Archive for October, 2008

Brian Williams Interviews Barack Obama

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Video

The most heartening part of the interview for me comes around minute 3:00 when he’s asked about a strong Democratic majority and how he would rule.
Obama makes the case that a large number of those elected will be centrist Democrats, and they’ll obviously have constituencies to answer to beyond Obama.

Folks, I’m telling you…this guy has [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

TMV Talks To Rep. Patrick Kennedy About Mental Health

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, Legislation, Mental Health, Republicans

Pete Abel lands the exclusive and discusses the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Of 2008.
The following passage highlights one of the most important parts of the legislation because it shows how genuine policy compromise got this passed…
TMV: As I understand it, the current bill is not a mandate [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

The Daily Chuck Todd

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain, Video

One of the best breaks down Palin’s readiness and those rumors about Rahm…

By the way, in yet another awful sign for McCain, Obama is starting to advertise in Arizona, Georgia and North Dakota.

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Lawrence Eagleburger On Palin: Not Ready

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Bad Decisions, McCain, Palin, Veep

He has endorsed McCain for President, but when asked if Palin is ready, the former Secretary of State under George H.W. Bush said the following…
“Look, of course not. I don’t think at the moment she is prepared to take over the reins of the presidency. I can name for you any number of other vice [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Promises, Promises, Promises

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack

Jack Trapper of ABC News has a good roundup of Barack Obama’s lengthy promises. No one can say the Illinois senator is at a loss for ideas.
Of course, as Trapper notes, we’re in for a net loss of $428 billion during Obama’s first term if all his plans are enacted (that’s from the bi-partisan Committee [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

What If McCain Had Just Run Ads Like This?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Bad Decisions, McCain, Video

If only…

Well, Palin still would have been a drag on the ticket, but filling people with “real” hope and positioning himself as the “real” change agent would have been so much more effective.
But instead, we got nonsense like this.
I think the biggest failing of McCain’s campaign is he never gave voters a reason to vote [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Poll: Obama Leads by 12% In Early Voting In Arizona

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Arizona, Barack, McCain, Polls

What’s more, Research 2000’s numbers are showing that McCain’s lead has shrunk to just 1 point.
Here are the numbers…
Total voters (600 likely voters)
McCain: 48%
Obama: 47%
Early voters (17% of sample)
Obama: 54%
McCain: 42%
Pretty intense.
If Obama can pick off McCain’s home state, then he may have a chance at locales like Montana, North Dakota and [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Is Palin This Clueless About First Amendment Rights?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Constitution, Law, McCain, Media, Palin, Veep

I’m sorry folks, but the following argument is RIDICULOUS and I can’t believe it’s coming out of the mouth of somebody so close to the presidency…much less the Governor of one of our states.
I mean…WTF?
Palin told WMAL-AM that her criticism of Obama’s associations, like those with 1960s radical Bill Ayers and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 30 Comments »

An Uncertain Electorate

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain

Writing for USA Today, Chuck Raasch sees a lot more uncertainty than usual in the electorate — not regarding who they’ll vote for but what they expect their vote to bring. Despite efforts to cast Barack Obama as a raging liberal and John McCain as a Bush clone, these guys aren’t that simple and all [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Gallup: Obama Up By 11, 9, 8

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain, Polls

All good movement today for Obama, and I can’t help but think this is linked to his infomerical on Wednesday.
The biggest news here I think is that Obama is up by 8 in Gallup’s traditional model, with Obama hitting his high of 51% and McCain hitting his low of 43%. That’s extremely bad news for [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Rasmussen: Obama Up By 4

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain, Polls

Obama – 51%
McCain – 47%
McCain gains one to regain the total he had a couple days ago. But this looks like it’s probably the most he can get, as the remaining 2% will go to Barr, Nader, etc.
And to that point…
The tightening comes entirely from McCain solidifying his support. The Arizona Senator has reached the [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Pedro the Plumber

By donar | Related entries in 2008 Election, Cartoons, Elections, McCain, Political Graffiti
October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 8 Comments »


By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in News

Happy Halloween. Don’t eat too much of your kids’ candy.

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Not Quite Over

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain, Polls

Bloomberg lays out the very difficult road ahead for John McCain if he hopes to win this election. Simply, no candidate has ever won the presidency after being this far down in the polls, this close to the election.
The plethora of polls with varying margins between the candidates makes it hard to know exactly how [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

The Impact Of Bob Barr

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Barr, Electoral College, McCain, Video

CNN takes a look and discusses what his impact will be.

I think Barr could make a big difference in Georgia and other traditional red states like North Carolina, Indiana, Florida and Ohio.
Here’s why…
Reports show 1 million Democrats have early voted in North Carolina, compared to half a million Republicans. 1.4 million people have early voted [...]

October 31st, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Obama Wins Weekly Reader Student Poll

By Doug Mataconis | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain

The nation’s youngest citizens are apparently ready for change:
PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y., Oct 29, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — America’s most trusted and accurate student survey has predicted the winner in 12 of the past 13 elections.
Just days before Americans choose our next president, voting has concluded in the Weekly Reader Student Presidential Election Poll. And the [...]

October 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

A Surprise In Louisiana?

By Doug Mataconis | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain

A new statewide poll in Louisiana suggests that John McCain may have some trouble brewing in the bayou:
NEW ORLEANS – An exclusive new WWL-TV statewide poll shows the contest for president may be closer than many had predicted among Louisiana voters.
In the telephone survey of 500 registered voters, conducted by pollster Ed Renwick, Republican Senator [...]

October 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Nate Silver’s Election Night Preview

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Electoral College, Video

He’s going to be with Dan Rather on HDNet on election night, and here’s a taste of what you’ll see.

Can’t wait to tune in and see if Silver’s models were accurate or not.

October 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

McCain Camp Pushes Rashid Khalidi & J******h W****t

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain, Video

The McCain campaign’s Michael Goldfarb goes on CNN and embarrasses himself by claiming Obama hangs around with anti-Semites. But when Rick Sanchez pushes him to name somebody else besides Khalidi, Goldfarb has to bite his tongue.

“We all know who we’re talking about here.” wink wink wink WRIGHT wink wink.
Good times…
From more on those who associate [...]

October 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Blue Dogs Gaining Strength

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Congress, Democrats

How have Democrats retaken the House of Representatives from Republicans and why are they positioned to gain even more seats next Tuesday? Because they’ve run candidates who can compete against Republicans. And that means the House is filling up with conservative Democrats know as Blue Dogs.
As The AP reports:
Majority Democrats are positioned for big gains [...]

October 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 6 Comments »