Tuesday, October 20, 2009


...so much for Keith Ellison

pictured here with shabbos goy Irshad Manji.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009


The Audacity of Hype

We are now officially in bizzaro world. Not that I put much stock in a prize named the inventor of dynamite but Obama being given the Nobel peace prize is nothing short of a farce(unless the criteria for peace involves escalating war). I read somewhere that the shabbos goy idiot who runs the "American Thinker" blog has been carping about how the prize didn't mean much since Yasser Arafat got one in the 90s. I would agree but add that any committee which would award a prize to a terrorist like Yitzhak Rabin can't be taken seriously.

I guess his nomination for the Nobel prize in economics would be Bernie Madoff.

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Sheikh or Sycophant? Sayyid Tantawi is a disgrace

If there are any doubts of the extent of decay at Al-Azhar, they can be put to rest as "Grand Imam" Sayyid Tantawi attempts to ban the niqab. Apparently this obnoxious creature has nothing better to do then humilate a young niqabi woman in school. The timing gives it away. Why is Tantawi making such a fuss over niqab when Muslim woman are being singled out by European racists and secular fascists(at the behest of their Judeofascist overlords) for persecution for the way they dress? Is it coincidence or merely a government(which itself is a puppet regime receiving instructions from its masters in the usual suspects) appointed jester staying true to form? Not surprisingly the pro-regressives have voiced their support by latching onto this outrage like flies on a turd eg- Tarek "T-Fat" Fatah and his opportunist MCC cronies. This is the same "scholar" who practically supported the draconian ban on hijab by the French. Doesn't he look adorable shaking "israeli" war criminal Perez' hand? Ofcourse he later claimed not to have known who he was shaking hands with...
Don't hold your breath waiting for Al-Azhar's scholars for dollars to say a word against the wildly unpopular Egyptian puppet client regime. Attempts to outlaw hijab, niqabs, beards and whatever else are going fail, you can bet your matza balls on it. What ought to be banned are bogus Ulama and their controllers. In conclusion I would love to see sister Yvonne Ridley let Tantawi have it with a frying pan she promised not too long ago.

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Friday, September 25, 2009


Exposed : Geert Wilders is a Zionist Jew

It's a sad day for Judeofascists and their neo-Nazi followers as yet another charlatan stands exposed. You can practically hear the tears dripping at Stormfront and the local Synagogue. Apparently the self styled savior of western civilization(whatever that is) isn't so western after all. Looks like I'll have to "upgrade" Wilders status from shabbos goy to to full blown Judeofascist. Pretending to be atheists and/or members of other faiths is a very old tactic employed by Sabbatean Jewry so this is hardly surprising. As if visiting "israel" 40 times, living on a kibbutz(illegal "israeli" settlement) for years, wearing a kippa and banging his head on the wailing wall, and reporting to the local "israeli" embassy once a month while claiming to be a Mossad agent wasn't enough gefilte fishy enough. I've long suspected that Wilders was a member of the vile Judeofascist cult of death but now it's confirmed. Till this year's Judeofascist Awareness Week, enjoy the details : Digging into Geert Wilders ancestry The rumour had been circulating for years: Geert Wilders is an 'Indo' (an Indonesian-European, an ethnic mix that originated when the Dutch colonised Indonesia). In June a genealogist said he had found several Indonesian ancestors of the populist Dutch politician known for his rabid anti-immigrant and anti-Islam ideas. Now anthropologist Lizzy van Leeuwen describes how his roots can be seen as the driving force behind his outspoken views. In an article in the left-wing weekly De Groene Amsterdammer Van Leeuwen asks: "Is it possible that the post-colonial and family history have made Wilders what he and his politics are today?" The article is an intellectual attempt to analyse what drives Wilders to say that "all immigration from Islamic countries should be halted" and that "all fundamental problems in the Netherlands are related to immigration". The conclusion reached by Van Leeuwen is that these statements - plus the fact that he dies his hair peroxide blond - are indeed related to his genealogical link to the largest Islamic country. Geert Wilders' increasing popularity made his Party for Freedom the second largest Dutch party in European parliament in June. Known for his anti-establishment and anti-immigration politics, Wilders has been calling himself a 'Dutch freedom fighter'. But given that his mother's roots lay outside of the Netherlands, Van Leeuwen says a sense of 'displacedness' is the recurring, underlying motive in his statements. The 6-page article reveals that Wilders' grandmother, Johanna Ording-Meijer, came from an old Jewish-Indonesian family and that Wilders lied about this in his 2008 biography. However, Van Leeuwen, an expert on the position of Indo-Dutch people in the post-colonial age, goes beyond the notion that a politician known for judging others on their ethnic roots can himself be traced to foreign ancestors. Van Leeuwen went into the national archives to find the sad story of Wilders' grandfather on his mother's side. Johan Ording was a regional financial administrator in the Dutch colony who suffered several bankruptcies and was fired while on leave in the Netherlands in 1934. He was reduced to begging when the government refused to give him a pension, but later made it to prison director. Van Leeuwen suggests that Wilders is out to avenge the injustice done to his grandfather. But more than anything, he was defined by his Indo-roots, she says. Indonesia was a Dutch colony until 1949 and many mixed-race people moved to the Netherlands after the Indonesian independence. Van Leeuwen describes how these people were put in the same 'cultural minority' box with labour immigrants from Turkey and Morocco, whom they felt no connection to at all. More so, they had always felt very patriotic about the Netherlands and harboured strong sentiments against Islam, the dominant religion in their motherland. Van Leeuwen explains how this group has long been part of extreme-right movements (many supported the Dutch Nazi party NSB in Indonesia in the 1930s) while others belonged to the far-right of the right-wing liberal party VVD. She puts Wilders' statements in the conservative and colonial tradition of this group, which strongly believed in patriotism and "European values". Van Leeuwen's analysis goes beyond the personal level: "The fact that Wilders obviously operates in a post-colonial political dimension, without it being recognised, says a lot about how the Netherlands dealt with, and still deals with the colonial past. Keep quiet, deny, forget and look the other way have been the motto for decades. Because of that, no one could imagine that what happened in Indonesia 50 years ago could still have its impact on modern-day politics." And the hair? Van Leeuwen says his died mop is a "political symptom not taken serious enough". She thinks it was a brilliant move to step away from his Indonesian roots and hide his post-colonial revanchism. Although this may also be an example of his "classic Indo identity alienation." Wilders has not responded to the publication.

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Monday, August 24, 2009


more Judeofascist organ harvesting fun and the Rifqa Bary "honor killing" hoax

First and foremost, I'd like to say Ramadan kareem to all the Muslims. Now on to the main course. Judeofascists in "israel" have been caught harvesting the organs of Palestinians they kidnap and kill. Sound familiar? It should. And of course the usual charges of "anti-semitism"(including Spencer's Geehad Watch turds who worship "israel") were hurled at the Swedish reporter for breaking the story, and simply for reporting something which has been going on for years. I guess the term "parasite" is well earned. The silence of western state media is yet another example of freedumb of speech.
I've been hearing about someone called Fathima Rifqa Bary. Who? Bary is a teenage runaway who was essentially kidnapped and brainwashed by a creepy Evangelical pastor she met on Facebook. As expected her "conversion" to the Evangelical cult has led to the usual chorus of horse manure over "apostasy" and "honor killing" being drummed up the usual shlomos. Death for apostasy in Islam is aimed at discouraging fake converts, only those who wish to enter the religion to subvert and destroy it as the hypocrites of Medina tried to do. Also theres no such thing as "honor killings" in Islam, this is a bogus term designed to present domestic violence in the East in an exotic and misleading way(theres a post in the works on the much touted "honor killings" which will not be pretty). In fact Islam prohibits such acts of violence, especially against against one's own children.
Now lets take a look at her antics:

Talk about over-acting, this coached performance makes Asra Nomani look almost sane. There's nothing I dislike more then a liar, and a really bad one at that, which is why I don't believe this charade for a second. Heck, it's practically a commandment for Judeofascist bastards to lie. Remeber the lie about "Gaza child brides"? And really, since when did scum like this give a damn about Muslims? Remember this is the same crowd which cheers every time IDF terrorists pump Palestinian school children with bullets. Only an idiot would believe that those who advocate Islamophobia and the murder of Muslims on a daily basis genuinely care about Rifqa Bary.
I really feel bad for the Bary family not only for losing their daughter but for being smeared as extremists and potential murderers. May Allah(swt) give them strength in their time of turmoil, and punish those who seek to harm them and other Muslim families.

I give Rifqa a couple of years before her Waco style brainwashing wears off. Just remember you'll still have to answer to Allah(swt) for the lies coming out of your mouth and the pain and suffering of your family, the same parents who moved to the US just to get you the proper medical treatment for your damaged eye.
Speaking of child endangerment, I think it's high time Pamela Gellar's(the racist khazar harlot of "atlas sucks" fame who's been promoting this hoax, and who BTW believes puppet Obama is Malcolm X's love child) children be taken away from her by the authorities. I can't think of a worst form of abuse living with a nuerotic Jewish lunatic and being indoctrinated and infected with the pathological mental disorder known as Zionism.

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Monday, August 17, 2009


No "twittering" for Afghanistan's election fraud...

Can you hear that? It's the sound of silence as Afghanistan's phony election is underway. The usual suspects don't seem to think its newsworthy when puppet client regimes engage in electoral fraud. Not that there's any such thing as a free and fair election under a foreign occupation. Perhaps the "israelis"(quotation marks are intentional) are too busy this week stealing Palestinian land then setting up fake twitter accounts trying to replicate carbon copied color "revolutions" of Lebanon, Ukraine, Georgia and Bulgaria.
Speaking of twitter, Pear Analytics study shows that 40% of twittering is "useless babble." You need a study to determine that? I'd say that 85% of it is crap, just like 90% of email is spam. It's the continution of the globalization of stupidity.

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Sunday, August 09, 2009



Must be a slow day as the racist French establishment are up in arms again...this time over a Muslim woman's "burquini"(which actually looks like a wet suit). The usual half-assed excuses follow. Hygiene reasons? I assume the French chlorinate their swimming pools. And really, this coming from the same people who think eating raw liver and sporting braided armpits are cool. Might be high time to limit and ban this inferior "culture" once and for all, starting in their former colonies. I'm sick of the frogs.

I should have done this a long time ago, so no more delays.
Living with Conspiracy 24/7 has been added to the blogroll. This brother doesn't beat around the bush. Fearless, truthful and exposing Judeofascism, and not being apologetic about it, my kind of blogger.

Loon Watch has also been added to the blogroll. They do need to spice it up a bit like I did in Judeofascist Awareness Week, but otherwise do a fantastic job.

I've been reading about the "civil war" within the anti-Muslim blogosphere via this blog. The dominant faction(Atlas Sucks, Toilet seats of Vienna) has no problems working with European Nazis and fascists, while the other faction(Little Goyish fools) isn't too thrilled about it openly appearing in public with them. As far as I'm concerned both Judeofascists and neo-Nazis are like turds floating a sewer. Same crap, different sphincter.

An ADL lackey has been arrested for...

I guess they're trying to diversify their criminal activities.

Anyway I'll be back soon.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Oy Vey! Mayors, Rabbis, and Organ Trafficking

I'm honestly shocked that the Feds actually made these arrests(considering that they're too busy trying to set up and entrap Muslims by attempting to sell them stinger missles in Walmart parking lots). Well its about bloody time! Judeofascism pretty much gets a free ride here but I guess this was just too big to ignore. Talk about taking a pound of flesh...literally. I could definitely get used to seeing more shaggy shlomos dragged off to jail. I got the Hebrew National hot dogs and popcorn ready. This is one murky matza ball soup which just wont clear up. Time to open the lid on human trafficking, prostitution, slavery, the drugs trade(Kosher meth labs anyone) etc and other fun Kosher business practices the "chosen ones" have been up to for far too long. Follow the trail :

Further reading :

New Jersey Mayors, Five Rabbis Arrested in Corruption Probe

Need a Kidney? NJ Rabbis can give you a Good Deal

New York rabbis had Israeli money connection

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Saturday, July 18, 2009


Five years later, Asra Nomani is still a lying and manipulative Zionist media whore

I know its a harsh thing to say but lets be dead honest : Asra Nomani is a lying and manipulative Zionist media whore. Quick refresher : Asra Nomani is a failed journalist who has been milking the murder of WSJ journalist Daniel Pearl for the last several years while promoting herself(in no small part thanks to the usual suspects) as a Muslim "reformist." Muslim haters love this woman, as she justifies the flea bitten orientalist caricatures of bearded, misogynist, religiously observant, Muslim males oppressing brave little liberal gals like herself. Before all this, the wild eyed bimbo was a nobody struggling with her multiple failed relationships(zina included) with men while pontificating about Tantric sexual practices. It's like watching a bad SNL skit go on forever.
Both Pearl and Nomani were on assignment In Pakistan when she managed to get herself knocked up and pregnant by some unnamed guy(it's a long shot but I would not be surprised if it was Pearl). Since returning to the U.S. and having the baby, the self-proclaimed "bad girl of Islam" became part of a manufactured cottage industry of "reformist moslems"(95% of whom aren't even Muslim) whose sole purpose was to "change" Islam into a cultural club of inferiority complex ridden liars and sycophants who would not oppose wars of terror and imperialism, instead demonizing all facets of Islamic spirituality and practice. And of course every one of them is a Zionist bootlicker(the number one prerequisite in this line of work) aka Shabbos Goyim. Color me unimpressed.
The red carpet was rolled out for anyone reading from the same old tattered kosher
script : Irshad Manji, Waleed Shoebat, Wafa Sultan etc. Interesting how the "radical Muslim reformer" has not said a thing about the Iraq war, the decline of Muslim civil rights(especially the woman) in the West, Zionist terrorism in the Middle East, the AIPAC choke hold on freedom of expression etc. Silence is complicity, folks. Yet she seems to have no problem expressing support for slanderous tripe like the "Jewel of Medina." She has demonstrated time and time again that she doesn't know Islam or live Islam. The perfect pezz dispensing muppet for western state media. Is it at all surprising that Judeofascists like Phylis Chesler are supporting her?
One of the reasons I got into blogging was to take on the rubbish put out by the neocon/RAND supported Nomani and her pro-regressive MWU cohorts back in their "hey day" circa 2004ish. The pro-regressives didn't last as their lies and schemes were exposed one after the other, alhamdulilah. So why post about Nomani now? Well, it turns out she has a "documentary" out on PBS about her "heroic struggle"(aka antics at the Morgantown masjid). Odd considering that PBS
no longer hosts religious based programs. It should has been called "the world according to Asra Nomani : 80 ways to throw a post-menopausal tantrum in over the top theatrical fashion." It's a basically a vilification and harassment campaign by this tramp against the Morgantown Masjid for resisting her nonsense. The manufactured attempts to solicit sympathy through straw man arguments, emotional manipulation, intellectual dishonesty are truly pathetic(as her laughable performance at the "Doha Debates" proved). The woman has the charm and wit of a hard chancre. Conveniently left out from the mockumentary are the following simple facts :

Nomani started her "crusade" against the Morgantown masjid not because of issues related to "equal access" but because of her unpopularity and inability to win a position on the masjid's board of directors. Yes, your daddy may have contributed some money to the masjid but that doesn't guarantee you any kind of position, Asra. This isn't a western client regime based on hereditary dictatorship. Go con a Gulf "emir"(preferably the idiot who blew $10 million on a license plate) into marriage to get that sort of argument rolling.

Nomani lies about her ancestry. She is NOT related to Allama Shibli Nomani, a renowned scholar of Islam from India. His family has confirmed this.
Sheikh Shibli Nomani completed his education in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Usul (Islamic principles), Hadith (traditions of prophet Mohammad), Munazra (comparative religious debate), Maqulat (rational science) and astronomy under illustrious scholars like Maulana Farooq Chiryakoti, Hakim Abdullah Jairajpuri and Maulana Irshad Hussain of Rampur. He was also an ardent anti-colonialist. To put it mildly, he was the complete opposite of the sycophantic slattern pretending to be his descendant(not that that helped the son of Nuh(a.s.)). By the way, I'm a descendant of Adam(a,s,), can I make zina halal?

Woman and men praying separately is based on the Sunnah of the Prophet(s.a.w.), and not some straw man arguments about perceived ineq
uality. Stealing terms from the civil rights movement and throwing them into the ignorant mix to create a draconian portrayal l of Islamic practices is beneath contempt. Remember that fake Jummah for show Nomani and Wadud pulled off? If you're a Hadith rejector, then where did get the specifics of praying salah? Let Sheikh Imran Hosein explain to you :

The reason there is no barrier in Mecca is because of the impossibility of managing millions of people coming and going at different times from multiple gates, and even then men and woman are separated in Salah.

In a soft ball interview at Brandies university, a "liberal" Zionist institution, Nomani refers to Hajar(r.a.) as a single mother. This is untrue and reflects her gross ignorance about Islam. Hajar(r.a.) was the second wife of Ibrahim(a.s.) and the mother of Ismail (a.s.), even Muslim children know this.

Now lets be clear, we all make mistakes, but how many of us use them as badges of honor to shamelessly promote ourselves? Pull agent provocateur tactics by dragging a camera crew into the masjid to intimidate and harass worshipers? Can promiscuous bed hoppers go into a house of worship and make obnoxious demands of the faithful? Can dead beat fathers go into a masjid and demand a place on the board of directors while bragging about their dalliances? Can liquor store owners show up at Jummah and declare that their money is clean? Can those who do not follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah honestly call themselves Muslims? Can I pretend to be a victim because I can't
change the religion to my paymasters whims? Of course not. So Ms.Nomani, what made you think you could pull your shenanigans and be not called on them? Because you're a woman? You feminists can't have it both ways, behaving like a dog in heatone instant and then playing damsel in distress when in trouble. Yes I'm going to be judgmental about your promiscious life because you put it out in public(with no shortage of personal attacks on those not on the bandwagon) and it just doesn't pass the stink test. You're a liar, a monumental fraud and an attention seeking whore selling yourself by demonizing a community you were never a part of. You're not some starry eyed persecuted young girl fighting for your rights but a middle aged opportunist exploiting the ignorance and fear of Islam in the West to make a living. Having a soft spot for biryani and baklava doesn't make you a Muslim(her pathetic excuse for parents never taught her the difference between culture and religion). Are there Muslims, both men and woman fighting for our rights? Yes, but you're not one of them and never will be anything more then a bazaari aurat. We know you're bought and paid for, munafiqa.

Further reading :

Top ten pro-regressive Moslem idiots of 2005 #4

Honest Interviews : Asra Nomani

The Irshad Manji-Asra Nomani show

The RAND Doha "debates"

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Sunday, July 05, 2009


Pregnant Muslima murdered in German court by Nazi scum

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون

An extremely tragic and disturbing news out of Dresden, Germany. Sister Marwa al-Sherbini was stabbed to death in a German court, she had sued her Neo-Nazi attacker after he insulted her for wearing the hijab. Her husband was also stabbed and "accidently" shot my the cops. Via Suite 101 :

Dr. Marwa Sherbini was a star pupil at her Alexandria School, El Nasr Girls’ College (EGC), one of the oldest and most prestigious educational establishments for girls in Alexandria. Her personality and academic achievements led to her selection as Head Girl of the school before she joined the Faculty of Pharmacy at Alexandria University, graduating in 2000 with flying colors. After she got married to Elwy Okaz, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute, she moved with him to Germany.

Marwa Takes her Son to Play in the Park

In a Dresden park, Marwa took her 3-year old son Mostapha to play. A German man, probably piqued by her headscarf, insulted her and called her a terrorist. She filed a case against him in German courts. When she won the case and the court fined him 750 Euros for having abused her, he appealed against the verdict.

Marwa Stands in Dresden Court to Give Evidence

As Marwa stood in court on July 1st, 2009, to give evidence, the 28-year old man took out a knife and stabbed her 18 times. Present were her son and her husband, who ran to rescue her. But the assailant stabbed him 3 times. A German security officer in court shot the husband in the leg probably mistaking him for the assailant. The husband Elwy Okaz, who was scheduled to defend his Ph. D. thesis in genetic engineering in a couple of weeks, lapsed into a coma and was taken to hospital suffering from serious injuries to the stomach and liver.

European state media has been trying to sweep this story under the rug while spinning it as an isolated incident. wonder where all the femenists went. Make no mistake about it, the murder of Marwa al-Sherbini, was the end result of the mainstreaming of Islamophobia, promoted by Judeofascists(like the Mossad midget in the last entry) and their shabbos goyim followers i.e. Neo-Nazis(BNP, Vlaams Belang, Geert Wilders etc) with whom they have formed an allience. They are responsible for her murder, and it my sincere hope inshallah, and each one of these sub-human bastards are dispatched in a similar manner. Had the killer been a Muslim, I can guarantee it would received widespread coverage along with usual "call to arms" over "Islamization" via "Eurabia" conspiracy theories.

Whether its Jewish supremacists and/or white supremacists, let us reflect on this quote by the late El-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz :

"There is nothing in our book, the Qur'an, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion."

Amen to that. No integration or assimilation with murderous Nazi and fascist scum. Fry the vermin in gas chambers round the clock.

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Thursday, July 02, 2009


France's Mossad midget doth protest a bit too much...

Hmm, I don't see much separation of "Church and State" here, do you? Enter Nicolas Sarkozy, a Hungarian Jew pretending to be a French gentile, and all around alcoholic womanizer. Recently the Mossad midget was ranting about banning the burqa. Ho hum, yet another feeble attempt to pander to the extremist vote. One would think that the President of France would have more urgent matters to tackle, like the pathetic state of the French economy instead of worrying about the clothing a few dozen Muslim woman CHOOSE to wear. Let's get a few things straight : the burqa is not a religious form of dress hence it in no way infringes upon the bogus "secularism" of the state. Grow up and stop behaving like a bunch of spoilt hypocritical brats, we don't live our lives to please the likes of you. If you really believe in freedom, you would let people go about their business instead of forcing your inferior sad excuse of a culture upon them. That's right, I said it. Putting aside wine, cheese, a 35 hour work week, selective hygiene, braided armpits, the French really don't have much of a culture. Instead what we have here are a downright nasty bunch, no longer having an empire. These days the cheese eating surrender monkeys get their kicks bullying minorities. Poll after poll shows that it is most racist country in Europe. Now I don't want to come off as mean spirited but this obsession with Muslim woman's clothing has gone far enough. Its time to highlight some harsh truths. Some may consider marinating in a puddle of one's own vomit at 2 A.M outside of pub "culture," we don't. We also don't think its civilized for grown men to go around stabbing each other in the buttocks after a soccer match. Call us party poopers but we don't think decriminalizing incest, beastiality, pedophelia is healthy for society. Rest on your faded laurels like an aging has been if you want to, but the rest of the world realises that not everyone wants to eat slugs, diseased cirrhotic goose livers and raw mince meat ..... sorry that would be ‘escargots’, ‘pate de foie gras’ and ‘steak tartare’, saying it with a French accent doesn't make it any less repulsive.
Now here's the bottom line, don't tell us what to wear, and we won't tell you go jump in a lake full of crocodiles. No integration or assimilation with Nazi and fascist scum. Est-ce que vous me comprenez?

Further reading :

Sarkozy wants "burqa" ban

Why Is The Flap On My Face, A Slap In Yours, Mr. Sarkozy?

Immigration, Integration, and the Illusion of Inclusion

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The "Kosher tax" scam exposed

Kosher rubbing alcohol, kosher hydrogen peroxide and kosher bottled water...right. Heck, they even have Kosher Meth lab. Imagine the outrage if we were doing this, tricking non-Muslims into paying for halal certification...

...then again, deception is not a part of our faith. Btw this halal keyboard is amazing.

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Friday, June 19, 2009


"Ahmadinejad won. Get over it"

At least that's the title of the article by the Leverettes. Now I have my own reservations about Ahmadinejad and how truly "Islamic" Iran is, but for the usual suspects to complain about its elections is nothing short of a bad joke. The same people who consistently install and prop up dozens of dictatorial client regimes all over the world(not to mention WMDs lies and other draconian Zionist propaganda) are in no position whatsoever to cry foul. How many of these disengenuous idiots can even find Iran on the map, let alone give us the fine details about the electoral process and the alleged rigging? None whatsoever. It's simply about Ahmedinejad, and nothing else. How many people are actually familiar with Mousavi's foreign policy outlook, and how similar it is to Ahmedinejad's? The shaggy shlomos will definitely curb their enthusiasm once they realize that Mousavi doesn't care for "israel" and won't negotiate nuclear enrichment. What's happening in Iran is a clash of classes, urban elites(primarily Rafsanjani backed) versus rural masses(who support Ahmadinejad).
I'm also very pleased to see that the folks in my blogroll are up to speed on the disinformation campaign being perpetuated by Judeofascists and their loyal shabbos goyim in Western state media. Revolution you say? Please, this is bad coup attempt gone wrong. Real revolutions are made by real people, not riots orchestrated and egged on by unelected oligarchs or by tech savvy city slickers with phony "twitter" accounts. Anybody remember Operation Ajax?
Apparently it's not "democracy" unless they say so. Just ask the Palestinians.
Now do yourself a favor and get the real facts by following the links below :

Ahmadinejad won, Get over it.

Proof : Israeli Effort to Destablize Iran via Twitter

The Iranian Election and a Hysterical Media

Western Islamophobia – the Left, the Neoliberals, the Neocons, the Christians, the Libertarians – All on the very same Page

Petras on the Attempted Coup in Iran

Where is my Vote?

Iran : Who's Diddling Democracy?

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Foiled Robber Begs For Mercy, Asks To Join Islam

...and today's good deed of the day is :

Incredible Video Shows Compassionate L.I. Deli Owner Turn Tables With Shotgun, But Then Offer Handout

Crook Then Pledges To Take Muslim Oath, Before Splitting

A shop owner decided to fight back -- with a shotgun and compassion.

When a baseball bat burglar threatened him with bodily harm, deli owner Mohammed Sohail unexpectedly turned the tables and pulled out a shotgun

The weapon wasn't loaded, but the desperate thief didn't know, as security cameras rolled, catching every second of the incredible crime, CBS station WCBS-TV reported.

"He tell me, 'Give me your money.' I say 'Hold on, drop weapon, get down,'" Sohail said.

The would-be thief suddenly surrendered, got down on his knees, blubbering and sobbing like a baby.

"He was begging, crying 'I'm sorry. I have no money, no food, no job. My family's hungry,'" Sohail said. "He's really crying, 'Please don't call police.'"

Sohail struck a deal with the assailant. He asked him to promise he'd never rob anyone again. Next, Sohail pulled $40 out of his cash register and threw it at the man.

"He said he wanted to convert to Islam, that he wanted to be Muslim like me," Sohail said, pointing to the video. "See? He is raising hand here, and taking oath."

Sohail said he and the assailant shook hands on the oath.

He told the burglar to help himself to bread and milk. When Sohail turned to open the cooler, however, the man turned and fled.

Sohail called 911, but decided not to file a complaint, WCBS-TV reported.

Friday, May 29, 2009


A quote to remember...

"There are people (Muslims) who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources. They dominate the intersections of world routes. Their lands were the cradles of human civilizations and religions. These people have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these people from one another ... if, per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state, it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and would separate Europe from the rest of the world. Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects."

- British Prime Minister Henry Bannerman, Campbell-Bannerman Report, 1907

Foreign body? Who could that possibly be?

Sunday, May 24, 2009


My meeting with ex-Gitmo guard Terry Holdbrooks, and other mini rants

Meeting Terry Holdbrooks
Guess who I ran into at Jummah Salah while in California? Ex-Gitmo guart Terry Holdbrooks. Who? Why in the world would someone who served at the notorious torture camp be at a mosque of all places? Terry converted to Islam, and the Army let him go(sounds like a great way to get an early discharge). We spoke for a good 20 minutes and I must say I was impressed with the brother. TJ is the establishment's worst nightmare : a white convert not afraid of speaking his mind. He was scheduled to give a talk later in the evening but I couldn't make it due to other commitments. I hope to see him again whenever I'm in the southwest again inshallah.

The FBI's bogus NY terror plot
Robert Dreyfuss has the lowdown on the latest terror "plot" courtoesy of the Feds. Given the heavy judeofascist infilitration in so many areas of government I'm not surprised. Jane Harman anybody? I'm working on a post about the recent shenanigans of the FBI(The Federal Bureau of Intimidation) in our community sending criminals and fake converts to entrap innocent people while creating fear and disunity amongst ourselves. They'd would rather create fake terror then go after the real McCoys.
So what to do with someone tries to sell you a stinger missle? I'd punch the guy as hard as I could and proceed to kick the daylights out of him, make a hell of scene and call the cops(and try to water board him before they arrive) and go to the media. Forget restraining orders, a nice beat down should suffice. Thats how you blow their cover instead of reporting them quietly to their masters at the FBI who in turn would do nothing.
The post will be titled How to catch an agent provocatuer.

Thie Week in Freedumb of Speech
Just when I was about to add it to my blogroll the Frustrated Arab's diary went offline. I smell the stink of the JIDF internet hasbara turds at work. I hope to see sister Rocaquayah revive her fearless anti-Zionist blog. The cats out of the bag, shlomos :

The DrM Dogs?
I've been thinking about getting a German Shepherd or two. Dynomutt, Katyusha, Slumdog and Darth Labrador sound like perfectly acceptable names to me(you have to admit its better then Sputnik). The Turkish Shepherd is way too big to keep around. So much for the canard about Muslims hating dogs(I just don't like the two legged ones who think they're living in 5000 B.C.). Also check out Rob's posts.

Star Trek

So my zany friend Dr.H, being the sci-fi geek that he is, conned me into watching the new Star Trek movie(he had free tickets). I rarely go to the movies(still haven't recovered from Transformers) and had absolutely no expectations from this film whatsoever. I was pleasantly surprised as Star trek rocked. It was a fun film which I predict will revive the aging franchise. I grew up watching reruns of the original series but never considered myself a trekkie, and here's the reason why...

Uh I'll let Shatner say it for me :

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Saturday, May 16, 2009


The Zionist corruption of Medicine, and the Science and Politics of Cancer

One of my major complaints from medical school was that we were never taught nutrition. Sure, we were told that an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits were needed to maintain a healthy constitution, but we were never taught anything but allopathic medicine(the standard western model). But it wasn't always that way, there was a time when American doctors had the freedom to utilize all possible ways to approach disease. That all changed in 1910 with the Flexner Report.
The Flexner report "reformed" the study of medicine in the U.S. and Canada. Its author, Abraham Flexnor was a prominent Zionist with no medical credentials whatsoever yet with funding from Carnegie and Rockefeller brought about the birth of the corrupt modern day medical establishment. I would go as far as say that many MD's are little more then glorified prescription writers. The fine details are included in "Murder by Injection"(currently out of print but you can download it here)

Frederick T. Gates' first present to Rockefeller was a plan to dominate the entire medical education system in the United States. The initial step was taken by the organization of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. In 1907, the AMA "requested" the Carnegie Foundation to conduct a survey of all the medical schools of the nation. Even at this early date, the Rockefeller interests had already achieved substantial working control of the Carnegie Foundations which has been maintained ever since. It is well known in the foundation world that the Camegie Foundations (there are several), are merely feeble adjuncts of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Carnegie Foundation named one Abraham Flexner to head up its study of medical schools. Coincidentally, his brother Simon was the head of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. The Flexner Report was completed in 1910, after many months of travel and study. It was heavily influenced by the German-trained allopathic representation in the American medical profession. It was later revealed that the primary influence on Flexner had been his trip to Baltimore. He had been a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. This school had been established by Daniel Coit Gilman (1831-1908). Gilman had been one of the three original incorporators of the Russell Trust at Yale University (now known as the Brotherhood of Death). Its Yale headquarters had a letter in German authorizing Gilman to set up this branch of the Illuminati in the United States. Gilman incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund, which later became the Rockefeller Foundation. Gilman also became an original incorporator of Rockefeller's General Education Board, which was to take over the United States system of medical education; the Carnegie Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation. At Johns Hopkins University. Gilman also taught Richard Ely, who became the evil genius of Woodrow Wilson's education. Gilman's final achievement in the last year of his life was to advise Herbert Hoover on the advisability of setting up a think tank. Hoover later followed Gilman's plan in setting up the Hoover Institution after the First World War. This institution furnished the movers and shapers of the "Reagan Revolution" in Washington. Not surprisingly, the American people found themselves saddled with even more debt and an even more oppressive federal bureaucracy, all the result of Daniel Coit Gilman's Illuminati prospectus.

Flexner spent much of his time at Johns Hopkins University finalizing his report. The medical school, which had only been established in 1893, was considered to be very up-todate. It was also the headquarters of the German allopathic school of medicine in the United States. Flexner, born in Louisville, Ky., had studied at the University of Berlin. The president of the Zionist Organization of America, Louis Brandeis, also from Louisville, was an old friend of the Flexner family. After Woodrow Wilson appointed Brandeis to the Supreme Court, Brandeis appointed himself a delegate to Paris to attend the Versailles Peace Conference in 1918. His purpose was to advance the goals of the Zionist movement at this conference. Bernard Flexner, who was then an attorney in New York, was asked to accompany Brandeis as the official legal counsel to the Zionist delegation in Pads. Bernard Flexner later became a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation with his brother Simon.

Simon Flexner had been appointed the first director of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research at its organization in 1903. Abraham Flexner joined the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 1908, serving there until his retirement in 1928. He also served for years as a member of Rockefeller's General Education Board. He was awarded a Rhodes Memorial lectureship at Oxford University. His definitive work was published in 1913, "Prostitution in Europe."

Abraham Flexner submitted a final report to Rockefeller which apparently was satisfactory in every way. Its first point was an emphatic agreement with the AMA's lament that there were too many doctors. The Flexner solution was a simple one; to make medical education so elitist and expensive, and so drawn out, that most students would be prohibited from even considering a medical career. The Flexner program set up requirements for four years of undergraduate college, and a further four years of medical school. His report also set up complex requirements for the medical schools; they must have expensive laboratories and other equipment. As the requirements of the Flexner Report became effective, the number of medical schools was rapidly reduced. By the end of World War I, the number of medical schools had been reduced from 650 to a mere 50 in number. The number of annual graduates had been reduced from 7500 to 2500. The enactment of the Flexner restrictions virtually guaranteed that the Medical Monopoly in the United States would result in a small group of elitist students from well to do families, and that this small group would be subjected to intense controls.

What has the Flexner Report cost the average American citizen ? Some recent statistics throw light on the situation. The New York Times reported that in 1985, the cost of health care per person in the United States was $1800 per year; in England, $800 per year; in Japan, $600 per year. Yet both England and Japan rank higher on the scale of quality of medical care than the United States. Compared to Japan, for instance, which has a higher living standard than the United States, but which furnished its citizens with quality medical care for $600 per person each year, comparative medical care in the United States cannot be valued higher than $500 per year per person. What is the $1300 per person difference ? It is the $300 billion per year looting of the American public by the Medical Monopoly, in overcharges, criminal syndicalist activities, and the operations of the Drug Trust.

...and that's just the tip of the ice berg. Did I mention that they purposefully repress and discourage any alternative approach or explanation? Bottom line : If it's not profitable its not going to make the cut.

As for the science and politics of cancer, check out the following :

How's that for starters? Fascinating isn't it?

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Saturday, May 09, 2009


The good ol' days of water boarding...

I'm still vacationing(suffered through Slumdog Millionaire a few days back but recovered with Akira Kurosawa's excellent Hidden Fortress). Check out how much has changed in the last 100 years of torture :

Even though US army rapist and war criminal Steven Green has been convicted of raping and killing 14 year old Abeer Qassim Hamza and her entire family, I doubt the evil bastard will get the death penalty.
I'd pay good money to get a front row seat to watch him fry in an electric chair.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009


Looking for Mutabak

Yes, I'm on vacation in case anyone's been wondering(fear not, I'll be back soon). But enough about that, lets get down to the real reason of this post : Mutabak. Pictured below is this fine Yemeni dish which I devoured many times when I had gone for Umrah a few years ago.

Trust me, it tastes just as good as it looks. Unfortunately I have been unable to locate it in the U.S. So here's the deal, anyone who gets me the recipe for this get my heartfelt thanks, and a signed Dr.M picture.
Hook a brother up.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009


A marriage made in hell : Zionists and Nazis

Yep, I told you so! The alliance between Judeofascists and Nazis is real and can no longer be denied. Nothing new to those of us in the know, but its always good to see how close these rodents are. Got this from Islamophobia Watch via Searchlight magazine :

Stateside: Inside the Preserving Western Civilization Conference

The Preserving Western Civilization conference drew about 100 men and women from Canada, the UK, and the USA to a suit-and-tie affair at a hotel near the Baltimore-Washington International airport. The event was organised by 76 year-old Michael Hart, who received his PhD in astrophysics from Princeton and is known in white nationalist circles for his proposal for a racial partition of the United States. Hart is also Jewish, as were a significant percentage of the conference speakers and the attendees. These were “scientific racists”, seeking to root their anti-Islamic politics in genetics, rather than simply in culture.

The conference from 6-8 February was the first significant white nationalist confab since President Obama’s inauguration, and influential figures such as J. Philippe Rushton, Peter Brimelow and a representative of the British National Party were among the speakers. As such, the proceedings pointed to the direction at least one part of the movement will take in the near future.

This was an attempt to create a new ideological pole friendlier to Jewish participation, but within the broader white nationalist movement. They would bind Islamophobia and nativism with scientific racism.

After the white nationalist American Renaissance began inviting a handful of Jewish racists, such as Michael Levin, to its conferences promoting old-fashioned genetic determinism, there has been an uneasy truce about “the Jewish question” in white nationalist intellectual circles. At those conferences antisemites participated, but they were prevailed upon not to display openly their antisemitism. The truce came to an end after a 2006 profanity-laden altercation between Hart and David Duke. The blow-up reverberated throughout the movement, creating the schisms that led to the Preserving Western Civilization conference.

Opening the conference, Hart proclaimed that the white race and Western Civilisation are the “pinnacle of human history”. Setting the stage for the rest of the weekend, he outlined the three problems faced by Western Civilisation – Islam, immigration, and white guilt.

Islamophobia was a dominant theme of the conference. Hart would encourage the audience to equivocate Islam with Nazism, and the Koran with Mein Kampf.

In a professorial monotone, Serge Trifkovic kicked the weekend’s Islamophobia into high gear with a lengthy attack on Muhammad and all of Islam. Trifkovic, a Serbian expatriate who before becoming the foreign affairs editor at the paleo-conservative magazine Chronicles was a spokesman for the convicted war criminal Biljana Plavsic, warned that Western Civilisation faces an old existential enemy, an aggressive foe. Echoing themes from his inflammatory 2002 book, The Sword and the Prophet, he warned that the threat was not from “Islamo-fascism”, but from Islam. Period. Gloomily, he predicted that “the survival of civilisation is at stake”.

Rushton, the soft-spoken psychology professor at the University of Western Ontario and a leading figure among academic racists, went even further, contending that Islam was not just a cultural, but a genetic problem. According to Rushton, the Muslim problem is not just a condition of their particular belief system. Instead, he argued that Muslims have an aggressive personality with relatively closed, simple minds, and are less impervious to reason than one might expect.

Not to be outdone, Lawrence Auster, whose biographical details boast that his blog, View from the Right, was “influential in defeating the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill in the Senate in 2007”, pushed a different sort of policy proposal in front of this crowd. Pretending that he was president, Auster ran through a list of Islamopohobic charges while stumping for a startling Constitutional Amendment to ban Islam and all Muslims from the United States. His proposal received a rousing applause.

Armed with a handful of papers, Patricia Richardson took the stage on Sunday morning to talk Islamophobia from a British perspective. Searchlight readers are no doubt familiar with Richardson, an elected BNP councillor who takes pains to remind people that she is Jewish. When Richardson announced that she was from the BNP, cheers rang out. She ran through several news items to paint a picture of Muslim immigration as a demographic catastrophe. “If they’re not plotting and planning unrest, they’re planning how to get your money,” she noted.

Even the Saturday evening banquet entertainer, Julia Gorin, “one of the most recognized names in conservative comedy”, couldn’t resist the Muslim-bashing. Testing out some new material on the very receptive audience, she joked about Obama’s Muslim roots, and even tried to turn torture into a punch-line.

The second key threat to Western Civilisation Hart sketched out was non-white immigration. He noted that because of immigration, the time is now rapidly approaching where whites will no longer be a majority.

Lino Graglia, the 79-year-old University of Texas law professor, provided an exhaustive history of the birthright citizenship provision of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment. Contrary to contemporary jurisprudence, Graglia argued that not everyone born in the US is automatically a citizen. Attacking the 14th Amendment has become a hot topic in nativist circles. Nativist groups are already pushing a 2010 California ballot measure that would strike a blow at birthright citizenship.

Continuing the nativism thread, Roger McGrath, the silver-haired California surfer turned UCLA professor, spun a nostalgic yarn entitled “Paradise Lost” about the demise of the California of his youth at the hands of non-white immigrants.

Brenda Walker, a nativist of Berkeley, California, tried to make defending the West a women’s issue. Her speech slung together the crudest racial and cultural stereotypes about China, India, Somalia and Mexico. She concluded, “We can have multiculturalism, or we can have women’s health and safety, not both”. Like many of the other speakers, she made a pitch for stopping Muslim immigration. She ended with a common conference refrain: “What we have in the West is worth defending. We must defend it.”

The other significant conference theme was “white guilt”. Hart, for instance, claimed that an increasing number of Americans don’t feel like defending America any more, because many believe the country is hopelessly racist. He encouraged the crowd to disprove that whites and blacks are equally talented to increase Western morale (hence the prominence of scientific racists on the agenda).

Rushton took up Hart’s challenge and tried to give an academic polish to the old widely discredited notions of eugenics and “race science”. Rushton ran through slides featuring different categories of evidence purporting to show that the connection between race and IQ is genetic. After showing photos of places such as Soweto, Rushton tried to argue that instead of bad places affecting IQ, those are the types of places that people with low IQs produce. During his presentation he pointed out how well accepted his research has become in academic circles.

With economic news dominating the headlines, surprisingly, there was virtually no discussion of the economic situation in this room. There were no plans drawn up to take advantage of the financial meltdown, no populist talk of helping white America financially. It was all racial and cultural nationalism all the time.

Not even Peter Brimelow, a former financial reporter, ventured anywhere near economic topics during his remarks. Brimelow, the blue blazer British immigrant who used to write for Forbes and now runs the white nationalist website VDARE.com, told the crowd that “race is destiny politically” and that immigration is shifting the racial balance towards minorities. After quipping that they have “hate facts” and “hate numbers” on their side, Brimelow ran through poll data from the 2008 election to argue that immigration reform is a good way to appeal to the real GOP (Grand Old Party – the Republicans) base, white America.

Looking forward, Brimelow hypothesised that immigration may break the party system apart and that we might see a new political party or growing secessionist movements. Brimelow also referenced former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as a “cultural cue” to the white working class.

Governor Palin’s name surfaced several times during the conference. At lunch on Saturday, “Draft Sarah” flyers were placed on tables. At the banquet, Paul Streitz, chairman of the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee, assured the crowd that Palin was learning the appropriate anti-immigrant “cues” and that his committee was working to arrange a trip for her down to the Arizona border to meet with Glenn Spencer of the nativist group American Patrol. The announcement drew cheers from the banquet crowd.

It’s too early to tell if this schism will become permanent, or if a new organisation rises out of the meeting. Keeping an eye on what might be, several different groups had a presence at the event. Among the notables in the audience: Joel Lefevre, editor of the Council of Conservative Citizens tabloid; Stephen Webster, the assistant editor at American Renaissance; Bob Vandervoort of Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance; and Louis Andrews of the National Policy Institute

I rest my case. Nothing a fumigation block party at Auschwitz can't fix.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The DrM bailout plan

Yes, it's time to save America and your behind in one shot. for too long America has been dumbed, dulled and tranquilized into a state of semi-conscious existence. No matter how much money those in power throw at it, the hole at the bottom of the bucket will always be there unless there is a fundmental change in the way the country works. Hot on the heels of my guide to voting comes the DrM bailout plan! Here's how it works:

No bailouts for crooks and criminals.

All debts are null and void. Credit cards are a thing of the past.

Bye bye Federal Reserve, and a return to the Gold standard and precious metals.

All Zionists and the members of their Shabbos goyim network are arrested and detained at Gitmo(with the mandatory matza soup boarding torture). No plea bargaining for "dual loyalist" traitors.

The salaries of all politicians is slashed by 70%, and all lobby groups disbanded.

The insane military budget is sharply slashed. It cannot be overstated how badly the military industrial complex has hurt the US. As of 2009, the United States government is spending about $1 trillion annually on defense-related purposes. This is unsustainable and suicidal. Instead hundreds of billions of dollars will be better spend on far more important sectors of society.

Education all the way through college is free. The catch being that standards will be super high.So slackers don't have a chance of making it.

There is no such thing as free medical care, but those on the extremities of life, children up to 12 and the elderly(60 and up) will be covered. The rest of us have to pay a hefty fee of $20 a month. Everyone over the age of 18 weighing over 300lbs will be placed on the DrM diet plan and be required to purchase a treadmill.

Lovely aint it?

Now if you're viewing this using a Windows operating system you have my sympathies(particularly if
you've infected your machine with Vista). Here's a mini computer bail out :
Remove all McAfee and Norton products from your machine. Stick with FREE programs which do the job way better then any of the crapware. The following are all you need :

Avira Anti-Virus

Comodo firewall

Malwarebytes anti-Malware

Spyware Blaster




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Sunday, March 15, 2009


This Week in Freedumb of Speech : Judeofascist fifth column sabotage Freeman nomination

Change is here! Well, not really, but lets keep pretending that Obama's Presidency will unleash the winds of change. Enter Charles Freeman, a veteran diplomat on his way to become the top US intelligence analyst. One problem though, Freeman has a history of being critical of "israel" and advocating a more reality based approach to the Middle East. Well the Judeofascist fifth column wasn't having any of that and engaged in a protracted smear campaign against the man, resulting in his withdrawal of the nomination. Truly a freedumb of speech moment, and yet more proof of Zionist subversion of American politics. But Freeman isn't going quietly :

Notice how squeemish US state media is in even admitting there is such an entity as the "israel lobby." Also notice how Fareed Zakaria's attempts to shift attention away from Zionist malcontents. This man is a disgrace, and to call this slumdog millionaire wannabe a journalist is a smear against the profession. But hey, that's what passes for the forth estate these days. Fortunately there are still some Americans who have the moral and testicular fortitude that Zakaria and shabbos goyim sorely lack, and they're speaking out :

Joe from the SludgeReport


Stephen Walt

But all is not lost, this is a pyrrhic victory for the usual suspects as more and more people see figure out and see who the true enemies of freedom are.

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Thursday, March 05, 2009


What happened to the Khilafah?

The ever erudite Steph has a fantastic post up titled "Who defines Islamic extremism," in which we are told that :

According to the leaked draft of “Contest 2″, a revision of the UK government’s 2003 counter terrorism strategy, which is due to be publicly released next month, an Islamic extremist is defined as someone who advocates a caliphate; promotes Sharia law, believes in armed resistance anywhere in the world, specifically in Palestine; believes that homosexuality is sinful or banned in Islam; or fails to condemn the killing of British forces illegally occupying Iraq and Afghanistan.
Talk about casting a wide net which would include the vast majority of Muslims, but also plenty of non-Muslims who aren't high on the kool aid. Going by this ludicrous "definition," Mahatma Gandhi would be a bonafide "Islamic extremist." Considering the role spearheaded by the British in destroying the Khilafah, none of this should come as a surprise. Confused? Not following me? Who better to explain this mess then one of the finest Muslim scholars around, Sheikh Imran Hosein. Yes, thats the same dynamic personality who exposed the banking system years before it became a hot topic of discussion. So what exactly is this British obsession with the Khilafah about?

Fascinating isn't it? Do consider purchasing the DVD for the entire lecture, its worth every penny. But fret not cheapskates, you can download the entire book on the subject free from Sheikh Imran's website.
If there is some confusion(which zionists and anti-Islamic propagandists often exploit) on the subject of friendship between Muslims, Christians and Jews based on Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:51 from the Holy Quran, the following video clears it up.

Hope that cleared a few things up. Next up, the DrM bail out plan.

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Monday, February 23, 2009


Meeting the recession in the eyes of a mother

I've seen a lot of things over the years at various hospitals. I've dealt with the patients who were terminally ill, mentally unsound, drug addicts, gang members, murderers etc so there are few things which would catch me off-guard, right? Wrong. I was loading groceries in my car last Friday afternoon when a woman approached me in the parking lot asking for money. She could not have been older then 40. Like many, I've been in this sort of situation before but this time it was different. She needed money to feed her children with whom she was living in a cheap motel. She had lost her job and was rendered homeless by the financial meltdown. Quite a sob story huh? I have a fairly good idea when someone is lying(the egos rampant in the medical field is no joke) but this woman was telling me the honest truth. Its hard to convey in words the sadness I saw in her eyes, her hesitancy and embarrassment in asking for help was evident yet the hunger of her children compelled her.
I gave her some money, and in retrospect wish I had given more. She apologized and thanked me, I smiled and told her it was alright and to take care. She then went off and approached an elderly couple. Now three days later I'm still in a bit of shock. Its one thing to read about the recession in the papers or watch it on TV but it was nothing short of devastating to see its effects in the eyes of this mother. And there are millions more like her. It is a shocking testament to the growth of poverty in the United States. The entire financial system is a fraud, and the criminals who run it have the nerve say its the best system the world has ever known. This is "best system"? One which traps millions in permanent poverty while the blood sucking predatory elite stays permanently rich? This is dhulm(oppression) and it has placed the majority of us in slavery. Bad enough that people are hungry but to watch their own children starve, that's nothing less then torture.
It also dawned on me that we Muslims despite all the work we've done, need to do more. Especially those of us who are fairly well off, living comfortably, not worried where our next meal is coming from. Prophet Muhammed(Sallah allihi Wa salam) said “Feed the hungry and visit a sick person, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.” Wherever she is now, I hope the mother I met last week is doing better and her children fed inshallah.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009


This Week in Freedumb of Speech : The usual suspects target Imam Khalid Yasin, again(yawn)

There was a time I used to wonder whether these are genuinely stupid people or just such shameless liars. That was then, this is now. Now we can refine it to an exact science. While Dutch racist, and all around shabbos goy Geert Wilders running rampant trying to whip up anti-Muslim hysteria via his failed fitna propumentary, the usual suspects are hopping mad that Imam Khalid Yasin was allowed into the Netherlands. Now I know that the Dutch aren't the brightest bunch out there, but come on. Its these geniuses who nurtured illegal immigrant fraudster Ayaan Hisrsi Magan as token colored anti-immigrant mascot, only to have her bring down their government when her scam was exposed. Yeah, definitely not MENSA material. You have wonder why people who prefer to elevate nonsense to discourse end up with criminals like Wilders.

Here we have the self-admitted Dutch Mossad agent posing with fellow shabbos goy Robert Spencer, who increasingly looks like a miniature Jewish settler thug in the Occupied territories. Oh, and Wilders himself spent years on an illegal "isreali" settlement.

So let me get this right, Wilders' should be allowed to do whatever he wants while Imam Khalid Yasin should not. Wilders and his aim to "ban" Islam in the Netherlands is fine, but Khalid Yasin giving lectures on Islam is not. That's the judeofascist definition of free speech for you.
Free speech does not merely consist of the ability to voice your view, it is to have an EQUAL PLATFORM TO BE HEARD! They went even further and blatantly lied that Imam Yasin had called for Wilders to be whipped. In fact Yasin said that Wilders deserved a 'judicial slap on the wrist' for his antics. Check it out :

I'm sure its an honest mistake, just like I believe that the Yasin's detractors having the same political, ethno radical criminal agenda ala Frontpagerag is just a mere coincidence.
So whats so "radical" about Yasin anyway? Nothing. Like many Muslim speakers, Yasin has been vilified by the same media which gives free publicity and champions charlatans like Wilders. This is what they call "radicalism":

Now it becomes clear why he's a "threat." I haven't really done justice to Wilders, but I will during this years
Shabbos Goyim Awareness Week. And yes, it'll be just wholesome as the last one.

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A Valentine for judeofascists

Since neo-Nazis have decided to rekindle their relationship with judeofascists(historically the two groups have worked together, and share much in common, their ethnocentrism, criminality and hatred of Muslims etc), I don't think the following clip will be deemed offensive. Nothing like a second honeymoon to spice up a stale marriage :

Notice the 3 shlomos running off at the sight of the prankster(had it been brothers, it would have been the opposite). Guess they'd have to call in the IDF for back up, and claim the clown fired a home made rocket at them.

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Friday, February 13, 2009


Windows 7 : not good enough

I'm currently using Windows 7 beta, and I'm not impressed. Granted that we're a long way from the final product, but its still not good enough. The good news is that its a much better then the ill fated Vista. The bad news is that XP is still going to be the OS to beat, and I'm not sure 7 is up to the task.

RAM usage is still atroiciously high and I don't see any gains in performence in comparison to XP. 7 will do well for those afflicted with Vista but for the XP crowd it may well be the time for a migration to Linux. My only problem is learning some of the Linux programming involved, but there is no question that its the best OS out there, so much so that it can even emulate any other operating system. And the price is just right : $0. Viruses? Nope. Spyware? A thing of the past. Oh, and did I mention that it comes with its own FREE office suite?

Is this the end of Microsoft? I don't think so, but they will definitely lose market share as computer manufacturers ship their machines with Linux. I think Bill Gates has made more then enough money at our expense. Time to move on to bigger and better things.

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Friday, January 30, 2009


Erdogan knocks it out of the park

There may be hope for Turkey yet...! Shame on the "world economic forum" for giving "israeli" war criminal Peres 25 minutes speaking time while trying to silence Erdogan.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009


The Satanic state of "israel" has NO right to exist

That’s right, I said it. And no, this isn’t a typical
MEMRI “mistranslation” or anything like that. I’m not the first and I won’t be the last to declare without hesitation that “israel”(the lower case and quotation marks are intentional) has NO right to exist whatsoever. I just found out that Norman Finkelstein called “Israel” a “satanic state,” check the video below. Strong language indeed for an atheist. Ceasefires come and go, but death and devastation remains. The Judeofascist cult of death uses chemical(white phosphorus), biological, and even nuclear weaponry(depleted uranium) on schools, homes, hospitals because their real aim is the complete annihilation of the Palestinian people and the establishment of "Eretz israel." That's been the plan from day one.

To think that I once entertained the thought that some sort of peace could be possible with these evil, mass murdering, inhuman, genocidal bastards. Enough is enough. No more Deir Yasins. No more Qanas. No more Jenins. No more Tom Hurndalls. No more James Millers. No more Rachel Corries. No more Muhammed al-Durrahs. No more "israel." Now more than ever it’s crystal clear that the transplanted Judeofascist colony has to go

Holocaust comparison(WWII Jews with Palestinians) photos provided by Persia1. Click for higher resolution.

Over 1300 Palestinian men, woman and children were targeted and murdered by the fifth largest army in the world using the most sophisticated weapons, and this massacre is called a "war"?. And these sociopaths complain of rockets fired in retaliation? Israel violated the ceasefire by killing various Hamas leaders while maintaining a 2 year long siege of Gaza, those are just some of the facts the Zionist MSM neglected to mention. "israel" planned(hat tip : Sam) this attack, just like they planned the attack on Lebanon 2 years ago. So yes, they deserve every rocket(which btw can’t even make a dent in asphalt, but only an idiot would think Palestinian would throw stones as their only weapon) fired in their direction. It's their homeland and they have every right to resist with extreme prejudice. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Note to the spineless Arab client regimes, your collaboration and silence will not be forgotten or forgiven.

Steph has the full details, with an extensive timeline .

I’m going to take aim at number of myths the usurper scum have invented to justify their criminal occupation, but first lets give them due credit for their pioneering trail blazing acts as :

1. The first aircraft hijacking was carried out by Israel in 1954 against a Syrian civilian airliner.

2. Grenades in cafes: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Jerusalem on 17 March 1937.

3. Delayed-action, electrically timed mines in crowded marketplaces: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Haifa on 6 July 1938.

4. Blowing up a ship with its civilian passengers still on board: first carried out by Zionists in Haifa
on 25 November 1940. The Zionists did not hesitate to blow up their own people in protest at the British policy of restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine. The ship, Patria, was carrying 1,700 Jewish immigrants.

5. Assassination of government officials: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Cairo, when on 6 November 1944 Lord Moyne was assassinated by the Stern Gang. Yitzhak Shamir, a member of the Irgun and later leader of the Stern Gang and Israeli prime minister, was behind the plan.

6. Use of hostages as a means of putting pressure on a government: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv on 18 June 1946.

7. Blowing up of government offices with their civilian employees and visitors: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946. The toll was 91 Britons killed and 46 wounded in the King David Hotel. Menachim Begin, who masterminded and carried out the attack and later became Israeli prime minister, admitted that the massacre was coordinated with and carried out under the instruction of the Haganah Zionist gang.

8. Booby-trapped suitcases: first used by the Zionists against the British Embassy in Rome on 13 October 1946.

9. Booby-trapped cars in civilian areas: first used by the Zionists against the British in Sarafand (east of Jaffa) on 5 December 1946.

10. Beating of hostages: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv, Netanya and Rishon on 29 December 1946.

11. Letter bombs sent to politicians: first used by the Zionists against Britain when 20 letter bombs were sent from Italy to London between 4 and 6 June 1947.

12. Murder of hostages as a reprisal for government actions: first used by the Zionists against
the British in the Netanya area on 29 July 1947.

13. Postal parcel bombs: first used by the Zionists against the British in London on 3 September 1947.

14. The massacre of Qibya, northwest of Jerusalem, was carried out by Unit 101, under the command of Ariel Sharon on Wednesday 14 October 1953. The attack was the bloodiest and most brutal Zionist crimes since the infamous Deir Yassin massacre. Forty-two houses as well as a school and a mosque were dynamited over their inhabitants. Seventy-five women, men and children were killed.

In 1950-1951, Israeli agents were dispatched to Iraq where they tossed hand grenades into the crowded Massauda Shem-Tov synagogue, causing numerous deaths, in order to blame it on the Iraqis and encourage reluctant Iraqi Jews to emigrate to Israel.
Zionist terror did not spare Jews. In 1940, Menachem Begin’s Irgun Zwei Leumi terrorist gang bombed the ship Patria in Haifa harbor, killing 240 Jewish refugees, so as to put the blame on the British for political gain.

Some other lesser known acts of terrorism :

Gaza City massacre:

5/4/1956 (Palestine): On the evening of Thursday, April 5, 1956, Zionist occupation forces fired 20-mm mortar artillery on the city of Gaza. The shelling was concentrated against the city center, which was teaming with civilians going about their day-to-day affairs. Most of the shelling was directed against Mukhtar Street, Palestine Square and nearby streets, as well as the Shuja'iyya district. As a result of this terrorist massacre carried out by gangs belonging to the Zionist Army against the Palestinian people, 56 people were killed and 103 were injured, the victims including men, women and children. Some of the wounded died subsequently, bringing the death toll to 60, including 27 women, 29 men and 4 children.

Al-Sammou massacre:

13 November 1966 (Palestine): Israeli forces raided this village, destroyed 125 houses, the village clinic and school as well as 15 houses in a neighboring village. 18 people were killed and 54 wounded.

Aitharoun Massacre:

1975 (Lebanon) :The 1sraelis perpetrated this massacre starting with a booby-trapped bomb. Then Israeli's detained three brothers, and killed them. They threw their bodies on the road. 9 civilians were killed, 23 were wounded.

Kawnin Massacre:

15/10/1975(Lebanon): An Israeli tank deliberately ran over a car carrying 16
people, and none of them escaped death.

Hanin Massacre :

16/10/1976(Lebanon): After a two- month siege and hours of shelling, the occupation forces stormed the village and turned it into a bloodbath. 20 persons were martyred.

Bint Jbeil Massacre :

21/10/1976(Lebanon):The crowded market was the target of a sudden barrage of Israeli bombs, slaughtering a lot of people. 23 were killed, 30 were wounded.

Abbasieh Massacre :

17/3/1978 (Lebanon): During the invasion of 1978, the Israeli warplanes destroyed the mosque of the town on the heads of the women, children and the elderly who used the holy place as a shelter from the heavy Israeli shelling. 80 persons were martyred.

Adloun Massacre :

17/3/1978 (Lebanon): At Adloun on march 17, two cars carrying 8 passengers came under Israeli fire while they were on their way to Beirut. One passenger only escaped death.

Saida Massacre :

4/4/1981 (Lebanon) :One of Saida’s residential areas was targeted by the Israeli artillery which resulted in killing of many civilians and damaging many buildings. 20 persons were killed, 30 were wounded.

Fakhani Massacre :

17/7/1981 (Lebanon):A horrible massacre took place when Israeli warplanes raided a crowded residential area using the most developed weapons killing and wounding many citizens. 150 persons were killed, 600 were wounded.

Beirut Massacre :

17/7/1981 (Lebanon)Israeli warplanes staged several raids on many parts of Beirut, Ouzai, Ramlet Al baida, fakhani, chatila and the area of the Arab University, killing many citizens. 150 persons were killed, 600 were wounded.

Jibsheet Massacre :

27/3/1984(Lebanon): The occupation forcers’ tanks and helicopters fired at a crowded people killing many civilians. 7 persons were martyred, 10 were wounded.

Sohmor Massacre :

19/9/1984 (Lebanon): The occupation forces stormed the town with tanks, and military vehicles and ordered the inhabitants to congregate at the town's mosque where they fired at them. 13 martyrs, 12 wounded.

Seer Al Garbiah Massacre :

23/3/1985 (Lebanon): The massacre took place at Al- Husseinieh building where people took shelter from the shelling of the Israeli soldiers who stormed the town with a huge number of military vehicles.7 persons were martyred.

Maaraka Massacres:

5/3/1985(Lebanon): The occupation forces planted an explosive device in the Husseinieh building of the town .It was detonated during the distribution of aid to the citizens who lost their lives. 15 persons were killed.

Zrariah Massacre :

11/3/1985 (Lebanon): Following heavy shelling the occupation forces stormed the town with about 100 vehicles and perpetrated a butchery, killing children, women and the elderly. 22 civilians were slaughtered.

Homeen Al-Tahta Massacre :

21/3/1985(Lebanon): After attacking the village with 140 army vehicles, the occupation forces ordered the inhabitants to gather at the school of the village. They then destroyed it over their heads. 20 innocent people were martyred.

Jibaa Massacre :

30/3/1985 (Lebanon): A huge enemy force attacked the town and put it under siege. When some people tried to escape the siege, the enemy soldiers fired at them, killing and wounding them. 5 people were killed, 5 were wounded.

Yohmor Massacre :

13/4/1985 (Lebanon): At one O’clock in the morning, an Israeli armored force entered the town using civilian cars and opened fire at the houses which resulted in the killing of 10 people, among them a family of six people.

Tiri massacre :

17/8/1986 (Lebanon): Merciless crimes against civilians increased in the town with the occupation forces cutting the hands and ears from the head. 4 persons were killed, 79 were crippled and wounded.

Al-Naher Al-Bared Massacre (Palestinian camp):

11/12/1986(Lebanon): The Israeli warplanes raided this Palestinian refugee camp killing many of the refugees. 20 people were killed , 22 were wounded.

Ain Al-Hillwee Massacre(Palestinian Camp) :

5/9/1987(Lebanon): The enemy jet fighters launched two raids killing 31 and wounding 41 others. The refugees were hit by a thin raid while they were evacuating casualties, 34 more being killed.

Oyon Qara massacre :

20 May 1990, an Israeli soldier lined up Palestinian labors and murdered seven of them with a sub-machine gun. 13 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in subsequent demonstrations at the massacre.

Siddiqine Massacre:

25/7/1990(Lebanon): The Israeli warplanes bombed a house, among the 3 killed a four year old child.

See a pattern?

That's just the tip of the ice berg, here's the Cliffnote version :

6 wars
4 million Palestinian Refugees
3 million Occupied
254 km of an Apartheid Wall
562 Humiliation-check-points
20K Political-prisoners
468,831 new settlers on an Occupied land
Disappearance of Palestine
Destruction of 350 Churches & Mosques
World Leader in UN Violations, at 69
Has Killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country 50,000+
Has Imprisoned more civilians per capita 250,000+
Has rendered more civilians Handicapped per capita 50,000+

Onto the myth busting :

Israeli has a “divine claim” to Palestine

Total rubbish. Zionism is an atheistic political ideology founded by non-Semitic Askhenazi Khazars from East Europe. How exactly do they reconcile their atheism with religious delusions of living 5000 years in the past with God as their real estate agent? Oh, but I forget these usurpers have “racialized” Judiasm. And please don’t waste my time with the outdated 19th century European definition of anti-Semitism i.e. Jews only. The vast majority of Semites in the world are Arabs(Muslims, Christians and Jews). Deal with it.

Essentially the term anti-Semite has been hijacked and reduced to the mere definition of anti-zionist, and it is ludicrous and ridiculous, since 90% of today's world Jews don't have any direct or indirect link with the original Hebrews. Since they do not originate from that "part of the world", and do not belong to that particular ethnic group, they cannot call themselves Semite. They are only "Semite" by derivative assimilation. The fact of living in Cairo-Egypt or being of Muslim confession doesn't make a Japanese person into an Arab. He does become a Muslim, but his place of residence, his citizenship, his faith (or conversion) doesn't magically impact or transmute his ethnicity or genetic background, into something else. Today's use of Semitism is as ridiculous as the use of Aryanism of yesteryear.

What about US pressure?

The answer to this question can go on forever so I’m going to make it short. If any evidence is needed that Israel calls the shots in the US, look no further then the murder of Rachel Corrie. She was the American peace activist who was bulldozed to death in broad daylight, in front of cameras by the Israelis. And guess what? Not a peep out of a single American politician. Adding insult to injury, she was dismissed as a mentally unstable woman by the criminal Zionist fifth column. “Saint Pancake” they called her. Even The play My Name Is Rachel Corrie was canceled thanks to them. Forget “freedom of speech,” this is a clear case of the tail wagging the dog.

“israel” makes the Intel chip in your computer.

Wrong. You might as well claim that Indians invented modern telecommunications due to the outsourced call center industry. Intel outsourced its operations to Israel in the 1970s, and having a research and development in Haifa doesn’t make them an “Israeli” company. Nevertheless, I have never purchased an Intel product and have no intention of doing so. Stick with AMD(their new Phenom II 940 Quad core chip whips Intel's chips, sans the i7).

The mythical Palestinian-Nazi connection

Being the professional liars that they are, “israel’s” amen corner has used a visiting German delegation in Palestine from back in the 1930s as evidence of “collaboration with German Nazis.” Nothing could be further from the truth. There were no gas chambers in Palestine, nor did any Palestinians serve in Hitler’s army. Oh, but what about the Mufti of Jerusalem meeting Hitler? Curb your enthusiasm schmucks. The Mufti was an enemy of the British, who controlled Palestine. He wanted invading Jewish terrorists out of his country.

Conveniently left out is the fact that hundreds of thousands of Muslims fought in their respective colonial armies for both French and British against the Nazis. Interestingly enough, over a hundred thousand Jews served in Hitler’s army. Even more revealing is the fact that Avraham Stern, the leader of the Zionist terrorist “Stern Gang,” late in 1940, made a written proposal to Hitler, by which the Jewish militias in Palestine, would fight on “Germany’s side,” in the war against England, in exchange for the Nazis help in resolving the “Jewish Question” in Europe, and their assistance in creating an “historic Jewish state.” The Zionists and the Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews emigrate to Palestine. Read more about it in "51 documents : Zionist collaboration with the Nazis."

Speaking of allying with Nazis, the fastest way to make Zionists fill their pants is to bring up the decades old friendship between “Israel” and Apartheid South Africa. That’s right, while the rest of the world shunned them, “israel” forged a friendship so intimate that Apartheid South Africa become a nuclear armed state thanks to “Israeli” uh “expertise”(theft and espionage) in the field.

Palestinians need to “recognize” “israel”

Putting aside the fact Palestinian leadership(including Hamas who did so by endorsing the Saudi Peace Plan of 2002) have “recognized”(coerced, a pre-condition to even have a place at the negotiating table) “Israel.” Take a look at the following map :

Who and what exactly are Palestinians supposed to recognize? The “israel” of 1948, or 1967, 1973, or 2009? “israel” doesn’t define its borders and hence is not a state. It’s an expanding military barracks, not a nation. Palestinians have no obligation giving the invaders of their homeland any sort of recognition whatsoever, never mind the fact that “Israelis” have never recognized the Palestinians as a people. A state may have a right to exist, but not absolutely at the expense of other states, or more important, at the expense of millions of human individuals and their rights to justice. Why should anyone concede Israel's "right" to exist, when it has never even acknowledged the foundational crimes of murder and ethnic cleansing by means of which Israel took our towns and villages, our farms and orchards, and made us a nation of refugees? Why should any Palestinian "recognize" the monstrous crime carried out by Israel's founders and continued by its deformed modern apartheid state, while he or she lives 10 to a room in a cinderblock, tin-roof United Nations hut? These are not abstract questions, and it is not rejectionist simply because we have refused to abandon the victims of 1948 and their descendants.

As Golda Meir said “there is no such thing as a Palestinian." And who can forget Ben Gurion’s take on peace :

”Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it’s true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations’ time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it’s simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army. Our whole policy is there. Otherwise the Arabs will wipes us out”. (The Jewish Paradox by Nahum Goldman, p. 99)

“The Arabs cannot accept the existence of Israel. Those who accept it are not normal. The best solution for the [Palestinian] Arabs in Israel is to go and live in the Arab states—in the framework of a peace treaty or transfer.” (Simha Flapan, p. 99)

I’ll stop here, and save the rest for Judeofascist Awareness Week 2009. What’s that? Waiting for the Messiah you say? Oh they'll get their "Messiah" alright. Don’t worry it won’t be long before the Judeofascists and their Armagedonist fake Christian shabbos goyim get their wish at the side of Dajjal. But guess what? One day they'll stand in a difference court in front in front of another Judge, and and on that that day يَوْمَئِذ ٍ تُحَدِّثُ أَخْبَارَهَا Yawma'idhin Tuĥaddithu 'Akhbārahā (99:04), there will be hell to pay. Here's a wonderful preview of things to come :

Excuse the wacky fonts, blogger sucks...

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The "Muslim Canadian Congress" supports Zionist terrorism

I know I'm behind on my definitive post on the terrorist "state" of "israel," but I had to bring this to everyone's attention. The neocon front organization known as the "Muslim Canadian Congress" aka "aging and homeless Pakistani Communists eager for a dollar" has come out in full support of "israel's" assault on Gaza. What a surprise.
They've done this by repeating the bald faced lie that Hamas initiated hostilities and is responsible for the current carnage in Gaza. They completely ignore the FACT that "israel" violated the ceasefire by killing Hamas leaders, while keeping Gaza under a seige for nearly 2 years effectively starving the Palestinians. Here are some more FACTS. "Why won't Hamas fire rockets into Egypt for its role in the blockade?" they ask. Despite the Egyptian governments role in the seige, Egypt is the only lifeline Gaza has through its network of underground tunnels. Besides, is Egypt occupying Palestinian territory, building settlements? What a bunch of callous ignorant bastards the MCC are. They did throw in a half hearted in there about how "inexcusable" Israel's "response" is. Yeah maybe I'll believe that when I don't find the MCC's founder Tarek "I did it for the Biryani" Fatah in bed with Judeofascist maggot David Horowitz. This is the same MCC which is linked to the neocon affiliated "American Islamic Forum for Democracy," "Center for Islamic Pluralism," "British muslims for secular democracy" and other fraudulent outfits masquerading as legitimate Muslim organizations.

On a related note, Zionist censorship is still the order of the day on YouTube as our friend Joe of the Sludge Report updates us on his situation :

Well said, Joe. Theres more substance in this brave man's waste products then the entire sum of the MCC and the spineless sycophants I listed above.

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Saturday, January 03, 2009


This week in Freedumb of Speech

The electronic iron curtain is coming down. As Judeofascist barbarians continue their murderous rampage into Gaza, their internet Haganists(including a censorship outfit calling itself "the Jewish Internet Defense Force") are working hard against any opposition to Israeli terrorism. What better place then the popular YouTube site? Dozens of accounts have been suspended with hundreds of videos no longer available. This really shouldn't come as a surprise as the criminal ADL has now partnered up with YouTube to combat "hate on the internet" aka "any opposition to Zionism and its crimes."

And its not only Muslims(the immensely talented sister Roqayah being one of the first causalities) on YouTube who have been targeted, but anyone critical of Israel. Wonder where "free speech" crowd disappeared to? Lets take a look shall we?

The Sludge Report



..and this re-uploaded "offensive video"

Its painfully obvious that the usual suspects won't be satisfied until they control the internet itself. If they can get away with this on YouTube, then Blogger is next. Both are owned by Google. So if this blog disappears, you know what happened(don't worry you'll still get your fix at drmaxtor2.wordpress.com). My advice? Backup your blogs, and keep re-uploading your videos on other sites.
Next up, my definitive post on the "state" of "israel." And it won't be pretty.

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Monday, December 29, 2008


PNAC pirate map

This was sent to me by a classmate from Med school. Some of the details are debatable but it should make for an interesting wall paper.

Click on it for higher resolutuon.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008


Rock on, Rabbi

Zionism has got to go.

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Friday, December 26, 2008


Raheel Raza's not-so-strange bedfellows...

I told you so. Not that she's worth a post or anything(I'm doing this solely for bragging rights) like that but it is now clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that the proggies are in bed with neocons. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. While its true that "progressive Islam" was an abysmal failure, many of the perpetrators have now openly jumped on the neocon bandwagon.
Naeem Siddiqi has an excellent post on Raheel Raza's open colloboration with the usual suspects. Raheel who? She's basically the female verison of Tarek "T-Fat" Fatah and, was profiled as 2006's #9 pro-regressive idiot. Naeem's post details Raza's work on the neocon "American Thinker" site(L). So how American is the "American Thinker"? check out this line from their intro section "The right to exist and the survival of the State of Israel are of great importance to us." Nuff said. Nice try buddy, but Shabbos Goyism isn't exactly a secret anymore.
Buts that's not all, Raza also writes for "Islamist watch"( definition of "Islamist" for the 3569th time :
A totally stupid meaningless word that attempts to Anglicize an Arabic word, advertise it as intellectual and with deep meaning while actually only superficially pretending to bypass the connotations that are invariably associated with it by its religious context. In reality, it's those connotations and the religious context which are being manipulated to put the religion of Islam in new, hateful, bigoted, misrepresented terminology) a project at the Middle East forum. That would be the same "Middle East Forum" run by Daniel Pipes(profiled on day 4 of Judeofascist Awareness Week). Coincidence? I don't think so. Read Naeem's post for the full details.
Oh, and Raza(an Ahmedi cult member, the Suspect Paki can tell you all about them) also plugs neocon Stephen Schwartz aka "Comrade Sandalio's" book. The credibility(whats left of it) of the MSM is further damaged as the only "Muslims" featured favorably are green card seeking charlatans and homeless third world communist sycophants yelping for Zionist patronage, with no links whatsoever to the Muslim community. Just remember Miss Piggy, political prostitution only goes so far.

Before I forget, two excellent additions to the blogroll : Pak Alert Press and Ethnic Ashkenazim against Zionist Israel. Do check them out.

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Sunday, December 14, 2008


The shoe heard around the world

This guy made my day

Not a bad duck for a lame duck!

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Thursday, December 11, 2008


The 10 commandments of Zionism, and Mumbai madness

1) Thou shall commit BLASPHEMY
2) Thou shall MURDER Palestinians
3) Thou shall STEAL Palestinian land
4) Thou shall INCITE HATRED against Muslims
5) Thou shall commit FALSE FLAG attacks

6) Thou shall pretend to be SEMITES

7) Thou shall Call Anti-Zionist Jews SELF HATERS

8) Thou shall HIDE behind the U.S.(and false flag attack them as well)

9) Thou shall LIE about Bani Quinuqa and Bani Quraiza

10) Thou shall pretend to be SECULAR

Speaking of their 4th commandment, I am firmly convinced that the Mumbai attacks was a classical case of false flagging in the tradition of the
Lavon affair and attack on the USS Liberty. Its crystal clear that the objective is to both break up Pakistan and remove its nuclear capability. I realize this is going against most of nonsense put out by the MSM, but if there is one lesson to be learned in the last decade its that they simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth. And no, I am not a Pakistani. While we as Muslims condemn such acts, we should not apologize for them. Heres why :

India: Civil Rights or Civil War?
India shocked my discovery of Hindu RSS false flag terror cell
Mumbai False Flag Attack : Gathering Evidence
The Attack on Mumbai
The Pak Alert Press on the latest updates

Oh, and just what the heck are the Chabad Lubovich doing in Mumbai? The Chabad Lubovitchers have been implicated in a string of criminal activities around the globe - from money laundering to Ecstacy manufacturing and muling to diamond smuggling to immigrant labor violations at their now bankrupt medieval abattoir in Postville, Ohio. Lubavitchers have put together a network that is incomparable for corporate and international espionage as well as for the secret exchange of information. Because Chabad Houses could potentially act as safe houses, where there would be no record of a person's stay, the Lubavitcher outreach network is far superior to that of Aish HaTorah for covert operations. Nor is it a coincidence that the RSS, VHP Hindutva brigade and judeofascists are on excellent terms.
Since they don't proselytize, nor do they minister to Indian Jews(most of whom are in Israel), I'm curious as to what exactly do they mean when they claim to be doing "God's work" in Mumbai in the tradition of Mother Teresa. Last I recall Mother Teresa did her work in slums helping the poor and destitute, not living it up next to a 5 star hotel kicking it the high rollers in India's financial district. Perhaps they were catching up on the latest Bollywood flicks?
I'll let Ben Gurion answer that one :

The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”

-David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Turn off your cell phone, akh....

No, there will be no obligatory Obama post. "Change"? This is hype I don't believe in, and this time next year there will be a lot of broken hearts abound. Call me a skeptic(I prefer realist), but I've been around long enough to know what politicians are, and what they aren't capable of.
Now that we're all sobered up, let discuss a real issue, and a constant irritant in our lives : Cell phones in the Masjid.
Putting aside the fact that I loathe these infernal electronic leashes, this is an issue of akhlaq and adab. I understand that some people need to be available. Some employees need to be on call. Or people have children, and like to be available in case one of them becomes sick and needs to be picked up from school. But these situations are different. During Tarawih salah I remember guys checking their cell phones after every 2 rakats. "Did the President call back?" I sarcastically asked one brother. Nobody called, nobody left a message, nobody cares how flat and shiny it is, nobody cares that you can surf the net, text message, take pictures, or wipe your behind with it. Rarely does a Jummah go by where a stupid ringtone can't be heard during the Khutbah. Turn off that damn thing, or at least put in on silent or vibrate.
Don't even get me started on children running about while their parents(generally Arabs) remain oblivious to their behavior. The Masjid isn't a day care center or a wired coffee shop, so clean up your act. On a brighter note, I did see an upset brother get his car towed for parking in the red lane yesterday.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


There is no honor in dying for a barrel of oil

I've been told that Colin Powell is back on the "path of redemption" by defending Muslims on last week's Meet the Press. He brought up the case of one particular Muslim American, twenty year old Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan who served in the US army and was killed in Iraq. Powell mentioned Khan’s death to underscore why he was deeply troubled by Republican personal attacks on Obama, especially false intimations that he was Muslim. He then tells us that the picture of Khan's mother grieving at her son's grave "moved" him, and that bigotry against Muslim Americans is wrong. Aww how nice and sweet of him...one problem though : Powell's WMD lies got Khan killed.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Let me refresh your memories a tad bit

Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan wasn't a hero, he was a brainwashed immigrant mercenary who died for a lie and a barrel of oil(which currently sells for around $70). A useful idiot if you will. Its not polite to speak ill of the dead but courtesy goes out the door when it comes to justifying an illegal war, the murder of 1.2 million Iraqis, the displacement of millions more as refugees in their own country reduced to miserable poverty and exploitation. Abu Gharib ring a bell? Torture? Rape? What was 14 year old Abeer Qassim Hamza's crime when she was gang raped, and murdered along with her family by US solders? This is "liberation"? Call it what it is : Terrorism, and no these are not isolated cases.
Lets be clear on this, you can't be against the war and "support the troops." Those would be the people who are carrying out the war. Its been almost six years since the war began, and its time people quit fooling themselves with this feel good horse manure.
Powell's place in history is secured, as a war criminal and an utter disgrace to humanity. Save the sympathies and condolences for innocent children like Abeer and millions of other men and woman suffering from relentless biting oppression. And on that note, here's some advice to anyone aspiring to be cannon fodder:

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Chasing a dollar : The sycophantic delusions of Tarek Fatah

It’s been a while since we last visited our good friend T-Fat. You remember him don’t you? Refresh your memory here :

My interview with T-Fat

Crowned #1 pro-regressive idiot in 2005 and 2006.

Canadian Muslims blast T-Fat

T-Fat quits!

I recently told an idiotic communist on Altmuslim(I know, I really should quit that site, but the temptation to play whack-a-marxist is too great) : What did Marxism, this greatest of human social experiments, achieve for its poor citizens, at this most bloody cost in lives? Nothing positive. It left in its wake an economic, environmental, social and cultural disaster. One such disaster is the failure marred career of Tarek Fatah. For those people who thought I was rough with this warbling mass of Punjabi inanity, I present to you the Pillsberry dough boys uglier brown brother's final and full transformation from a goofy failed immigrant politician/native informant to a card carrying Neocon stooge. Communism is indeed the gateway drug to this pathology of politically motivated transvestism, and it pays well. Yes, I told you so.

You see, Tarek has published his "memoirs," a forgettable book being plugged by the usual suspects, sprinkled with the same old failed narrative about the phantom menace of "Islamism" we've been hearing about since forever. For those who don't know, Islamist is up there with jihadist and now wahhabist.A totally stupid meaningless word that attempts to Anglicize an Arabic word, advertise it as intellectual and with deep meaning while actually only superficially pretending to bypass the connotations that are invariably associated with it by its religious context. In reality, it's those connotations and the religious context which are being manipulated to put the religion of Islam in new, hateful, bigoted, misrepresented terminology.

Once Tarek's book ends up in 99c stores be sure to add it to your pile of loo reading classics. But what drew my attention was T-Fat's interview(google it) on FrontPageMag. Yes, thats the same internet neocon rag founded by judeofascist David Horowitz(remember "islamofascist awareness week"?), hosting the foam filled extremist rantings of Jewish terrorists and their supporters, Robert Spencer, Joe Kaufman etc. Reading the interview I couldn't help but laugh at what a bloody farce it was. This is truly Twilight zone material, folks.

Fatah claims to be a Muslim, yet throughout the interview demonstrates that he knows nothing about Islam or Muslims, instead he comes across as a bumbling sycophantic idiot reading from an old tattered kosher script. Nowhere is this better demonstrated when he was asked about the Banu Qurayza, the treacherous Arabian Jewish tribe which violated the treaty of Medina. In an apologetic tone Fatah admitted to being "embarassed" at this and utterly failed to present the facts. Here is the true story of Banu Qurayza :

So they were punished according to the laws of the Old Testament. There you have it, another judeofascist lie exposed and refuted. Read it and weep, Shlomos.

Back to to T-Fat...let there be no doubt this opportunist bottom feeder is bought and paid for. But where else could this turd of a charlatan go but into the arms of those who are open and hostile enemies of the Muslim community?

But we can still learn something from this fiasco: if you're a lying, untalented, obese, homeless, third world inferiority complex ridden, green card seeking Communist dreg devoid of morals, principles, character, integrity, values, willing to sell yourself to the highest bidder....you might just make it. You might be another Tarek Fatah.

Just don't come back crying when your shelf life has expired and you've been discarded like the useful shabbos goy idiot that you are, biryani boy.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008


This week in Freedumb of Speech

Interesting about what doesn't make it to print in "free" societies, eh?

More on Malcolm Evans.

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Monday, October 06, 2008


Announcing Judeofascist Awareness Week 2008

So much to blog about but so little time. The financial meltdown(I'm loving every moment of it, riba sucks doesn't it?), the irrelevant upcoming election between CFR stooges Obama and McCain, I could go on and on. How about this example of rampant stupidity common amongst the sheep :
Frankly I'm more offended at the spelling. Would be fairly accurate to surmise that we're dealing with a triploid junior high drop out? Most probably a charter member of the "The Cheetos-Eating in My Mom's Basement While salivating off to Internet Porn Institute for the Defense of America, Free Enterprise, and Western Civilization."
But enough easy shots to those paralyzed from the neck up.
Thanks to the antics of the usual suspects, I've decided to do a second Judeofascist Awareness Week(along with a Shabbos Goy Awareness Week thrown in for good measure). I wasn't sure about doing it this year, but the chemical attack on the Dayton Ohio Masjid after the free distribution of the anti-Muslim propaganda DVD "Obsession" demands otherwise. Guess who's behind it? A Jewish "charity" based in Israel called the "Aish Hatora." According to the St.Petersburg times investigative report : “Clarion's address, according to Manhattan directory assistance, is the same address as Aish HaTorah International, a fundraising arm of Aish HaTorah. The Clarion Fund and Aish HaTorah International are also connected to a group called HonestReporting, which produced Obsession. Honest­Reporting's 2006 tax return uses the same address.” IN lamens terms : Judeofascists.
A new website has been set up(very late in my opinion) to counter the scum, heres a preview of the "pundits" Obsessed with Hate"

Daniel Pipes (profiled on DAY 4 of Judeofascist Awareness Week 2007)

Daniel Pipes is the founder of CampusWatch, a private watchdog group that monitors Middle East Studies on college campuses where he seeks to promote hardline pro-Israeli stances and limit alternative viewpoints. Critics accuse him of seeking to stifle free speech on Israel-related issues, especially with those who do not share his views. He is also founder of the dubious Middle East Forum.

Pipes has previously stated that, "Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene... All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most" and that "In its long history of immigration, the United States has never encountered so violence-prone and radicalized a community as the Muslims who have arrived since 1965."

He is also on the record stating that the enfranchisement of American Muslims is bad and a threat to Jews: "I worry very much from the Jewish point of view that the presence, and increased stature, and affluence, and enfranchisement of American Muslims....will present true dangers to American Jews."

Learn more about the "Pipes Methodology"

Steven Emerson

Steven Emerson has amassed a reputation for going through great lengths in an order to link any and all mainstream Muslim leaders to Radicalism one way or another. As a self-styled journalist, his pretentious "grapevine" tactics are widely disavowed as a contemporary form of McCarthyism. His prime goal according to the Wall Street Journal is "to whitewash Israeli governments and revile their critics."

Emerson routinely tries to sell himself off as a private investigator and Middle East terrorism expert. Yet in 1995, his "investigative expertise" led him to conclude with certainty that Muslims are behind the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. This misguided and premature accusation led to "a backlash against the American Muslim community during the first few days after the explosion."

Emerson is not secretive about his anti-Muslim views, for example he claimed in a March 1995 article in Jewish Monthly that Islam "sanctions genocide, planned genocide, as part of its religious doctrine."

Read more about Steven Emerson's disturbing track record.

Walid Shoebat (profiled on DAY 2 of Shabbos Goy Awareness Week 2007)

Walid Shoebat is a member of an apocalyptic religious group known as Christians United for Israel (CUFI). He claims to have converted to Christianity from Islam. Reports suggest that Shoebat never knew his Muslim father and was raised by his Christian mother. Shoebat is a self confessed “ex-terrorist.” He unapologetically flaunts his dubious credentials as a way to garner attention and interest, especially in the media and on the college speaking circuit. Critics have wondered why he is left on the loose as an ex-terrorist, while others have accused him of concocting his life story and using a fake name to eclipse his true identity.

While Shoebat has been embraced by some Jewish groups for his unabashed support of Israel, his extreme views and vitriolic language has also caused many Jews to distance themselves from him and to question his agenda. Shoebat stated that, "Islam is not the religion of God – Islam is the devil." At other times, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle, he has stated that Islam is a "Satanic Cult." At a college speech in Milwaukee, he told a group of 1,000 mostly Midwestern students that "Palestinians keep Jewish testicles and breasts in jars."

Recently, Shoebat’s credibility has taken a notable plunge to the point where fellow Islamophobes who used to praise him in the past are now distancing themselves from him. Debbie Schlussel(profiled on DAY 2 of Judeofascist Awareness Week 2007) has come out categorically describing Shoebat as a "serial harasser, plagiarist, and fake terrorist." She also states that "this was a business for him." She also revealed that an irrate Shoebat told her, "F-k You, Bitch!" in a conversation over the phone.

Brigitte Gabriel (profiled on DAY 1 of Shabbos Goy Awareness Week 2007)

New York Times Magazine describes Brigitte Gabriel as a "radical Islamophobe." She has publicly stated that "the difference between Israel and the Arab world is the difference between civilization and barbarism." "It’s the difference between good and evil... They have no soul!," she said.

Gabriel is also coming out with a book titled They Must Be Stopped, it is clear who "they" are according to her, as she stated that "every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim." Her own publicist has described her views as "extreme."

In an interview with Jason Frenkel of The Australian Jewish News, Frenkel failed repeatedly to get Gabriel to acknowledge that there are practicing Muslims who don't espouse hatred and have extreme views of the world, including his friends. She seethed at Frenkel and declared that "a practising Muslim who goes to mosque every Friday, prays five times a day, and who believes that the Koran is the word of God, and who believes that Mohammed is the perfect man and (four inaudible words) is a radical Muslim." She also claimed that "Islamo-fascism is a politically-correct word...it's the vehicle for Islam...Islam is the problem."

Israel eNews reported that Gabriel said "Barack Obama is an anti-Semite, no Jews should support him. Jews should vote for Hillary Clinton." Palm Beach County federation's CEO, Jeffrey Klein said Gabriel frequently speaks to Jewish groups and came with many references. One of the speaker topics listed on her Web site is "the threat of Islam to world peace and national security." United Jewish Communities President Howard Rieger said this was the first he had heard of Gabriel. Referring to her comments on Obama, he added, "I wish that people that express those views would simply go away."

Nonie Darwish

Nonie Darwish Nonie Darwish is the creator of the website "Arabs for Israel" where she seeks to promote her Messianic Evangelical vision of unconditional support for Israel in order to pave the way for the second coming of Christ. She tells Israelis and Jews to support the apartheid wall that effectively partitions portions of the West Bank while at the same time encouraging Israelis and Jews not to work for a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

She is also the author of Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror. In that book, she gives conflicting accounts of her identity: she stresses that she is not "anti-Arab or anti-Islamic, and even suggests from time to time that she is still a Muslim. Then she pivots nimbly and attacks "the Arab mind," "the seething Arab street," and "the Muslim world," with its "culture of jihad," "culture of death," and "culture of envy." There are "no real distinctions between moderate or radical Muslims," and no significant differences within or among Arab or Muslim cultures. For Darwish, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser's secular Arab nationalism was essentially Islamic jihadist.

Darwish holds simplistic views on the Middle-East that seem to demonize the Arab/Palestinian/Muslim side: "I realized that the Arab-Israeli conflict is not a crisis over land, but a crisis of hate, lack of compassion, ingratitude, and insecurity." Rather than sound scholarship, Darwish offers us a watered-down version of Raphael Patai's The Arab Mind: a dictionary of Islamophobic commonplaces, underwritten by the authority of an ex-Muslim native informant: "I was there -- I know."

Caroline Glick

Caroline Glick Caroline Glick was the assistant policy advisor to the former ultra right-wing Prime Minister of Israel Binyamin Netanyahu who in July 2006 commemorated the terrorist attack that took place on the King David Hotel in 1946 killing 92 people including civilians and nurses. This prompted the British Ambassador to Tel Aviv to state: "We do not think that it is right for an act of terrorism, which led to the loss of many lives, to be commemorated."

She has been on the record supporting and praising Pastor John Hagee and his Christians United for Israel or CUFI; an extremist evangelical organization that promote end times ideology.

She is also the senior fellow of Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy, a far right Neo-conservative think-tank. The Center believes in “Peace through Strength” which should be “used in maintaining peace and stability,” neo-Conservative double speak for “pre-emptive” war.

In a recent article entitled “It is Time to Act” she advocates the bombing of Iran as well as the overthrow of the Iranian government: “Today, there is only one way to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Israel must bomb Iran's nuclear installations. All an Israeli air strike against Iran's nuclear facilities will do is set its nuclear program back for a couple of years. Such a strike will buy Israel and the rest of the world time. If Israel and the US are wise, they will use the extra time to ratchet up international economic sanctions on Iran. They will use the time to conduct covert operations against nuclear and regime targets. They will use the time to increase international pressure on countries that do business with Iran and sell it arms. And they will use the time that an Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities will buy to support Iranian democracy movements and so weaken the regime and perhaps eventually topple it."

This is the same drivel that we heard before in the lead up to the Iraq War and we must ask ourselves if we are ready for such demagogues and pro-war activists to be given any legitimacy as “experts” when it is clear they are serving their own selfish agendas at the expense of American lives and trillions of tax-payer dollars.

Itamar Marcus

Itamar Marcus is, according to Wikipedia, an Israeli settler from the religious Zionist settlement of Efrat in the West Bank and founder of the dubious Palestinian Media Watch which, under the guise of objectivity and peace, sets out to expose what is portrayed in Palestinian Media.

In an article entitled “Aspiration not Desperation: The Islamic Blood Cult” he characterizes Palestinian society and its Islamic roots as equivalent to the descriptions of ancient Biblical pagan blood cults “In the ancient world, there was widespread belief that the deity wanted humans to die as the ultimate form of worship. People gave their children to the deity of Molech and the Baal. This ancient belief has now returned to plague the world.” He intentionally frames the conflict as having been created out of a vacuum, linking it’s origins to Islam rather than to issues of occupation, and violence. It’s as though he implies Palestinians woke up one day and wished to kill them selves because they love blood so much and it’s what their God requests from them.

He also portrays Palestinians and Muslims as barbarians, who don’t love life and are less than human.

Khaled Abu Toameh

Khaled Abu Toameh is an Israeli Arab journalist who works for the right-wing Jerusalem Post and has also been a frequent contributor to the Middle East Quarterly; a journal that is part of the publication of the Middle East Forum created by arch Islamophobe Daniel Pipes and Michael Rubin.

He is also a speaker with the propaganda-prone, Hasbara Fellowship Speakers Bureau, which seeks to educate and train “university students to be effective pro-Israel activists on their campuses.” “Hasbara Fellowships, started in 2001 in conjunction with Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, brings hundreds of students to Israel every summer and winter, giving them the information and tools to return to their campuses as leaders in the fight for Israel's image.”

He feigns to write objectively and with an insider’s knowledge, but the description of a “useful token native” fits him more accurately. The titles of his pieces give his agenda away, we read such polemical claptrap as, “Telling the Truth about the Palestinians, If I speak in the Arab World I will be Shot,” etc.

He has also been quoted as stating that Bush is “the savior of the Arab masses” As Melanie Phillips (a rightwing extremist Islamophobe) reported: Abu Toameh seems to believe that Bush's hard-line attitude is exactly the wake-up call the Arabs need to get their act together.

Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz is a professor of Law who stated that Robert Kennedy’s assassination was the beginning of Islamic Terrorism: “It was in some ways the beginning of Islamic terrorism in America. It was the first shot. A lot of us didn’t recognize it at the time.” What is quite ironic and revealing is that the assassin was no other than Sirhan Sirhan an Arab Christian. It seems Alan Dershowitz cannot distinguish between a Muslim and a Christian. Maybe to him all Arabs are the same?

This is the same psychology that leads him on his witch hunt against renowned Professor Dr. Norman Finkelstein an outspoken critic of Israel. His crusade lead to Prof. Finkelstein being denied tenure at DePaul University, a move that raised many questions about his academic integrity and commitment to free speech.

John Loftus

President of The Intelligence Summit and of the Florida Holocaust Museum. According to Wikipedia “John J. Loftus is the author and co-author of several controversial books on Nazis, espionage, and similar topics including The Belarus Secret (1982), Unholy Trinity: How the Vatican’s Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets (1992), The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People (1994), Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks (1998). Most historians see his books as non-scientific political pamphlets.”

In 2005 In what Fox News officials concede was a mistake, “John Loftus, a former U.S. prosecutor, gave out the address Aug. 7, saying it was the home of a Middle Eastern man, Iyad K. Hilal, who was the leader of a terrorist group with ties to those responsible for the July 7 bombings in London. Hilal, whom Loftus identified by name during the broadcast, had moved out of the house about three years previously. But the consequences were immediate for the Voricks. (the current residents)” An article pointed out that: ..."statements made by John Loftus, a commentator for Fox News, describing grocery store owner Iyad K. Hilal as a terrorist. Although the article accurately quoted Loftus’ expression of his opinion, The Times wants to make clear that Hilal has not been charged with any illegal activity and The Times is not aware of any law enforcement agency or official that has identified Hilal as a terrorist.”

Alfons Heck

Alfons Heck was a former Hitler Youth Officer and “a fanatical adherent to Nazism’s ideologies.” After the war he migrated to Canada where during the ”50’s and 60’s he did not speak about his wartime activities or his former involvement with the Hitler Youth.”

If this is not enough of a red flag this supposed reformed ex-Nazi has stated, “We were enlightened people and we fell for this, why wouldn’t Muslims fall for this?” implying that Muslims, a “less enlightened” and “ignorant people” must be more susceptible to Nazi ideology than Germans.

Glen Jenvey

"Glen Jenvey" is a self-proclaimed "spy" and vigilante counter intelligence researcher, which begs the immediate question how many real spy's declare they're spys so openly? He has stated: "I'd spied on people before - bizarre as it sounds - as a bit of a hobby, because I was interested in it."

He is a member of VIGIL whose parent organization "The Intelligence Community Human Network" or IC-Humnit declared in its bizzare mission statement: "Back in 1991, a young-man from a far-off country came to the Western-Sahara desert to meet with a group of people. They formed an alliance to establish a global network to form an army to fight the Evil-World to come and to serve for the glory of Jerusalem, the city of GOD!"

The website is now restricted to certain individuals, but we see from archives around the web from that time that they went on to declare that,"Since then, many people came and went and we have been around in the world. But in 1998 we established ourselves on the internet. Using it as a portal for our global community. This network is what we now call the IC-HUMINT."

Such a strange mission statement and language is indicative of the folly and fantasy world in which the so called "experts" in this film live. It is a strange motley crew of extreme right wing Zionists and evangelical Christians united in Islamophobia.

Now a days Jenvey seeks to portray himself as an objective analysist but the facts speak otherwise. He claims "modestly" "to be the real life hero who nailed terror Chief Abu Hamza." This seems to be his claim to fame for which he is lauded by fellow Islamophobes.

All of these self-declarations are uncorroborated by independent sources. His claim also that Abu Hamza was involved in terrorist activity is inflated as the only tthing that Abu Hamza was convicted of under the Terrorism act was posession of an "Encyclopedia of Jihad."

Jenvey under the alias of "Pervez Khan" set up a false website called IslamicNews which he wished to use as a method to expose extremist: some would call his method entrapment. The site posed as an extreme Islamic site that collected material from around the world that promoted violence and also linked to violent groups.

The website went through a radical change, revealing its true intent in september 2002 it changed from an extreme violent Islamic website to: "We've changed our mind about this whole terrorism thing. Jehad is crap!"

The website goes onto state that the task of distinguishing "authentic islam from the counterfeit image presented by the 'Islamists'is being carried out by a few brave non Muslims such as Daniel Pipes and Steve Emerson."

It continues on and states that: "Israel belongs to the Jews - because Allah gave that land to them - why, because the Philistines won't act like decent human beings - and only decent humans deserve their own country. If the Philistines don't like it, they should just find somewhere else to live. Except no other country on earth wants to have them because they are not acting like decent human beings. And Kashmir belongs to the Indians - for the same reasons."

Under his alias Pervez Khan, Jenvey posted a Message from Hell in which he stated: "We made it to Paradise! Now we will meet Allah and be fed grapes, and be serviced by 70 virgin women, and...It seems here in paradise... there are only big fat grey haired toothless women. and rent boys! Its very hot down here in paradise and run by a man called the devil! Better known as cheekey devil! Im off to pub later to get a skin full of beer.... its hot but the beers good!"

Robert Wistrich

A professor of European and Jewish studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he believes that anti-Zionism is the same as anti-Semitism. As he stated in his article, “Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism,” “Anti-Zionism has become the most dangerous and effective form of anti- Semitism in our time," he argued.

Martin Gilbert

Martin Gilbert A historian by profession, his credibility has been questioned by his fellow historians. Israeli historian Benny Morris described him as a “propagandist” while another historian Tom Segev criticized him for the notable and inexplicable “absence of figures from Arab sources” in his book “The Story of Israel.”

Khaleel Mohammed

In an exclusive statement for obsessionwithhate.com, Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, the only Obsession interviewee who is an Islamic Studies Professor, delivers a new lethal blow to the film's credibility, exposing what many already knew:
“Sadly, it would seem that I have allowed myself to be used. I gave an interview to the makers of “obsession” wherein I explained the meaning of Jihad, and its misuse by extremists. I understood that the film would be used objectively, focusing on fanatics who seek to spread violence. I am aware that there is a disclaimer at the beginning of the film that says it is not about Islam in general, but only about extremist interpretations.

"But the material from some of the speakers gives the lie to the disclaimer: many of them are not experts, or have used the mantle of academic qualifications to purvey hate. That their alarmist drivel should be mixed with my whittled down interview proves that the intent of the film is not to educate, but to mislead. The free distribution of the film to voters in particular districts shows the political chicanery that is the motive, and the secrecy about the financing of the distribution only underlines the evil intent in circulating this vile piece of propaganda.

"Evidence seems to indicate the involvement of Aish ha-Torah in this dishonest enterprise. I find that particularly distressing, because any Jewish organization ought to realize what the film seeks to do: they demonize an entire community to the point where a government takes action to further beleaguer its citizens and resident aliens simply because of their religious identity. This bigotry over religion and identity is precisely what caused the Shoah — and it is sad that those who ought to have learned what hate can engender should seek to imitate Nazi propagandism.

"Yet — for all the nefarious intent of the distributors of the film — I must also accept culpability for allowing myself to be so used. I still oppose many of the traditional interpretations of Islam—but that has nothing to do with the film Obsession. I cannot stand by silently and allow my participation in such satanic demonization of innocents. I apologize to my fellow Muslims for appearing in such a film. I apologize to my Jewish teachers and friends-- who have warned me time and again about falling into such a situation—for not heeding their counsel. And I expect now that those who support the film will make me their target. But again: I am no diplomat, and I love a good fight. I am obsessed with the truth. Let’s get it on. “

The Clarion Fund

The Clarion Fund, a shadowy group with no listed officers, no known office space, and unpublished financial disclosure forms (form 990) financed the massive distribution of the Obsession Hate DVD, numbered at some 28 million copies. There have been speculative reports suggesting links between Clarion and Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas Jewish-American magnate, who is known to have personally passed out copies of the DVD, as well as with Aish HaTorah an educational and advocacy group based in Jerusalem. Neither report has yet been confirmed. Clarion seems to be reveling in the secrecy. But it is a matter of time before the facts become clear.

Look for Judeofascist Awareness Week 2008 soon, trust me shlomos it'll be like old times again...

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Eid Mubarak!


Monday, September 01, 2008


Immigration, Integration, and the illusion of Inclusion Part 2: The ULTIMATE guide to the Danish hate cartoons

A Muslim reaps the benefits of integration and tolerance at the hands of a drunken Australian mob. The sisters on the right aren't buying it, and neither should you.

Enough to give you an appetite for suhoor isn't it? Please read the introduction and part 1 before
proceeding any further. We've already established multiculturalism was a slick, PR fueled, flea bitten myth to present static, monocultural European societies as dynamic cosmopolitan states where everyone holds hands singing kumbaya. It’s all too easy to claim that one is tolerant of "diversity" when everyone in society looks and acts the same way, but the real test comes when different groups emerge and assert themselves. Keep in mind, Europe has never had a civil rights movement, and it shows. European peoples have had hundreds of years of distinct ethno-history and shared culture which have created social consensus that is now being “challenged” by immigrants from what were, until WWII, "subjects" from their overseas Colonies. How do the children of former colonial subjects come to identify with and be proud of the history of their "adopted country", which includes the oppression and exploitation of their ancestors, as recently as two generations ago? Oh, but Muslims have bent over backwards trying to “assimilate” into a “culture” which doesn’t want them unless they becomes slaves mired in ideological bondage. This draconian pipe dream may have worked on the immigrant generation but their children aren’t having any of it, and with good reason. They’re young, smart, educated and unwilling to be second and third class citizens languishing in ghettos. The European response has been to endlessly attack the community in a series of increasingly racist and dehumanizing provocations through media misrepresentation, ostracization, threats, assault, arson and even murder. Next time one of these idiots demand that you shed crocodile tears for Nazi pornographers like Theo Van Gogh, tell them about Özgür Dennis Uzun(L), the 17 year old boy who was murdered in broad daylight by Danes who called him a "black ape." His crime? Being a Turkish immigrant who sold newspapers while working his way through school.

How about Mohammed Al-Majed(R) who was murdered a week ago? His crime? Being a 16 year old foreign exchange student in England.

White Europeans cannot allow Muslims to be different in the way that they love to believe they are different (barbaric, women hating savages with values that "are incompatible with our own") but at the same time cannot abide the idea that Muslims are actually like everyone else. It's a hypocritical position born of a need to feel superior which expresses itself through discrimination by people who at the same time self-righteously lecture the Muslims they are victimizing about "enlightened values."

Enter Denmark, a small European country whose chief exports are dairy products and bad cookies. Hygge(cozyness) is a complete absence of anything annoying, irritating, or emotionally overwhelming, and the presence of and pleasure from comforting, gentle, and soothing things in Danish culture. Makes me just want to overdose on cotton candy. According to a goofy study, Danes are unrivaled in satisfaction with life. I can see why. Imagine getting paid to go to school, where you can take your sweet time getting a bachelors degree anywhere from 6 to 8 years(hey, the legal pot makes them forget!). Let’s not forget "free" health care with the tax rate at around 60%, what a socialist utopia! Being in diapers from birth till death was never so much fun! Danes are also notoriously xenophobic and racist, blaming immigrants and those perceived to be foreign for just about everything, while refusing to do the work themselves. There was an excellent documentary on WorldLink TV a few years ago on immigration in Denmark called "Home Sweet Home." The amount of jealousy, stupidity and narrow mindedness displayed by the Danes was astounding. Am I seriously supposed to sympathize with an unemployed far right Nativist with a degree in religion resenting an immigrant Iranian doctor? Truly a nation of adult delinquents. But the Danes weren't content merely being a nation of whiny loafers, their fascists went ahead after years of baiting to launch their worst provocation against not just the local Muslim minority, but the entire world of Islam. They bit off more then they could chew. So what did the Danes and their supporters do when the fit hit the shan? They lied their behinds off.

Before we delve into the subject Danish hate cartoons, there are a number of myths concocted by the usual suspects which need to be addressed, refuted, and relegated to the garbage bin where they came from. Anti-Islamic propaganda(all the way back to the Crusades) deeply rooted in the European psyche has brought neo-Nazis, neocons, shabbos goyim and their Zionist overlords together on both sides of the Atlantic hopped up on Krusader Kool aid known as the "war on terror." Lets deconstruct some of these lies:

Lie #243 Hijab “threatens” primitive secular fanaticism Hijab bans were up until late 2005 the most blatant indicator that Europe has declared war on its Muslim communities, contrary to popular delusion this started 20 years ago in France (the most racist, not to mention laziest country in Europe) as Communism collapsed. What better enemy now then a Muslim school girl? Hijab bans are essentially a Taliban like edict which denies education to girls. An incredibly stupid and mean spirited move which in fact politicizes young people, and do you think for a second that these kids will grow up respecting the state which put them between a rock and a hard place? I wouldn’t. Even idiotic french gynaecologists got into the act. Please spare me the manure laden secular pseudo argument that it’s against all “religious symbols” which the hijab is not. Crucifix? Cool. Kippa? No problem! Hijab? Hold it right there! When all is said and done, the hijab furor reflects a broader sentiment wafting across: it's fine to be Muslim, just don't remind us about it by the way you dress. Tough. We’re not going to change our Deen to suit your narrow minded racist backwardness.

Lie #486 Muslims are "taking over" the continent! That’s right, 50 million of us are taking over a continent of 730 million. So just how are Muslims "taking over" the continent? Having more kids then the average European? (Insert conspiracy theory here) No apologies there, we're family oriented people and consider children to be a blessing. Europeans have no one but themselves to blame for their material selfishness. Ironic really considering that Europeans tend to be rather promiscuous. Disingenuous demographic conspiracy theories aside, who's stopping you from having kids, or going to church? Oh thats right, it takes responsibility and personal sacrifice to raise a child doesn't it? This may explain why Europeans have negative population growth. Perhaps this is the reason for the dehumanizing European caricature of pregnant Muslim woman on the left? Yes indeed, we're going to take you over one halal restaurant at a time! Maybe that’s why this town of moronic Italians banned take out Chinese and Middle Eastern food. I guess Rumsfeld was onto something with that "old Europe" line. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Lie #502 : Muslims and crime statistics Crime statistics are also a common theme European racists and fanatics like to exploit. The vast majority of crimes, including rape are committed by the natives themselves. However when a member of a minority community is involved, a spectacular call to arms is made in true media fashion followed by the urgent need to "discuss" the "growing" problem of the colored masses. Just who do you think runs massive pedophile rings, the drug trade, prostitution rackets and human trafficking? Not the Muslims.

Lie#612 : Islam isn’t a race hence abuse of Muslims is in no way or form racist. My, my, my, aren't they so very clever? Insistence that Islam isn't a race and therefore representations of Islam cannot be racist is disingenuous rubbish. Religion is not only about faith but also about identity, background and culture, and Muslims are overwhelmingly non-white. In the mind of the hate mongers, Islam is a religion of non-whites and white race traitors. They see black skin and head scarves the same way. Being Jewish used to be simply a religious identity. With the rise of capitalism, it was transmuted into a racial one. What we are seeing today is the opposite process with Islam. If we must be so asinine as to insist upon using skin color as a determinant of race, I would ask why the Muslims represented in Islamophobic filth never EVER look like Indonesian Muslims, even though it is the most populous Muslim country on the planet. The reason is simple: Muslims are seen and stereotyped as a “race,” especially as dark skinned, unkempt Arabs and Pakistanis.

Now for the timeline:

September 2005 : Jyllands Posten, a right wing newspaper with a history of supporting Fascism and Nazism prints hateful caricatures of the Prophet(saw). The same paper refused to lampoon Christ(a.s.) three years prior(not that we would support such an act against any of the Prophets(a.s.)). Turns out that editor Fleming Rose is bosom buddies with Judeofascist Daniel Pipes.

October 2005 : Danish Imams approach the Danish government and the PM, followed by petitions from ambassadors from 11 Muslim nations. Both parties are ignored and told to take a hike. At the end of the month, Danish Muslims took the matter to court showing that the Jyllands Posten was in violation of the Danish Criminal Code, section 140 & 266b. Other European papers start to print the racist caricatures as well. Egyptian newspaper El Fagr publishes six of the cartoons during Ramadan along with an article strongly denouncing them. The publication of the images does not provoke any known protests from either the Egyptian religious authorities nor the Egyptian government. These facts are selectively reported and spun by local third rate blogger and inferiority complex suffering “Uncle Tamer,” “Sand Monkey” in a bid to increase his web traffic and earn his neocon knee pads. I dealt with this sycophantic loser a few years ago, he was never to be seen on AltMuslim again. But we will revisit and expose him in a future post.

November 2005 : Danish Muslims are subjected to a media smear campaign. Masjids and Islamic organizations are sent everything from death threats to more offensive pictures. Muslims organize a boycott of Danish products starting in the Middle East.

December 2005 : The Danish Imams take the pro-active step of taking the matter directly to religious leaders in the Muslim world. Imam Ahmed Abu Laban and Ahmed Akkari lead delegations to a number of Middle Eastern countries. The dossier they carry has the original set of racist caricatures in addition to the others sent individually by Danes.

January 2006 : Danish authorities clear the Jyllands Posten of any wrong doing. The boycott is in full motion with Danish firms suffering losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The Jyllands Posten issues a half-hearted “clarification” and insists the caricatures were never meant to be offensive (yeah right).

Feburary 2006 : The caricatures are re-printed in multiple European newspapers in another attempt to provoke a violent response. It fails. Hundreds of peaceful protests are organized across the Islamic world with only a handful turning violent (in Occupied Iraq, and Afghanistan especially) after police shoot protestors dead. A few empty buildings are also burnt down in Syria. Western media focuses exclusively on violent protests misrepresenting the Muslim response. A handful of isolated idiots from the banned “Al-Muhajiroon” group are given maximum coverage while ignoring thousands of peaceful demonstrators. An agent provocateur dressed up as suicide bomber also shows up. Photoshopped images of "behead those who say Islam is violent," also hit the web in a smear attempt by Denmark's supporters.

Lie#699 : Muslims draw similar cartoons of Jews and Christians as well Really? Can these lying bastards show us where Muslims have made caricatures of Moses(a.s.) and Jesus(a.s.) or any other Prophets? Ofcourse they can’t because such depictions do NOT exist. Muslims are forbidden from depicting any of the Prophets, and respect them deeply. Malaysia shut down a Tamil newspaper for cartoon of Christ(a.s.) and righly so. Muslim nations also banned "The DaVinci code" for its repulsive content. However, lampooning Zionist terrorists like current vegetable Ariel Sharon is fair game. Or do they do consider Israeli war criminals sacred figures who are off limits? Check out this drawing of Olmert as a concentration guard in Schindler's List fashion : How many European and American newspapers dared to published it? Only one. Never to be published again thanks to a phone call from the local Israeli embassy.

Lie#788 : Muslims are misunderstood the intention of the cartoonists On the contrary, we understood the intention of the Danish cartoonists very well. Why did no Muslim protest when "30 days as a Muslim" was brodcast? The episode did show a cartoon of the Prophet(saw) so why was there no controversy? Simple, they made a mistake and those of us who saw the show knew it, and didn't see any reason to doubt the sincerity of the producers. Unlike the Danes and their idiotic supporters, we aren't afraid of a real debate. The Danish cartoonists knew exactly what they were doing and targetted the entire Muslim ummah in a calculatted move to foment Islamophobia across the continent. Theres a clear difference between making an error and going out of your way repeatedly to pick a fight with 1.6 billion people.

Lie# 834 : Muslims should not have boycotted Danish products So now they insist that not only do they have a "right" to demonize us, but also to instruct us on how to react to their racist provocations. Talk about hubris. You don't need an MBA from Harvard to know that the basis for any successfull business relationship is honesty and respect, two qualities the degenerate Danes don't seem to possess. The more you provoke, the more reactions you get. Our first one was a grass roots boycott, and righly so. I have every right in the world not to do business with those who repeatedly spit in my face. Yes, its just that simple..and no, I don't care about any "starving" Danish farmers. Their socialist welfare state can look after them. On a historical note, the Jews made sure that Hitler's actions against their community was rewarded by a worldwide boycott of German goods. Not to difficult to understand now is it? The usual suspects called for a boycott of Muslim goods. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do so. But you can't can you? That oil is real "addicting" isn't it? Baba Ghanoush and Gulab Jamoons will have to take care of themselves. Nablusi cheese is better anyway. Boycotts work best long term, so let your wallets do the talking.

Lie#923 : Muslims are too sensitive and get easily offended A futile exercise in projection. We don't care who you are, what you eat(even during Ramadan), who you sleep with, how many bowels you've had etc. Believe me, you're not that important. But on a relevant note, we could point to the heavy bombardment of Muslim countries, justified by a discourse about backwards Muslims. We could point to the books and the articles, the films and the newspaper cartoons. We could point to the dramatic decline in standard of living for Muslims post-9/11. We could indicate the heavy state surveillance of and repeated political attacks upon Muslim communities in the West, the hysteria over the hijab and the niqab. We could point to Guantanamo Bay, the use of secret trials, extraordinary rendition(sanitized speak for kidnapping), extracting false confessions under torture, warrant less wiretaps and raids, special loyalty tests. The Geneva convention you say? That applies only to those of European stock. It does not cover people of color. Europeans can do anything to people with more melanocytes, they can nuke them, they can Agent orange them, the can mass kill them , the can parade them around naked, that's ok. Look at the Judeofascists(East Europeans masquerading as Semites), they are putting the Palestinians behind walls in concentration camp conditions, they've jailed over 10,000 and killed thousands of civilians and have millions of cluster bombs for the purpose of killing more civilians. Did any of the western governments say that conflicts with their Geneva convention? Not one. Violent, hypocritical uncivilized fanatics, this lot eh? Of course there are so many more examples of this sort of behavior, but you get my drift.

So pardon me for not being an eager and pleasant target.

Lie#1001 : Its all about "Freedom of speech"
Last but not least is this biggest LIE of all. “Freedom of speech” is a myth, a delusional, self-righteous and highly selective narrative based off politicized pseudo-philosophical chest thumping. "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it"? Bulls***. All societies regulate what can and can’t be said. Free speech doesn’t exist, and certainly not in absolute form. Not in Africa, not in Asia, not in South America and certainly NOT in the western world. Don’t believe me? Does the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act ring a bell? Remember what happened to the Dixie chicks after their criticism of Bush? The shameless self-censorship when it comes to Zionism and Israel? The academic persecution of Norman Finkelstein? How about David Irving doing time in jail(despite being an idiot)? McCarthyist "Campus Watch" courteosy of Judeofascist Daniel Pipes? How about being filmed from birth till death in the UK? Spying? Sure! Phone tapping? Absolutely! A public call for assassinating a foreign head of state? No problem! Problem with publishing certain books? No, UNLESS you do this, and this. Yes, you do have “freedom of speech” as long as you shut up or agree with the powers that be in these sophisticated police states. I’ll be adding a new category to this blog titled “Freedumb of speech” to cover the daily violations of "freedom of speech" by those who claim to champion it.
Freedom to mouth racist insults in public isn't freedom of expression - its anti-freedom, it's anti-democracy, its racism. Racists don't believe in democracy or freedom - they believe in exploiting the weaknesses they see in "liberal democracy" and taking advantage of these supposed weaknesses to claim their racist abuse has something to do with supporting and defending 'western values.' In the same way Goebbels exploited the weaknesses in the “democracy” of his day to spread his evil poison - he also claimed he was a champion of the West against foreigners from the East.You say you have freedom, you have freedom? You have been told what freedom is - oh, women drive cars? That makes them free, yeah right. You "essentially" have no idea what freedom is - you are free to pursue what you have been told freedom is. No one is talking about MK-Ultra here, or some exotic form of mind control - that is not necessary. Buried within the seed of your identity is enough control, voiced through an army of authority figures is enough to make you tow the line. Oh, I'm sorry did I just go overboard and enter the territory of "hate speech"? Yes they do have hate crimes legislation which for some odd reason doesn't cover Muslim communities(or abused by us). Guess who's been immunized from criticism? Stupid, spinless shabbos goyim hypocrites, did you honestly think we don't know whats going on here? Don't yell fire, and complain about being trampled. You never believed in "free speech" and deep down, you know it.

So which ridiculous
caricature do you
think got published?
Sacred cows, anyone?

Getting back to the whole integration "debate," how did it work out for the Bosnians? They were
ethnically European, spoke the local language, intermarried with Serbs, many of them being Muslim in name only. Not only were they systematically massacred but they were prevented from even defending themselves thanks to a weapons embargo(which was violated by the Russians to supply the Serbs). NATO bombed Serbia several years later in a bid to establish bases in east Europe under the guise of humanitarianism. My point being that grovelling appeasement to such criminals will lead to many more Srebrenicas.
As cliche as it may sound, those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
My sincere advice to European racists and hypocrites is this :

"Complete freedom is only for the new-born savage, all else (on the way to civilisation) is compromise."
Next up, exposing the pretenders, aka desperate house n******.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008


Insert excuse/paranoia here

Back from work and vacation. As you can see, Europe is on high alert following this devastating headline :

Fear not, I'll be back very soon with the much hyped and promised goods. Fasten your diapers....Danes. The DrM catharsis will do you much good.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Immigration, Integration, and the illusion of Inclusion : The good times that weren't, a moment of "multicultural" tomfoolery

Yes, I know I promised I would be posting the ULTIMATE guide to the Danish hate cartoons, but before I do....why not let your hair down and enjoy some "multicultural" pot?

With that out of the way, onto our main event.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008


Immigration, Integration, and the illusion of Inclusion : Part 1 - Europe and the myth of Multiculturalism

Let me first apologize in advance to those who may find the next paragraphs a bit hard to swallow. Alright fine, I won't apologize. Lets start with Europe, a continent which has given us so much. Funky cheese, bad music, selective hygiene, the odd 100 years war here and there, Crusades, Communism, Capitalism, Inquisition, Imperialism, Colonialism, Fascism, Nazism, Atheism, Nihilism and Zionism. Who can forget those jolly good fellows, Franco, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill, Herzl, Jabotinski, Milosevic etc. Quiet a rap sheet with around half a billion dead in the last 500 years. But that was all in the distant past right? Lets take a look at what they've been up to recently :




Paris "intifida"







Hmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Catch my drift? Yep, they sure gave us a lot. Europeans are a lot of things, tolerant isn't one of them. It is not an exaggeration to point out that significant numbers of Europeans openly profess (2)racism. This brings us to the myth of multiculturalism. With all the events in recent memory, there's now a "hot debate" about the merits of this phenomenon. I'm here to tell you the "debate" is bogus because multiculturalism never existed, at least not at the grandiose level claimed by its supporters and detractors. Just because you have different groups of people in a society hardly means you're living in a "multicultural" paradise where likes and differences are respected. The "debate" is essentially turnspeak for justifying racism through manufactured outrage, and winning elections through fear mongering.
Europe's dirty little secret is that it depends on immigration(labor and professional) if it is to maintain its "high" standards of living. Oh, and don't forget paying over 50% in taxes( "free" health care you know). Is the behavior we see in Europe today a fluke, or is it deeply ingrained bigotry symptomatic of a continent with no real culture left whatsoever? That was just the warm up, folks. Next up, the Muslim question, a thorough refutation of European propaganda, and the ULTIMATE guide to the danish hate cartoons. I leave you with this video of the success of "multiculturalism"(is that a banana or racism?) till then :

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Thursday, June 12, 2008


Immigration, Integration, and the illusion of Inclusion : Introduction

The demands of a normal life have led to a recent decrease in posts but fear not, the party has just begun. Now I don't know about you, but I have had it up to here with the preposterous excuse of a "debate" on immigration. Sanity no longer prevails as fanatics, terrorists, and blithering racist idiots have seized control of the discourse(exhibit A on the right), or maybe it was always this way and people are just now beginning to notice it. This will be a series of posts on the topic of immigration, and its not going to be pretty. We'll be covering everything from migration trends to the rise of neo-nazism and the scape goating of minorities in post-cold war Europe, and America. Oh, and the ultimate guide to the manufactured Danish hate cartoon crisis will be up as well. Now we've all heard terms like "parallel societies," "Eurabia," "Islamification," "ghettoization" and other equally farcical rubbish from the usual suspects. And just to show we're going to be absolutely unhindered in political uncorrectness, the collaboration of judeofascists and neo-nazi shaboos goyim will also be scrutinized. Yes, indeedy...theres going to be a lot of toes stepped on.
So what exactly is integration? Glad you asked. Got a job? Speak the language? Law abiding citizen? Yeah? Guess what, you're integrated. Working at it? Great, keep it up. Assimilation? No thanks, I have no desire or wish to become a carbon copy of anyone else(didn't work out too well for Jacko), I have my own identity and regardless of where I am, thats not going to change. The days of European illiterates languishing like drugged critters on Ellis Island are over, so don't expect intelligent, educated, and above all, hard working people to become third class citizens, at least not quietly. Don't get me wrong, I am opposed to illegal immigration(the Middle East has a massive problem with illegals = askheNAZI terrorists and the KKK(Krusader Kool-aid Krew) in Iraq), but don't let people into the country and then proceed to make their lives hell. This brings us to the topic of the next post, which is the myth of multiculturalism...

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Sunday, June 08, 2008


Waiting for gas prices to hit $10 a gallon

Thats right, forget $4.50 a gallon. Its time to hit double digits. Would I prefer to pay more at the pump? No, but I do relish the thought of millions of apathetic morons suffering through their wallets. The scum(the usual suspects etc) actually thought that they were going to get free oil stolen from Iraq to power their gas guzzlers. Didn't work out too well did it?
Those who are truly suffering are the people of Iraq who have gone through 12 years of sanctions, followed by war and 5 years under a brutal foreign(with the Vichy style puppet regime) occupation, with over a million deaths, and millions more displaced. Thats nearly 20 years of terrorism(so go hang yourself with those stupid, effeminate yellow ribbons already), so I really don't want to hear any more whining about gas prices. Your silence and lack of any remorse is now translating into you landing in the poor house. You deserve it and much worse. See you on the freeway offramp as I blast green house emissions from my non-hybrid vehicle into your face.
Oh, and for those clueless lemmings who think that elections means anything, especially in the US, I present to you the following video :

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I'm still here sucka

Just been easy with a few errands. I know my shaggy shlomo fans are waiting breathless for my latest post. Remember good things come to those who wait...
Click on the pic to see the DrM signal in all its jpeg glory.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Making methamphetamine Kosher

I'm sure theres a perfectly logicial explanation for this, oy vey! How else are they going to get goyim hooked? Read on :

Federal authorities charged that a methamphetamine laboratory was operating at the nation's largest kosher slaughterhouse and that employees carried weapons to work.

The charges were among the most explosive details to emerge following the massive raid Monday at Agriprocessors in Postville, Iowa.

In a 60-page application for a search warrant, federal agents revealed details of their six-month probe of Agriprocessors. The investigation involved 12 federal agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the departments of labor and agriculture.

According to the application, a former plant supervisor told investigators that some 80 percent of the workforce was illegal. They included rabbis responsible for kosher supervision, who the source believed entered the United States from Canada without proper immigration documents. The source did not provide evidence for his suspicion about the rabbis.

The source also claimed to have confronted a human resources manager with Social Security cards from three employees that had the same number. The manager laughed when the matter was raised, the source said.

At least 300 people were arrested Monday during the raid, for which federal authorities had rented an expansive fairground nearby to serve as a processing center for detainees.

The search warrant application said that 697 plant employees were believed to have violated federal laws.

Agriprocessors officials did not return calls from JTA seeking comment.

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