Independent conservative parliamentary member Geert Wilders has written a political manifesto that will be the basis of his new political party he is organizing after he left the Dutch Liberal (VVD) party. Some see Wilders as the new Pim Fortuyn because he is also in opposition to the closed Dutch political elite and has the potential to become the voice of the discontent Dutch voters. Just like the assassinated Pim Fortuyn he received threats and is loathed by the MSM and most other politicians. Below is the translation of the manifesto:Declaration of IndependenceBy Geert Wilders(Independent member of Dutch Parliament) - Introduction
- Economical and social policies
- Europe
- Antilles
- Security
- Education
- Immigration & intergration
- Street terror
- Civil rights
- Voters and elected
- Conclusion
(Translation version 0.2 – Please note this document still needs substantial translation revisions, please come back later to get a better version of the translation)1. IntroductionSo far the Dutch voter got to know me as a politician with clear views on the multicultural society, immigration, terrorism and security. Sadly enough this has lead to the mistaken view that my new political movement would be anti Islam. But nothing is more besides the truth.
The problems with the (radical) Islam are serious and deserve a much firmer answer than the current government provides. But the problems we are struggling with in the Netherlands have much deeper roots. We have to deal with many interconnected crisis’s that are the result of the incompetence of the political elite in Brussel [EU] and Den Haag [The Netherlands]. They seem to be unable to identify problems objectively and solve them effectively. Our country is unsafe, the public space is degenerated, the economy is ailing and the public sector is a mess.
My theme is freedom.
The new political movement will put regaining our freedom central, because our political, cultural and economical freedoms and independence are in bad shape at the moment.
For that reason I put freedom central. The freedom that your mother can walk on the street in the evening, the freedom that you keep enough of your salary to support your family, the freedom you have because your retirement fund is safe, the freedom that is there because our companies are thriving, the freedom you have because the government protects your family against terrorists, the freedom of a job and a good life, the freedom as a country to independently make its decisions.
That’s the message I want to deliver to a nation that is until now being hijacked and subjugated by a political elite who does not sufficiently rise into defense for the preservation of our democratic constitutional state, our safety, our prosperity or our independence. That the big political parties – PvdA [Socialists], CDA [Christian Democrats] and VVD [Liberals] – just always agree on the most important issues, was recently demonstrated again by their unanimous support for the European constitution and the admissions of Turkeys to the European union.
Under their leadership the Dutch middleclass has been ignored. The so-called progressive spirit of the time holds The Netherlands now for 30 years in its grip of political correctness with a megalomaniac government, multiculturalism and subjugation to Brussels [European] Bureaucrats. My former political party, the liberal (VVD) party, never wanted to free it self from this spirits of the time, instead it follows these same ideas until the present day.
I love The Netherlands very much – but I love less how it become now. I am proud on how we succeeded in building a free, prosperous and safe society. But that is more and more loosing its appeal.
Every fiber in my body resists the idea that we should adept our society to the norms and values of the Islamic culture, who is alien is to our culture. Colleague politicians accuse me of doing proposals that are ‘not possible’: laws and treaty would stand in the way of execution of my proposals. That kind of attitude makes me angry. First they let it all happen and then they put their hands in the air and shout: “Sorry, but we can’t do anything about it anymore”.
Needed is a firm political will, which will end the administrative culture of hiding behind self-invoked powerlessness to not change anything. There has to be change a lot.
First we have to realize that we are not powerless. In our country we can shape history our selves, control our destiny as a people, make independent decisions about the form of our government, our cultural and our economic system. We have to liberate our selves of a culture of low expectations.
I am not a politician who throws his hands in the air, as a way to apologize to the voters. I loathe insincere political correct behavior. A representative of the people should take his own responsibility and not waiver and above all represent the interest of his voters. That’s why I think creatively about measures to parry all our problems. If international treaties hinder us in serving our self-interest, we have to modify them and if needed redraw from them. We have to dare to dream and make possible what in Den Haag [center of Dutch politics] is kept for impossible.
I plea for a totally new kind of politics, with a totally different style and content. Not just talk, but action. Not just the nagging of Dutch politicians but objectively searching for solutions is my device.
The way that The Netherlands has been ruled in the last decennia is the most important reason for our current problems. I don’t want that an elite made-up out of cowards and scared people (of what political party what so ever) keep this country hijacked any longer. The political correct “sorry culture” when they are dealing with the multicultural drama is just one example of that seizure of The Netherlands by that same political elite. That is why I also want to combat them on other fronts as well. I want to give this country back to its citizens.
In this declaration of independence I plea for a number of serious measures, who restore our country to a state, as it should be: free, prosperous and independent. Our history now forces us to a struggle that is not without engagement, but most necessary. That struggle is about the continuation of The Netherlands as a recognizable nation, a country that is on the point to say it’s old roots goodbye and wants to trade that for multiculturalism, culture relativism and an European super state and that all under the leadership of a political elite that long a go lost its way.
Of that elite I declare myself independent.
2. Economical and social policiesThat the Dutch government neglects her responsibilities is a directly caused by a changed conception of its duties. The state has become each time more involved in Dutch affairs and has been collecting higher taxes to do all those tasks. Meanwhile the tax burden has become so high that each working person only stops working for the government after the month of June. Also the local taxes go through the roof. The average Dutch citizen is confronted with a failing government but to which he has to pay a growing part of his salary.
An extensive and an in detailed laid out network of benefits, subsidies and provisions has made many citizens dependent on the government who as a mother goose watches over her bread and declares them for the smallest and minor things as in need for support. That conception of government responsibility has lead to an enormous bureaucracy and created a dependency that has lead to love of ease and inactivity.
My social economical plan consists of a list of self-reinforcing measures to dispose unneeded governments tasks, bureaucracy and regulations. This on the one hand makes lower taxes possible and on the other hand it creates jobs. It will create a better climate for entrepreneurs. It makes the economy grow and that is good for everyone. To make an end on the misuse, that goes together with the overly royal Dutch welfare state, I plea for a basic system. That way we can concentrate our solidarity on the group that really needs it.
Of course I know there are people who really are ill or really can’t find a job. The government should always take care for people like them. By making the social security less accessible for people who don’t want to work and take tough measures against fraud and un intended use, we create room for solidarity with the vulnerable. For them I want to fight.
Also, a bigger number of employed people will create a support platform for the old age pension AOW. The way how we now treat people in nursing homes who are part of the generation that have buildup our country [in the post world war II situation] is appalling and a decent country unworthy. I’m ashamed of it. The problems in the nursing homes are not only caused by organizational problems but also due to the increasing work pressure and under valuation of the hard working nursing personnel. This is unacceptable in a civilized society. We should reserve structurally more money for this. This is my conviction; a society that who does not offer his elderly a worthy and human existence, is not worth a penny.
But most of all I want to give the citizens more power back and room to shape their own lives independently. And by “space”, I first of all mean: financial space.
Thus I’m in favor of much lower taxes, both for individuals and companies. Each time countries lower their taxes substantially; as recently in Ireland and Eastern Europe, we have seen their economies prosper.
This plea for lower taxes is all but irresponsible populism. Lower taxes and a smaller government are the best guarantees for economic growth. Government spending undermines the economic growth. Getting rid of all kind of rules and supposed privileges (the ‘achievements’ of the unions) will lead to a more flexible labor market that will stimulate businesses enormously. Not the government but businesses – especially medium and small sized businesses – create jobs.
The unjustly praised ‘Rijnlandse model’ has made Europe the sick old man of the world. In 2004 the CBS [Central Bureau of Statistics] reported that we had a contracting labor market, not seen since twenty years ago. In the last quarter of 2004 the Dutch economy contracted as well. Europe (and The Netherlands) is demographically getting older, invests to little in innovation, has an education system that lacks quality and has to many immigrants that come too fast from a situation that lacks opportunity and they come in large numbers.
In the Netherlands there is nearly no attention for the long-term prospects of our economy Meanwhile the American economy accelerates away from us and are China and India threatening competitors. Economic stagnation and demise can go fast. Argentina for example was around 1900 one of the richest countries of the world, but collapsed nearly fully within 2 decades. That should not happen to the Netherlands. That’s why our economy has to excel again. Less talk, more enterprising. A healthy middle class is essential for a healthy economy. The income position of the middle class deserves more attention in our country.
To prevent the Argentinean scenario, I come with a plan for a new golden age of economic growth, one with firm measures for various sectors:
- Lower taxes, including the ever-rising local taxes, which should directly be frozen and then lowered each year.
- This policy of lower taxes should result in a flat tax, which will stimulate growth and hence will be self-financing.
- The mortgage rent will always stay tax deductible for homeowners.
- Fewer rules. The existing rules have to reduce by at least 50 percent. For each new rule we should first terminate two old ones. To start, we should close the ministry of economic affairs.
- Investment in Research & Development, stimulation of innovation and long term protection by patents.
- Stopping the “Dutch subsidy state”, because pumping money around is useless and expensive. Let the people decide for them selves for what charities they like to pay.
- Development aid will be stopped, except emergency aid. The current support of 0,8% of the BBP (structurally 4 billion Euro on a yearly basis) will be reduced to 0,1%, only to be used for emergency aid. The function of Minister of development aid can be terminated.
- To stimulate the development in poor countries we are in favor of ending international trading blockades for these countries and their produce.
- Tough approach to fraud and corruption, certainly also at the government
- More people working by eliminating minimum wage law and a more flexible employment laws [that make firing people easier].
- A ruthless shrinking of the government (including of a thorough review of civil servants employment laws): 50% less civil servants.
- A direct end to the “poldermodel” [consensus model based on multi lateral meetings with all partners like: government, employer organizations, unions, etc.], that means an end to the talk and meetings palaces like the SER [Social Economical Forum] and the “Stichting van de Arbeid” (Labor Society).
- The abolishment of making collective agreement laws for a whole sector of employment.
- But at the same time much more money for the elderly nursing homes.
- Tough measures against fraud and other unintended use of social benefits, so that there can grow more support and solidarity with the really vulnerable and needed.
- No export of social benefits – from child support to disabilities pay – to countries outside the EU.
- Remigration will be greatly stimulated
- Receivers of social benefits who are not fully disabled should as a return do community tasks (in care institutions, or public gardens) until they can return to regular jobs.
- Child support will be limited to 2 children.
- More attention to the income position of the middle group
- The government will always rule about licenses within a prior limited reasonable time frame.
3. EuropeThe clearance sale of Dutch interests and the own Dutch identity becomes very clear when one looks at how the politicians give away our sovereignty to a cast of bureaucrats in Brussel. The new European constitution is a clearance sale of Dutch sovereignty.
With a long process, consisting of small steps an autonomous process as started that will result in an undemocratic European unitary state, separated and high exalted above the members states of the European Union. A union that is miles away from its citizens. By the gradual abolishment of the national democracy and the political independence, the Netherlands will in the end become a province of the European super state. In which the roles of the big states becomes bigger and where the Netherlands on various terrains will be subordinate to the European Union. Our sovereignty as a nation – as country that knows very well how to solve its problems – is being squandered. And this all while many of our laws are already coming from the bureaucracy in Brussels. The total of European laws and rules already consists out of more than 100.000 pages. At the same time The Netherlands is one of the biggest Neto contributors to the European technocrats, to finance the preservation of their chat palaces in Strasbourg and Brussels.
Fact is that with the new European constitution no substantial tasks are given back to the member states. The authority of the EU will only be expanding further, from immigration to criminal law. These are all maters The Netherlands can better mange independently. The firm Danish immigration policy did not came about because of Europe but because the Danes choose for an
opt-out and because of that could successfully go their own way. So where the Dutch loose their control over the immigration policy to Brussel, the Danish stay the boss in their own house.
Meanwhile the Dutch voter is never asked about it. On the contrary, he is constantly is been lied upon. When we would give up our strong guilder for the new Euro coin this would not lead to increased prizes, promised [liberal] minister Zalm. But the contrary is true, as any body knows who was outside politics. Turkey has to become a member of the European Union they say. The negotiations would be tough, the European leaders promised us. But on the day they gave them the green light, they reversed their own words with the vague compromise about the status of Cyprus.
I’m in favor of:
- To setup a special treaty review commission that will evaluate all treaty obligations of The Netherlands and formulates proposals on all treaties that are not in our self interest – because these treaties limits us to much in our freedom to formulate and execute our own policies – to change or quit unilateral;
- The rejection of the European constitution, because we loose too much power – for example on important areas like immigration and criminal law – to the bureaucrats in Brussels. But also because large countries – because of the increased number of qualified majority votes and by the introduction of population numbers as a basis of vote weight – by it get more influence on our internal law then The Netherlands it self. The elimination of more than sixty veto rights is unacceptable, just as the demise of a Dutch European commissioner with suffrage right. The Netherlands should stay independent;
- The European should not expand any further.
Turkey in, The Netherlands out; - A special status for The Netherlands in the EU, just like the Danes and the British. We have to keep out autonomy on immigration affairs. Never may we allow a civil servant in Brussels or a French politician decide how many immigrants we need to accept. Also the criminal laws, welfare state, foreign policy, fishing and agricultural policies and other important policy area’s have to stay under Dutch control. We have to renegotiate our relation with the EU;
- The Netherlands, must together with other countries who believe in free trade, as soon as possible open formal negotiations with the NAFTA members, to create a Atlantic Free Trade Association;
- The euro is a big problem. The stability pact is a joke – many big countries like France, Italy and Greece have ignored the criteria. I plea not to invite any other country in to the euro zone, and if it happens we should think about abandoning the euro. Rather a strong guilder then a week euro;
- The Dutch financial commitment to the EU is of an absurd size. Just like Margaret Thatcher our country should refuse to go along with this circus any longer in that kind of extend. I plea for an EU that disposes 90% of its current tasks, and thus the Dutch contribution can be lowered with 90% as well.
4. AntillesConsidering the danger and influx of (drugs) criminality, and considering the wide spread corruption and administrative incompetence of the Antilles, the government should promote strongly that the Antilles will be no longer a part of the Dutch kingdom.
- The Antilles may no longer be a part of the kingdom.
5. SecurityThe seizure of The Netherlands population by an alienated elite shows also in the nonchalant way politicians handle a problem that most people find very important: criminality and safety.
We don’t want that the public space is occupied by, for example wandering and intimidating youngsters, or that streets due to violence and theft become one big no-go-area caused by the street terrorism, often (but not only) caused by persons of Moroccan decent. We want to walk the streets in safety on any hour of the day. And we want our selves, our families and our possessions to be safe in our own houses.
The rightful worries on this point where in the past contemptuous put to the side – it was said they where the result of being a reader of the wrong kind of newspaper. The change of being prosecuted is to small, the punishments to low and are not fully executed and that in prisons that do not differentiate them selves by being stern and sober.
If the government is to serve the people and not the other way around, then that means that the first priority of that state should be to protect its citizens against violence and insecurity. The Justice department should be the top priority of a good government. The leading principle in handling security, the government needs to choose not primary for the culprit but for the victim. I always choose for the victims of a criminality and never for the culprits. In a constitutional state the guilty have to be punished and the innocent protected. The Dutch constitutional state does already for a long time not satisfy these criteria. The just character of our constitutional state has disappeared behind the horizon and has been compelled by necessity to pragmatism and unacceptable relativism of crime.
In The Netherlands the police – outside her own fault – often not to be seen anywhere because the government lets the police write traffic tickets for minor infractions: In the year 2005 more than 10 million.
This development has made it that in The Netherlands not all effort is made in fighting all kinds of crimes, but that it has become to do ones best with the means left available. Due to this policy, threatened citizens can not be helped, but at the same time there can be made all kinds of efforts to make sure that a convicted criminal, after he served his time, is assured of a normal life. This is the world upside down.
That is why the weakened and astray Dutch constitutional state needs a thoroughly structural change. More professionalism in the jurisdiction, more democratic control in the jurisdiction, a prosecution policy that will prosecute each crime and focus more on the deed and the victim instead for the culprit. These are some of the results this structural change leads to.
We have to thoroughly reorganize the police.
No-go-areas are unacceptable. If needed, we deploy the riot police as well as the army to restore order. The lack of manpower is a problem but the bureaucracy is possible even a bigger enemy of our safety. Every crime report should swift and serious be processed. Police offices in all parts of the Netherlands should be open 24 hours a day.
Especially in the security domain are a series of emergency measures very much needed, such as:
- The introduction of the three strikes you’re out principle: after three violent crimes you get life.
- The introduction of minimum sentences.
- Higher punishments for acts of violence.
- Rather five prisoners on one prison cell, then one criminal released to soon.
- The abolition of superannuation principle for serious violent crimes.
- The abolition of the early release [right] of prisoners.
- The abolition of unsupervised trial leave for people in preventive detention.
- The abolition of community work sentences for crimes that involve violence and threats.
- The introduction of reeducation camps.
- The introduction of more structural damage payments for victims.
- Extension of preventive searches to the whole of The Netherlands.
- Creation of a ministry of safety by merging the home affairs and the Justice ministry.
- A steep extension of the number of police officers, so that they can become serviceable to the citizens and ticketing occurs again because the law is broken and not to collect as much money possible.
- Making it (internationally and nationally) possible to denaturalize criminals of violent crimes who have a double nationality.
- When needed the military needs to be deployed to upholding civil order.
6. EducationEducation is essential for the well being of a society. Because the Education department was for years dominated by the PvdA [socialists] our country is now saddled with a system of ‘basis vorming’ [basis forming], ‘eerste fase’ [first phase] and ‘tweede fase’ [second fase] that has totally eroded our educational system. Good citizenship is one of my themes and that is why I plea to test pupils more thoroughly on a firm knowledge around culture, national identity and history which will give an important contribution to the development to their personality. This should be the focus of the norms and values debate that otherwise get stuck in vagueness. Apart from that, we have to get rid of the idea that civil servants in Den Haag [the political capital] should make the curriculum for all the schools. Let the parents and the teachers determine the content of the education and let the subsequent educational institutes freely select their students.
Instead of all those big and unwieldy anonymous fused teaching fabrics, I want to have small scale schools that are for human beings. The ‘ambachtschool’ [Technical instructional education], breading ground for generations of hardworking Dutch fooks, has to return. Just like the reformatory for pupils who are out of control and need a firm approach.
The freedom of education is important, except when this freedom is misused to introduce a type of education that his hostile to our society. That’s why inspections and quality monitoring stays important. For a ministry of education I see no need. That will be abolished. It is all about well motivated teachers who need to get trust and space. We have to end the current diarrhea of directives and memo’s that come from the ministry of Education.
Within the Islam and the Muslim community the separation between state and charge is not fully recognized. That is why the founding of Islamic schools cannot be seen as something other than harbinger of segregation and backwardness, because these schools do not contribute to the development of Western citizenship values. Article 23 of the constitution will stay, but Islamic schools may not be founded. Different situations don’t need to be treated equally.
- Pupils need to be tested more thoroughly on their knowledge of culture, national identity and history.
- The ambachtscholen [Technical instructional education] should return.
- The ministry of Education should be abolished.
- The confidence in teachers and parents should be restored they should get the primate.
- Islamic schools may not be founded.
7. Immigration and intergrationIslam and democracy are not compatible. But Muslims could be won over for our Democracy. But I resist the abuse that groups of Moslems make of our rights and freedoms of our constitutional state. Some abuse the freedom of religion to spread hatred, the freedom of education to set on children against our society, the freedom association for activities that are meant to undermine our society. We have a jurisdiction that (until now) makes it impossible to arrest people (for example: potential perpetrators of terror attacks or youngsters who want to go attend a trainings camp in Afghanistan) preventively or to expel and denaturalize criminal culprits of violent crimes who have a dual nationality.
This has to change.
We have to deny the use of our civil rights to does (Islamic) radicals who want to eliminate our constitutional state and civil rights. That will not weaken our constitutional state but will strengthen it. This is already possible in Germany.
Although the number of asylum seekers as dropped in recent year, it still is too high. The enormous numbers of rejections says it all. That is why no more asylum seekers should be allowed to enter; all political refugees should be helped in the region. There will be made exceptions for those political refugees that come from regions that have demonstrable lack of refugee capacity, with a maximum of 5000 per year. For we have exceeded the limits of our absorption capacity a long time a go.
The use of headscarfs in public functions will become prohibited.
International treaties that hinder us in taking the right measures to solve integration problems, such as the (provisional) closure of our borders for the temporary stop for marriage and family reunion based immigration of non western immigrants from Turkey and Morocco. If Turkey in the near future become an European Union member and we sooner of later get an invasion of immigrants, we no longer can force them to follow integration courses, because they will be EU citizens.
Not only should radical imams leave the country, we should also undertake much firmer action to close radical mosques (and dissolve their administration). Financing by radicals – such as salafist groups out of Morocco or Wahhabitish groups out of Saudi Arabia – should be prohibited.
A tough approach on all these issues will not only be to the benefits of Dutch society but also have positive effects for the majority of Muslims in our country who have nothing to do with extremism or terrorism.
The Netherlands is full. The problems with integration are enormous. I want the integration of the people of foreign decent who now stay in our country to become a success, but bringer water to the sea is seldom effective. That is why we have to limit immigration and we have to close the borders for non-western immigrants – for family forming and reunion – for at least five year. Marriage immigration based on marriages between nephews and cousins will be forbidden. Immigrants who already live in the Netherlands should get a by law binding integration duty. In case they fail to integrate enough – and do not have the Dutch nationality - they should loose their staying permit and leave The Netherlands, independent of how long they already stayed in The Netherlands.
Getting the Dutch nationality becomes less easy. Only persons who qualify for all their citizens’ demands, have at least 10 years legally worked in The Netherlands and have during those 10 years never committed any criminal offence will be eligible for the Dutch nationality. As long as someone does not have the Dutch nationality they can not claim social benefits.
Integration means choosing for Dutch society. It is illogical to give people who do not have the Dutch nationality, suffix rights. That’s why the suffix rights for Dutch municipality elections for foreigners will be revoked.
Dutch is the national language and that will become party of the constitution. All text and announcements from the government will only be given in Dutch. No leaflets in Arabic or Turkish.
- (Islamic) radicals can loose their civil rights
- Temporary stop on the admission of asylum seekers, help should take place in the region, for exception there will be a quota.
- The use of headscarfs in public functions will be prohibited.
- Immigration for marriage and family reunion will be prohibited for 5 years; marriage between nephews and cousins will never be facilitated by immigration.
- Radical mosques will be closed and their administrations dissolved.
- Financing from extremist countries will be prohibited.
- Naturalization can only come about after working 10 years in the Netherlands and during that one has not committed any criminal offence during those 10 years, mean while their can be no social benefits claims.
- The suffix rights during municipality elections of foreigners will be revoked.
- All government scripts will only be done in Dutch.
8. Street terrorStreet terror is an enormous problem that is too often ignored. Street terror takes place in many cities and villages and is often, but not always, perpetrated by immigrants. We can no longer tolerate this. The protection of citizens and families should be forcefully taken at hand. Violent criminal acts needs to become punishable by denaturalization en eviction. Here will rule reciprocity. For example if people in Morocco have a double nationality and commit a crime in Morocco they can be denaturalized and evicted. It does not make sense that The Netherlands cannot treat Moroccan’s with a double nationality the same. To make it possible the Dutch government should try to get support in the EU to alter the European treaty about nationality. If this not becomes a possibility we cancel the treaty unilateral.
- In case double nationality should violent crimes be made punishable by denaturalization and eviction.
9. Civil rightsThe freedom of speech is the most important right in a free and democratic society and prevails over other civil rights. The other civil rights should stay equal in priority.
An imam who wishes a politician dead, may – how abject as that may be – wish and even say that. That does not mean inciting violence, hatred or other crimes are punishable by the law and that the law gives enough possibilities to do so. Also the freedom of religion is already limited by our constitution. The writer of the constitution has written that there is freedom of religion within the boundaries of the law. Incitement of hate, calling for violence (against woman, homosexuals or the democratic constitutional state) needs to be prosecuted firmly by the Justice department.
- Freedom of speech is the most important civil right.
10. Voters and electedThe citizens want a different kind of politics. The fact that a quarter of the voters during the municipality elections, votes for local political parties, shows an aversion for the old politicians and a wish for renewal. I want to stand up for the local parties, without formally representing them.
That The Netherlands is hold hostage by a political elite is shown best by how the courtiers of Denhaag treat the voters. Once in the four years (usually) the citizens are allowed to vote. But by using a shady coalition process for coalition building, the ladies and gentlemen politicians decide for them selves what happens with that vote. The voter has no control on a system, that with his vote brings people in parliament, he does not even know. Let alone that those parliamentary members feel obligated to account for their choices and voting record. Parliament is full of gray mousses that have in common that they are preoccupied with their self-interest and not, or hardly, are judged on their functioning. This nepotism has to end: to distribute all nice jobs in the public administration (for example the governors of the queen for the provinces, burgomasters, and other functions in consultative councils and public administration) under them selves.
This self-supporting system that has isolate it self from society, I despise. On a turning point in the history of The Netherlands have our forefathers declared independence by the
acte van Verlating (1581). They canceled their support for a monarch who thought that the people were there for him, instead that he was there for the people.
Also for this reason is again a declaration of independence justified.
I want politics to be no longer deaf to the daily problems with which ordinary people struggle every day. For that reason I am in favor of more direct forms of democracy.
Thus I am in favor:
- An electoral system in which there is a more direct relationship between voter and elected who should be accountable to the voter; Not an introduction of a district system but a system that enhances and makes more transparent the bond between the voter and the elected; Make the number of votes on a political candidate leading for his position on the party list.
- The number of priority votes to elect a political candidate directly into parliament should be much lower.
- Binding referenda on subjects that are essential for the future of this country, for example: modifications on the constitution or the acceptance of important treaties.
- Limit the number of provinces (an nearly unneeded administration layer) to four [now twelve].
- Abolishment of the senate [different from American senate], their function as chambre de reflexion can be done by the Raad van State.
- Reduce the number of parliamentary members from 150 to 100, so that they can focus on the big picture.
- The abolishment of subsidies for political parties, who should stand on their own feet, by transparently gaining support and finance from society.
- Direct elections by the citizens for burgomasters, big city police commissioners and members of the courts; the introduction of trial by jury, to make sure that the voice of the people is also hearth in the courts.
- Independent, diverse media. That is why we should limit state television to 1 channel [now 3], solely to be used only by the NOS. All government subsidies to all other media outlets are stopped directly and permanently.
- Limit the excessive side jobs of administrators, such as the commissionaires of the Queen. All what these government servants earn above 10% of their salary that is paid by the taxpayer will be given back to the taxpayer.
- The immediate abolishment of the special social security benefits for politicians and administrators, they get the regular social security benefits just like all other citizens.
- The immediate introduction of rules that makes it mandatory to former parliamentary members and other politicians to seek jobs while living on social security.
11. ConclusionThe Netherlands I love is a Netherlands that is again free, safe and prosperous and where the government is for the citizens and not the other way around:
- A Netherlands that keeps it own identity of which it is proud, and not to be taken over by or adapt to alien cultures, or dilute to much by joining super national institutions.
- A Netherlands that is not controlled by fear for attacks or street terror, a country that fights crime and the threat of terrorism with the appropriate measures.
- A Netherlands with a flourishing small and medium sized businesses and with extra attention to the median incomes; both are the backbone of society.
- A Netherlands that gives young people changes, respectfully handles the elderly and invests in a life worthy existence for people in nursing homes.
This is in short my program. All issues and many other areas of importance that are not mentioned here – from health care to environmental policies – will be handle later. But this is what the voter in general can expect from my new political movement. My program does where needed an appeal on a strong government, but wants to push back its influence in other areas. Because I believe in the power, pride and honor of the Dutch citizens. I know they want to have the space to take their responsibilities and shape their own lives.
Who want to be taken by the hand, like a baby and is willing to deposit a large part of his hard earned money to the IRS, has to go with Wouter Bos from the PvdA [Socialists]. Who just like the liberal manifest [new manifest of the liberal party] not wants to choose between left and right, has to go with the VVD [liberals]. Who wants to control is own life, in a country that offers him freedom and security and that does a call on his self-sufficiency and creativity, is welcome in my new movement.
The choice is up to the citizens. I will work free and independently. I will work out my program without concessions. I will come with a list of qualified parliamentary candidates with a spine. This all when time is due.
I hope and wish that people who underwrite the content of this program, want to support the development of this new political movement. I call on them to provide this support.
I hope that the citizens of The Netherlands want to join me on a path to a better Netherlands. Without excuses and reservations I choose for a free, prosperous and independent Netherlands. Our families, our history and our future deserve it.
Ounce our forefathers changed this swamp delta in an oasis of tolerance and economical success, with a flag that is all over the world synonymous with freedom. That flag deserves it to keep floating in freedom.
Geert WildersMarch 13, 2005
See also:
First Speech Geert WildersSource: Groep Wilders - Onafhankelijkheidsverklaring