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  • Firebug 1.8 New Features

    Firebug 1.8 compatible with Firefox 5.0 has been released and I would like to get this opportunity and introduce some new features in this version. Firebug 1.8 has been also uploaded to AMO, but it can take some time to appear. First of all, check out the following compatibility table: ...

  • Chris Lord: Shadow Layers, and learning by failing

    A hot topic for Firefox at the moment is the new out-of-process rendering, but is it common knowledge that this has already been in Firefox Mobile for a long time? For mobile, there's what we call a 'chrome' process (this processes and renders the main UI) and then 'content' processes, ...

  • Firefox 7 add-on compatibility, and looking forward to 8

    Firefox 7 was moved to the Aurora channel a little over a week ago, and we’re preparing to run the automated compatibility upgrade for all add-ons on AMO that are already compatible with Firefox 6. If you want to benefit from these compatibility bumps, your add-on should have a maximum ...

  • Firebug, Tilt, Zombie Compartments and more…

    about:mozilla is a weekly round-up of news and contribution opportunities. Here’s what’s happening this week: Firebug Alive And Well Kevin Dangoor from the Mozilla Developer Tools group writes that Jan (Honza) Odvarko is the new leader of Firebug after John J. Barton stepped down from the role. The next Firebug ...

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