I am curious :-)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Alright people, its survey time. Tell me things about yourself, and don't be lazy, these are only nine multiple choice questions. Now get going :-)

Update: Guys, thanks for pointing out the errors. Since it was not possible to edit the same survey, I have created a new one, and it has one extra question. Hope you guys who had done it already won't mind doing it again. And for people who can't see the quiz, here is the direct link :-)


Money Worship

Friday, January 30, 2009

According to Muslim tradition, people near you deserve your charity more. But here, the opposite seems to be true. Our "businessmen" are busy exploiting the consumers at home but when charity initiative such as Dubai Cares are announced, they pledge huge sums of money. Wouldn't it have been better that instead of sending huge amounts of money abroad, they spent a fraction of that here inside the country itself. Or at least reduced the prices of products or services they offered.

But, Corporate Social Resposibility perhaps teaches you to maximize your profits as much as you can & then to show that you do "care" for the less priviliaged member of the society, you spend pennies on social projects but you do make sure that you get enough coverage in the media. The result: you kill two birds with one stone.

Confused? Well, let me try to explain, although I myself don't really know what is going on here :-)

What do you call such a behavior? On one hand, you pay 100 million dirhams for Dubai Cares initiative, and on the other hand, you raise 90% of tuition fees at one of your schools & yet are shameless enough to come on radio to defend that decision. 

Money worship at its best !!

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Good Luck Obama

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What I want to communicate is the fact that in all my travels throughout the Muslim world, what I've come to understand is that regardless of your faith -- and America is a country of Muslims, Jews, Christians, non-believers -- regardless of your faith, people all have certain common hopes and common dreams. 

" Sending George Mitchell to the Middle East is fulfilling my campaign promise that we're not going to wait until the end of my administration to deal with Palestinian and Israeli peace, we're going to start now "

And my job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives. My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect. 

But if you look at the track record, as you say, America was not born as a colonial power, and that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that. And that I think is going to be an important task.

Watching Obama's interview has somewhat brought back the lost optimism in me. The fact that he gave his first official interview to an arabic channel says alot. And also the fact that he plans to address the muslim world in his first 100 days from one of the Muslim Capitals further strengthened my faith that he means business. 

I just hope that he translates his words into actions, as he himself said during the interview that people will judge him not by his word but by his actions & his administration's actions. 

You can read the full transcript of his interview at Al Arabiya's website here.


Snow in RAK

Monday, January 26, 2009

For more pics, click here :-)

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Hopeless in Gaza: it didn’t have to be this way

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sultan Al Qassemi is one writer I truly admire. During the current Gaza crisis, perhaps he was the only UAE columnist who dared to look at things from a different perspective. Let me share with you guys an excerpt from his latest article which appeared in The National.

In 1994, Yasser Arafat, the PLO leader, arrived in the Palestinian Territories for the first time in decades and declared that he would turn Gaza into the Singapore of the Middle East. Fifteen years later it couldn’t be more different. Arafat’s prediction of Gaza being used as an example will certainly come true, but not in the way he envisioned. 

Today, Gaza is more like Somalia than a Mediterranean port. In fact, one day soon people will be using Gaza as the example of a failed state as Somalia continues to fade into distant memory. Thus Afghanistan will be called the Gaza of Central Asia, and Zimbabwe will be the Gaza of Africa.

But it didn’t have to be that way, if it wasn’t for the fear of certain countries in the region that they would lose the Palestinian cause as a bargaining tool if the Palestinians made their peace with the devil. What would they be left with as negotiating leverage? 

The idea of using Palestinian youth as an outsourced army to fight the Israelis was too appealing to lose. Setting them up with firepower and turning their dials – fire at will. But it was less their will than that of certain characters who have come and gone in the Middle East. Endless blood and destruction. The Holy Land, indeed: unholy is more like it.

No, it didn’t have to be that way at all. It’s February 2005. The Israelis announce their withdrawal from Gaza. The occupiers are leaving. Good riddance. Let’s build something now, shall we? 

In walks none other than a Dubai tycoon, the man responsible at one time or another for the most valuable property company in the world, operating in 17 countries with a global portfolio worth more than $100 billion that includes the tallest building on Earth and the biggest mall on the planet, and above all one of the right-hand men of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai. Enter Mohammed al Abbar, chairman of Emaar with all its pomp and glory, to start building. His offer was to pay $56m for the 21 settlements that the Israelis were to evacuate. Finally, we can get started with turning this port city into Singapore, as Arafat wanted.

But wait. How can the sensationalist Arabic press let go of this golden opportunity? Rather than headlines reading “Dubai to spearhead Gaza development”, there were headlines that accused the UAE of normalisation with Israel. “Rewarding aggression in Palestine”, read one editorial. The horror! Public outcry ensued. Mohammed Al Abbar was forced to appear on Dubai TV and defend his position. “These journalists,” he said, “they’ve so much spare time. They should use it better. Go visit Gaza and see how they live there.”

Suddenly the initiative to create Emaar Palestine was no longer there. The result was that the Gazans were left with scant employment opportunities. “The crossings are still controlled by the enemy,” was the broken record that Arab patriots played. 

I say, why not make the best of a bad situation instead of making the worst of it? A few more years of such mentality guaranteed further radicalisation. Good evening, Hamas. Hello, hopelessness. Enter Israeli terror.

By the way, you can check Sultan's blog here.

All Muslimah Blogs

Saturday, January 17, 2009

For some strange reason, majority of readers of my blog are females. At least this is what the comments tell me. Maybe the male readers are silent spectators :-)

Anyways, so ladies I want to introduce you to a new blog by American Muslima Writer, a fellow UAE blogger. The blog is a directory of female bloggers & well worth a visit. Do pay a visit to show your appreciation for her effort. The address is:


US Dollar = Toilet Paper?

Monday, January 05, 2009

The entire global economy has, since the end of WW2, been based on the premise that toilet paper (ie the US dollar) provided the basis for sound economic progress and prosperity. That myth has now been "found out" and its just a question of time before all the major holders of this tissue (ie the Chinese, Japanese and Saudis etc) decide that loo paper is an inappropriate vehicle for economic transaction. 

It's worth noting that there are many observers who believe that a significant reason for the war in Iraq was Saddam's decision to sell his country's oil for euros rather than dollars.

Unfortunately, any attempt to undermine the dollar in global currency dealings will displease the military / industrial complex in the US ( or the banksters who fund it), so don't be surprised to see Obama go on a war "spree" shortly after his inauguration. After all, the loo paper show must go on...

Perhaps what the commentor said is pretty much true. At least this is what I feel.

In other news, I have changed the template for Blogs UAE. Hope you guys like the new look :-)

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Genuine Leather

Sunday, December 21, 2008

One evening around five years ago, while exploring the markets of Karachi during a business trip, I came across a small road side stall selling leather wallets. I loved one wallet but was a bit hesitant to buy it because I was not sure if it was genuine leather & whether it deserved the price he asked. He showed me a trick, he took out his lighter, clicked it to life and touched the skin of the wallet. It did not catch fire.  I was convinced. I bought the wallet.

That wallet is still with me, it has been with me through thick & thin. It was with me when I hit rock bottom & now I feel shy to let it go.  

I wish I could say the same about people in my life too.


Let The Shoe Do The Talking?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Everybody around me seems very happy because an Iraqi journalist tried to hit Mr. Bush with his shoes. But I am not amused, in fact I am sad. The way people have reacted only gives one impression about us Muslims, that we are people who in fact do love violence & yes we are intellectually bankrupt. Well at least this is the impression we give to non-Muslims.

All of a sudden, that journalist has become a hero overnight. But does he really deserves that hero status? The amount of reaction this incident has generated in the arab media is truly amazing. I was wondering what would have been the reaction in our part of the world if one of our leaders received a similar treatment from one of the journalists in America? Perhaps burning of flags in our cities, destruction of public & private property? Yes, this is what we are only good at. Have we forgotten the art of civilized debate?

Yes West has double standards, but then we are also not much different either.

Tagged Again

Friday, December 12, 2008

Notorious tagged me, and I am confused because I find myself in a very difficult position :-)

The tag says I am supposed to write about one blogger & then tag 5 others. What I plan to do instead is write about 5 UAE based bloggers & no, I am not tagging anyone. These five bloggers, guys if you come across this post & if you feel you want to become a part of this tag, you are welcome to do so :-)

So here we go. 

One of the first blogs I came across & still one of my favourites is Dubai At Random, it looks at life in the Emirates from a humourus point of view, although I am not sure if that is intentional or not :-)

I really admire Fujairah in Focus for his effort in highlighting the often neglected but beautiful Emirate of Fujairah. It was one of his posts which really motivated me to go to Fujairah & witness the Bull Fight :-)

The Emirates Economist is another blog I regularly read. As the name implies, it is an economics focussed blog, quite serious & very informative.

The Lost Dot is one of the blogs that started around the same time I started blogging. Her posts are interesting, especially the Jar of Dots series :-)

Yearning for Something is another blog I found interesting & also motivating at the same time. She was one of my regular commentors but I guess she is in "hibernation" mode now :D

Thats it guys :-)
