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Privacy Laws Don’t Auto-Update.
Demand a Privacy Upgrade.


The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), the federal law that is supposed to be protecting our digital privacy, was last updated in 1986 when Ronald Reagan was President, mobile phones were bigger than your head, and the World Wide Web didn’t even exist. A lot has changed since 1986. Why hasn’t electronic privacy law? While new technology has advanced at breakneck speed, electronic privacy law remains stuck in the digital dark ages.

Privacy laws don’t auto-update. It’s time for Congress to modernize ECPA to keep pace with our modern digital world. ECPA should:

  1. Protect Personal Information. The government shouldn't be able to get personal electronic information (like email, online documents, and search records) without a warrant, just like they can't enter your home and take your personal papers without a warrant.

  2. Safeguard Location Information. Cell phones transmit your location, but your cell phone shouldn't be used as a personal tracking device without a warrant or even your knowledge.

  3. Prohibit Use of Illegally Obtained Information. If the government breaks the law, shouldn’t there be consequences? Law enforcement shouldn’t be able to continue to use electronic information obtained illegally.

  4. Require Transparency Around Information Collection. The law should require notice and regular reporting so you know when and why companies turn over your private information to the government.


Stop paying for new technology with your privacy.

It’s time to demand an ECPA update.

It’s time to demand your dotRights!