatim’s new condition, arguing that the vetting requirement would be “unreasonable and not objective”. The supreme court judges, however, sided with Nevatim in their concluding statements on March 10.

Mrs Zakai said they had offered to rent their home to the Tarabins after the Bedouin couple’s home burnt down in their village in early 2007, killing one of their 10 children. The Tarabins have been living with relatives ever since, unable to afford a new home and keen to move away from the site of the tragedy.

Mr Tarabin, 54, said: “I want Khalas to rest and heal and this place would have been perfect for her. The house has large grounds and we could have kept to ourselves. No one in Nevatim needs to have anything to do with us if they don’t want.”

A Nevatim resident who spoke anonymously to the Haaretz newspaper last week suggested reasons for the community’s opposition: “If tomorrow the entire Tarabin tribe wants to live here and we don’t agree, what will people say? The problem will start after the first one comes because then dozens more families will want to move here.”

The close friendship forged between the Zakais and Tarabins is rare in Israel. The privileged status of Jews legally and economically, communal segregation and the hostility provoked by a larger national conflict between Israel and the Palestinians ensure that Jewish and Arab citizens usually remain at arm’s length.

But Mr Zakai, 53, whose parents emigrated from Iraq and who speaks fluent Arabic, befriended Mr Tarabin in the late 1960s when they were teenagers in Beersheva. Later they served together in the Israeli army as mechanical engineers.

Mrs Zakai said: “If Jews were being denied the right to live somewhere, it would be a scandal, but because our friends are Arabs no one cares.”

Avraham Orr, the Nevatim council head, denied that he was opposing the Tarabins’ admission because they are Arab. “There are rules,” he said. “Every family that wants to buy or rent a property must first go through the committee.”

Fearful of the implications of the Kaadan ruling, Jewish communities in the Galilee unveiled a new approach to barring Arab applicants last year. They introduced bylaws amounting to loyalty oaths that require applicants to pledge to support “Zionism, Jewish heritage and settlement of the land”.

Source via Uruknet

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