The foursquare developer site is your starting point for all
things related to working with foursquare programmatically.

foursquare APIv2

All new applications should be built on this if they wish to be future-proof. In addition to extensive documentation, the new API adds a bunch of neat stuff:

  • OAuth2 only, which should be easier to use (even usable from pure Javascript!), and easier for us to monitor.
  • JSON only, which behind the scenes allows us to significantly improve performance.
  • New envelope for responses, which among other things provides a consistent place for error responses.
  • New endpoints, such as user badges, venue herenow, user venuehistory, and bundled requests.
  • Significantly more consistent and REST-ful.
  • API explorer

API v2 Documentation

foursquare Venues Project (beta)

The portion of APIv2 related to places can be used standalone to serve as your location database, or to mash up with your existing one.

  • High rate limits for "userless" access
  • Clear guidelines about allowed use
  • New endpoints, including category search
  • The Venue Map, which gives developer access to URLs and IDs from partner sites for a given venue, as well as allowing searching by third-party URLs.

foursquare Merchant API

The merchant API gives you access to data from the merchant platform. You can build tools to help manage your foursquare specials and campaigns with this API.

  • Merchants can authorize apps on their behalf to create and manage specials
  • Manage campaigns for a single venue or groups of venues

Client Resources

Resources for developers integrating foursquare into client applications

  • URIs for deep linking into the native foursquare app
  • Simple examples of OAuth2 flows
  • Instructions for creating foursquare-friendly NFC tags

foursquare System Status

Experiencing problems with the API, including 500s? Check here.

Manage OAuthConsumers

Create, view, and manage your OAuth consumers.

App Gallery

View apps built on the foursquare API and add your own.

Logo and button assets

Download our "Powered by" logo or our "Connect to foursquare" buttons.