Archive for November, 2006

Iran Supplying Iraq Militias?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in The War On Terrorism, War

That’s the claim from US officials, and they’ve literally got the smoking guns to prove it.
From ABC News:
U.S. officials say they have found smoking-gun evidence of Iranian support for terrorists in Iraq: brand-new weapons fresh from Iranian factories. According to a senior defense official, coalition forces have recently seized Iranian-made weapons and munitions that [...]

November 30th, 2006 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

China’s global reach

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Foreign Policy, Military, News, The World

China, obviously, will be our strongest long-term competitor in the world, both economically and militarily. But the form that competition will take isn’t always clear.
A lot of alarmists like to point to China’s growing military muscle. They’re modernizing their army and air force, expanding their navy and improving their missile technology.
But while the numbers can [...]

November 29th, 2006 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

Welcoming Central Sanity To The Blogosphere

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging

Just got a link for a great new centrist blog. It’s written by journalist Pete Abel, and the name is…Central Sanity. Check out these posts in particular:

The Voice of America
Dialogue or Parallel Monologues?
A 12-Step Program for Independents
Christian Politics
Starting Point

And look for Pete’s site on our blogroll too.

November 28th, 2006 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

How We Do Things In Canada : Liberal Leadership

By gordo | Related entries in General Politics, The World

The Liberal Leadership Race in Canada.

November 28th, 2006 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

America To John Kerry: “It’s Over Pal.”

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Polls

He finished dead last in a likability poll of potential presidential candidates.
What? Nooooooooooo!
Kerry was last with a rating of 39.6. In three earlier polls this year, he never scored above 46.3.
While many presidential contenders have a chance to make “a good first impression” on voters, Brown said, “Kerry has to convince people who don’t like [...]

November 28th, 2006 | Permalink| 18 Comments »

Warren Buffett Talks Class Warfare

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economy, Money

Ben Stein (yes, that one) recently sat down with one of the richest men in the world and discussed wealth, the rich and the war on the working class in this country.
Get ready for some eye opening stuff…
Mr. Buffett compiled a data sheet of the men and women who work in his office. He had [...]

November 27th, 2006 | Permalink| 14 Comments »

How We Do Things In Canada : A Conservative Work Ethic

By gordo | Related entries in General Politics, The World

A Conservative Work Ethic – What Harper’s done so far.

November 27th, 2006 | Permalink| No Comments »

Small Wars: The Bane Of Superpowers

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in War

An interesting piece by Larry Kahaner, author of AK-47: The Weapon that Changed the Face of War, which suggests that the Iraq war was doomed from the very start…
The answer lies in the study of “small wars.� At its simplest, a small war is one in which the relationship between the combatants is [...]

November 27th, 2006 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Obama Calls On Iowa + The Religious Right

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections

First, concerning those Iowa aspirations…
Obama said last month he was considering a campaign for president, as enthusiastic crowds turned out for his political appearances on behalf of other candidates and as he traveled the country promoting his best-selling book.
Shortly after the Nov. 7 election, Obama telephoned John Norris, the Des Moines Democrat who ran John [...]

November 27th, 2006 | Permalink| 19 Comments »

Chuck Hagel on Winning And Losing

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Foreign Policy, War

An interesting op-ed that comes right out and says, “We’re not gonna make this thing any better, and we never really were.”
From Washington Post:
There will be no victory or defeat for the United States in Iraq. These terms do not reflect the reality of what is going to happen there. The future of Iraq was [...]

November 25th, 2006 | Permalink| 19 Comments »

Will The Vatican Get Religion On Condoms?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Religion, Science, Sexuality

It appears that may be the case…
The Roman Catholic church has taken the first step towards what could be a historic shift away from its total ban on the use of condoms.
Pope Benedict XVI’s “health minister” is understood to be urging him to accept that in restricted circumstances – specifically the prevention of Aids – [...]

November 23rd, 2006 | Permalink| 12 Comments »

See, I Always Thought Fox News Was Satire…

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Media

I’m a little late to the game on this “liberal news” satire show being developed by Fox News, but before we get into the finer details I just wanted to point out that the shows they feel their satire will compete against are on COMEDY Central.
So apparently this move by Fox means they’re okay [...]

November 23rd, 2006 | Permalink| 15 Comments »

Another View On Iraq

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in War

This was left in the comments section of my post “Go Big. Go Long. Go Home.“…
Of the objectives for going to war in Iraq, all have been accomplished, leaving only two. First, to leverage the war and the regime change as a positive influence and force for change in the region. Second, to liberate the [...]

November 23rd, 2006 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Lieberman In ‘08?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections, General Politics

The Bull Moose, Marshall Wittmann, has joined the Joementum…but then we have this?
But we are all very small time cases of ideologically-blind policy wonks compared to Wittman.
What those heaping scorn on Wittman are missing, however, is what his employment by Lieberman really means.
When political giants tie up, it’s not an accident.
Lieberman’s acquisition of Marshall Wittman, [...]

November 23rd, 2006 | Permalink| No Comments »

Iraqis Want Us Out

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in War

Also, a large majority approve of the attacks on our servicemen and women to. Not good.
I say let’s grant them their wishes and subsequently force their leaders to stand up and take responsibility for the country. While it may seem strange now, I believe that this strategy represents the only way to “win” in [...]

November 22nd, 2006 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Bull Moose Goes To Work For Lieberman

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics

So that’s why Marshall Wittman stopped blogging!
From the Courant:
But Wittmann, a registered independent, has made it clear in recent years he is more comfortable as a Democrat, and has been serving the moderate DLC as a senior fellow.
Lieberman, who earlier this month won re-election as an independent, has close ties to Wittmann’s former employers. Lieberman [...]

November 22nd, 2006 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Schwarzenegger To Pimp Centrism In ‘08

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections

Apparently he’s pushing the “moderate” meme for the Republican side, which could bode well for guys like Giuliani.
From the LA Times:
Fresh off a smashing reelection victory, the governor and his political team are hoping Schwarzenegger’s outsized persona and bipartisan achievements in Sacramento can translate into a substantial role in the next White House contest, especially [...]

November 20th, 2006 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

Go Big. Go Long. Go Home.

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in War

These are apparently the strategies recommended by the Pentagon…
Go Big = Add a lot more troops in and stay put until things are stable.
Go Long = Pull out most troops, but have a longer presence.
Go Home = Get the hell out of there as soon as possible.
However, in true corporate fashion, it appears as if [...]

November 20th, 2006 | Permalink| 16 Comments »

Clinton/Bush Fatigue

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Elections

One reason why people may not want Hill in ‘08…too much George and Bill…
Eleanor Clift spells it out:
If Hillary were elected and re-elected president, it would mean the presence of a Bush or a Clinton on every ticket from 1980 to 2016�36 years.
That certainly puts things in perspective.
However, while many Americans have had pretty much [...]

November 20th, 2006 | Permalink| 14 Comments »

David Kuo Talks Faith and Politics

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Religion

The former, faith-based aide speaks out about what the evangelicals mean to the political landscape.
From the NY Times:
Yes, it is true that almost 30 percent of white evangelicals voted for the Democrats, up from the 22 percent Senator John Kerry received in the 2004 presidential race. But that 2004 number was aberrantly low. More typical [...]

November 19th, 2006 | Permalink| 17 Comments »