POW No.36715 Speaks

Steps on  steps on a jailed land a jailed land

Steps on a jailed land

POW No.36715 is Mohamed Hussein Yunis who was captured by the IDF during the six days war 1967 and he has published a new edition from his memories about this tough experience. The book is called “ and it was published by “Dar Al-Shorouk” in Cairo in 2008 after its first print in 1982. The memories are like a novel , conversations between a POW who just had returned back home and his psychiatrist

Yunis describes the feelings of humiliation the Egyptian soldiers and officers whether in the six days war itself or their capture in Atlit prison. He describes in details both the physical and psychological warfare the Israeli army practiced against the Egyptian POWs.

According to critics the book is a documentary written by the feelings of a poet and the spirit of artist , an artist with No.36715.

Breaking News : 60 Seconds

First of all Arabic channels have just aired the video of Shalit , those expensive 60 seconds that prove he is a live and fine not to mention healthy

I will work to post it here. Shalit looks fine in fact great unlike the Palestinian and Arab prisoners. Shalit’s message was recorded last September 14, 2009 as the newspaper he was holding showed the date.

Today earlier Israel has released 19 female prisoners for those important 60 seconds, very important 60 seconds which are recorded for sure.

I want to say something , this small deal is very important , yes most of those 19 female prisoners were going to be released sooner next year but the fact that for just 60 seconds , 19 prisoners were released after years of negotiations.

The court adjourns the Shaked Case again !!!

It is not something unexpected , in fact it is expected in the time of a regime that sit silently over the frequent attacks against our officers on the borders from the IDF , why would this regime care for POWs who were brutally murdered in 1967 in a cold bold. The North Cairo Court has  decided to adjourned the Rush Shaked case again for the next 12 October 2009

You won´t believe why the case has been adjourned again ; the judge did not come and thus from the administrative point the case should be adjourned !! That time there were new families joining Abu-Raya family in their quest to sue the Israeli government.

I do not know till when this case will be adjourned in this way.

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And Who Will Remember The Shadow of Our POWs

I would like you to read for few minutes this post from Global Post website about Japan’s POWs black history in WWII. Australian POWs have not forgotten what happened to them during their captivity year and  strangely they are demanding the same demands the Egyptians POWs and their

Coombs and his follow Australian POWs

Coombs and his follow Australian POWs

families are demanding from the Israeli government and official : An Official apology and a monetary compensation from the Current Prime Minister of Japan Taro Aso whose father Takakichi Aso used to own mines where more than hundred Australian and British POWs used to work on a daily basis in WWII in conditions less described as inhuman.

I read this and I wonder why the Australian government did not stop Joe Coombs , that POW veteran from the quest of his life now !!?? I think the Japanese-Australian relations despite the hard times of WWII are much normal than the Egyptian-Israeli relations.

Dayan Rock as a memorial for the Egyptian POWs

Moshe Dayan and the IDF left a very ugly memorial dedicated to 11 IAF pilots who were killed in 1967 ïn Al Arish at Sheikh Zowaid area. It is a rock scribed on its faces the names of those Israeli pilots who shut down by two Egyptian pilots in the six days war.

It is very provoking to all of us especially the people in Sinai.This is a memorial of an ugly invasion that should be removed , I do not think that in France there is a monument for the Nazis !! ??

What makes it worse is that in that particular area not less than 200 Egyptian POWs were killed in a cold blood by the IDF deliberately.

Dayan´s rock  in Al Arish

Dayan´s rock in Al Arish

Never Seen Before Photos

During the times of wars it is a normal thing that the news and the photos coming from the war zone is filtered , media is very powerful double edged weapon in time of war that can affect the people’s spirit whether positively or negatively , if you search in our modern history you will find out that during the times of war even the biggest democracies in the world had to censor and filter the news and photos coming from the war zone especially those issued by the enemy.

For that particular reason I am not surprised or shocked that the Nasser regime did not publish the photos the Israelis released to the wire services from humiliating shots to our Egyptian POWs during the captivity.There are many photos in this website Egyptians have not seen for decades , they only heard about their details and circumstance from the 1967 veterans who survived that shocking defeat , for sure the veterans accounts were even much horrible than those photos.

Syrian POWs in 1967

These are two photos I found while my search for Egyptian POWs photos ,these photos were for Syrian POWs heading back to Damascus after spending some time in infamous Atlit prison. The Syrian POWs were too few compared to the Egyptian POWs. They also left the POWs camp before the Egyptian POWs. The Syrian POWs were few because Golan was technically empty from the Syrian army by the 6th of June 1067 thanks to the withdrawal announcement issued by Hafiz Al-Assad and what preceded it from strange decision taken by Al-Assad and his men in Golan. Already the losses of the Syrian army official in 1967 war were 120 officers and soldiers !!!!!!!!

Can please someone tell me what that “W” written on their back meant or referred to ??

Syrian POWs heading back to Syria

Heading back from Atilt camp

Syrian POWs.1

Syrian POWs Marked With "W"

To read more about the Golan invasion circumstance ,please read the following posts :

El-Mealem’s brother

Many people do not know the fact that El-Mealem Hassan Shehata’s brother was among our lost officers in 1967.Yes Hassan Shehate brother is among our men that went to Sinai in 1967 and had never returned since then. He was among that reportedly missing .The 1967 year was very special in the life of our favourite national team coach on all levels. Besides the loss of his brother ,the Egyptian league was freezed and Shehata had to travel to play in Kuwait in 1968 where it led through years to become the first Egyptian footballer to gain the title “The best footballer in Asia”.

Hassan Shehata seldomoly speaks about his family just like the rest of celebs in Egypt , I hope that he changes his mind and one day he will speak about how his family had suffered for not knowing the fate of their son whether he was killed in action or killed as a POW.

The Start of the Naksa

Naksa was the term the Nasserite Regime used to describe the Six days war defeat to lessen its effect.
Naksa means in Arabic “Set-back” ,the word “Defeat” was not used then.
Today is the memorial of the Naksa , our own definition of the six days war. Today from 42 years ago a human tragedy has started in Sinai where innocent people were killed brutality against international and even human laws and moral.
Today fro 42 years ago the agony of the Egyptians POWs has started and up till now it has not finished yet.
It will finish when those who killed those innocent men are punished just like the international laws say so

Egyptian POWs in 1967

Egyptian POWs in 1967

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Does it surprise anyone ??

Does it suprise anyone in the world that the IDF would start an investigation concerning misconduct in the war of Gaza and not to reach to a  condemnation to the IDF officers and soldiers conduct ???

Well according to the investigation panel announced by the IDF,all those claims of misconduct are just rumors !!!???

I am not surprised really because the Masada army never does anything wrong !!! All that WP used was not a misconduct in fact it should be used against the civilians taking shelter in UN buildings !!!!!

This is an expected result ,already this investigation was announced to enhance the ugly image of the IDF in the world after the Gaza war.

More from the huffington post.com

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